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Chapter 56. Completing the IT_Orders case using Showcase and Business Central

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When a case instance is started using the Showcase application, tasks that are configured as AdHoc Autostart in the case definition are automatically assigned and made available to users with the role assignment for each task. Case workers can then work on the tasks in Business Central and complete them to move the case forward.

In the IT_Orders case project, the following case definition nodes are configured with the AdHoc Autostart property:

  • Prepare hardware spec
  • Hardware spec ready
  • Manager decision
  • Milestone 1: Order placed

Of these, the only user task is Prepare hardware spec, which is assigned to the supplier group. This is the first human task to be completed in the IT Orders case. When this task is complete, the Manager approval task becomes available to the user assigned to the manager role, and after the rest of the case work is finished, the Customer satisfaction survey task is assigned to the case owner for completion.


  • As the wbadmin user, you have started an IT_Orders case in the Showcase application.


  1. Log out of Business Central and log back in as a user that belongs to the supplier group.
  2. Go to Menu Track Task Inbox.
  3. Open the Prepare hardware spec task and click Claim. This assigns the task to the logged in user.
  4. Click Start and click choose file to locate the hardware specification file. Click the upload button to upload the file.

    case management valid spec
  5. Click Complete.
  6. In Showcase, click Refresh in the upper-right corner. Notice that the Prepare hardware task user task and the Hardware spec ready milestone appear in the Completed column.

    case management ordered
  7. In Business Central, go to Menu Track Task Inbox. Open the Manager approval task for wbadmin.

    1. Click Claim and then click Start.
    2. Check the approve box for the task that includes the valid-spec.pdf file, then click Complete.
  8. Go to Menu Manage Process Instances and open the Order for IT hardware process instance.

    1. Open the Diagram tab. Note that the Place order task is complete.
    2. Refresh the Showcase page to see that the Manager approval task and the Manager decision milestone are in the Completed column. The Milestones pane in the lower-left corner of the Showcase overview page also shows the completed and pending milestones.

      showcase milestones ordered
  9. In Business Central go to Menu Manage Tasks. Click the Place order task to open it.

    1. Click Claim and then click Start.
    2. Select the Is order placed check box and click Complete.

      itorders order placed

      The process instance diagram now shows the Milestones 2: Order shipped case progress:

    3. Refresh the Showcase page to view the case progress.
  10. Go to Menu Manage Process Instances and open the Order for IT hardware.

    1. Open the Process Variables tab. Locate the caseFile_shipped variable and click Edit.
    2. In the Edit window, type true and click Save.

      itorders shipped variable
    3. Refresh the Showcase page. Note that the Milestone 2: Order shipped milestone is shown as Completed.

      The final milestone, Milestone 3: Delivered to customer is In progress.

  11. Go to Menu Manage Process Instances and open the Order for IT hardware.

    1. Open the Process Variables tab. Locate the caseFile_delivered variable and click Edit.
    2. In the Edit window, type true and click Save.
    3. Refresh the Showcase page. Note that the Milestone 3: Delivered to customer milestone is shown as Completed. All milestones under the Milestones pane in the lower-left corner are shown as complete.

      The final task of the IT Orders case, Customer satisfaction survey is shown under In progress.

      itorders customer survey
  12. In Business Central go to Menu Track Task Inbox. Click the Customer satisfaction survey task to open it.

    This task is already reserved for wbadmin.

  13. Click Start and fill out the survey.

    itorders complete survey
  14. Click Complete.
  15. Go to Menu Manage Process Instances and open the Order for IT hardware process instance.

    1. Open the Diagram tab. This shows that all required case process nodes are complete and there is nothing left to do for this case instance.
    2. Refresh the Showcase page and note that there are no actions under In progress.
  16. In Showcase, type a comment in to the field under Comments. Click round plus to add the comment to the case file.

    itorders comment
  17. Click Close in the upper-right corner of the Showcase page to complete and close the case.
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