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Chapter 5. Customizing the Tech Radar page in the Red Hat Developer Hub

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In Red Hat Developer Hub, the Tech Radar page is not enabled using the dynamic plugin feature in the Helm Chart.

Similar to Home page customization, the base Tech Radar URL must include the /developer-hub/tech-radar proxy. You can provide the Tech Radar page data using the following ways:

  • Using JSON files that are hosted or GitHub or GitLab. To access the data from the JSON files, you can add the following code in the app-config.yaml file:

        # Other Proxies
        # customize developer hub instance
          target: <DOMAIN_URL> # i.e
            '^/api/proxy/developer-hub/tech-radar': <path to json file> # i.e /janus-idp/backstage-showcase/main/packages/app/public/tech-radar/data-default.json
    	 '^/api/proxy/developer-hub': <path to json file> # i.e /janus-idp/backstage-showcase/main/packages/app/public/homepage/data.json
          changeOrigin: true
          secure: true
          # Change to "false" in case of using self hosted cluster with a self-signed certificate
    	<HEADER_KEY>: <HEADER_VALUE> # optional and can be passed as needed i.e Authorization can be passed for private GitHub repo and PRIVATE-TOKEN can be passed for private GitLab repo

    As overlapping exist between the pathRewrites that are used for the tech-radar and homepage quick access proxies, the configuration for the tech-radar (^api/proxy/developer-hub/tech-radar) must exist before the configuration for the homepage (^/api/proxy/developer-hub).

    For more information about customizing the Home page in Red Hat Developer Hub, see Chapter 4, Customizing the Home page in Red Hat Developer Hub.

  • Using a separate service that provides the Tech Radar data in JSON format using an API.



  1. Add the following code to the app-config-rhdh.yaml file:

        # Other Proxies
          target: ${TECHRADAR_DATA_URL}
          changeOrigin: true
          # Change to "false" in case of using self hosted cluster with a self-signed certificate
          secure: true

    Ensure that the API request call returns the response in JSON format.

  2. Define the TECHRADAR_DATA_URL` as http://<SERVICE_NAME>/tech-radar, for example http://rhdh-customization-provider/tech-radar.


    You can define the TECHRADAR_DATA_URL either by adding it to rhdh-secrets or directly replacing it with its value in your custom ConfigMap.

  3. Delete the Developer Hub Pod to pull in the changes.
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