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Chapter 4. Customizing the Home page in Red Hat Developer Hub

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In Red Hat Developer Hub, the Home page data is configurable, which can be passed into the app-config.yaml file as a proxy. You can provide the Home page data using the following ways:

  • Using JSON files that are hosted or GitHub or GitLab. To access the data from the JSON files, you can add the following code in the app-config.yaml file:

        # Other Proxies
        # customize developer hub instance
          target: <DOMAIN_URL> # i.e
            '^/api/proxy/developer-hub': <path to json file> # i.e /janus-idp/backstage-showcase/main/packages/app/public/homepage/data.json
          changeOrigin: true
          secure: true
          # Change to "false" in case of using self hosted cluster with a self-signed certificate
    	<HEADER_KEY>: <HEADER_VALUE> # optional and can be passed as needed i.e Authorization can be passed for private GitHub repo and PRIVATE-TOKEN can be passed for private GitLab repo
  • Using a separate service that provides the Home page data in JSON format using an API.


    It is not necessary that the same service provides the Home page and Tech Radar data.

    You can use the red-hat-developer-hub-customization-provider as an example service, which provides data for both Home page and Tech Radar. The red-hat-developer-hub-customization-provider service provides the same data as default Developer Hub data. You can fork the red-hat-developer-hub-customization-provider service repository from GitHub and modify it with your own data, if required.

This section describes how you can deploy the red-hat-developer-hub-customization-provider service onto the cluster where the Developer Hub Helm Chart is deployed.



  1. In Red Hat OpenShift, select +Add and click Import from Git option.
  2. Add the URL of your Git repository to the Git Repo URL field.

    To use the red-hat-developer-hub-customization-provider service, you can add the URL of red-hat-developer-hub-customization-provider repository.

  3. In the General section, rename the value in the Name field to rhdh-customization-provider and click Create.
  4. Go to the Advanced Options and copy the value from the Target Port.

    The Target Port is used to automatically generate a Kubernetes or OpenShift service to communicate with.

  5. To view the service, navigate to the OpenShift Administrator view and go to the Networking Service section.

    You can also view the Service Resources in the Topology view.

    If you follow this procedure with examples, then rhdh-customization-provider service is called and contains the 8080 port. The provided API URL for the Home page must return the data in JSON format as shown in the following example:

        "title": "Dropdown 1",
        "isExpanded": false,
        "links": [
            "iconUrl": "",
            "label": "Dropdown 1 Item 1",
            "url": ""
            "iconUrl": "",
            "label": "Dropdown 1 Item 2",
            "url": ""
        "title": "Dropdown 2",
        "isExpanded": true,
        "links": [
            "iconUrl": "",
            "label": "Dropdown 2 Item 1",
            "url": ""

    If the request call fails or is not configured, the Developer Hub instance falls back to the default local data.

    To access the Home page in Red Hat Developer Hub, the base URL must include the /developer-hub proxy.

  6. Add the following code to the app-config-rhdh.yaml file:

        # Other Proxies
        # customize developer hub instance
          target: ${HOMEPAGE_DATA_URL}
          changeOrigin: true
          # Change to "false" in case of using self-hosted cluster with a self-signed certificate
          secure: true

    Ensure that the API request call returns the response in JSON format.

  7. Define the HOMEPAGE_DATA_URL as http://<SERVICE_NAME>:8080. For example, `http://rhdh-customization-provider:8080.

    You can replace the HOMEPAGE_DATA_URL by adding the URL to rhdh-secrets or directly replacing it in your custom ConfigMap.

  8. Delete the Developer Hub Pod to pull in the changes.

    If the images or icons do not load, then whitelist them by adding your image or icon host URLs to the content security policy’s (csp) img-src in your custom ConfigMap as follows:

    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
      name: app-config-rhdh
      app-config-rhdh.yaml: |
          title: Red Hat Developer Hub
              - "'self'"
              - 'http:'
              - 'https:'
              - "'self'"
              - 'data:'
              - <image host url 1>
              - <image host url 2>
              - <image host url 3>
        # Other Configurations

    After that, delete the pod to ensure that the new configurations are loaded correctly.

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