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Chapter 6. Adding custom TLS certificates for Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift

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If you decide to apply trusted certificates from your own internal certificate authority (CA), you will need the following information.

DNS names

For each service you apply your own custom certificate to, you will need its DNS hostname for the process of generating the certificate. You can get a list of public hostnames using the following command: oc get -n openstack routes


To use a single certificate for two or more services, use a wildcard in the DNS name field, or list multiple DNS names in the subject alt names field. If you do not use a wildcard, then you must update the certificate in the event of a route hostname change.

To update a service’s certificate in OpenShift, the service must be restarted. The duration for the certificate is the longest amount of time a service can stay live without being restarted, subject to your internal security policies.
You must include - key encipherment, digital signature, and server auth within the list of usages in your certificate.

Updating TLS to use custom certificates requires edits to both the control plane and the data plane.

6.1. Updating the control plane with custom certificates for public services

When you deploy Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO), most API connections are protected by TLS.


TLS is not currently available for the internal Alert Manager Web UI service endpoint.

You might be required to protect public APIs using your own internal certificate authority. In order to replace the automatically generated certificates you must create a secret that contains your additional ca certs, including all certificates in needed chains of trust.


  • You have a service certificate for the public services


  1. Create a manifest file called myAdditionalCACerts.yaml that includes all CA certificates. Include all certificates in chains of trust if applicable:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: myAdditionalCACerts
      namespace: openstack
    type: Opaque
      myBundleExample: <cat mybundle.pem | base64 -w0>
      CACertExample: <cat cacert.pem | base64 -w0>
  2. Create the secret from the manifest file:

    oc apply -f myAdditionalCACerts.yaml
  3. Create a manifest file for each API certificate secret called api_certificate_<service>_secret.yaml:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: api_certificate_<service>_secret
      namespace: openstack
      tls.crt: <cat tlscrt.pem | base64 -w0>
      tls.key: <cat tlskey.pem | base64 -w0>
      ca.crt: <cat cacrt.pem | base64 -w0>
    • Replace <service> with the name of the service that this secret is for.


      You can use the same secret for multiple services.

  4. Create the secret

    oc apply -f api_certificate_<service>_secret.yaml
  5. Edit the openstack_control_plane.yaml custom resource and add your bundle as the parameter for caBundleSecretName:

    kind: OpenStackControlPlane
      name: myctlplane
          enabled: true
        caBundleSecretName: myAdditionalCACerts
  6. Apply the secret service certificates to each of the public services under the apiOverride field. For example enter the following for the Identity service:

    kind: OpenStackControlPlane
      name: myctlplane
      namespace: openstack
            secretName: api_certificate_keystone_secret
  7. Apply the control plane changes

    oc apply -f openstack_control_plane.yaml
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