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Chapter 10. Monitoring Cluster Metrics

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10.1. Cluster Level Dashboard

This is the default dashboard of the Monitoring interface that shows the overview of the selected cluster.

10.1.1. Monitoring and Viewing Cluster Health

To monitor the Cluster health status and the metrics associated with it, view the panels in the Cluster Dashboard. For detailed panel descriptions and health indicators, see Table 7.1. Cluster Health Panel Descriptions. Health and Snapshots

The Health panel displays the overall health of the selected cluster and the Snapshots panel shows the active number of snapshots.

health snapshot Hosts, Volumes and Bricks

The Hosts, Volumes, and Bricks panels displays status information. The following is an example screen displaying the respective status information.

hosts volumes bricks
  • Hosts: In total, there are 3 online Hosts
  • Volumes: In total, there are 9 Volumes
  • Bricks: In total, there are 44 Bricks Geo-Replication Session

The Geo-Replication Session panel displays geo-replication session information from a given cluster, including the total number of geo-replication session and a count of geo-replication sessions by status.

geo replication session Health Panel Descriptions

The following table lists the Panels and the descriptions.

Table 10.1. Cluster Health Panel Descriptions
PanelDescriptionHealth Indicator


The Health panel displays the overall health of the selected cluster, which is either Healthy or Unhealthy

Green: Healthy

Red: Unhealthy

Orange: Degraded


The Snapshots panel displays the count of the active snapshots



The Hosts panel displays host status information including the total number of hosts and a count of hosts by status



The Volumes panel displays volume status information for the selected cluster, including the total number of volumes and a count of volumes by status



The Bricks panel displays brick status information for the selected cluster, including the total number of bricks in the cluster, and a count of bricks by status


Geo-Replication Session

The Geo-Replication Session panel displays geo-replication session information from a given cluster, including the total number of geo-replication session and a count of geo-replication sessions by status


10.1.2. Monitoring and Viewing Cluster Performance

Cluster performance metrics can be monitored by the data displayed in the following panels.

Connection Trend

The Connection Trend panel displays the total number of client connections to bricks in the volumes for the selected cluster over a period of time. Typical statistics may look like this:

cluster connection trend


The IOPS panel displays IOPS for the selected cluster over a period of time. IOPS is based on the aggregated brick level read and write operations collected using gluster volume profile info.

cluster iops

Capacity Utilization and Capacity Available

The Capacity Utilization panel displays the capacity utilized across all volumes for the selected cluster.

The Capacity Available panel displays the available capacity across all volumes for the selected cluster.

capacity uti available

Weekly Growth Rate

The Weekly Growth Rate panel displays the forecasted weekly growth rate for capacity utilization computed based on daily capacity utilization.

weekly growth rate

Weeks Remaining

The Weeks Remaining panel displays the estimated time remaining in weeks till volumes reach full capacity based on the forecasted Weekly Growth Rate.

weeks remaining

Throughput Trend

The Throughput Trend panel displays the network throughput for the selected cluster over a period of time.

throughput trend

10.1.3. Top Consumers

The Top Consumers panels displays the highest capacity utilization by the cluster resources.

To view the top consumers of the cluster:

  1. In the Cluster level dashboard, at the bottom, click Top Consumers to expand the menu.

    cluster status bottom

Top 5 Utilization By Bricks

The Top 5 Utilization By Bricks panel displays the bricks with the highest capacity utilization.

top bricks

Top 5 Utilization by Volume

The Top 5 Utilization By Volumes panel displays the volumes with the highest capacity utilization.

top volume

CPU Utilization by Host

The CPU Utilization by Host panel displays the CPU utilization of  each node in the cluster.

top cpu host

Memory Utilization By Host

The Memory Utilization by Hosts panel displays memory utilization of  each node in the cluster.

top memory host

Ping Latency Trend

The Ping Latency Trend panel displays the ping latency for each host in a given cluster.

ping latency trend

10.1.4. Monitoring and Viewing Cluster Status

To view the status of the overall cluster:

  1. In the Cluster level dashboard, at the bottom, click Status to expand the menu.

    cluster status bottom
  2. The Volume, Host, and Brick status are displayed in the panels.
expanded cluster status

Volume Status

The Volume Status panel displays the status code of each volume for the selected cluster.

voume cluster status

The volume status is displayed in numerals and colors. The following are the corresponding status of the numerals.

  • 0 = Up
  • 3 = Up (Degraded)
  • 4 = Up (Partial)
  • 5 = Unknown
  • 8 = Down

Host Status

The Host Status panel displays the status code of each host for the selected cluster.

host cluster status

The Host status is displayed in numeric codes:

  • 0 = Up
  • 8 = Down

Brick Status

The Brick Status panel displays the status code of each brick for the selected cluster.

brick cluster status

The Brick status is displayed in numeric codes:

  • 1 = Started
  • 10 = Stopped

10.2. Host Level Dashboard

10.2.1. Monitoring and Viewing Health and Status

To monitor the Cluster Hosts status and the metrics associated with it, navigate to the Hosts Level Dashboard and view the panels.


The Health panel displays the overall health for a given host.

host health

Bricks and Bricks Status

The Bricks panel displays brick status information for a given host, including the total number of bricks in the host, and a count of bricks by status.

host bricks

The Brick Status panel displays the status code of each brick for a given host.

hosts bricks status
  • 1 = Started
  • 10 = Stopped

10.2.2. Monitoring and Viewing Performance Memory and CPU Utilization

Memory Available

The Memory Available panel displays the sum of memory free and memory cached.

memeory available

Memory Utilization

The Memory Utilization panel displays memory utilization percentage for a given host that includes buffers and caches used by the kernel over a period of time.

memeory utilization
  • Buffered: Amount of memory used for buffering, mostly for I/O operations
  • Cached: Memory used for caching disk data for reads, memory-mapped files or tmpfs data
  • Slab Rec: Amount of reclaimable memory used for slab kernel allocations
  • Slab Unrecl: Amount of unreclaimable memory used for slab kernel allocations
  • Used: Amount of memory used, calculated as Total - Free (Unused Memory) - Buffered - Cache
  • Total: Total memory used

Swap Free

The Swap Free panel displays the available swap space in percent for a given host.

swap free

Swap Utilization

The Swap Utilization panel displays the used swap space in percent for a given host.

swap utilization

CPU Utilization

The CPU utilization panel displays the CPU utilization for a given host over a period of time.

cpu uti host


The IOPS panel displays IOPS for a given host over a period of time.  IOPS is based on the aggregated brick level read and write operations.

host iops Capacity and Disk Load

Total Brick Capacity Utilization Trend

The Total Brick Capacity Utilization Trend panel displays the capacity utilization for all bricks on a given for a period of time.

brick cap trend

Total Brick Capacity Utilization

The Total Brick Capacity Utilization panel displays the current percent capacity utilization for a given host.

brick cap uti

Total Brick Capacity Available

The Total Brick Capacity Available panel displays the current available capacity for a given host.

brick cap avail

Weekly Growth Rate

The Weekly Growth Rate panel displays the forecasted weekly growth rate for capacity utilization computed based on daily capacity utilization.

weekly growth

Weeks Remaining

The Weeks Remaining panel displays the estimated time remaining in weeks till host capacity reaches full capacity based on the forecasted Weekly Growth Rate.

week remaining

Brick Utilization

The Brick Utilization panel displays the utilization of each brick for a given host.

host brick uti

Brick Capacity

The Brick Capacity panel displays the total capacity of each brick for a given host.

host bricks cap

Brick Capacity Used

The Brick Capacity Used panel displays the used capacity of each brick for a given host.

host brick used

Disk Load

The Disk Load panel shows the host’s aggregated read and writes from/to disks over a period of time.

disk load

Disk Operation

The Disk Operations panel shows the host’s aggregated read and writes disk operations over a period of time.

disk ops

Disk IO

The Disk IO panel shows the host’s aggregated I/O time over a period of time.

disk io Network


The Throughput panel displays the network throughput for a given host over a period of time.

network trhoughout

Dropped Packets Per Second

The Dropped Packets Per Second panel displays dropped network packets for the host over a period of time.  Typically, dropped packets indicates network congestion, for example, the queue on the switch port your host is connected to is full and packets are dropped because it cannot transmit data fast enough.

dropped packet

Errors Per Second

The Errors Per Second panel displays network errors for a given host over a period of time. Typically, the errors indicate issues that occurred while transmitting packets due to carrier errors (duplex mismatch, faulty cable), fifo errors, heartbeat errors, and window errors, CRC errors too short frames, and/or too long frames. In short, errors typically result from faulty hardware, and/or speed mismatch.

errors per second

10.2.3. Host Dashboard Metric Units

The following table shows the metrics and their corresponding measurement units.

Table 10.2. Host Dashboard Metric Units

Memory Available


Memory Utilization

Percentage %

Swap free

Percentage %

Swap Utilization

Percentage %

CPU Utilization

Percentage %

Total Brick Capacity Utilization

Percentage %

Total Brick Capacity


Weekly Growth Rate


Disk Load


Disk IO

millisecond ms

Network Throughput


10.3. Volume Level Dashboard

The Volume view dashboard allows the Gluster Administrator to:

  • View at-a-glance information about the Gluster volume that includes health and status information, key performance indicators such as IOPS, throughput, etc, and alerts that can highlight attention to potential issues in the volume, brick, and disk.
  • Compare 1 or more metrics such as IOPS, CPU, Memory, Network Load across bricks within the volume.
  • Compare utilization such as IOPS, capacity, etc, across bricks within a volume.
  • View performance metrics by brick (within a volume) to address diagnosing of failure, rebuild, degradation, and poor performance on one brick.

When all the Gluster storage nodes are shut down or offline, Time to live (TTL) will delete the volume details from etcd as per the TTL value measured in seconds. The TTL value for volumes is set based on the number of volumes and bricks in the system. The formula to calculate the TTL value to delete volume details is:

Time to Live (seconds) = synchronization interval (60 seconds) + number of volumes * 20 + number of bricks * 10 + 160.

In Web Administration environment

  • Cluster will show status as unhealthy and all hosts will be marked as down
  • No display of Volumes and Bricks
  • The Events view will reflect the relevant status

In Grafana Dashboard

  • In Cluster level Dashboard, the Host, Volumes, and Bricks panels reflects the relevant updated counts with status.
  • In Cluster, Volume, and Brick level dashboards, some panels will be marked as N/A, indicating no data is available.

10.3.1. Monitoring and Viewing Health


The Health panel displays the overall health for a given volume.

volume health


The Snapshots panel displays the count of active snapshots for the selected cluster.

volume snapshot

Brick Status

The Brick Status panel displays the status code of each brick for a given volume.

volume brick status
  • 1 = Started
  • 10 = Stopped


The Bricks panel displays brick status information for a given volume, including the total number of bricks in the volume, and a count of bricks by status.

volume bricks


The Subvolumes panel displays subvolume status information for a given volume.


Geo-Replication Sessions

The Geo-Replication Session panel displays geo-replication session information from a given volumes, including the total number of geo-replication session and a count of geo-replication sessions by status.

geo rep status


The Rebalance panel displays rebalance progress information for a given volume, which is applicable when rebalancing is underway.


Rebalance Status:

The Rebalance Status panel displays the status of rebalancing for a given volume, which is applicable when rebalancing is underway.

rebalance status

10.3.2. Monitoring and Viewing Performance

Capacity Utilization

The Capacity Utilization panel displays the used capacity for a given volume.

vol capacity uti

Capacity Available

The Capacity Available panel displays the available capacity for a given volume.

vol cap avail

Weekly Growth Rate

The Weekly Growth Rate panel displays the forecasted weekly growth rate for capacity utilization computed based on daily capacity utilization.

vol weekly growth rate

Weeks Remaining

The Weeks Remaining panel displays the estimated time remaining in weeks till volume reaches full capacity based on the forecasted Weekly Growth Rate.

weeks remaining

Capacity Utilization Trend

The Capacity Utilization Trend panel displays the volume capacity utilization over a period of time.


Inode Utilization

The Inode Utilization panel displays inodes used for bricks in the volume over a period of time.

inode uti

Inode Available

The Inode Available panel displays inodes free for bricks in the volume.

inode avail


The Throughput panel displays volume throughput based on brick-level read and write operations fetched using gluster volume profile.


LVM Thin Pool Metadata %

The LVM Thin Pool Metadata % panel displays the utilization of LVM thin pool metadata for a given volume. Monitoring the utilization of LVM thin pool metadata and data usage is important to ensure they do not run out of space. If the data space is exhausted, I/O operations are either queued or failing based on the configuration. If metadata space is exhausted, you will observe error I/O’s until the LVM pool is taken offline and repair is performed to fix potential inconsistencies. Moreover, due to the metadata transaction being aborted and the pool doing caching there might be uncommitted (to disk) I/O operations that were acknowledged to the upper storage layers (file system) so those layers will need to have checks/repairs performed as well.

lvm metadata

LVM Thin Pool Data Usage %

The LVM Thin Pool Data Usage % panel displays the LVM thin pool data usage for a given volume. Monitoring the utilization of LVM thin pool metadata and data usage is important to ensure they do not run out of space. If the data space is exhausted , I/O operations are either queued or failing based on the configuration. If metadata space is exhausted, you will observe error I/O’s until the LVM pool is taken offline and repair is performed to fix potential inconsistencies. Moreover, due to the metadata transaction being aborted and the pool doing caching there might be uncommitted (to disk) I/O operations that were acknowledged to the upper storage layers (file system) so those layers will need to have checks/repairs performed as well.

lvm usage

10.3.3. Monitoring File Operations

Top File Operations

The Top File Operations panel displays the top 5 FOP (file operations) with the highest % latency, wherein the % latency is the fraction of the FOP response time that is consumed by the FOP.

top fop

File Operations for Locks Trend

The File Operations for Locks Trend panel displays the average latency, maximum latency, call rate for each FOP for Locks over a period of time.

fop trend

File Operations for Read/Write

The File Operations for Read/Write panel displays the average latency, maximum latency, call rate for each FOP for Read/Write Operations over a period of time.

fop wr

File Operations for Inode Operations

The File Operations for Inode Operations panel displays the average latency, maximum latency, call rate for each FOP for Inode Operations over a period of time.

dop inode

File Operations for Entry Operations

The File Operations for Entry Operations panel displays the average latency, maximum latency, call rate for each FOP for Entry Operations over a period of time.

fop entry

10.3.4. Volume Dashboard Metric Units

The following table shows the metrics and their corresponding measurement units.

Table 10.3. Volume Dashboard Metric Units

Capacity Utilization

Percentage %

Capacity Available


Weekly Growth Rate


Capacity Utilization Trend

Percentage %

Inode Utilization

Percentage %

Lvm Thin Pool Metadata

Percentage %

Lvm Thin Pool Data Usage

Percentage %

File Operations for Locks Trend


File Operations for Read/Write


File Operations for Inode Operation Trend


File Operations for Entry Operations


10.4. Brick Level Dashboard

10.4.1. Monitoring and Viewing Brick Status

The Status panel displays the status for a given brick.

brick status

10.4.2. Monitoring and Viewing Brick Performance

Capacity Utilization

The Capacity Utilization panel displays the percentage of capacity utilization for a given brick.

br cap uti

Capacity Available

The Capacity Available panel displays the available capacity for a given volume.

brick cap uti

Capacity Utilization Trend

The Capacity Utilization Trend panel displays the brick capacity utilization over a period of time.

brick capa uti

Weekly Growth Rate

The Weekly Growth Rate panel displays the forecasted weekly growth rate for capacity utilization computed based on daily capacity utilization.

br week rate

Weeks Remaining

The Weeks Remaining panel displays the estimated time remaining in weeks till brick reaches full capacity based on the forecasted Weekly Growth Rate.

reaminig weeks


The Healing panel displays healing information for a given volume based on healinfo.

volume healing

The Healing panel will not show any data for volumes without replica.


The IOPS panel displays IOPS for a brick over a period of time. IOPS is based on brick level read and write operations.

brick iops

LVM Thin Pool Metadata %

The LVM Thin Pool Metadata % panel displays the utilization of LVM thin pool metadata for a given brick. Monitoring the utilization of LVM thin pool metadata and data usage is important to ensure they don’t run out of space. If the data space is exhausted , I/O operations are either queued or failing based on the configuration. If metadata space is exhausted, you will observe error I/O’s until the LVM pool is taken offline and repair is performed to fix potential inconsistencies. Moreover, due to the metadata transaction being aborted and the pool doing caching there might be uncommitted (to disk) I/O operations that were acknowledged to the upper storage layers (file system) so those layers will need to have checks/repairs performed as well.

lvm meta

LVM Thin Pool Data Usage %

The LVM Thin Pool Data Usage % panel displays the LVM thin pool data usage for a given brick. Monitoring the utilization of LVM thin pool metadata and data usage is important to ensure they don’t run out of space. If the data space is exhausted , I/O operations are either queued or failing based on the configuration. If metadata space is exhausted, you will observe error I/O’s until the LVM pool is taken offline and repair is performed to fix potential inconsistencies. Moreover, due to the metadata transaction being aborted and the pool doing caching there might be uncommitted (to disk) I/O operations that were acknowledged to the upper storage layers (file system) so those layers will need to have repairs performed as well.

lvm pool


The Throughput panel displays brick-level read and write operations fetched using “gluster volume profile.”

brick throuout


The Latency panel displays latency for a brick  over a period of time.  Latency is based on the average amount of time a brick spends doing a read or write operation.

br latency

10.4.3. Brick Dashboard Metric Units

The following table shows the metrics and their corresponding measurement units.

Table 10.4. Brick Dashboard Metric Units

Capacity Utilization

Percentage %

Capacity Available


Weekly Growth Rate


Capacity Utilization Trend

Percentage %

Inode Utilization

Percentage %

Lvm Thin Pool Metadata

Percentage %

Lvm Thin Pool Data Usage

Percentage %

Disk Throughput

Percentage %

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