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Chapter 3. Upgrading with external Ceph deployments

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If your Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) deployment uses an externally deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, you might need to upgrade your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster before continuing with your RHOSP upgrade.

If your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is currently on Release 4, perform the following tasks:

  1. Upgrade the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster from Release 4 to Release 5.
  2. Upgrade your RHOSP deployment from Release 16.2 to Release 17.1.
  3. Upgrade the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster from Release 5 to Release 6.

If your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is currently on Release 5, perform the following tasks:

  1. Upgrade your RHOSP deployment from Release 16.2 to Release 17.1.
  2. Upgrade the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster from Release 5 to Release 6.

For more information about upgrading your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, see the following guides:

After you upgrade your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster, you must migrate from the ceph-ansible ceph-client role to the tripleo-ansible tripleo_ceph_client role.

3.1. Updating Ceph Client configuration for RHOSP 17.1

Before Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 17.1, for external Red Hat Ceph Storage environments, OpenStack Ceph Clients were configured by the ceph-ansible ceph-client role. In RHOSP 17.1, OpenStack Ceph Clients are configured by the tripleo-ansible tripleo_ceph_client role. Before you run the overcloud upgrade in Performing the overcloud adoption and preparation, you must replace the tripleo-heat-templates environment file that is used to configure the OpenStack services with an external Ceph cluster.


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. If you included the environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible-external.yaml file in the following commands, you must replace the file with the environments/external-ceph.yaml file.

    • openstack overcloud upgrade prepare
    • openstack overcloud deploy

      For example, replace

      $ openstack overcloud deploy
      -e environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible-external.yaml


      $ openstack overcloud deploy
      -e environments/external-ceph.yaml
  4. Create a file called ceph_params.yaml and include the following content:

      CephClusterFSID: <fsid>
      CephClientKey: <key>
      CephExternalMonHost: <mon ip addresses>
      CephSpecFqdn: <true/false>
      CephConfigPath: "/etc/ceph"
      DeployedCeph: false
      GrafanaPlugins: []
    • Replace <fsid> with the UUID of your Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster.
    • Replace <key> with your Ceph client key.
    • Replace <mon ip addresses> with a list of your Ceph Mon Host IPs.
    • Replace <true/false> with the value that applies to your environment.


      If your Red Hat Ceph Storage deployment includes short names, you must set the CephSpecFqdn parameter to false. If set to true, the inventory generates with both the short names and domain names, causing the Red Hat Ceph Storage upgrade to fail.

  5. Include the ceph_params.yaml file in the overcloud deployment command:

    $ openstack overcloud deploy \
    -e ~/environments/ceph_params.yaml \

    Do not remove the ceph_params.yaml file after the RHOSP upgrade is complete. This file must be present in external Red Hat Ceph Storage environments. Additionally, any time you run openstack overcloud deploy, you must include the ceph_params.yaml file, for example, -e ceph_params.yaml.

Next steps

You include the ceph_params.yaml file in the overcloud upgrade preparation script that you create when you perform the overcloud adoption and preparation procedure. For more information, see Performing the overcloud adoption and preparation.

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