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Chapter 10. Upgrading the control plane operating system

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Upgrade the operating system on your control plane nodes. The upgrade includes the following tasks:

  • Running the overcloud upgrade prepare command with the system upgrade parameters
  • Running the overcloud system upgrade, which uses Leapp to upgrade RHEL in-place
  • Rebooting the nodes

10.1. Upgrading the control plane nodes

To upgrade the control plane nodes in your environment to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.2, you must upgrade one-third of your control plane nodes at a time, starting with the bootstrap nodes.

You upgrade your control plane nodes by using the openstack overcloud upgrade run command. This command performs the following actions:

  • Performs a Leapp upgrade of the operating system.
  • Performs a reboot as a part of the Leapp upgrade.

Each node is rebooted during the system upgrade. The performance of the Pacemaker cluster and the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is degraded during this downtime, but there is no outage.

This example includes the following nodes with composable roles:

  • controller-0
  • controller-1
  • controller-2
  • database-0
  • database-1
  • database-2
  • networker-0
  • networker-1
  • networker-2
  • ceph-0
  • ceph-1
  • ceph-2

For information about the duration and impact of this upgrade procedure, see Upgrade duration and impact.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the following script without the CONTROL_PLANE_ROLES parameter. Ensure that you include the variables that you used to prepare the containers in Running the overcloud upgrade preparation.

    python3 \
    /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/tools/ \
         ${COMPUTE_ROLES} \
         --enable-multi-rhel \
         --excludes collectd \
         --excludes nova-libvirt \
         --minor-override \
    "{${EL8_TAGS}${EL8_NAMESPACE}${CEPH_OVERRIDE}${NEUTRON_DRIVER}\"no_tag\":\"not_used\"}" \
         --major-override \
         "{${EL9_TAGS}${NAMESPACE}${CEPH_OVERRIDE}${NEUTRON_DRIVER}\"no_tag\":\"not_used\"}" \
         --output-env-file \

    The CONTROL_PLANE_ROLES parameter defines the list of your control plane roles. Removing this parameter from the script prepares the control plane roles for an upgrade to RHEL 9.2. If the CONTROL_PLANE_ROLES parameter is included in the script, the control plane roles remain on RHEL 8.4.

  4. In the skip_rhel_release.yaml file, set the SkipRhelEnforcement parameter to false:

      SkipRhelEnforcement: false
  5. Update the file:

    $ openstack overcloud upgrade prepare --yes \
        -e /home/stack/system_upgrade.yaml \
        -e /home/stack/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml \
        -e /home/stack/skip_rhel_release.yaml \
    • Include the system_upgrade.yaml file with the upgrade-specific parameters (-e).
    • Include the containers-prepare-parameter.yaml file with the control plane roles removed (-e).
    • Include the skip_rhel_release.yaml file with the release parameters (-e).
  6. Run the script:

    $ sh /home/stack/
  7. Fetch any new or modified containers that you require for the system upgrade:

    $ openstack overcloud external-upgrade run  \
         --stack <stack> \
         --tags container_image_prepare 2>&1
  8. Upgrade the first one-third of the control plane nodes:

    $ openstack overcloud upgrade run --yes \
         --stack <stack> \
         --tags system_upgrade \
         --limit <controller-0>,<database-0>,<messaging-0>,<networker-0>,<ceph-0>
    • Replace <stack> with the name of your stack.
    • Replace <controller-0>,<database-0>,<messaging-0>,<networker-0>,<ceph-0> with your own node names.
  9. Log in to each upgraded node and verify that the cluster in each node is running:

    $ sudo pcs status

    Repeat this verification step after you upgrade the second one-third of your control plane nodes, and after you upgrade the last one-third of your control plane nodes.

  10. Upgrade the second one-third of the control plane nodes:

    $ openstack overcloud upgrade run --yes \
         --stack <stack> \
         --tags system_upgrade \
         --limit <controller-1>,<database-1>,<messaging-1>,<networker-1>,<ceph-1>
    • Replace <controller-1>,<database-1>,<messaging-1>,<networker-1>,<ceph-1> with your own node names.
  11. Upgrade the last one-third of the control plane nodes:

    $ openstack overcloud upgrade run --yes \
         --stack <stack> \
         --tags system_upgrade \
         --limit <controller-2>,<database-2>,<messaging-2>,<networker-2>,<ceph-2>
    • Replace <controller-2>,<database-2>,<messaging-2>,<networker-2>,<ceph-2> with your own node names.
  12. If you enabled STF, run the upgrade command with no tags. Run this command after the operating system upgrade to update the collectd container on all nodes.

    $ openstack overcloud upgrade run --yes \
         --stack <stack> \
         --limit <controller-0>,<controller-1>,<controller-2>,<database-0>,<database-1>,<database-2>,<networker-0>,<networker-1>,<networker-2>,<ceph-0>,<ceph-1>,<ceph-2>
    • Replace <controller-0>,<controller-1>,<controller-2>,<database-0>,<database-1>,<database-2>,<networker-0>,<networker-1>,<networker-2>,<ceph-0>,<ceph-1>,<ceph-2> with your own node names.
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