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Chapter 5. Telemetry data collection

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The telemetry data collection feature is enabled by default. Red Hat Developer Hub sends telemetry data to Red Hat by using the backstage-plugin-analytics-provider-segment plugin.


You can disable the telemetry data collection feature based on your needs. For example, in an air-gapped environment, you can disable this feature to avoid needless outbound requests affecting the responsiveness of the RHDH application. For more details, see the Disabling telemetry data collection in RHDH section.

Red Hat collects and analyzes the following data to improve your experience with Red Hat Developer Hub:

  • Events of page visits and clicks on links or buttons.
  • System-related information, for example, locale, timezone, user agent including browser and OS details.
  • Page-related information, for example, title, category, extension name, URL, path, referrer, and search parameters.
  • Anonymized IP addresses, recorded as
  • Anonymized username hashes, which are unique identifiers used solely to identify the number of unique users of the RHDH application.

With RHDH, you can customize the telemetry data collection feature and the telemetry Segment source configuration based on your needs.

5.1. Disabling telemetry data collection in RHDH

To disable telemetry data collection, you must disable the analytics-provider-segment plugin either using the Helm Chart or the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator configuration.


If the analytics-provider-segment plugin is already present in your dynamic plugins configuration, set the value of the plugins.disabled parameter to true to disable telemetry data collection.


  1. Disable the analytics-provider-segment plugin by using one of the following options:

    Using Helm Chart

    • Add the following YAML code in your Helm configuration file:

      # ...
            - package: './dynamic-plugins/dist/janus-idp-backstage-plugin-analytics-provider-segment'
              disabled: true
      # ...

    Using the Operator

    1. Perform one of the following steps:

      • If you have created the dynamic-plugins-rhdh ConfigMap file, add the analytics-provider-segment plugin to the list of plugins and set its plugins.disabled parameter to true.
      • If you have not created the ConfigMap file, create it with the following YAML code:

        kind: ConfigMap
        apiVersion: v1
          name: dynamic-plugins-rhdh
          dynamic-plugins.yaml: |
              - dynamic-plugins.default.yaml
              - package: './dynamic-plugins/dist/janus-idp-backstage-plugin-analytics-provider-segment'
                disabled: true
    2. Set the value of the dynamicPluginsConfigMapName parameter to the name of the ConfigMap file in your Backstage custom resource:

      # ...
          dynamicPluginsConfigMapName: dynamic-plugins-rhdh
      # ...
  2. Save the configuration changes.

5.2. Enabling telemetry data collection in RHDH

The telemetry data collection feature is enabled by default. However, if you have disabled the feature and want to re-enable it, you must enable the analytics-provider-segment plugin either by using the Helm Chart or the Red Hat Developer Hub Operator configuration.


If the analytics-provider-segment plugin is already present in your dynamic plugins configuration, set the value of the plugins.disabled parameter to false to enable telemetry data collection.


  1. Configure the analytics-provider-segment plugin by using one of the following options:

    Using Helm Chart

    • Add the following YAML code in your Helm configuration file:

      # ...
            - package: './dynamic-plugins/dist/janus-idp-backstage-plugin-analytics-provider-segment'
              disabled: false
      # ...

    Using the Operator

    1. Perform one of the following steps:

      • If you have created the dynamic-plugins-rhdh ConfigMap file, add the analytics-provider-segment plugin to the list of plugins and set its plugins.disabled parameter to false.
      • If you have not created the ConfigMap file, create it with the following YAML code:

        kind: ConfigMap
        apiVersion: v1
          name: dynamic-plugins-rhdh
          dynamic-plugins.yaml: |
              - dynamic-plugins.default.yaml
              - package: './dynamic-plugins/dist/janus-idp-backstage-plugin-analytics-provider-segment'
                disabled: false
    2. Set the value of the dynamicPluginsConfigMapName parameter to the name of the ConfigMap file in your Backstage custom resource:

      # ...
          dynamicPluginsConfigMapName: dynamic-plugins-rhdh
      # ...
  2. Save the configuration changes.

5.3. Customizing telemetry Segment source

The analytics-provider-segment plugin sends the collected telemetry data to Red Hat by default. However, you can configure a new Segment source that receives telemetry data based on your needs. For configuration, you need a unique Segment write key that points to the Segment source.


By configuring a new Segment source, you can collect and analyze the same set of data that is mentioned in the Telemetry data collection section. You might also require to create your own telemetry data collection notice for your application users.


  1. Configure integration with your Segment source by using one of the following options:

    Using Helm Chart

    • Add the following YAML code in your Helm configuration file:

      # ...
            - name: SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY
              value: <segment_key> 1
      # ...
      <segment_key> denotes a unique identifier for your Segment source.

    Using the Operator

    • Add the following YAML code in your Backstage custom resource (CR):

      # ...
          - name: SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY
            value: <segment_key> 1
      # ...
      <segment_key> denotes a unique identifier for your Segment source.
  2. Save the configuration changes.
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