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Chapter 5. Cluster overview page

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The Cluster overview page shows the status of a Kafka cluster. Here, you can assess the readiness of Kafka brokers, identify any cluster errors or warnings, and gain crucial insights into the cluster’s health. At a glance, the page provides information on the number of topics and partitions within the cluster, along with their replication status. Explore cluster metrics through charts displaying used disk space, CPU utilization, and memory usage. Additionally, topic metrics offer a comprehensive view of total incoming and outgoing byte rates for all topics in the Kafka cluster.

5.1. Accessing cluster connection details for client access

When connecting a client to a Kafka cluster, retrieve the necessary connection details from the Cluster overview page by following these steps.


  1. From the Streams for Apache Kafka Console, click the name of the Kafka cluster that you want to connect to, then click Cluster overview and Cluster connection details.
  2. Copy and add bootstrap address and connection properties to your Kafka client configuration to establish a connection with the Kafka cluster.

Ensure that the authentication type used by the client matches the authentication type configured for the Kafka cluster.

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