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Chapter 2. Features

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Streams for Apache Kafka 2.7 introduces the features described in this section.

Streams for Apache Kafka 2.7 on RHEL is based on Apache Kafka 3.7.0.


To view all the enhancements and bugs that are resolved in this release, see the Streams for Apache Kafka Jira project.

2.1. Kafka 3.7.0 support

Streams for Apache Kafka now supports and uses Apache Kafka version 3.7.0. Only Kafka distributions built by Red Hat are supported.

For upgrade instructions, see the instructions for Streams for Apache Kafka and Kafka upgrades in the following guides:

Refer to the Kafka 3.7.0 Release Notes for additional information.

Kafka 3.6.x is supported only for the purpose of upgrading to Streams for Apache Kafka 2.7. We recommend that you perform a rolling update to use the new binaries.


Kafka 3.7.0 provides access to KRaft mode, where Kafka runs without ZooKeeper by utilizing the Raft protocol.

2.2. KRaft: Support for migrating from ZooKeeper-based to KRaft-based Kafka clusters

KRaft mode in Streams for Apache Kafka is a technology preview, with some limitations, but this release introduces a number of new features that support KRaft. To support using KRaft, a new using guide is available: Using Streams for Apache Kafka on RHEL in KRaft mode.

If you are using ZooKeeper for metadata management in your Kafka cluster, you can now migrate to using Kafka in KRaft mode.

During the migration, you do the following:

  1. Install a quorum of controller nodes, which replaces ZooKeeper for management of your cluster.
  2. Enable KRaft migration in the controller configuration by setting the zookeeper.metadata.migration.enable flag to true.
  3. Enable KRaft migration in the brokers by setting the zookeeper.metadata.migration.enable flag to true.
  4. Switch the brokers to using KRaft by adding a broker KRaft role and node ID.
  5. Switch the controllers out of migration mode by removing the zookeeper.metadata.migration.enable property.

See Migrating to KRaft mode.

2.3. KRaft: Kafka upgrades for the KRaft-based clusters

KRaft to KRaft upgrades are now supported. You update the installation files, then configure and restart all Kafka nodes. You then upgrade the KRaft-based Kafka cluster to a newer supported KRaft metadata version.

Updating the KRaft metadata version

./bin/ --bootstrap-server <broker_host>:<port> upgrade --metadata 3.7

See Upgrading KRaft-based Kafka clusters.

2.4. RHEL 7 no longer supported

RHEL 7 is no longer supported. The decision was made due to known incompatibility issues.

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