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Chapter 18. Knowledge worker tasks in Business Central

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A task is a part of the business process flow that a given user can claim and perform. You can handle tasks in Menu Track Task Inbox in Business Central. It displays the task list for the logged-in user. A task can be assigned to a particular user, multiple users, or to a group of users. If a task is assigned to multiple users or a group of users, it is visible in the task lists of all the users and any user can claim the task. When a task is claimed by a user, it is removed from the task list of other users.

18.1. Starting a task

You can start user tasks in Menu Manage Tasks and in Menu Track Task Inbox in Business Central.


Ensure that you are logged in and have appropriate permissions for starting and stopping tasks.


  1. In Business Central, go to Menu Track Task Inbox.
  2. On the Task Inbox page, click the task to open it.
  3. On the Work tab of the task page, click Start. Once you start a task, its status changes to InProgress.

    You can view the status of tasks on the Task Inbox as well as on the Manage Tasks page.


Only users with the process-admin role can view the task list on the Manage Tasks page. Users with the admin role can access the Manage Tasks page, however they see only an empty task list.

18.2. Stopping a task

You can stop user tasks from the Tasks and Task Inbox page.


  1. In Business Central, go to Menu Track Task Inbox.
  2. On the Task Inbox page, click the task to open it.
  3. On the Work tab of the task page, click Complete.

18.3. Delegating a task

After tasks are created in Business Central, you can delegate them to others.


A user assigned with any role can delegate, claim, or release tasks visible to the user. On the Task Inbox page, the Actual Owner column displays the name of the current owner of the task.


  1. In Business Central, go to Menu Track Task Inbox.
  2. On the Task Inbox page, click the task to open it.
  3. On the task page, click the Assignments tab.
  4. In the User field, enter the name of the user or group you want to delegate the task to.
  5. Click Delegate. Once a task is delegated, the owner of the task changes.

18.4. Claiming a task

After tasks are created in Business Central, you can claim the released tasks. A user can claim a task from the Task Inbox page only if the task is assigned to a group the user belongs to.


  1. In Business Central, go to Menu Track Task Inbox.
  2. On the Task Inbox page, click the task to open it.
  3. On the Work tab of the task page, click Claim.
  4. To claim the released task from the Task Inbox page, do any of the following tasks:

    • Click Claim from the three dots in the Actions column.
    • Click Claim and Work from the three dots in the Actions column to open, view, and modify the details of a task.

The user who claims a task becomes the owner of the task.

18.5. Releasing a task

After tasks are created in Business Central, you can release your tasks for others to claim.


  1. In Business Central, go to Menu Track Task Inbox.
  2. On the Task Inbox page, click the task to open it.
  3. On the task page, click Release. A released task has no owner.

18.6. Bulk actions on tasks

In the Tasks and Task Inbox pages in Business Central, you can perform bulk actions over multiple tasks in a single operation.


If a specified bulk action is not permitted based on the task status, a notification is displayed and the operation is not executed on that particular task.

18.6.1. Claiming tasks in bulk

After you create tasks in Business Central, you can claim the available tasks in bulk.


  1. In Business Central, complete one of the following steps:

    • To view the Task Inbox page, select Menu Track Task Inbox.
    • To view the Tasks page, select Menu Manage Tasks.
  2. To claim the tasks in bulk, on the Task Inbox page or the Manage Tasks page, select two or more tasks from the Task table.
  3. From the Bulk Actions drop-down list, select Bulk Claim.
  4. To confirm, click Claim on the Claim selected tasks window.

For each task selected, a notification is displayed showing the result.

18.6.2. Releasing tasks in bulk

You can release your owned tasks in bulk for others to claim.


  1. In Business Central, complete one of the following steps:

    • To view the Task Inbox page, select Menu Track Task Inbox.
    • To view the Tasks page, select Menu Manage Tasks.
  2. To release the tasks in bulk, on the Task Inbox page or the Manage Tasks page, select two or more tasks from the Task table.
  3. From the Bulk Actions drop-down list, select Bulk Release.
  4. To confirm, click Release on the Release selected tasks window.

For each task selected, a notification is displayed showing the result.

18.6.3. Resuming tasks in bulk

If there are suspended tasks in Business Central, you can resume them in bulk.


  1. In Business Central, complete one of the following steps:

    • To view the Task Inbox page, select Menu Track Task Inbox.
    • To view the Tasks page, select Menu Manage Tasks.
  2. To resume the tasks in bulk, on the Task Inbox page or the Manage Tasks page, select two or more tasks from the Task table.
  3. From the Bulk Actions drop-down list, select Bulk Resume.
  4. To confirm, click Resume on the Resume selected tasks window.

For each task selected, a notification is displayed showing the result.

18.6.4. Suspending tasks in bulk

After you create tasks in Business Central, you can suspend the tasks in bulk.


  1. In Business Central, complete one of the following steps:

    • To view the Task Inbox page, select Menu Track Task Inbox.
    • To view the Tasks page, select Menu Manage Tasks.
  2. To suspend the tasks in bulk, on the Task Inbox page or the Manage Tasks page, select two or more tasks from the Task table.
  3. From the Bulk Actions drop-down list, select Bulk Suspend.
  4. To confirm, click Suspend on the Suspend selected tasks window.

For each task selected, a notification is displayed showing the result.

18.6.5. Reassigning tasks in bulk

After you create tasks in Business Central, you can reassign your tasks in bulk and delegate them to others.


  1. In Business Central, complete one of the following steps:

    • To view the Task Inbox page, select Menu Track Task Inbox.
    • To view the Tasks page, select Menu Manage Tasks.
  2. To reassign the tasks in bulk, on the Task Inbox page or the Manage Tasks page, select two or more tasks from the Task table.
  3. From the Bulk Actions drop-down list, select Bulk Reassign.
  4. In the Tasks reassignment window, enter the user ID of the user to whom you want to reassign the tasks.
  5. Click Delegate.

For each task selected, a notification is displayed showing the result.

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