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Chapter 8. Configuring the systems and running tests using RHCert CLI Tool

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Cockpit is the preferred method to configure systems and run tests. However, RHCert CLI will be continued as an alternative for performing the same tasks.

8.1. Using the test plan to provision the Controller and Compute nodes for testing

Provisioning the Controller and Compute nodes through the test host performs several operations, such as installing the required packages on the two nodes based on the certification type and creating a final test plan to run. The final test plan is generated based on the test roles defined for each node and has a list of common tests taken from both the test plan provided by Red Hat and tests generated on discovering the system requirements.

For instance, required OpenStack packages will be installed if the test plan is designed for certifying an OpenStack plugin.


  • You have the IP address of both the Controller and Compute nodes.
  • You have downloaded the test plan to the test host.


  1. Log into the test host using CLI.
  2. Provision the Controller and Compute nodes from the test host.

    # rhcert-provision <path_to_test_plan_document> --host controller:<IP address of the controller> --host compute:<IP address of the compute>

    Replace <path_to_test_plan_document> with the test plan file saved on the test host.


    # rhcert-provision rhosp_test_plan.xml --host controller: --host compute:

    In addition to starting the Controller and Compute nodes and sending the test plan to both the nodes where the tests actually run, the command also establishes communication between the test host and each node.

  3. Select the RHOSP administrator account when prompted.

    • Enter “tripleo-admin” if you use RHOSP 17.1 or later.
    • Enter “heat-admin” if you use RHOSP 17 or earlier.
    • Enter “root” if you have configured root as the ssh user for Controller and Compute nodes.
  4. Select None for “What is this host’s role” when prompted.

    Tests applicable for each node will be displayed.

8.2. Running the certification tests using CLI


The tests run in the foreground on the Controller node, they are interactive and will prompt you for inputs, whereas the tests run in the background on the Compute node and are non-interactive.


  1. Run tests

    # rhcert-run --host controller:<_IP address of the controller_> --host compute:<_IP address of the compute_>


    # rhcert-run --host controller: --host compute:
  2. Select the RHOSP administrator account when prompted.

    • Enter “tripleo-admin” if you use RHOSP 17.1 or later.
    • Enter “heat-admin” if you use RHOSP 17 or earlier.
    • Enter “root” if you have configured root as the ssh user for Controller and Compute nodes.
  3. When prompted, choose whether to run each test by typing yes or no.

    You can also run particular tests from the list by typing select.

    Separate test results from each node are transferred to the test host, where they are merged into a single result file.

    By default, the result file is saved as /var/rhcert/save/rhcert-multi-openstack-<certification ID>-<timestamp>.xml.

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