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Chapter 6. Upgrading an overcloud with director-deployed Ceph deployments

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If your environment includes director-deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage deployments with or without hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) nodes, you must upgrade your deployments to Red Hat Ceph Storage 5. With an upgrade to version 5, cephadm now manages Red Hat Ceph Storage instead of ceph-ansible.

6.1. Installing ceph-ansible

If you deployed Red Hat Ceph Storage using director, you must complete this procedure. The ceph-ansible package is required to upgrade Red Hat Ceph Storage with Red Hat OpenStack Platform.


  1. Enable the Ceph 5 Tools repository:

    [stack@director ~]$ sudo subscription-manager repos --enable=rhceph-5-tools-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
  2. Determine if ceph-ansible is installed:

    [stack@director ~]$ sudo rpm -q ceph-ansible
  3. Install or update the ceph-ansible package.

    1. If ceph-ansible is not installed, install the ceph-ansible package:

      [stack@director ~]$ sudo dnf install -y ceph-ansible
    2. If ceph-ansible is installed, update the ceph-ansible package to the latest version:

      [stack@director ~]$ sudo dnf update -y ceph-ansible

6.2. Upgrading to Red Hat Ceph Storage 5

Upgrade the following nodes from Red Hat Ceph Storage version 4 to version 5:

  • Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes
  • Hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) nodes, which contain combined Compute and Ceph OSD services

For information about the duration and impact of this upgrade procedure, see Upgrade duration and impact.


Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 uses Prometheus v4.10, which has the following known issue: If you enable Red Hat Ceph Storage dashboard, two data sources are configured on the dashboard. For more information about this known issue, see BZ#2054852.

Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 uses Prometheus v4.12, which does not include this known issue. Red Hat recommends upgrading from Red Hat Ceph Storage 5 to Red Hat Ceph Storage 6 after the upgrade from Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP) 16.2 to 17.1 is complete. To upgrade from Red Hat Ceph Storage version 5 to version 6, begin with one of the following procedures for your environment:


  1. Log in to the undercloud host as the stack user.
  2. Source the stackrc undercloud credentials file:

    $ source ~/stackrc
  3. Run the Red Hat Ceph Storage external upgrade process with the ceph tag:

    $ openstack overcloud external-upgrade run \
       --skip-tags "ceph_ansible_remote_tmp" \
       --stack <stack> \
       --tags ceph,facts 2>&1
    • Replace <stack> with the name of your stack.
    • If you are running this command at a DCN deployed site, add the value skip-tag cleanup_cephansible to the provided comma-separated list of values for the --skip-tags parameter.
  4. Run the ceph versions command to confirm all Red Hat Ceph Storage daemons have been upgraded to version 5. This command is available in the ceph monitor container that is hosted by default on the Controller node.


    The command in the previous step runs the ceph-ansible rolling_update.yaml playbook to update the cluster from version 4 to 5. It is important to confirm all daemons have been updated before proceeding with this procedure.

    The following example demonstrates the use and output of this command. As demonstrated in the example, all daemons in your deployment should show a package version of 16.2.* and the keyword pacific.

    $ sudo podman exec ceph-mon-$(hostname -f) ceph versions
        "mon": {
            "ceph version 16.2.10-248.el8cp (0edb63afd9bd3edb333364f2e0031b77e62f4896) pacific (stable)": 3
        "mgr": {
            "ceph version 16.2.10-248.el8cp (0edb63afd9bd3edb333364f2e0031b77e62f4896) pacific (stable)": 3
        "osd": {
            "ceph version 16.2.10-248.el8cp (0edb63afd9bd3edb333364f2e0031b77e62f4896) pacific (stable)": 180
        "mds": {},
        "rgw": {
            "ceph version 16.2.10-248.el8cp (0edb63afd9bd3edb333364f2e0031b77e62f4896) pacific (stable)": 3
        "overall": {
            "ceph version 16.2.10-248.el8cp (0edb63afd9bd3edb333364f2e0031b77e62f4896) pacific (stable)": 189

    The output of the command sudo podman ps | grep ceph on any server hosting Red Hat Ceph Storage should return a version 5 container.

  5. Create the ceph-admin user and distribute the appropriate keyrings:

    ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH=/home/stack/cephadm_enable_user_key.log \
    ansible-playbook -i /home/stack/overcloud-deploy/<stack>/config-download/<stack>/tripleo-ansible-inventory.yaml \
      -b -e ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/libexec/platform-python /usr/share/ansible/tripleo-playbooks/ceph-admin-user-playbook.yml \
     -e tripleo_admin_user=ceph-admin \
     -e distribute_private_key=true \
      --limit Undercloud,ceph_mon,ceph_mgr,ceph_rgw,ceph_mds,ceph_nfs,ceph_grafana,ceph_osd
  6. Update the packages on the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes:

    $ openstack overcloud upgrade run \
        --stack <stack> \
        --skip-tags ceph_ansible_remote_tmp \
        --tags setup_packages --limit Undercloud,ceph_mon,ceph_mgr,ceph_rgw,ceph_mds,ceph_nfs,ceph_grafana,ceph_osd \
        --playbook /home/stack/overcloud-deploy/<stack>/config-download/<stack>/upgrade_steps_playbook.yaml 2>&1
    • If you are running this command at a DCN deployed site, add the value skip-tag cleanup_cephansible to the provided comma-separated list of values for the --skip-tags parameter.


      By default, the Ceph Monitor service (CephMon) runs on the Controller nodes unless you have used the composable roles feature to host them elsewhere. This command includes the ceph_mon tag, which also updates the packages on the nodes hosting the Ceph Monitor service (the Controller nodes by default).

  7. Configure the Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes to use cephadm:

    $ openstack overcloud external-upgrade run \
        --skip-tags ceph_ansible_remote_tmp \
        --stack <stack> \
        --tags cephadm_adopt  2>&1
    • If you are running this command at a DCN deployed site, add the value skip-tag cleanup_cephansible to the provided comma-separated list of values for the --skip-tags parameter.
  8. Run the ceph -s command to confirm all processes are now managed by Red Hat Ceph Storage orchestrator. This command is available in the ceph monitor container that is hosted by default on the Controller node.


    The command in the previous step runs the ceph-ansible cephadm-adopt.yaml playbook to move future management of the cluster from ceph-ansible to cephadm and the Red Hat Ceph Storage orchestrator. It is important to confirm all processes are now managed by the orcestrator before proceeding with this procedure.

    The following example demonstrates the use and output of this command. As demonstrated in this example, there are 63 daemons that are not managed by cephadm. This indicates there was a problem with the running of the ceph-ansible cephadm-adopt.yml playbook. Contact Red Hat Ceph Storage support to troubleshoot these errors before proceeding with the upgrade. When the adoption process has been completed successfully, there should not be any warning about stray daemons not managed by cephadm.

    $ sudo cephadm shell -- ceph -s
        id:     f5a40da5-6d88-4315-9bb3-6b16df51d765
        health: HEALTH_WARN
                63 stray daemon(s) not managed by cephadm
  9. Modify the file to replace the ceph-ansible file with a cephadm heat environment file.

    openstack overcloud upgrade prepare  --yes \
      --timeout 460 \
     --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates \
      --ntp-server \
      --stack <stack> \
      -r /home/stack/roles_data.yaml \
      -e /home/stack/templates/internal.yaml \
      -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/cephadm/cephadm-rbd-only.yaml \
      -e ~/containers-prepare-parameter.yaml

    This example uses the environments/cephadm/cephadm-rbd-only.yaml file because RGW is not deployed. If you plan to deploy RGW, use environments/cephadm/cephadm.yaml after you finish upgrading your RHOSP environment, and then run a stack update.

  10. Modify the file to remove the following environment file if you added it earlier when you ran the overcloud upgrade preparation:

    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/ceph-ansible/manila-cephfsganesha-config.yaml
  11. Save the file.
  12. Run the upgrade preparation command:

    $ source stackrc
    $ chmod 755 /home/stack/
    sh /home/stack/
  13. If your deployment includes HCI nodes, create a temporary hci.conf file in a cephadm container of a Controller node:

    1. Log in to a Controller node:

      $ ssh cloud-admin@<controller_ip>
      • Replace <controller_ip> with the IP address of the Controller node.
    2. Retrieve a cephadm shell from the Controller node:


      [cloud-admin@controller-0 ~]$ sudo cephadm shell

    3. In the cephadm shell, create a temporary hci.conf file:


      [ceph: root@edpm-controller-0 /]# cat <<EOF > hci.conf
      osd_memory_target_autotune = true
      osd_numa_auto_affinity = true
      mgr/cephadm/autotune_memory_target_ratio = 0.2

    4. Apply the configuration:


      [ceph: root@edpm-controller-0 /]# ceph config assimilate-conf -i hci.conf

      For more information about adjusting the configuration of your HCI deployment, see Ceph configuration overrides for HCI in Deploying a hyperconverged infrastructure.


You must upgrade the operating system on all HCI nodes to RHEL 9. For more information on upgrading Compute and HCI nodes, see Upgrading Compute nodes to RHEL 9.2.

The Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster is now upgraded to version 5. This has the following implications:

  • You no longer use ceph-ansible to manage Red Hat Ceph Storage. Instead, the Ceph Orchestrator manages the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster. For more information about the Ceph Orchestrator, see The Ceph Operations Guide.
  • You no longer need to perform stack updates to make changes to the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster in most cases. Instead, you can run day two Red Hat Ceph Storage operations directly on the cluster as described in The Ceph Operations Guide. You can also scale Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster nodes up or down as described in Scaling the Ceph Storage cluster in Deploying Red Hat Ceph Storage and Red Hat OpenStack Platform together with director.
  • Inspect the Red Hat Ceph Storage cluster’s health. For more information about monitoring your cluster’s health, see Monitoring Red Hat Ceph Storage nodes in Deploying Red Hat Ceph Storage and Red Hat OpenStack Platform together with director.
  • Do not include environment files, such as environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml, in openstack deployment commands such as openstack overcloud deploy. If your deployment includes ceph-ansible environment files, replace them with one of the following options:

    Red Hat Ceph Storage deploymentOriginal ceph-ansible fileCephadm file replacement

    Ceph RADOS Block Device (RBD) only

    Any ceph-ansible environment file


    RBD and the Ceph Object Gateway (RGW)

    Any ceph-ansible environment file


    Ceph Dashboard


    Respective file in environments/cephadm/

    Ceph MDS


    Respective file in environments/cephadm/

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