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Chapter 8. Monitoring Dashboard Features

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8.2. Dashboard Time Range

The Grafana interface provides time range management of the the data being visualized. You can change the time range for a graph to view the data at different points in time

At the top right, you can access the master Dashboard time picker. It shows the currently selected time range and the refresh interval.

time range menu

Clicking the master Dashboard time picker, toggles a menu for time range controls.

time control

Time range

The time range filter allows to mix both explicit and relative time ranges. The explicit time range format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Quick Range

Quick ranges are preset values to choose a relative time.

Refreshing every

When enabled, auto-refresh will reload the dashboard at the specified time range.

8.3. Dashboard Sharing

The Dashboard Selector is the primary navigation tool to move between different dashboards.

Figure 8.2. Dashboard Selector

Dashboard Selector
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