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Chapter 10. Supported integration with Red Hat products

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Streams for Apache Kafka 2.7 supports integration with the following Red Hat products:

Red Hat build of Keycloak
Provides OAuth 2.0 authentication and OAuth 2.0 authorization.

For information on the functionality these products can introduce to your Streams for Apache Kafka deployment, refer to the product documentation.

10.1. Red Hat build of Keycloak (formerly Red Hat Single Sign-On)

Streams for Apache Kafka supports OAuth 2.0 token-based authorization through Red Hat build of Keycloak Authorization Services, providing centralized management of security policies and permissions.


Red Hat build of Keycloak replaces Red Hat Single Sign-On, which is now in maintenance support. We are working on updating our documentation, resources, and media to reflect this transition. In the interim, content that describes using Single Sign-On in the Streams for Apache Kafka documentation also applies to using the Red Hat build of Keycloak.

Revised on 2024-05-30 15:30:51 UTC

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