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Chapter 52. Installing and logging in to the Showcase application

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The Showcase application is included with the Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13 distribution in the add-ons Zip file. The purpose of this application is to demonstrate the functionality of case management in Red Hat Process Automation Manager and enable you to interact with cases created in Business Central. You can install the Showcase application in a Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform instance or on OpenShift. This procedure describes how to install the Showcase application in Red Hat JBoss EAP.


  • Business Central and KIE Server are installed in a Red Hat JBoss EAP instance.
  • You have created a user with kie-server and user roles. Only users with the user role are able to log in to the Showcase application. Users also require the kie-server role to perform remote operations on the running KIE Server.
  • Business Central is not running.


  1. Navigate to the Software Downloads page in the Red Hat Customer Portal (login required), and select the product and version from the drop-down options:

    • Product: Process Automation Manager
    • Version: 7.13.5
  2. Download Red Hat Process Automation Manager 7.13 Add Ons (
  3. Extract the file. The file is in the unzipped directory.
  4. Extract the archive to a temporary directory. In the following examples this directory is called TEMP_DIR.
  5. Copy the contents of the _TEMP_DIR/rhpam-7.13-case-mgmt-showcase-eap7-deployable/jboss-eap-7.4 directory to EAP_HOME.

    When asked to overwrite files or merge directories, select Yes.


    Ensure the names of the Red Hat Process Automation Manager deployments you copy do not conflict with your existing deployments in the Red Hat JBoss EAP instance.

  6. Add the following system property to your deployment’s jboss-eap-7.4/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml file:

    <property name="org.jbpm.casemgmt.showcase.url" value="/rhpam-case-mgmt-showcase"/>

  7. In a terminal application, navigate to EAP_HOME/bin and run the standalone configuration to start Business Central:

    ./ -c standalone-full.xml

  8. In a web browser, enter localhost:8080/business-central.

    If Red Hat Process Automation Manager has been configured to run from a domain name, replace localhost with the domain name, for example:

  9. In the upper-right corner in Business Central, click the Apps launcher button to launch Case Management Showcase in a new browser window.

    apps launcher showcase button
  10. Log in to the Showcase application using your Business Central user credentials.
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