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Chapter 7. Running the RHDH application behind a corporate proxy

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You can run the RHDH application behind a corporate proxy by setting any of the following environment variables before starting the application:

  • HTTP_PROXY: Denotes the proxy to use for HTTP requests.
  • HTTPS_PROXY: Denotes the proxy to use for HTTPS requests.

Additionally, you can set the NO_PROXY environment variable to exclude certain domains from proxying. The variable value is a comma-separated list of hostnames that do not require a proxy to get reached, even if one is specified.

7.1. Configuring proxy information in Helm deployment

For Helm-based deployment, either a developer or a cluster administrator with permissions to create resources in the cluster can configure the proxy variables in a values.yaml Helm configuration file.


  • You have installed the Red Hat Developer Hub application.


  1. Set the proxy information in your Helm configuration file:

          - name: HTTP_PROXY
            value: '<http_proxy_url>'
          - name: HTTPS_PROXY
            value: '<https_proxy_url>'
          - name: NO_PROXY
            value: '<no_proxy_settings>'


    Denotes a variable that you must replace with the HTTP proxy URL.
    Denotes a variable that you must replace with the HTTPS proxy URL.

    Denotes a variable that you must replace with comma-separated URLs, which you want to exclude from proxying, for example,,

    Example: Setting proxy variables using Helm Chart

          - name: HTTP_PROXY
            value: ''
          - name: HTTPS_PROXY
            value: ''
          - name: NO_PROXY
            value: 'localhost,'

  2. Save the configuration changes.

7.2. Configuring proxy information in Operator deployment

For Operator-based deployment, the approach you use for proxy configuration is based on your role:

  • As a cluster administrator with access to the Operator namespace, you can configure the proxy variables in the Operator’s default ConfigMap file. This configuration applies the proxy settings to all the users of the Operator.
  • As a developer, you can configure the proxy variables in a custom resource (CR) file. This configuration applies the proxy settings to the RHDH application created from that CR.


  • You have installed the Red Hat Developer Hub application.


  1. Perform one of the following steps based on your role:

    • As an administrator, set the proxy information in the Operator’s default ConfigMap file:

      1. Search for a ConfigMap file named backstage-default-config in the default namespace rhdh-operator and open it.
      2. Find the deployment.yaml key.
      3. Set the value of the HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables in the Deployment spec as shown in the following example:

        Example: Setting proxy variables in a ConfigMap file

        # Other fields omitted
          deployment.yaml: |-
            apiVersion: apps/v1
            kind: Deployment
                  # Other fields omitted
                    - name: install-dynamic-plugins
                      # command omitted
                        - name: NPM_CONFIG_USERCONFIG
                          value: /opt/app-root/src/.npmrc.dynamic-plugins
                        - name: HTTP_PROXY
                          value: ''
                        - name: HTTPS_PROXY
                          value: ''
                        - name: NO_PROXY
                          value: 'localhost,'
                      # Other fields omitted
                    - name: backstage-backend
                      # Other fields omitted
                        - name: APP_CONFIG_backend_listen_port
                          value: "7007"
                        - name: HTTP_PROXY
                          value: ''
                        - name: HTTPS_PROXY
                          value: ''
                        - name: NO_PROXY
                          value: 'localhost,'

    • As a developer, set the proxy information in your custom resource (CR) file as shown in the following example:

      Example: Setting proxy variables in a CR file

        # Other fields omitted
              - name: HTTP_PROXY
                value: ''
              - name: HTTPS_PROXY
                value: ''
              - name: NO_PROXY
                value: 'localhost,'

  2. Save the configuration changes.
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