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Chapter 8. Consumer groups page

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The Consumer groups page shows all the consumer groups associated with a Kafka cluster. For each consumer group, you can see its status, the overall consumer lag across all partitions, and the number of members. Click on associated topics to show the topic information available from the Topics page tabs.

Consumer group status can be one of the following:

  • Stable indicates normal functioning
  • Rebalancing indicates ongoing adjustments to the consumer group’s members.
  • Empty suggests no active members. If in the empty state, consider adding members to the group.

Check group members by clicking on a consumer group name. For more information on checking consumer group members, see Section 8.1, “Checking consumer group members”.

8.1. Checking consumer group members

Check the members of a specific consumer group from the Consumer groups page.


  1. From the Streams for Apache Kafka Console, click the name of the Kafka cluster, then click Consumer groups.
  2. Click the name of the consumer group you want to check from the Consumer groups page.
  3. Click on the right arrow (>) next to a member ID to see the topic partitions a member is associated with, as well as any possible consumer lag.

For each group member, you see the unique (consumer) client ID assigned to the consumer within the consumer group, overall consumer lag, and the number of assigned partitions.

Any consumer lag for a specific topic partition reflects the gap between the last message a consumer has picked up (committed offset position) and the latest message written by the producer (end offset position).

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