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Chapter 2. Connecting the Streams for Apache Kafka Console to a Kafka cluster

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Deploy the Streams for Apache Kafka Console to the same OpenShift cluster as the Kafka cluster managed by Streams for Apache Kafka. Use the installation files provided with the Streams for Apache Kafka Console.

For each Kafka cluster, the configuration of the Kafka resource used to install the cluster requires the following:

  • Sufficient authorization for the console to connect to the cluster.
  • Prometheus enabled and able to scrape metrics from the cluster.
  • Metrics configuration (through a ConfigMap) for exporting metrics in a format suitable for Prometheus.

The Streams for Apache Kafka Console requires a Kafka user, configured as KafkaUser custom resource, for the console to access the cluster as an authenticated and authorized user.

When you configure the KafkaUser authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensure they match the equivalent Kafka configuration.

  • KafkaUser.spec.authentication matches Kafka.spec.kafka.listeners[*].authentication
  • KafkaUser.spec.authorization matches Kafka.spec.kafka.authorization

Prometheus must be installed and configured to scrape metrics from Kubernetes and Kafka clusters and populate the metrics graphs in the console.


  • Installation requires an OpenShift user with cluster-admin role, such as system:admin.
  • An OpenShift 4.12 to 4.15 cluster.
  • A Kafka cluster managed by Streams for Apache Kafka running on the OpenShift cluster.
  • The Prometheus Operator, which must be a separate operator from the one deployed for OpenShift monitoring.
  • The oc command-line tool is installed and configured to connect to the OpenShift cluster.
  • Secret values for session management and authentication within the console.

    You can use the OpenSSL TLS management tool for generating the values as follows:

    SESSION_SECRET=$(LC_CTYPE=C openssl rand -base64 32)
    NEXTAUTH_SECRET=$(LC_CTYPE=C openssl rand -base64 32)

    Use openssl help for command-line descriptions of the options used.

In addition to the files to install the console, pre-configured files to install the Streams for Apache Kafka Operator, the Prometheus Operator, a Prometheus instance, and a Kafka cluster are also included with the Streams for Apache Kafka Console installation artifacts. In this procedure, we assume the operators are installed. The installation files offer the quickest way to set up and try the console, though you can use your own deployments of Streams for Apache Kafka and Prometheus.


  1. Download and extract the Streams for Apache Kafka Console installation artifacts.

    The artifacts are included with installation and example files available from the Streams for Apache Kafka software downloads page.

    The files contain the deployment configuration required for the console, the Kafka cluster, and Prometheus.

    The example Kafka configuration creates a route listener that the console uses to connect to the Kafka cluster. As the console and the Kafka cluster are deployed on the same OpenShift cluster, you can use the internal bootstrap address of the Kafka cluster instead of a route.

  2. Create a Prometheus instance with the configuration required by the console by applying the Prometheus installation files:

    1. Edit ${NAMESPACE} in the console-prometheus-server.clusterrolebinding.yaml file to use the namespace the Prometheus instance is going to be installed into:

      sed -i 's/${NAMESPACE}/'"my-project"'/g' <resource_path>/console-prometheus-server.clusterrolebinding.yaml

      For example, in this procedure we are installing to the my-project namespace. The configuration binds the role for Prometheus with its service account.

    2. Create the Prometheus instance by applying the installation files in this order:

      # Prometheus security resources
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/prometheus/console-prometheus-server.clusterrole.yaml
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/prometheus/console-prometheus-server.serviceaccount.yaml
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/prometheus/console-prometheus-server.clusterrolebinding.yaml
      # Prometheus PodMonitor and Kubernetes scrape configurations
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/prometheus/kafka-resources.podmonitor.yaml
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/prometheus/kubernetes-scrape-configs.secret.yaml
      # Prometheus instance
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/prometheus/console-prometheus.prometheus.yaml

      The instance is named console-prometheus and the URL of the service for connecting the console is, with my-project taken from the namespace name.


      No route is deployed for the console-prometheus instance as it does not need to be accessible from outside the OpenShift cluster.

  3. Create and deploy a Kafka cluster.

    1. If you are using the console with a Kafka cluster operating in KRaft mode, update the metrics configuration for the cluster in the console-kafka-metrics.configmap.yaml file:

      • Uncomment the KRaft-related metrics configuration.
      • Comment out the ZooKeeper related metrics.

      This file contains the metrics configuration required by the console.

    2. Edit the KafkaUser custom resource in the console-kafka-user1.kafkauser.yaml file by adding ACL types to provide authorized access for the console to the Kafka cluster.

      At a minimum, the Kafka user requires the following ACL rules:

      • Describe, DescribeConfigs permissions for the cluster resource
      • Read, Describe, DescribeConfigs permissions for all topic resources
      • Read, Describe permissions for all group resources

        Example user authorization settings

        kind: KafkaUser
          name: console-cluster-user1
            type: scram-sha-512
            type: simple
              - resource:
                  type: cluster
                  name: ""
                  patternType: literal
                  - Describe
                  - DescribeConfigs
              - resource:
                  type: topic
                  name: "*"
                  patternType: literal
                  - Read
                  - Describe
                  - DescribeConfigs
              - resource:
                  type: group
                  name: "*"
                  patternType: literal
                  - Read
                  - Describe

    3. Edit the console-kafka.kafka.yaml file to replace the placeholders:

      sed -i 's/type: ${LISTENER_TYPE}/type: route/g' console-kafka.kafka.yaml
      sed -i 's/\${CLUSTER_DOMAIN}/'"<my_router_base_domain>"'/g' console-kafka.kafka.yaml

      This file contains the Kafka custom resource configuration to create the Kafka cluster.

      These commands do the following:

      • Replace type: ${LISTENER_TYPE} with type: route. While this example uses a route type, you can replace ${LISTENER_TYPE} with any valid listener type for your deployment.
      • Replace ${CLUSTER_DOMAIN} with the value of the base domain required to specify the route listener hosts used by the bootstrap and per-broker services. By default, route listener hosts are automatically assigned by OpenShift. However, you can override the assigned route hosts by specifying hosts.

      Alternatively, you can copy the example configuration to your own Kafka deployment.

    4. Create the Kafka cluster by applying the installation files in this order:

      # Metrics configuration
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-kafka-metrics.configmap.yaml
      # Create the cluster
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-kafka.kafka.yaml
      # Create a user for the cluster
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-kafka-user1.kafkauser.yaml

      If you are using your own Kafka cluster, apply the updated Kafka resource configuration instead of console-kafka.kafka.yaml.

      The installation files create a Kafka cluster as well as a Kafka user and the metrics configuration required by the console for connecting to the cluster A Kafka user and metrics configuration are required for each Kafka cluster you want to monitor through the console. Each Kafka user requires a unique name.

    5. If the Kafka cluster is in a different namespace from your Prometheus instance, modify the kafka-resources.podmonitor.yaml file to include a namespaceSelector:

      kind: PodMonitor
        name: kafka-resources
          app: console-kafka-monitor
            - <kafka_namespace>
        # ...

      This ensures that Prometheus can monitor the Kafka pods. Replace <kafka_namespace> with the actual namespace where your Kafka cluster is deployed.

  4. Check the status of the deployment:

    oc get pods -n <my_console_namespace>

    Output shows the operators and cluster readiness

    NAME                        READY   STATUS   RESTARTS
    strimzi-cluster-operator    1/1     Running  0
    console-kafka-kafka-0       1/1     Running  0
    console-kafka-kafka-1       1/1     Running  0
    console-kafka-kafka-2       1/1     Running  0
    prometheus-operator-...     1/1     Running  0
    console-prometheus          1/1     Running  0

    Here, console-kafka is the name of the cluster.

    A pod ID identifies the pods created.

    With the default deployment, you install three pods.

    READY shows the number of replicas that are ready/expected. The deployment is successful when the STATUS displays as Running.

  5. Install the Streams for Apache Kafka Console.

    1. Edit the console-server.clusterrolebinding.yaml file to use the namespace the console instance is going to be installed into:

      sed -i 's/${NAMESPACE}/'"my-project"'/g' /<resource_path>console-server.clusterrolebinding.yaml

      The configuration binds the role for the console with its service account.

    2. Install the console user interface and route to the interface by applying the installation files in this order:

      # Console security resources
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-server.clusterrole.yaml
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-server.serviceaccount.yaml
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-server.clusterrolebinding.yaml
      # Console user interface service
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-ui.service.yaml
      # Console route
      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console-ui.route.yaml

      The install creates the role, role binding, service account, services, and route necessary to run the console user interface.

    3. Create a Secret called console-ui-secrets containing two secret values (as described in the prerequisites) for session management and authentication within the console:

      oc create secret generic console-ui-secrets -n my-project \
          --from-literal=SESSION_SECRET="<session_secret_value>" \

      The secrets are mounted as environment variables when the console is deployed.

    4. Get the hostname for the route created for the console user interface:

      oc get route console-ui-route -n my-project -o jsonpath='{}'

      The hostname is required for access to the console user interface.

    5. Edit the console.deployment.yaml file to replace the placeholders:

      sed -i 's/${CONSOLE_HOSTNAME}/'"<route_hostname>"'/g' console.deployment.yaml
      sed -i 's/${NAMESPACE}/'"my-project"'/g' console.deployment.yaml

      These commands do the following:

      • Replace https://${CONSOLE_HOSTNAME} with https://<route_hostname>, which is the route used to access the console user interface.
      • Replace ${NAMESPACE} with the my-project namespace name in http://prometheus-operated.${NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local:9090, which is the URL of the Prometheus instance used by the console.

      If you are using your own Kafka cluster, ensure that the environment variables are configured with the correct values. The values enable the console to connect with the cluster and retrieve metrics.

    6. Install the console:

      oc apply -n my-project -f <resource_path>/console.deployment.yaml

      Output shows the console readiness

      NAME                        READY   STATUS   RESTARTS
      strimzi-cluster-operator    1/1     Running  0
      console-kafka-kafka-0       1/1     Running  0
      console-kafka-kafka-0       1/1     Running  0
      console-kafka-kafka-0       1/1     Running  0
      prometheus-operator-...     1/1     Running  0
      console-prometheus          1/1     Running  0
      console-...                 2/2     Running  0

Adding the example configuration to your own Kafka cluster

If you already have a Kafka cluster installed, you can update the Kafka resource with the required configuration. When applying the cluster configuration files, use the updated Kafka resource rather than using the Kafka resource provided with the Streams for Apache Kafka Console installation files.

The Kafka resource requires the following configuration:

  • A route listener to expose the cluster for console connection
  • Prometheus metrics enabled for retrieving metrics on the cluster. Add the same configuration for ZooKeeper if you are using ZooKeeper for metadata management.

The Prometheus metrics configuration must reference the ConfigMap that provides the metrics configuration required by the console. The metrics configuration is provided in the console-cluster-metrics.configmap.yaml resource configuration file.

Example Kafka cluster configuration for console connection

kind: Kafka
  name: console-kafka
  namespace: my-project
    topicOperator: {}
    userOperator: {}
      type: simple
    config: 'true'
      default.replication.factor: 3 '3.6'
      min.insync.replicas: 2
      offsets.topic.replication.factor: 3
      transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2
      transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 3
    listeners: 1
      - name: route1
        port: 9094
        tls: true
        type: route
          type: scram-sha-512
    replicas: 3
      type: jbod
      - id: 0
        type: persistent-claim
        size: 10Gi
        deleteClaim: false
    metricsConfig: 2
      type: jmxPrometheusExporter
          name: console-cluster-metrics
          key: kafka-metrics-config.yml
    version: 3.6.0
    replicas: 3
      deleteClaim: false
      size: 10Gi
      type: persistent-claim
    metricsConfig: 3
      type: jmxPrometheusExporter
          name: console-cluster-metrics
          key: zookeeper-metrics-config.yml

Listener to expose the cluster for console connection. In this example, a route listener is configured.
Prometheus metrics, which are enabled by referencing a ConfigMap containing configuration for the Prometheus JMX exporter.
Add ZooKeeper configuration only if you are using Streams for Apache Kafka with ZooKeeper for cluster management. It is not required in KRaft mode.

Checking the console deployment environment variables

If you are using your own Kafka cluster, check the deployment configuration for the console has the required environment variables.

The following prefixes determine the scope of the environment variable values:

  • KAFKA represents configuration for all Kafka clusters.
  • CONSOLE_KAFKA_<UNIQUE_NAME_ID_FOR_CLUSTER> represents configuration for each specific cluster.

Example console deployment configuration

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: console
  replicas: 1
  # ...
        app: console
      # ...
      - name: console-api
        # ...
          value: SASL_SSL
        - name: KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM 2
          value: SCRAM-SHA-512
        - name: CONSOLE_KAFKA_CLUSTER1 3
          value: my-project/console-kafka
              name: console-cluster-user1
              key: sasl.jaas.config
      - name: console-ui
        # ...
        - name: NEXTAUTH_SECRET 6
              name: console-ui-secrets
              key: NEXTAUTH_SECRET
        - name: SESSION_SECRET 7
              name: console-ui-secrets
              key: SESSION_SECRET
        - name: NEXTAUTH_URL 8
          value: ''
        - name: BACKEND_URL  9
          value: ''
          value: ''

The security protocol used for communication with Kafka brokers.
The SASL mechanism for console (client) authentication to the Kafka brokers.
The namespace and the name specified for the cluster in its Kafka resource configuration.
The host and port pair of the bootstrap broker address to discover and connect to all brokers in the Kafka cluster. In this example, a route listener address is being used. The listener was configured in the Kafka resource.
Authentication credentials for the Kafka user mounted as a Secret to the Streams for Apache Kafka Console deployment. The sasl.jaas.config property within the secret contains the SASL credentials, such as usernames and passwords. Here, the credentials are mounted as a Secret.
Secret for authentication within the console.
Secret for session management within the console
The URL to connect to the Streams for Apache Kafka user interface and for users to access the console.
The backend server that the console user interface communicates with for data retrieval.
The URL to connect to the Prometheus instance, which includes the namespace (my-project) of the Kafka resource.
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