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Chapter 7. Known issues

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This section lists the known issues for Streams for Apache Kafka 2.7 on RHEL.

7.1. Incompatibility with RHEL 7

There are known incompatibility issues when using RHEL 7 with Kafka 3.7. As a result, RHEL 7 is no longer supported. The issues arise due to an outdated GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) version on RHEL 7, which is incompatible with the version of the RocksDB JNI library (org.rocksdb:rocksdbjni:7.9.2) required by Kafka 3.7.

RocksDB JNI version 7.9.2 requires a newer version of the GCC and the associated libstdc++ library than what is available on RHEL 7. Snappy compression and Kafka Streams, which depend on RocksDB, will not function correctly on RHEL 7 due to these outdated libraries.


  • Upgrade your clients and brokers running on RHEL 7 to RHEL 8 to ensure compatibility with Kafka 3.7 and the latest Streams for Apache Kafka features.
  • If you wish to continue using RHEL 7, consider using Streams for Apache Kafka 2.5 LTS or 2.6.

7.2. JMX authentication when running in FIPS mode

When running Streams for Apache Kafka in FIPS mode with JMX authentication enabled, clients may fail authentication. To work around this issue, do not enable JMX authentication while running in FIPS mode. We are investigating the issue and working to resolve it in a future release.

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