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Chapter 5. Customizing Red Hat OpenStack on OpenShift Observability

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Use observability with Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) to get insight into the metrics, logs, and alerts from your deployment.

The observability architecture in RHOSO is composed of services within OpenShift, as well as services on your Compute nodes that expose metrics, logs and alerts.You can use the OpenShift observability ecosystem for insight into the RHOSO environment. Additionally, you have access to the logging infrastructure for collecting, storing, and searching through logs. RHOSO services such as ceilometer and sg-core make metrics from your compute nodes and associated virtual infrastructure available to the OpenShift Observability framework.

5.1. Configuring Red Hat OpenStack on OpenShift Observability

The Telemetry service (ceilometer, prometheus) is enabled by default in a Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift (RHOSO) deployment. You can configure observability by editing the openstack_control_plane.yaml CR file.



You do not need these Operators to expose and query OpenStack metrics in Prometheus format. If you do not disable ceilometer, then a Prometheus metrics exporter is created and exposed from inside the cluster at the following URL: http://ceilometer-internal.openstack.svc:3000/metrics


  1. Use a text editor of your choice to open the openstack_control_plane.yaml file.
  2. Create the telemetry section based on the needs of your environment:

        enabled: true
            enabled: true
              dashboardsEnabled: true
              alertingEnabled: true
              scrapeInterval: 30s 1
                strategy: persistent
                retention: 24h 2
                  pvcStorageRequest: 20G 3
          autoscaling: 4
            enabled: false
              databaseUser: aodh
              databaseInstance: openstack
              secret: osp-secret
            heatInstance: heat
            enabled: true
            secret: osp-secret
            enabled: false
            ipaddr: <ip_address> 5
    Use the scrapeInterval field to control the amount of time that passes before new metrics are gathered. Changing this parameter can affect performance.
    Use the retention field to adjust the length of time telemetry metrics are stored. This field affects the amount of storage required.
    You can change the amount of storage to be allocated for the Prometheus time series database.
    You must have the autoscaling field present, even if you keep it disabled. For information on enabling and configuring autoscaling, see <link>.
    Replace <ip_address> with the IP address on the internal network you would like to configure.
  3. Update the control plane with the Telemetry configurations that you set in openstack_control_plane.yaml:

    $ oc apply -f openstack_control_plane.yaml -n openstack


  1. Access the remote shell for the OpenStackClient pod from your workstation:

    $ oc rsh -n openstack openstackclient
  2. Confirm that you can query prometheus and that the scrape endpoints are active with the following command:

    $ openstack metric query up --disable-rbac -c container -c instance  -c value

    Example output:

    | container       | instance               | value |
    | alertmanager    |	   | 1     |
    | prometheus      | 	   | 0     |
    | proxy-httpd     |       | 1     |
    |                 |   | 1     |
    |                 |   | 1     |

    Each entry in the value field should be “1", except for the prometheus container. The prometheus container reports a value of “0” due to TLS, which is enabled by default.

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