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Chapter 9. Running certification tests for OpenStack certification

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Run certification tests on the OpenStack deployment under test based on the type of OpenStack application undergoing certification.

9.1. Running certification tests for products implementing OpenStack APIs

If the OpenStack application undergoing certification implements OpenStack APIs, complete the following steps on the test server to run certification tests on the OpenStack deployment under test or test client.

This category includes OpenStack plugins and drivers which implement OpenStack APIs for Networking, Block Storage, and File Share services.

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9.1.1. Running tempest_config test

The tempest_config test automatically generates a tempest.conf file at run time. If you need to change the default configurations of the test, replace tempest.conf with a new file at the same location.

Although the updated configuration can address any known tempest issues, note that tempest still needs to fulfill certification testing requirements.


  • You have subscribed the application under test to the OpenStack product repositories to allow tempest to get installed.
  • You have OpenStack administrator login privileges and credentials.


The test is interactive. It checks for the presence of the tempest.conf file at location /etc/redhat-certification/openstack. If the file exists, you will receive a prompt asking if you want to replace it and enter the details manually. If you choose no, the test will use the keystone credentials from the existing file and proceed. However, if you choose yes, or if the tempest.conf file is not present in the location you will be prompted to provide the following details:

  1. In the keystone auth url field, enter the URL to allow the test access the OpenStack platform service endpoints.
  2. Enter the OpenStack administrator username and password.
  3. Update the tempest.conf file to enable all the flags applicable for the plugins that you are certifying.
  4. Click Submit.

Additional resources

  • If you face any tempest issues unrelated to the certification testing, use the following links to raise bugs:

9.2. Running certification tests for products consuming OpenStack APIs

Red Hat considers the following as products or applications consuming OpenStack APIs:

  • Products that facilitate deploying an OpenStack environment.
  • Products that complement the cloud infrastructure with additional functionality, such as configuration, scaling, and management.
  • Applications for OpenStack management and monitoring.
  • Applications that are OpenStack-enabled, such as virtual network functions (VNFs).

If the OpenStack application that you are certifying consumes OpenStack APIs, perform the following steps:


  1. Review the policy information described in the Red Hat OpenStack Certification Policy Guide.
  2. Run the certification tests as described in the Setting up the test server section.

9.3. Running trusted container test


  1. Navigate to the rhcert tool home page and select the trusted container test.
  2. Click on the Run Selected.
  3. Perform the following actions when the test prompts you:

    1. Provide the reason why you configured non-Red Hat containers on the host under test.
    2. Select the checkboxes of the containers you want to run the test on.

9.4. Running the OpenStack director test and the supportability tests


  1. On the Red Hat Certification home page, click the Server settings tab.
  2. In the Register a System field, enter the hostname or IP address of the overcloud node where you installed the application under test. Then, click Add.
  3. Click the existing product entry from the Red Hat Certification home page. Then, click the relevant certification entry from the Certifications page.

    The Progress page opens and displays the tests available. It also displays the status of the previous runs, if any.

  4. Click Testing to open the Testing tab.
  5. On the Testing tab, click Select Test Systems.
  6. On the Select Host page, select the hostname of the overcloud node where you installed the application-under-test. Then, click Test to return to the Testing tab.

    The rhcert tool now creates a certification test plan for the application-under-test.

    When the test plan is ready, the status column displays "Finished test run". The Continue Testing button also appears.

  7. Click Continue Testing.
  8. Select interactive next to the openstack/supportable checkbox and then click Run Selected.

Certification tests are run on the application-under-test. The status of the certification test run is displayed on the Testing Page under the relevant hostname.

The tool now runs the certification tests. You can find the status of the test run on the Testing tab under the relevant hostname.

After the test run completes, the test logs from the openstack/supportable tests are stored in the same log file as for the openstack/director test on the test server.

9.5. Additional Resources

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