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Chapter 4. Kafka consumer configuration tuning

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Use configuration properties to optimize the performance of Kafka consumers. When tuning your consumers your primary concern will be ensuring that they cope efficiently with the amount of data ingested. As with the producer tuning, be prepared to make incremental changes until the consumers operate as expected.

When tuning a consumer, consider the following aspects carefully, as they significantly impact its performance and behavior:

Consumer groups enable parallel processing of messages by distributing the load across multiple consumers, enhancing scalability and throughput. The number of topic partitions determines the maximum level of parallelism that you can achieve, as one partition can only be assigned to one consumer in a consumer group.
Message ordering
If absolute ordering within a topic is important, use a single-partition topic. A consumer observes messages in a single partition in the same order that they were committed to the broker, which means that Kafka only provides ordering guarantees for messages in a single partition. It is also possible to maintain message ordering for events specific to individual entities, such as users. If a new entity is created, you can create a new topic dedicated to that entity. You can use a unique ID, like a user ID, as the message key and route all messages with the same key to a single partition within the topic.
Offset reset policy
Setting the appropriate offset policy ensures that the consumer consumes messages from the desired starting point and handles message processing accordingly. The default Kafka reset value is latest, which starts at the end of the partition, and consequently means some messages might be missed, depending on the consumer’s behavior and the state of the partition. Setting auto.offset.reset to earliest ensures that when connecting with a new, all messages are retrieved from the beginning of the log.
Securing access
Implement security measures for authentication, encryption, and authorization by setting up user accounts to manage secure access to Kafka.

4.1. Basic consumer configuration

Connection and deserializer properties are required for every consumer. Generally, it is good practice to add a client id for tracking.

In a consumer configuration, irrespective of any subsequent configuration:

  • The consumer fetches from a given offset and consumes the messages in order, unless the offset is changed to skip or re-read messages.
  • The broker does not know if the consumer processed the responses, even when committing offsets to Kafka, because the offsets might be sent to a different broker in the cluster.

Basic consumer configuration properties

# ...
bootstrap.servers=localhost:9092 1
key.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer  2
value.deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer  3 4 5
# ...

(Required) Tells the consumer to connect to a Kafka cluster using a host:port bootstrap server address for a Kafka broker. The consumer uses the address to discover and connect to all brokers in the cluster. Use a comma-separated list to specify two or three addresses in case a server is down, but it is not necessary to provide a list of all the brokers in the cluster. If you are using a loadbalancer service to expose the Kafka cluster, you only need the address for the service because the availability is handled by the loadbalancer.
(Required) Deserializer to transform the bytes fetched from the Kafka broker into message keys.
(Required) Deserializer to transform the bytes fetched from the Kafka broker into message values.
(Optional) The logical name for the client, which is used in logs and metrics to identify the source of a request. The id can also be used to throttle consumers based on processing time quotas.
(Conditional) A group id is required for a consumer to be able to join a consumer group.

4.2. Scaling data consumption using consumer groups

Consumer groups share a typically large data stream generated by one or multiple producers from a given topic. Consumers are grouped using a property, allowing messages to be spread across the members. One of the consumers in the group is elected leader and decides how the partitions are assigned to the consumers in the group. Each partition can only be assigned to a single consumer.

If you do not already have as many consumers as partitions, you can scale data consumption by adding more consumer instances with the same Adding more consumers to a group than there are partitions will not help throughput, but it does mean that there are consumers on standby should one stop functioning. If you can meet throughput goals with fewer consumers, you save on resources.

Consumers within the same consumer group send offset commits and heartbeats to the same broker. The consumer sends heartbeats to the Kafka broker to indicate its activity within the consumer group. So the greater the number of consumers in the group, the higher the request load on the broker.

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# ...
Add a consumer to a consumer group using a group id.

4.3. Choosing the right partition assignment strategy

Select an appropriate partition assignment strategy, which determines how Kafka topic partitions are distributed among consumer instances in a group.

Partition strategies are supported by the following classes:

  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RangeAssignor
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RoundRobinAssignor
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.StickyAssignor
  • org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CooperativeStickyAssignor

Specify a class using the partition.assignment.strategy consumer configuration property. The range assignment strategy assigns a range of partitions to each consumer, and is useful when you want to process related data together.

Alternatively, opt for a round robin assignment strategy for equal partition distribution among consumers, which is ideal for high-throughput scenarios requiring parallel processing.

For more stable partition assignments, consider the sticky and cooperative sticky strategies. Sticky strategies aim to maintain assigned partitions during rebalances, when possible. If a consumer was previously assigned certain partitions, the sticky strategies prioritize retaining those same partitions with the same consumer after a rebalance, while only revoking and reassigning the partitions that are actually moved to another consumer. Leaving partition assignments in place reduces the overhead on partition movements. The cooperative sticky strategy also supports cooperative rebalances, enabling uninterrupted consumption from partitions that are not reassigned.

If none of the available strategies suit your data, you can create a custom strategy tailored to your specific requirements.

4.4. Message ordering guarantees

Kafka brokers receive fetch requests from consumers that ask the broker to send messages from a list of topics, partitions and offset positions.

A consumer observes messages in a single partition in the same order that they were committed to the broker, which means that Kafka only provides ordering guarantees for messages in a single partition. Conversely, if a consumer is consuming messages from multiple partitions, the order of messages in different partitions as observed by the consumer does not necessarily reflect the order in which they were sent.

If you want a strict ordering of messages from one topic, use one partition per consumer.

4.5. Optimizing consumers for throughput and latency

Control the number of messages returned when your client application calls KafkaConsumer.poll().

Use the and fetch.min.bytes properties to increase the minimum amount of data fetched by the consumer from the Kafka broker. Time-based batching is configured using, and size-based batching is configured using fetch.min.bytes.

If CPU utilization in the consumer or broker is high, it might be because there are too many requests from the consumer. You can adjust and fetch.min.bytes properties higher so that there are fewer requests and messages are delivered in bigger batches. By adjusting higher, throughput is improved with some cost to latency. You can also adjust higher if the amount of data being produced is low.

For example, if you set to 500ms and fetch.min.bytes to 16384 bytes, when Kafka receives a fetch request from the consumer it will respond when the first of either threshold is reached.

Conversely, you can adjust the and fetch.min.bytes properties lower to improve end-to-end latency.

# ... 1
fetch.min.bytes=16384 2
# ...
The maximum time in milliseconds the broker will wait before completing fetch requests. The default is 500 milliseconds.
If a minimum batch size in bytes is used, a request is sent when the minimum is reached, or messages have been queued for longer than (whichever comes sooner). Adding the delay allows batches to accumulate messages up to the batch size.

Lowering latency by increasing the fetch request size

Use the fetch.max.bytes and max.partition.fetch.bytes properties to increase the maximum amount of data fetched by the consumer from the Kafka broker.

The fetch.max.bytes property sets a maximum limit in bytes on the amount of data fetched from the broker at one time.

The max.partition.fetch.bytes sets a maximum limit in bytes on how much data is returned for each partition, which must always be larger than the number of bytes set in the broker or topic configuration for max.message.bytes.

The maximum amount of memory a client can consume is calculated approximately as:

NUMBER-OF-BROKERS * fetch.max.bytes and NUMBER-OF-PARTITIONS * max.partition.fetch.bytes

If memory usage can accommodate it, you can increase the values of these two properties. By allowing more data in each request, latency is improved as there are fewer fetch requests.

# ...
fetch.max.bytes=52428800 1
max.partition.fetch.bytes=1048576 2
# ...
The maximum amount of data in bytes returned for a fetch request.
The maximum amount of data in bytes returned for each partition.

4.6. Avoiding data loss or duplication when committing offsets

The Kafka auto-commit mechanism allows a consumer to commit the offsets of messages automatically. If enabled, the consumer will commit offsets received from polling the broker at 5000ms intervals.

The auto-commit mechanism is convenient, but it introduces a risk of data loss and duplication. If a consumer has fetched and transformed a number of messages, but the system crashes with processed messages in the consumer buffer when performing an auto-commit, that data is lost. If the system crashes after processing the messages, but before performing the auto-commit, the data is duplicated on another consumer instance after rebalancing.

Auto-committing can avoid data loss only when all messages are processed before the next poll to the broker, or the consumer closes.

To minimize the likelihood of data loss or duplication, you can set to false and develop your client application to have more control over committing offsets. Or you can use to decrease the intervals between commits.

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# ...
Auto commit is set to false to provide more control over committing offsets.

By setting to to false, you can commit offsets after all processing has been performed and the message has been consumed. For example, you can set up your application to call the Kafka commitSync and commitAsync commit APIs.

The commitSync API commits the offsets in a message batch returned from polling. You call the API when you are finished processing all the messages in the batch. If you use the commitSync API, the application will not poll for new messages until the last offset in the batch is committed. If this negatively affects throughput, you can commit less frequently, or you can use the commitAsync API. The commitAsync API does not wait for the broker to respond to a commit request, but risks creating more duplicates when rebalancing. A common approach is to combine both commit APIs in an application, with the commitSync API used just before shutting the consumer down or rebalancing to make sure the final commit is successful.

4.6.1. Controlling transactional messages

Consider using transactional ids and enabling idempotence (enable.idempotence=true) on the producer side to guarantee exactly-once delivery. On the consumer side, you can then use the isolation.level property to control how transactional messages are read by the consumer.

The isolation.level property has two valid values:

  • read_committed
  • read_uncommitted (default)

Use read_committed to ensure that only transactional messages that have been committed are read by the consumer. However, this will cause an increase in end-to-end latency, because the consumer will not be able to return a message until the brokers have written the transaction markers that record the result of the transaction (committed or aborted).

# ...
isolation.level=read_committed 1
# ...
Set to read_committed so that only committed messages are read by the consumer.

4.7. Recovering from failure to avoid data loss

In the event of failures within a consumer group, Kafka provides a rebalance protocol designed for effective detection and recovery. To minimize the potential impact of these failures, one key strategy is to adjust the max.poll.records property to balance efficient processing with system stability. This property determines the maximum number of records a consumer can fetch in a single poll. Fine-tuning max.poll.records helps to maintain a controlled consumption rate, preventing the consumer from overwhelming itself or the Kafka broker.

Additionally, Kafka offers advanced configuration properties like and These settings are typically reserved for more specialized use cases and may not require adjustment in standard scenarios.

The property specifies the maximum amount of time a consumer can go without sending a heartbeat to the Kafka broker to indicate it is active within the consumer group. If a consumer fails to send a heartbeat within the session timeout, it is considered inactive. A consumer marked as inactive triggers a rebalancing of the partitions for the topic. Setting the property value too low can result in false-positive outcomes, while setting it too high can lead to delayed recovery from failures.

The property determines how frequently a consumer sends heartbeats to the Kafka broker. A shorter interval between consecutive heartbeats allows for quicker detection of consumer failures. The heartbeat interval must be lower, usually by a third, than the session timeout. Decreasing the heartbeat interval reduces the chance of accidental rebalancing, but more frequent heartbeats increases the overhead on broker resources.

4.8. Managing offset policy

Use the auto.offset.reset property to control how a consumer behaves when no offsets have been committed, or a committed offset is no longer valid or deleted.

Suppose you deploy a consumer application for the first time, and it reads messages from an existing topic. Because this is the first time the is used, the __consumer_offsets topic does not contain any offset information for this application. The new application can start processing all existing messages from the start of the log or only new messages. The default reset value is latest, which starts at the end of the partition, and consequently means some messages are missed. To avoid data loss, but increase the amount of processing, set auto.offset.reset to earliest to start at the beginning of the partition.

Also consider using the earliest option to avoid messages being lost when the offsets retention period (offsets.retention.minutes) configured for a broker has ended. If a consumer group or standalone consumer is inactive and commits no offsets during the retention period, previously committed offsets are deleted from __consumer_offsets.

# ... 1 2
auto.offset.reset=earliest 3
# ...
Adjust the heartbeat interval lower according to anticipated rebalances.
If no heartbeats are received by the Kafka broker before the timeout duration expires, the consumer is removed from the consumer group and a rebalance is initiated. If the broker configuration has a and, the session timeout value must be within that range.
Set to earliest to return to the start of a partition and avoid data loss if offsets were not committed.

If the amount of data returned in a single fetch request is large, a timeout might occur before the consumer has processed it. In this case, you can lower max.partition.fetch.bytes or increase

4.9. Minimizing the impact of rebalances

The rebalancing of a partition between active consumers in a group is the time it takes for the following to take place:

  • Consumers to commit their offsets
  • The new consumer group to be formed
  • The group leader to assign partitions to group members
  • The consumers in the group to receive their assignments and start fetching

The rebalancing process can increase the downtime of a service, particularly if it happens repeatedly during a rolling restart of a consumer group cluster.

In this situation, you can introduce static membership by assigning a unique identifier ( to each consumer instance within the group. Static membership uses persistence so that a consumer instance is recognized during a restart after a session timeout. Consequently, the consumer maintains its assignment of topic partitions, reducing unnecessary rebalancing when it rejoins the group after a failure or restart.

Additionally, adjusting the configuration can prevent rebalances caused by prolonged processing tasks, allowing you to specify the maximum interval between polls for new messages. Use the max.poll.records property to cap the number of records returned from the consumer buffer during each poll. Reducing the number of records allows the consumer to process fewer messages more efficiently. In cases where lengthy message processing is unavoidable, consider offloading such tasks to a pool of worker threads. This parallel processing approach prevents delays and potential rebalances caused by overwhelming the consumer with a large volume of records.

# ... 1 2
max.poll.records=500 3
# ...
The unique instance id ensures that a new consumer instance receives the same assignment of topic partitions.
Set the interval to check the consumer is continuing to process messages.
Sets the number of processed records returned from the consumer.
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