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Chapter 3. Deploying hosted control planes

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3.1. Deploying hosted control planes on AWS

A hosted cluster is an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with its API endpoint and control plane that are hosted on the management cluster. The hosted cluster includes the control plane and its corresponding data plane. To configure hosted control planes on premises, you must install multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator in a management cluster. By deploying the HyperShift Operator on an existing managed cluster by using the hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on, you can enable that cluster as a management cluster and start to create the hosted cluster. The hypershift-addon managed cluster add-on is enabled by default for the local-cluster managed cluster.

You can use the multicluster engine Operator console or the hosted control plane command-line interface (CLI), hcp, to create a hosted cluster. The hosted cluster is automatically imported as a managed cluster. However, you can disable this automatic import feature into multicluster engine Operator.

3.1.1. Preparing to deploy hosted control planes on AWS

As you prepare to deploy hosted control planes on Amazon Web Services (AWS), consider the following information:

  • Each hosted cluster must have a cluster-wide unique name. A hosted cluster name cannot be the same as any existing managed cluster in order for multicluster engine Operator to manage it.
  • Do not use clusters as a hosted cluster name.
  • Run the hub cluster and workers on the same platform for hosted control planes.
  • A hosted cluster cannot be created in the namespace of a multicluster engine Operator managed cluster. Prerequisites to configure a management cluster

You must have the following prerequisites to configure the management cluster:

  • You have installed the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator 2.5 and later on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The multicluster engine Operator is automatically installed when you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM). The multicluster engine Operator can also be installed without RHACM as an Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform OperatorHub.
  • You have at least one managed OpenShift Container Platform cluster for the multicluster engine Operator. The local-cluster is automatically imported in the multicluster engine Operator version 2.5 and later. You can check the status of your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get managedclusters local-cluster
  • You have installed the aws command-line interface (CLI).
  • You have installed the hosted control plane CLI, hcp.

3.1.2. Creating the Amazon Web Services S3 bucket and S3 OIDC secret

If you plan to create and manage hosted clusters on Amazon Web Services (AWS), create the S3 bucket and S3 OIDC secret.


  1. Create an S3 bucket that has public access to host OIDC discovery documents for your clusters:

    1. To create the bucket in the us-east-1 region, enter the following code:

      aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <bucket_name>
      aws s3api delete-public-access-block --bucket <bucket_name>
      echo '{
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": "*",
                  "Action": "s3:GetObject",
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>/*"
      }' | envsubst > policy.json
      aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket <bucket_name> --policy file://policy.json
    2. To create the bucket in a region other than the us-east-1 region, enter the following code:

      aws s3api create-bucket --bucket <bucket_name> \
        --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<region> \
        --region <region>
      aws s3api delete-public-access-block --bucket <bucket_name>
      echo '{
          "Version": "2012-10-17",
          "Statement": [
                  "Effect": "Allow",
                  "Principal": "*",
                  "Action": "s3:GetObject",
                  "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::<bucket_name>/*"
      }' | envsubst > policy.json
      aws s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket <bucket_name> --policy file://policy.json
  2. Create an OIDC S3 secret named hypershift-operator-oidc-provider-s3-credentials for the HyperShift operator.
  3. Save the secret in the local-cluster namespace.
  4. See the following table to verify that the secret contains the following fields:

    Table 3.1. Required fields for the AWS secret
    Field nameDescription


    Contains an S3 bucket with public access to host OIDC discovery documents for your hosted clusters.


    A reference to a file that contains the credentials of the default profile that can access the bucket. By default, HyperShift only uses the default profile to operate the bucket.


    Specifies the region of the S3 bucket.

  5. To create an AWS secret, run the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic <secret_name> --from-file=credentials=<path>/.aws/credentials --from-literal=bucket=<s3_bucket> --from-literal=region=<region> -n local-cluster

    Disaster recovery backup for the secret is not automatically enabled. Run the following command to add the label that enables the hypershift-operator-oidc-provider-s3-credentials secret to be backed up for disaster recovery:

    $ oc label secret hypershift-operator-oidc-provider-s3-credentials -n local-cluster cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup=true

3.1.3. Creating a routable public zone for hosted clusters

To access applications in your hosted clusters, you must configure the routable public zone. If the public zone exists, skip this step. Otherwise, the public zone affects the existing functions.


  • To create a routable public zone for DNS records, enter the following command:

    $ aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name <basedomain> --caller-reference $(whoami)-$(date --rfc-3339=date) 1
    Replace <basedomain> with your base domain, for example, www.example.com.

3.1.4. Creating an AWS IAM role and STS credentials

Before creating a hosted cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must create an AWS IAM role and STS credentials.


  1. Get the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your user by running the following command:

    $ aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Arn"

    Note the ARN of your user to use in the next step.

  2. Create a JSON file named trust-relationship.json that contains the trust relationship configuration for your role. See the following example:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": <arn> 1
                "Action": "sts:AssumeRole"
    Replace <arn> with the ARN of your user that you noted in the previous step.
  3. Create the Identity and Access Management (IAM) role by running the following command:

    $ aws iam create-role \
    --role-name <name> \1
    --assume-role-policy-document file://<file_name>.json \2
    --query "Role.Arn"
    Replace <name> with the role name, for example, hcp-cli-role.
    Replace <file_name> with the file name, for example, assume-role-policy.json.

    Example output


  4. Create a JSON file named policy.json that contains the following permission policies for your role:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "EC2",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Sid": "ELB",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Sid": "IAMPassRole",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": "iam:PassRole",
                "Resource": "arn:*:iam::*:role/*-worker-role",
                "Condition": {
                    "ForAnyValue:StringEqualsIfExists": {
                        "iam:PassedToService": "ec2.amazonaws.com"
                "Sid": "IAM",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Sid": "Route53",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Sid": "S3",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
  5. Attach the policy.json file to your role by running the following command:

    $ aws iam put-role-policy \
      --role-name <role_name> \1
      --policy-name <policy_name> \2
      --policy-document file://policy.json 3
    Replace <role_name> with the name of your role.
    Replace <policy_name> with your policy name.
    The policy.json file contains the permission policies for your role.
  6. Retrieve STS credentials in a JSON file named sts-creds.json by running the following command:

    $ aws sts get-session-token --output json > sts-creds.json

    Example sts-creds.json file

                  "Credentials": {
                      "AccessKeyId": "ASIA1443CE0GN2ATHWJU",
                      "SecretAccessKey": "XFLN7cZ5AP0d66KhyI4gd8Mu0UCQEDN9cfelW1”,
                      "SessionToken": "IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEEAaCXVzLWVhc3QtMiJHMEUCIDyipkM7oPKBHiGeI0pMnXst1gDLfs/TvfskXseKCbshAiEAnl1l/Html7Iq9AEIqf////KQburfkq4A3TuppHMr/9j1TgCj1z83SO261bHqlJUazKoy7vBFR/a6LHt55iMBqtKPEsIWjBgj/jSdRJI3j4Gyk1//luKDytcfF/tb9YrxDTPLrACS1lqAxSIFZ82I/jDhbDs=",
                      "Expiration": "2025-05-16T04:19:32+00:00"

3.1.5. Enabling external DNS for hosted control planes on AWS

The control plane and the data plane are separate in hosted control planes. You can configure DNS in two independent areas:

  • Ingress for workloads within the hosted cluster, such as the following domain: *.apps.service-consumer-domain.com.
  • Ingress for service endpoints within the management cluster, such as API or OAuth endpoints through the service provider domain: *.service-provider-domain.com.

The input for hostedCluster.spec.dns manages the ingress for workloads within the hosted cluster. The input for hostedCluster.spec.services.servicePublishingStrategy.route.hostname manages the ingress for service endpoints within the management cluster.

External DNS creates name records for hosted cluster Services that specify a publishing type of LoadBalancer or Route and provide a hostname for that publishing type. For hosted clusters with Private or PublicAndPrivate endpoint access types, only the APIServer and OAuth services support hostnames. For Private hosted clusters, the DNS record resolves to a private IP address of a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint in your VPC.

A hosted control plane exposes the following services:

  • APIServer
  • OIDC

You can expose these services by using the servicePublishingStrategy field in the HostedCluster specification. By default, for the LoadBalancer and Route types of servicePublishingStrategy, you can publish the service in one of the following ways:

  • By using the hostname of the load balancer that is in the status of the Service with the LoadBalancer type.
  • By using the status.host field of the Route resource.

However, when you deploy hosted control planes in a managed service context, those methods can expose the ingress subdomain of the underlying management cluster and limit options for the management cluster lifecycle and disaster recovery.

When a DNS indirection is layered on the LoadBalancer and Route publishing types, a managed service operator can publish all public hosted cluster services by using a service-level domain. This architecture allows remapping on the DNS name to a new LoadBalancer or Route and does not expose the ingress domain of the management cluster. Hosted control planes uses external DNS to achieve that indirection layer.

You can deploy external-dns alongside the HyperShift Operator in the hypershift namespace of the management cluster. External DNS watches for Services or Routes that have the external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname annotation. That annotation is used to create a DNS record that points to the Service, such as a record, or the Route, such as a CNAME record.

You can use external DNS on cloud environments only. For the other environments, you need to manually configure DNS and services.

For more information about external DNS, see external DNS. Prerequisites

Before you can set up external DNS for hosted control planes on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must meet the following prerequisites:

  • You created an external public domain.
  • You have access to the AWS Route53 Management console. Setting up external DNS for hosted control planes

You can provision hosted control planes with external DNS or service-level DNS.

  1. Create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) credential secret for the HyperShift Operator and name it hypershift-operator-external-dns-credentials in the local-cluster namespace.
  2. See the following table to verify that the secret has the required fields:

    Table 3.2. Required fields for the AWS secret
    Field nameDescription

    Optional or required


    The DNS provider that manages the service-level DNS zone.



    The service-level domain.



    The credential file that supports all external DNS types.

    Optional when you use AWS keys


    The credential access key id.

    Optional when you use the AWS DNS service


    The credential access key secret.

    Optional when you use the AWS DNS service

  3. To create an AWS secret, run the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal=provider=aws --from-literal=domain-filter=<domain_name> --from-file=credentials=<path_to_aws_credentials_file> -n local-cluster

    Disaster recovery backup for the secret is not automatically enabled. To back up the secret for disaster recovery, add the hypershift-operator-external-dns-credentials by entering the following command:

    $ oc label secret hypershift-operator-external-dns-credentials -n local-cluster cluster.open-cluster-management.io/backup="" Creating the public DNS hosted zone

The External DNS Operator uses the public DNS hosted zone to create your public hosted cluster.

You can create the public DNS hosted zone to use as the external DNS domain-filter. Complete the following steps in the AWS Route 53 management console.


  1. In the Route 53 management console, click Create hosted zone.
  2. On the Hosted zone configuration page, type a domain name, verify that Publish hosted zone is selected as the type, and click Create hosted zone.
  3. After the zone is created, on the Records tab, note the values in the Value/Route traffic to column.
  4. In the main domain, create an NS record to redirect the DNS requests to the delegated zone. In the Value field, enter the values that you noted in the previous step.
  5. Click Create records.
  6. Verify that the DNS hosted zone is working by creating a test entry in the new subzone and testing it with a dig command, such as in the following example:

    $ dig +short test.user-dest-public.aws.kerberos.com

    Example output

  7. To create a hosted cluster that sets the hostname for the LoadBalancer and Route services, enter the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster aws --name=<hosted_cluster_name> --endpoint-access=PublicAndPrivate --external-dns-domain=<public_hosted_zone> ... 1
    Replace <public_hosted_zone> with the public hosted zone that you created.

    Example services block for the hosted cluster

          endpointAccess: PublicAndPrivate
      - service: APIServer
            hostname: api-example.service-provider-domain.com
          type: Route
      - service: OAuthServer
            hostname: oauth-example.service-provider-domain.com
          type: Route
      - service: Konnectivity
          type: Route
      - service: Ignition
          type: Route

The Control Plane Operator creates the Services and Routes resources and annotates them with the external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname annotation. For Services and Routes, the Control Plane Operator uses a value of the hostname parameter in the servicePublishingStrategy field for the service endpoints. To create the DNS records, you can use a mechanism, such as the external-dns deployment.

You can configure service-level DNS indirection for public services only. You cannot set hostname for private services because they use the hypershift.local private zone.

The following table shows when it is valid to set hostname for a service and endpoint combinations:

Table 3.3. Service and endpoint combinations to set hostname


















N Deploying a hosted cluster by using the external DNS on AWS

To create a hosted cluster by using the PublicAndPrivate or Public publishing strategy on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must have the following artifacts configured in your management cluster:

  • The public DNS hosted zone
  • The External DNS Operator
  • The HyperShift Operator

You can deploy a hosted cluster, by using the hcp command-line interface (CLI).


  1. To access your management cluster, enter the following command:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<path_to_management_cluster_kubeconfig>
  2. Verify that the External DNS Operator is running by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pod -n hypershift -lapp=external-dns

    Example output

    NAME                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    external-dns-7c89788c69-rn8gp   1/1     Running   0          40s

  3. To create a hosted cluster by using external DNS, enter the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster aws \
        --role-arn <arn_role> \ 1
        --instance-type <instance_type> \ 2
        --region <region> \ 3
        --auto-repair \
        --generate-ssh \
        --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 4
        --namespace clusters \
        --base-domain <service_consumer_domain> \ 5
        --node-pool-replicas <node_replica_count> \ 6
        --pull-secret <path_to_your_pull_secret> \ 7
        --release-image quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release_image> \ 8
        --external-dns-domain=<service_provider_domain> \ 9
        --endpoint-access=PublicAndPrivate 10
        --sts-creds <path_to_sts_credential_file> 11
    Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example, arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole.
    Specify the instance type, for example, m6i.xlarge.
    Specify the AWS region, for example, us-east-1.
    Specify your hosted cluster name, for example, my-external-aws.
    Specify the public hosted zone that the service consumer owns, for example, service-consumer-domain.com.
    Specify the node replica count, for example, 2.
    Specify the path to your pull secret file.
    Specify the supported {ocp-short} version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64.
    Specify the public hosted zone that the service provider owns, for example, service-provider-domain.com.
    Set as PublicAndPrivate. You can use external DNS with Public or PublicAndPrivate configurations only.
    Specify the path to your AWS STS credentials file, for example, /home/user/sts-creds/sts-creds.json.

3.1.7. Deploying a hosted cluster on AWS

You can deploy a hosted cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) by using the hcp command-line interface (CLI).


  • You have set up the hosted control plane CLI, hcp.
  • You have enabled the local-cluster managed cluster as the management cluster.
  • You created an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials.


  • To create the hosted cluster on AWS, run the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster aws \
        --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1
        --infra-id <infra_id> \ 2
        --base-domain <basedomain> \ 3
        --sts-creds <path_to_sts_credential_file> \ 4
        --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 5
        --region <region> \ 6
        --generate-ssh \
        --node-pool-replicas <node_pool_replica_count> \ 7
        --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ 8
        --role-arn <role_name> 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify your infrastructure name. You must provide the same value for <hosted_cluster_name> and <infra_id>. Otherwise the cluster might not appear correctly in the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator console.
    Specify your base domain, for example, example.com.
    Specify the path to your AWS STS credentials file, for example, /home/user/sts-creds/sts-creds.json.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the AWS region name, for example, us-east-1.
    Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 3.
    By default, all HostedCluster and NodePool custom resources are created in the clusters namespace. You can use the --namespace <namespace> parameter, to create the HostedCluster and NodePool custom resources in a specific namespace.
    Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example, arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole.


  1. Verify the status of your hosted cluster to check that the value of AVAILABLE is True. Run the following command:

    $ oc get hostedclusters -n <hosted_cluster_namespace>
  2. Get a list of your node pools by running the following command:

    $ oc get nodepools --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> Accessing a hosted cluster on AWS by using the kubeadmin credentials

After creating a hosted cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can access a hosted cluster by getting the kubeconfig file, access secrets, and the kubeadmin credentials.

The hosted cluster namespace contains hosted cluster resources and the access secrets. The hosted control plane runs in the hosted control plane namespace.

The secret name formats are as follows:

  • The kubeconfig secret: <hosted_cluster_namespace>-<name>-admin-kubeconfig. For example, clusters-hypershift-demo-admin-kubeconfig.
  • The kubeadmin password secret: <hosted_cluster_namespace>-<name>-kubeadmin-password. For example, clusters-hypershift-demo-kubeadmin-password.

The kubeadmin password secret is Base64-encoded and the kubeconfig secret contains a Base64-encoded kubeconfig configuration. You must decode the Base64-encoded kubeconfig configuration and save it into a <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig file.


  • Use your <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig file that contains the decoded kubeconfig configuration to access the hosted cluster. Enter the following command:

    $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes

    You must decode the kubeadmin password secret to log in to the API server or the console of the hosted cluster. Accessing a hosted cluster on AWS by using the hcp CLI

You can access the hosted cluster by using the hcp command-line interface (CLI).


  1. Generate the kubeconfig file by entering the following command:

    $ hcp create kubeconfig --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig
  2. After you save the kubeconfig file, access the hosted cluster by entering the following command:

    $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes

3.1.8. Creating a hosted cluster in multiple zones on AWS

You can create a hosted cluster in multiple zones on Amazon Web Services (AWS) by using the hcp command-line interface (CLI).


  • You created an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials.


  • Create a hosted cluster in multiple zones on AWS by running the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster aws \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \1
      --node-pool-replicas=<node_pool_replica_count> \2
      --base-domain <basedomain> \3
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \4
      --role-arn <arn_role> \5
      --region <region> \6
      --zones <zones> \7
      --sts-creds <path_to_sts_credential_file> 8
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 2.
    Specify your base domain, for example, example.com.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example, arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole.
    Specify the AWS region name, for example, us-east-1.
    Specify availability zones within your AWS region, for example, us-east-1a, and us-east-1b.
    Specify the path to your AWS STS credentials file, for example, /home/user/sts-creds/sts-creds.json.

For each specified zone, the following infrastructure is created:

  • Public subnet
  • Private subnet
  • NAT gateway
  • Private route table

A public route table is shared across public subnets.

One NodePool resource is created for each zone. The node pool name is suffixed by the zone name. The private subnet for zone is set in spec.platform.aws.subnet.id. Creating a hosted cluster by providing AWS STS credentials

When you create a hosted cluster by using the hcp create cluster aws command, you must provide an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account credentials that have permissions to create infrastructure resources for your hosted cluster.

Infrastructure resources include the following examples:

  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Subnets
  • Network address translation (NAT) gateways

You can provide the AWS credentials by using the either of the following ways:

  • The AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials
  • The AWS cloud provider secret from multicluster engine Operator


  • To create a hosted cluster on AWS by providing AWS STS credentials, enter the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster aws \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \1
      --node-pool-replicas <node_pool_replica_count> \2
      --base-domain <basedomain> \3
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \4
      --sts-creds <path_to_sts_credential_file> \5
      --region <region> \6
      --role-arn <arn_role>  7
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 2.
    Specify your base domain, for example, example.com.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the path to your AWS STS credentials file, for example, /home/user/sts-creds/sts-creds.json.
    Specify the AWS region name, for example, us-east-1.
    Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example, arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole.

3.1.9. Running hosted clusters on AMD64 and AMD64 architectures

By default for hosted control planes on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you use an AMD64 hosted cluster. However, you can enable hosted control planes to run on an ARM64 hosted cluster.

For compatible combinations of node pools and hosted clusters, see the following table:

Table 3.5. Compatible architectures for node pools and hosted clusters
Hosted clusterNode pools


AMD64 or ARM64


ARM64 or AMD64 Creating a hosted cluster on an ARM64 OpenShift Container Platform cluster

You can run a hosted cluster on an ARM64 OpenShift Container Platform cluster for Amazon Web Services (AWS) by overriding the default release image with a multi-architecture release image.


  • You must have an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with a 64-bit ARM infrastructure that is installed on AWS. For more information, see Create an OpenShift Container Platform Cluster: AWS (ARM).
  • You must create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials. For more information, see "Creating an AWS IAM role and STS credentials".


  1. Create a hosted cluster on an ARM64 OpenShift Container Platform cluster by entering the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster aws \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \1
      --node-pool-replicas <node_pool_replica_count> \2
      --base-domain <basedomain> \3
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \4
      --sts-creds <path_to_sts_credential_file> \5
      --region <region> \6
      --release-image quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release_image> \7
      --role-arn <role_name> \8
      --multi-arch 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 3.
    Specify your base domain, for example, example.com.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the path to your AWS STS credentials file, for example, /home/user/sts-creds/sts-creds.json.
    Specify the AWS region name, for example, us-east-1.
    Specify the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64. If you are using a disconnected environment, replace <ocp_release_image> with the digest image. To extract the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest, see "Extracting the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest".
    Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example, arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole.
    The multi-arch flag indicates that the hosted cluster supports both amd64 and arm64 node pools. When you set the flag and supply a release image, the release image must be a multi-architecture release image. When you set the flag and supply a release stream, the release stream must be a multi-architecture release stream. If you do not set the multi-arch flag, the management cluster and node pool CPU architectures must match. Otherwise, a warning is displayed. A node pool supports only one CPU architecture within the same node pool.
  2. Add a NodePool object to the hosted cluster by running the following command:

    $ hcp create nodepool aws \
      --cluster-name <hosted_cluster_name> \1
      --name <nodepool_name> \2
      --node-count <node_pool_replica_count> 3
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the node pool name.
    Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 3. Creating an ARM or AMD NodePool object on AWS hosted clusters

You can schedule application workloads that is the NodePool objects on 64-bit ARM and AMD from the same hosted control plane. You can define the arch field in the NodePool specification to set the required processor architecture for the NodePool object. The valid values for the arch field are as follows:

  • arm64
  • amd64



  • Add an ARM or AMD NodePool object to the hosted cluster on AWS by running the following command:

    $ hcp create nodepool aws \
      --cluster-name <hosted_cluster_name> \1
      --name <node_pool_name> \2
      --node-count <node_pool_replica_count> \3
      --arch <architecture> 4
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the node pool name.
    Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 3.
    Specify the architecture type, such as arm64 or amd64. If you do not specify a value for the --arch flag, the amd64 value is used by default.

3.1.10. Creating a private hosted cluster on AWS

After you enable the local-cluster as the hosting cluster, you can deploy a hosted cluster or a private hosted cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS).

By default, hosted clusters are publicly accessible through public DNS and the default router for the management cluster.

For private clusters on AWS, all communication with the hosted cluster occurs over AWS PrivateLink.


  • You enabled AWS PrivateLink. For more information, see "Enabling AWS PrivateLink".
  • You created an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials. For more information, see "Creating an AWS IAM role and STS credentials" and "Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions".
  • You configured a bastion instance on AWS.


  • Create a private hosted cluster on AWS by entering the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster aws \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \1
      --node-pool-replicas=<node_pool_replica_count> \2
      --base-domain <basedomain> \3
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \4
      --sts-creds <path_to_sts_credential_file> \5
      --region <region> \6
      --endpoint-access Private \7
      --role-arn <role_name> 8
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 3.
    Specify your base domain, for example, example.com.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the path to your AWS STS credentials file, for example, /home/user/sts-creds/sts-creds.json.
    Specify the AWS region name, for example, us-east-1.
    Defines whether a cluster is public or private.
    Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example, arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole. For more information about ARN roles, see "Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions".

    The following API endpoints for the hosted cluster are accessible through a private DNS zone:

  • api.<hosted_cluster_name>.hypershift.local
  • *.apps.<hosted_cluster_name>.hypershift.local Accessing a private management cluster on AWS

Additional resources

You can access your private management cluster by using the command-line interface (CLI).


  1. Find the private IPs of nodes by entering the following command:

    $ aws ec2 describe-instances --filter="Name=tag:kubernetes.io/cluster/<infra_id>,Values=owned" | jq '.Reservations[] | .Instances[] | select(.PublicDnsName=="") | .PrivateIpAddress'
  2. Create a kubeconfig file for the hosted cluster that you can copy to a node by entering the following command:

    $ hcp create kubeconfig > <hosted_cluster_kubeconfig>
  3. To SSH into one of the nodes through the bastion, enter the following command:

    $ ssh -o ProxyCommand="ssh ec2-user@<bastion_ip> -W %h:%p" core@<node_ip>
  4. From the SSH shell, copy the kubeconfig file contents to a file on the node by entering the following command:

    $ mv <path_to_kubeconfig_file> <new_file_name>
  5. Export the kubeconfig file by entering the following command:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<path_to_kubeconfig_file>
  6. Observe the hosted cluster status by entering the following command:

    $ oc get clusteroperators clusterversion

3.2. Deploying hosted control planes on bare metal

You can deploy hosted control planes by configuring a cluster to function as a management cluster. The management cluster is the OpenShift Container Platform cluster where the control planes are hosted. In some contexts, the management cluster is also known as the hosting cluster.


The management cluster is not the same thing as the managed cluster. A managed cluster is a cluster that the hub cluster manages.

The hosted control planes feature is enabled by default.

The multicluster engine Operator supports only the default local-cluster, which is a hub cluster that is managed, and the hub cluster as the management cluster. If you have Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management installed, you can use the managed hub cluster, also known as the local-cluster, as the management cluster.

A hosted cluster is an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with its API endpoint and control plane that are hosted on the management cluster. The hosted cluster includes the control plane and its corresponding data plane. You can use the multicluster engine Operator console or the hosted control plane command line interface, hcp, to create a hosted cluster.

The hosted cluster is automatically imported as a managed cluster. If you want to disable this automatic import feature, see Disabling the automatic import of hosted clusters into multicluster engine Operator.

3.2.1. Preparing to deploy hosted control planes on bare metal

As you prepare to deploy hosted control planes on bare metal, consider the following information:

  • Run the hub cluster and workers on the same platform for hosted control planes.
  • All bare metal hosts require a manual start with a Discovery Image ISO that the central infrastructure management provides. You can start the hosts manually or through automation by using Cluster-Baremetal-Operator. After each host starts, it runs an Agent process to discover the host details and complete the installation. An Agent custom resource represents each host.
  • When you configure storage for hosted control planes, consider the recommended etcd practices. To ensure that you meet the latency requirements, dedicate a fast storage device to all hosted control plane etcd instances that run on each control-plane node. You can use LVM storage to configure a local storage class for hosted etcd pods. For more information, see Recommended etcd practices and Persistent storage using logical volume manager storage. Prerequisites to configure a management cluster

  • You need the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator 2.2 and later installed on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can install multicluster engine Operator as an Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform OperatorHub.
  • The multicluster engine Operator must have at least one managed OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The local-cluster is automatically imported in multicluster engine Operator 2.2 and later. For more information about the local-cluster, see Advanced configuration in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management documentation. You can check the status of your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get managedclusters local-cluster
  • You must add the topology.kubernetes.io/zone label to your bare metal hosts on your management cluster. Otherwise, all of the hosted control plane pods are scheduled on a single node, causing single point of failure.
  • To provision hosted control planes on bare metal, you can use the Agent platform. The Agent platform uses the central infrastructure management service to add worker nodes to a hosted cluster. For more information, see Enabling the central infrastructure management service.
  • You need to install the hosted control plane command line interface. Bare metal firewall, port, and service requirements

You must meet the firewall, port, and service requirements so that ports can communicate between the management cluster, the control plane, and hosted clusters.


Services run on their default ports. However, if you use the NodePort publishing strategy, services run on the port that is assigned by the NodePort service.

Use firewall rules, security groups, or other access controls to restrict access to only required sources. Avoid exposing ports publicly unless necessary. For production deployments, use a load balancer to simplify access through a single IP address.

A hosted control plane exposes the following services on bare metal:

  • APIServer

    • The APIServer service runs on port 6443 by default and requires ingress access for communication between the control plane components.
    • If you use MetalLB load balancing, allow ingress access to the IP range that is used for load balancer IP addresses.
  • OAuthServer

    • The OAuthServer service runs on port 443 by default when you use the route and ingress to expose the service.
    • If you use the NodePort publishing strategy, use a firewall rule for the OAuthServer service.
  • Konnectivity

    • The Konnectivity service runs on port 443 by default when you use the route and ingress to expose the service.
    • The Konnectivity agent establishes a reverse tunnel to allow the control plane to access the network for the hosted cluster. The agent uses egress to connect to the Konnectivity server. The server is exposed by using either a route on port 443 or a manually assigned NodePort.
    • If the cluster API server address is an internal IP address, allow access from the workload subnets to the IP address on port 6443.
    • If the address is an external IP address, allow egress on port 6443 to that external IP address from the nodes.
  • Ignition

    • The Ignition service runs on port 443 by default when you use the route and ingress to expose the service.
    • If you use the NodePort publishing strategy, use a firewall rule for the Ignition service.

You do not need the following services on bare metal:

  • OVNSbDb
  • OIDC Bare metal infrastructure requirements

The Agent platform does not create any infrastructure, but it does have the following requirements for infrastructure:

  • Agents: An Agent represents a host that is booted with a discovery image and is ready to be provisioned as an OpenShift Container Platform node.
  • DNS: The API and ingress endpoints must be routable.

3.2.2. DNS configurations on bare metal

The API Server for the hosted cluster is exposed as a NodePort service. A DNS entry must exist for api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<base_domain> that points to destination where the API Server can be reached.

The DNS entry can be as simple as a record that points to one of the nodes in the managed cluster that is running the hosted control plane. The entry can also point to a load balancer that is deployed to redirect incoming traffic to the ingress pods.

Example DNS configuration

api.example.krnl.es.    IN A
api.example.krnl.es.    IN A
api.example.krnl.es.    IN A
api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A
api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A
api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A
`*`.apps.example.krnl.es. IN A

If you are configuring DNS for a disconnected environment on an IPv6 network, the configuration looks like the following example.

Example DNS configuration for an IPv6 network

api.example.krnl.es.    IN A 2620:52:0:1306::5
api.example.krnl.es.    IN A 2620:52:0:1306::6
api.example.krnl.es.    IN A 2620:52:0:1306::7
api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A 2620:52:0:1306::5
api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A 2620:52:0:1306::6
api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A 2620:52:0:1306::7
`*`.apps.example.krnl.es. IN A 2620:52:0:1306::10

If you are configuring DNS for a disconnected environment on a dual stack network, be sure to include DNS entries for both IPv4 and IPv6.

Example DNS configuration for a dual stack network



3.2.3. Creating a hosted cluster on bare metal

When you create a hosted cluster with the Agent platform, HyperShift installs the Agent Cluster API provider in the hosted control plane namespace. You can create a hosted cluster on bare metal or import one.

As you create a hosted cluster, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Each hosted cluster must have a cluster-wide unique name. A hosted cluster name cannot be the same as any existing managed cluster in order for multicluster engine Operator to manage it.
  • Do not use clusters as a hosted cluster name.
  • A hosted cluster cannot be created in the namespace of a multicluster engine Operator managed cluster.


  1. Create the hosted control plane namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc create ns <hosted_cluster_namespace>-<hosted_cluster_name>

    Replace <hosted_cluster_namespace> with your hosted cluster namespace name, for example, clusters. Replace <hosted_cluster_name> with your hosted cluster name.

  2. Verify that you have a default storage class configured for your cluster. Otherwise, you might see pending PVCs. Run the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster agent \
        --name=<hosted_cluster_name> \1
        --pull-secret=<path_to_pull_secret> \2
        --agent-namespace=<hosted_control_plane_namespace> \3
        --base-domain=<basedomain> \4
        --api-server-address=api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> \5
        --etcd-storage-class=<etcd_storage_class> \6
        --ssh-key  <path_to_ssh_public_key> \7
        --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \8
        --control-plane-availability-policy SingleReplica \
        --release-image=quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release_image> 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify your hosted control plane namespace, for example, clusters-example. Ensure that agents are available in this namespace by using the oc get agent -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> command.
    Specify your base domain, for example, krnl.es.
    The --api-server-address flag defines the IP address that is used for the Kubernetes API communication in the hosted cluster. If you do not set the --api-server-address flag, you must log in to connect to the management cluster.
    Specify the etcd storage class name, for example, lvm-storageclass.
    Specify the path to your SSH public key. The default file path is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    Specify your hosted cluster namespace.
    Specify the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64. If you are using a disconnected environment, replace <ocp_release_image> with the digest image. To extract the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest, see Extracting the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest.
  3. After a few moments, verify that your hosted control plane pods are up and running by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    capi-provider-7dcf5fc4c4-nr9sq                   1/1     Running   0          4m32s
    catalog-operator-6cd867cc7-phb2q                 2/2     Running   0          2m50s
    certified-operators-catalog-884c756c4-zdt64      1/1     Running   0          2m51s
    cluster-api-f75d86f8c-56wfz                      1/1     Running   0          4m32s Creating a hosted cluster on bare metal by using the console

To create a hosted cluster by using the console, complete the following steps.


  1. Open the OpenShift Container Platform web console and log in by entering your administrator credentials. For instructions to open the console, see Accessing the web console.
  2. In the console header, ensure that All Clusters is selected.
  3. Click Infrastructure Clusters.
  4. Click Create cluster Host inventory Hosted control plane.

    The Create cluster page is displayed.

  5. On the Create cluster page, follow the prompts to enter details about the cluster, node pools, networking, and automation.


    As you enter details about the cluster, you might find the following tips useful:

    • If you want to use predefined values to automatically populate fields in the console, you can create a host inventory credential. For more information, see Creating a credential for an on-premises environment.
    • On the Cluster details page, the pull secret is your OpenShift Container Platform pull secret that you use to access OpenShift Container Platform resources. If you selected a host inventory credential, the pull secret is automatically populated.
    • On the Node pools page, the namespace contains the hosts for the node pool. If you created a host inventory by using the console, the console creates a dedicated namespace.
    • On the Networking page, you select an API server publishing strategy. The API server for the hosted cluster can be exposed either by using an existing load balancer or as a service of the NodePort type. A DNS entry must exist for the api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<base_domain> setting that points to the destination where the API server can be reached. This entry can be a record that points to one of the nodes in the management cluster or a record that points to a load balancer that redirects incoming traffic to the Ingress pods.
  6. Review your entries and click Create.

    The Hosted cluster view is displayed.

  7. Monitor the deployment of the hosted cluster in the Hosted cluster view.
  8. If you do not see information about the hosted cluster, ensure that All Clusters is selected, then click the cluster name.
  9. Wait until the control plane components are ready. This process can take a few minutes.
  10. To view the node pool status, scroll to the NodePool section. The process to install the nodes takes about 10 minutes. You can also click Nodes to confirm whether the nodes joined the hosted cluster.

Next steps Creating a hosted cluster on bare metal by using a mirror registry

You can use a mirror registry to create a hosted cluster on bare metal by specifying the --image-content-sources flag in the hcp create cluster command.


  1. Create a YAML file to define Image Content Source Policies (ICSP). See the following example:

    - mirrors:
      - brew.registry.redhat.io
      source: registry.redhat.io
    - mirrors:
      - brew.registry.redhat.io
      source: registry.stage.redhat.io
    - mirrors:
      - brew.registry.redhat.io
      source: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com
  2. Save the file as icsp.yaml. This file contains your mirror registries.
  3. To create a hosted cluster by using your mirror registries, run the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster agent \
        --name=<hosted_cluster_name> \1
        --pull-secret=<path_to_pull_secret> \2
        --agent-namespace=<hosted_control_plane_namespace> \3
        --base-domain=<basedomain> \4
        --api-server-address=api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> \5
        --image-content-sources icsp.yaml  \6
        --ssh-key  <path_to_ssh_key> \7
        --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \8
        --release-image=quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release_image> 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify your hosted control plane namespace, for example, clusters-example. Ensure that agents are available in this namespace by using the oc get agent -n <hosted-control-plane-namespace> command.
    Specify your base domain, for example, krnl.es.
    The --api-server-address flag defines the IP address that is used for the Kubernetes API communication in the hosted cluster. If you do not set the --api-server-address flag, you must log in to connect to the management cluster.
    Specify the icsp.yaml file that defines ICSP and your mirror registries.
    Specify the path to your SSH public key. The default file path is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    Specify your hosted cluster namespace.
    Specify the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64. If you are using a disconnected environment, replace <ocp_release_image> with the digest image. To extract the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest, see Extracting the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest.

Next steps

3.2.4. Verifying hosted cluster creation

After the deployment process is complete, you can verify that the hosted cluster was created successfully. Follow these steps a few minutes after you create the hosted cluster.


  1. Obtain the kubeconfig for your new hosted cluster by entering the extract command:

    $ oc extract -n <hosted-control-plane-namespace> secret/admin-kubeconfig --to=- > kubeconfig-<hosted-cluster-name>
  2. Use the kubeconfig to view the cluster Operators of the hosted cluster. Enter the following command:

    $ oc get co --kubeconfig=kubeconfig-<hosted-cluster-name>

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    console                                    4.10.26   True        False         False      2m38s
    dns                                        4.10.26   True        False         False      2m52s
    image-registry                             4.10.26   True        False         False      2m8s
    ingress                                    4.10.26   True        False         False      22m

  3. You can also view the running pods on your hosted cluster by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pods -A --kubeconfig=kubeconfig-<hosted-cluster-name>

    Example output

    NAMESPACE                                          NAME                                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
    kube-system                                        konnectivity-agent-khlqv                                  0/1     Running            0               3m52s
    openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator             tuned-dhw5p                                               1/1     Running            0               109s
    openshift-cluster-storage-operator                 cluster-storage-operator-5f784969f5-vwzgz                 1/1     Running            1 (113s ago)    20m
    openshift-cluster-storage-operator                 csi-snapshot-controller-6b7687b7d9-7nrfw                  1/1     Running            0               3m8s
    openshift-console                                  console-5cbf6c7969-6gk6z                                  1/1     Running            0               119s
    openshift-console                                  downloads-7bcd756565-6wj5j                                1/1     Running            0               4m3s
    openshift-dns-operator                             dns-operator-77d755cd8c-xjfbn                             2/2     Running            0               21m
    openshift-dns                                      dns-default-kfqnh                                         2/2     Running            0               113s

3.3. Deploying hosted control planes on OpenShift Virtualization

With hosted control planes and OpenShift Virtualization, you can create OpenShift Container Platform clusters with worker nodes that are hosted by KubeVirt virtual machines. Hosted control planes on OpenShift Virtualization provides several benefits:

  • Enhances resource usage by packing hosted control planes and hosted clusters in the same underlying bare metal infrastructure
  • Separates hosted control planes and hosted clusters to provide strong isolation
  • Reduces cluster provision time by eliminating the bare metal node bootstrapping process
  • Manages many releases under the same base OpenShift Container Platform cluster

The hosted control planes feature is enabled by default.

You can use the hosted control plane command line interface, hcp, to create an OpenShift Container Platform hosted cluster. The hosted cluster is automatically imported as a managed cluster. If you want to disable this automatic import feature, see Disabling the automatic import of hosted clusters into multicluster engine operator.

3.3.1. Requirements to deploy hosted control planes on OpenShift Virtualization

As you prepare to deploy hosted control planes on OpenShift Virtualization, consider the following information:

  • Run the hub cluster and workers on the same platform for hosted control planes.
  • Each hosted cluster must have a cluster-wide unique name. A hosted cluster name cannot be the same as any existing managed cluster in order for multicluster engine Operator to manage it.
  • Do not use clusters as a hosted cluster name.
  • A hosted cluster cannot be created in the namespace of a multicluster engine Operator managed cluster.
  • When you configure storage for hosted control planes, consider the recommended etcd practices. To ensure that you meet the latency requirements, dedicate a fast storage device to all hosted control plane etcd instances that run on each control-plane node. You can use LVM storage to configure a local storage class for hosted etcd pods. For more information, see Recommended etcd practices and Persistent storage using logical volume manager storage. Prerequisites

You must meet the following prerequisites to create an OpenShift Container Platform cluster on OpenShift Virtualization:

  • You need administrator access to an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, version 4.14 or later, specified by the KUBECONFIG environment variable.
  • The OpenShift Container Platform hosting cluster must have wildcard DNS routes enabled, as shown in the following DNS:

    $ oc patch ingresscontroller -n openshift-ingress-operator default --type=json -p '[{ "op": "add", "path": "/spec/routeAdmission", "value": {wildcardPolicy: "WildcardsAllowed"}}]'
  • The OpenShift Container Platform hosting cluster must have OpenShift Virtualization, version 4.14 or later, installed on it. For more information, see Installing OpenShift Virtualization using the web console.
  • The OpenShift Container Platform hosting cluster must be configured with OVNKubernetes as the default pod network CNI.
  • The OpenShift Container Platform hosting cluster must have a default storage class. For more information, see Postinstallation storage configuration. The following example shows how to set a default storage class:

    $ oc patch storageclass ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
  • You need a valid pull secret file for the quay.io/openshift-release-dev repository. For more information, see Install OpenShift on any x86_64 platform with user-provisioned infrastructure.
  • You need to install the hosted control plane command line interface.
  • Before you can provision your cluster, you need to configure a load balancer. For more information, see Optional: Configuring MetalLB.
  • For optimal network performance, use a network maximum transmission unit (MTU) of 9000 or greater on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster that hosts the KubeVirt virtual machines. If you use a lower MTU setting, network latency and the throughput of the hosted pods are affected. Enable multiqueue on node pools only when the MTU is 9000 or greater.
  • The multicluster engine Operator must have at least one managed OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The local-cluster is automatically imported. For more information about the local-cluster, see Advanced configuration in the multicluster engine Operator documentation. You can check the status of your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get managedclusters local-cluster Firewall and port requirements

Ensure that you meet the firewall and port requirements so that ports can communicate between the management cluster, the control plane, and hosted clusters:

  • The kube-apiserver service runs on port 6443 by default and requires ingress access for communication between the control plane components.

    • If you use the NodePort publishing strategy, ensure that the node port that is assigned to the kube-apiserver service is exposed.
    • If you use MetalLB load balancing, allow ingress access to the IP range that is used for load balancer IP addresses.
  • If you use the NodePort publishing strategy, use a firewall rule for the ignition-server and Oauth-server settings.
  • The konnectivity agent, which establishes a reverse tunnel to allow bi-directional communication on the hosted cluster, requires egress access to the cluster API server address on port 6443. With that egress access, the agent can reach the kube-apiserver service.

    • If the cluster API server address is an internal IP address, allow access from the workload subnets to the IP address on port 6443.
    • If the address is an external IP address, allow egress on port 6443 to that external IP address from the nodes.
  • If you change the default port of 6443, adjust the rules to reflect that change.
  • Ensure that you open any ports that are required by the workloads that run in the clusters.
  • Use firewall rules, security groups, or other access controls to restrict access to only required sources. Avoid exposing ports publicly unless necessary.
  • For production deployments, use a load balancer to simplify access through a single IP address.

Additional resources

3.3.2. Creating a hosted cluster with the KubeVirt platform

With OpenShift Container Platform 4.14 and later, you can create a cluster with KubeVirt, to include creating with an external infrastructure. Creating a hosted cluster with the KubeVirt platform by using the CLI

To create a hosted cluster, you can use the hosted control plane command line interface, hcp.


  1. Enter the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
      --name <hosted-cluster-name> \ 1
      --node-pool-replicas <worker-count> \ 2
      --pull-secret <path-to-pull-secret> \ 3
      --memory <value-for-memory> \ 4
      --cores <value-for-cpu> \ 5
      --etcd-storage-class=<etcd-storage-class> 6
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the worker count, for example, 2.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify a value for memory, for example, 6Gi.
    Specify a value for CPU, for example, 2.
    Specify the etcd storage class name, for example, lvm-storageclass.

    You can use the --release-image flag to set up the hosted cluster with a specific OpenShift Container Platform release.

    A default node pool is created for the cluster with two virtual machine worker replicas according to the --node-pool-replicas flag.

  2. After a few moments, verify that the hosted control plane pods are running by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n clusters-<hosted-cluster-name> get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    capi-provider-5cc7b74f47-n5gkr                        1/1     Running   0          3m
    catalog-operator-5f799567b7-fd6jw                     2/2     Running   0          69s
    certified-operators-catalog-784b9899f9-mrp6p          1/1     Running   0          66s
    cluster-api-6bbc867966-l4dwl                          1/1     Running   0          66s
    redhat-operators-catalog-9d5fd4d44-z8qqk              1/1     Running   0          66s

    A hosted cluster that has worker nodes that are backed by KubeVirt virtual machines typically takes 10-15 minutes to be fully provisioned.

  3. To check the status of the hosted cluster, see the corresponding HostedCluster resource by entering the following command:

    $ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters

    See the following example output, which illustrates a fully provisioned HostedCluster object:

    clusters    example   4.x.0     example-admin-kubeconfig   Completed   True        False         The hosted control plane is available

    Replace 4.x.0 with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use. Creating a hosted cluster with the KubeVirt platform by using external infrastructure

By default, the HyperShift Operator hosts both the control plane pods of the hosted cluster and the KubeVirt worker VMs within the same cluster. With the external infrastructure feature, you can place the worker node VMs on a separate cluster from the control plane pods.

  • The management cluster is the OpenShift Container Platform cluster that runs the HyperShift Operator and hosts the control plane pods for a hosted cluster.
  • The infrastructure cluster is the OpenShift Container Platform cluster that runs the KubeVirt worker VMs for a hosted cluster.
  • By default, the management cluster also acts as the infrastructure cluster that hosts VMs. However, for external infrastructure, the management and infrastructure clusters are different.


  • You must have a namespace on the external infrastructure cluster for the KubeVirt nodes to be hosted in.
  • You must have a kubeconfig file for the external infrastructure cluster.


You can create a hosted cluster by using the hcp command line interface.

  • To place the KubeVirt worker VMs on the infrastructure cluster, use the --infra-kubeconfig-file and --infra-namespace arguments, as shown in the following example:

    $ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
      --name <hosted-cluster-name> \ 1
      --node-pool-replicas <worker-count> \ 2
      --pull-secret <path-to-pull-secret> \ 3
      --memory <value-for-memory> \ 4
      --cores <value-for-cpu> \ 5
      --infra-namespace=<hosted-cluster-namespace>-<hosted-cluster-name> \ 6
      --infra-kubeconfig-file=<path-to-external-infra-kubeconfig> 7
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the worker count, for example, 2.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify a value for memory, for example, 6Gi.
    Specify a value for CPU, for example, 2.
    Specify the infrastructure namespace, for example, clusters-example.
    Specify the path to your kubeconfig file for the infrastructure cluster, for example, /user/name/external-infra-kubeconfig.

    After you enter that command, the control plane pods are hosted on the management cluster that the HyperShift Operator runs on, and the KubeVirt VMs are hosted on a separate infrastructure cluster. Creating a hosted cluster by using the console

To create a hosted cluster with the KubeVirt platform by using the console, complete the following steps.


  1. Open the OpenShift Container Platform web console and log in by entering your administrator credentials.
  2. In the console header, ensure that All Clusters is selected.
  3. Click Infrastructure > Clusters.
  4. Click Create cluster > Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization > Hosted.
  5. On the Create cluster page, follow the prompts to enter details about the cluster and node pools.

    • If you want to use predefined values to automatically populate fields in the console, you can create a OpenShift Virtualization credential. For more information, see Creating a credential for an on-premises environment.
    • On the Cluster details page, the pull secret is your OpenShift Container Platform pull secret that you use to access OpenShift Container Platform resources. If you selected a OpenShift Virtualization credential, the pull secret is automatically populated.
  6. Review your entries and click Create.

    The Hosted cluster view is displayed.

  7. Monitor the deployment of the hosted cluster in the Hosted cluster view. If you do not see information about the hosted cluster, ensure that All Clusters is selected, and click the cluster name.
  8. Wait until the control plane components are ready. This process can take a few minutes.
  9. To view the node pool status, scroll to the NodePool section. The process to install the nodes takes about 10 minutes. You can also click Nodes to confirm whether the nodes joined the hosted cluster.

Additional resources

3.3.3. Configuring the default ingress and DNS for hosted control planes on OpenShift Virtualization

Every OpenShift Container Platform cluster includes a default application Ingress Controller, which must have an wildcard DNS record associated with it. By default, hosted clusters that are created by using the HyperShift KubeVirt provider automatically become a subdomain of the OpenShift Container Platform cluster that the KubeVirt virtual machines run on.

For example, your OpenShift Container Platform cluster might have the following default ingress DNS entry:


As a result, a KubeVirt hosted cluster that is named guest and that runs on that underlying OpenShift Container Platform cluster has the following default ingress:



For the default ingress DNS to work properly, the cluster that hosts the KubeVirt virtual machines must allow wildcard DNS routes.

  • You can configure this behavior by entering the following command:

    $ oc patch ingresscontroller -n openshift-ingress-operator default --type=json -p '[{ "op": "add", "path": "/spec/routeAdmission", "value": {wildcardPolicy: "WildcardsAllowed"}}]'

When you use the default hosted cluster ingress, connectivity is limited to HTTPS traffic over port 443. Plain HTTP traffic over port 80 is rejected. This limitation applies to only the default ingress behavior.

3.3.4. Customizing ingress and DNS behavior

If you do not want to use the default ingress and DNS behavior, you can configure a KubeVirt hosted cluster with a unique base domain at creation time. This option requires manual configuration steps during creation and involves three main steps: cluster creation, load balancer creation, and wildcard DNS configuration. Deploying a hosted cluster that specifies the base domain

To create a hosted cluster that specifies a base domain, complete the following steps.


  1. Enter the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1
      --node-pool-replicas <worker_count> \ 2
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3
      --memory <value_for_memory> \ 4
      --cores <value_for_cpu> \ 5
      --base-domain <basedomain> 6
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster.
    Specify the worker count, for example, 2.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify a value for memory, for example, 6Gi.
    Specify a value for CPU, for example, 2.
    Specify the base domain, for example, hypershift.lab.

    As a result, the hosted cluster has an ingress wildcard that is configured for the cluster name and the base domain, for example, .apps.example.hypershift.lab. The hosted cluster remains in Partial status because after you create a hosted cluster with unique base domain, you must configure the required DNS records and load balancer.

  2. View the status of your hosted cluster by entering the following command:

    $ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters

    Example output

    example                   example-admin-kubeconfig         Partial    True        False         The hosted control plane is available

  3. Access the cluster by entering the following commands:

    $ hcp create kubeconfig --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig
    $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig get co

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    console                                    4.x.0     False       False         False      30m     RouteHealthAvailable: failed to GET route (https://console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab): Get "https://console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab": dial tcp: lookup console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab on no such host
    ingress                                    4.x.0     True        False         True       28m     The "default" ingress controller reports Degraded=True: DegradedConditions: One or more other status conditions indicate a degraded state: CanaryChecksSucceeding=False (CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures: Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing)

    Replace 4.x.0 with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use.

Next steps

To fix the errors in the output, complete the steps in Setting up the load balancer and Setting up a wildcard DNS.


If your hosted cluster is on bare metal, you might need MetalLB to set up load balancer services. For more information, see Optional: Configuring MetalLB. Setting up the load balancer

Set up the load balancer service that routes ingress traffic to the KubeVirt VMs and assigns a wildcard DNS entry to the load balancer IP address.


  1. A NodePort service that exposes the hosted cluster ingress already exists. You can export the node ports and create the load balancer service that targets those ports.

    1. Get the HTTP node port by entering the following command:

      $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig get services -n openshift-ingress router-nodeport-default -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http")].nodePort}'

      Note the HTTP node port value to use in the next step.

    2. Get the HTTPS node port by entering the following command:

      $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig get services -n openshift-ingress router-nodeport-default -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].nodePort}'

      Note the HTTPS node port value to use in the next step.

  2. Create the load balancer service by entering the following command:

    oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
        app: <hosted_cluster_name>
      name: <hosted_cluster_name>-apps
      namespace: clusters-<hosted_cluster_name>
      - name: https-443
        port: 443
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: <https_node_port> 1
      - name: http-80
        port: 80
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: <http-node-port> 2
        kubevirt.io: virt-launcher
      type: LoadBalancer
    Specify the HTTPS node port value that you noted in the previous step.
    Specify the HTTP node port value that you noted in the previous step. Setting up a wildcard DNS

Set up a wildcard DNS record or CNAME that references the external IP of the load balancer service.


  1. Get the external IP address by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n clusters-<hosted_cluster_name> get service <hosted-cluster-name>-apps -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'

    Example output

  2. Configure a wildcard DNS entry that references the external IP address. View the following example DNS entry:


    The DNS entry must be able to route inside and outside of the cluster.

    DNS resolutions example

    dig +short test.apps.example.hypershift.lab

  3. Check that hosted cluster status has moved from Partial to Completed by entering the following command:

    $ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters

    Example output

    example         4.x.0     example-admin-kubeconfig         Completed   True        False         The hosted control plane is available

    Replace 4.x.0 with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use.

3.3.5. Optional: Configuring MetalLB

You must install the MetalLB Operator before you configure MetalLB.


Complete the following steps to configure MetalLB on your hosted cluster:

  1. Create a MetalLB resource by saving the following sample YAML content in the configure-metallb.yaml file:

    apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
    kind: MetalLB
      name: metallb
      namespace: metallb-system
  2. Apply the YAML content by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f configure-metallb.yaml

    Example output

    metallb.metallb.io/metallb created

  3. Create a IPAddressPool resource by saving the following sample YAML content in the create-ip-address-pool.yaml file:

    apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
    kind: IPAddressPool
      name: metallb
      namespace: metallb-system
      - 1
    Create an address pool with an available range of IP addresses within the node network. Replace the IP address range with an unused pool of available IP addresses in your network.
  4. Apply the YAML content by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f create-ip-address-pool.yaml

    Example output

    ipaddresspool.metallb.io/metallb created

  5. Create a L2Advertisement resource by saving the following sample YAML content in the l2advertisement.yaml file:

    apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
    kind: L2Advertisement
      name: l2advertisement
      namespace: metallb-system
       - metallb
  6. Apply the YAML content by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f l2advertisement.yaml

    Example output

    l2advertisement.metallb.io/metallb created

Additional resources

3.3.6. Configuring additional networks, guaranteed CPUs, and VM scheduling for node pools

If you need to configure additional networks for node pools, request a guaranteed CPU access for Virtual Machines (VMs), or manage scheduling of KubeVirt VMs, see the following procedures. Adding multiple networks to a node pool

By default, nodes generated by a node pool are attached to the pod network. You can attach additional networks to the nodes by using Multus and NetworkAttachmentDefinitions.


To add multiple networks to nodes, use the --additional-network argument by running the following command:

$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
  --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1
  --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2
  --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3
  --memory <memory> \ 4
  --cores <cpu> \ 5
  --additional-network name:<namespace/name> \ 6
  –-additional-network name:<namespace/name>
Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
Specify your worker node count, for example, 2.
Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi.
Specify the CPU value, for example, 2.
Set the value of the –additional-network argument to name:<namespace/name>. Replace <namespace/name> with a namespace and name of your NetworkAttachmentDefinitions. Using an additional network as default

You can add your additional network as a default network for the nodes by disabling the default pod network.


  • To add an additional network as default to your nodes, run the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1
      --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3
      --memory <memory> \ 4
      --cores <cpu> \ 5
      --attach-default-network false \ 6
      --additional-network name:<namespace>/<network_name> 7
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify your worker node count, for example, 2.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi.
    Specify the CPU value, for example, 2.
    The --attach-default-network false argument disables the default pod network.
    Specify the additional network that you want to add to your nodes, for example, name:my-namespace/my-network. Requesting guaranteed CPU resources

By default, KubeVirt VMs might share its CPUs with other workloads on a node. This might impact performance of a VM. To avoid the performance impact, you can request a guaranteed CPU access for VMs.


  • To request guaranteed CPU resources, set the --qos-class argument to Guaranteed by running the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1
      --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3
      --memory <memory> \ 4
      --cores <cpu> \ 5
      --qos-class Guaranteed 6
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify your worker node count, for example, 2.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi.
    Specify the CPU value, for example, 2.
    The --qos-class Guaranteed argument guarantees that the specified number of CPU resources are assigned to VMs. Scheduling KubeVirt VMs on a set of nodes

By default, KubeVirt VMs created by a node pool are scheduled to any available nodes. You can schedule KubeVirt VMs on a specific set of nodes that has enough capacity to run the VM.


  • To schedule KubeVirt VMs within a node pool on a specific set of nodes, use the --vm-node-selector argument by running the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
      --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1
      --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2
      --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3
      --memory <memory> \ 4
      --cores <cpu> \ 5
      --vm-node-selector <label_key>=<label_value>,<label_key>=<label_value> 6
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify your worker node count, for example, 2.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi.
    Specify the CPU value, for example, 2.
    The --vm-node-selector flag defines a specific set of nodes that contains the key-value pairs. Replace <label_key> and <label_value> with the key and value of your labels respectively.

3.3.7. Scaling a node pool

You can manually scale a node pool by using the oc scale command.


  1. Run the following command:

    $ oc scale nodepool/$NODEPOOL_NAME --namespace clusters --replicas=$NODEPOOL_REPLICAS
  2. After a few moments, enter the following command to see the status of the node pool:

    $ oc --kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get nodes

    Example output

    NAME                  STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
    example-9jvnf         Ready    worker   97s     v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-n6prw         Ready    worker   116m    v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-nc6g4         Ready    worker   117m    v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-thp29         Ready    worker   4m17s   v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-twxns         Ready    worker   88s     v1.27.4+18eadca Adding node pools

You can create node pools for a hosted cluster by specifying a name, number of replicas, and any additional information, such as memory and CPU requirements.


  1. To create a node pool, enter the following information. In this example, the node pool has more CPUs assigned to the VMs:

    export NODEPOOL_NAME=${CLUSTER_NAME}-extra-cpu
    export WORKER_COUNT="2"
    export MEM="6Gi"
    export CPU="4"
    export DISK="16"
    $ hcp create nodepool kubevirt \
      --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
      --name $NODEPOOL_NAME \
      --node-count $WORKER_COUNT \
      --memory $MEM \
      --cores $CPU \
      --root-volume-size $DISK
  2. Check the status of the node pool by listing nodepool resources in the clusters namespace:

    $ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters

    Example output

    example                   example         5               5               False         False        4.x.0
    example-extra-cpu         example         2                               False         False                  True              True             Minimum availability requires 2 replicas, current 0 available

    Replace 4.x.0 with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use.

  3. After some time, you can check the status of the node pool by entering the following command:

    $ oc --kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get nodes

    Example output

    NAME                      STATUS   ROLES    AGE     VERSION
    example-9jvnf             Ready    worker   97s     v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-n6prw             Ready    worker   116m    v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-nc6g4             Ready    worker   117m    v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-thp29             Ready    worker   4m17s   v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-twxns             Ready    worker   88s     v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-extra-cpu-zh9l5   Ready    worker   2m6s    v1.27.4+18eadca
    example-extra-cpu-zr8mj   Ready    worker   102s    v1.27.4+18eadca

  4. Verify that the node pool is in the status that you expect by entering this command:

    $ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters

    Example output

    example                   example         5               5               False         False        4.x.0
    example-extra-cpu         example         2               2               False         False        4.x.0

    Replace 4.x.0 with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use.

Additional resources

3.3.8. Verifying hosted cluster creation on OpenShift Virtualization

To verify that your hosted cluster was successfully created, complete the following steps.


  1. Verify that the HostedCluster resource transitioned to the completed state by entering the following command:

    $ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters <hosted_cluster_name>

    Example output

    clusters    example   4.12.2    example-admin-kubeconfig   Completed   True        False         The hosted control plane is available

  2. Verify that all the cluster operators in the hosted cluster are online by entering the following commands:

    $ hcp create kubeconfig --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig
    $ oc get co --kubeconfig=<hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    console                                    4.12.2   True        False         False      2m38s
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.12.2   True        False         False      4m3s
    dns                                        4.12.2   True        False         False      2m52s
    image-registry                             4.12.2   True        False         False      2m8s
    ingress                                    4.12.2   True        False         False      22m
    kube-apiserver                             4.12.2   True        False         False      23m
    kube-controller-manager                    4.12.2   True        False         False      23m
    kube-scheduler                             4.12.2   True        False         False      23m
    kube-storage-version-migrator              4.12.2   True        False         False      4m52s
    monitoring                                 4.12.2   True        False         False      69s
    network                                    4.12.2   True        False         False      4m3s
    node-tuning                                4.12.2   True        False         False      2m22s
    openshift-apiserver                        4.12.2   True        False         False      23m
    openshift-controller-manager               4.12.2   True        False         False      23m
    openshift-samples                          4.12.2   True        False         False      2m15s
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.12.2   True        False         False      22m
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.12.2   True        False         False      23m
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.12.2   True        False         False      23m
    service-ca                                 4.12.2   True        False         False      4m41s
    storage                                    4.12.2   True        False         False      4m43s

3.4. Deploying hosted control planes on non-bare metal agent machines

You can deploy hosted control planes by configuring a cluster to function as a hosting cluster. The hosting cluster is an OpenShift Container Platform cluster where the control planes are hosted. The hosting cluster is also known as the management cluster.


The management cluster is not the same thing as the managed cluster. A managed cluster is a cluster that the hub cluster manages.

The hosted control planes feature is enabled by default.

The multicluster engine Operator supports only the default local-cluster managed hub cluster. On Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) 2.10, you can use the local-cluster managed hub cluster as the hosting cluster.

A hosted cluster is an OpenShift Container Platform cluster with its API endpoint and control plane that are hosted on the hosting cluster. The hosted cluster includes the control plane and its corresponding data plane. You can use the multicluster engine Operator console or the hcp command-line interface (CLI) to create a hosted cluster.

The hosted cluster is automatically imported as a managed cluster. If you want to disable this automatic import feature, see "Disabling the automatic import of hosted clusters into multicluster engine Operator".

3.4.1. Preparing to deploy hosted control planes on non-bare metal agent machines

As you prepare to deploy hosted control planes on bare metal, consider the following information:

  • You can add agent machines as a worker node to a hosted cluster by using the Agent platform. Agent machine represents a host booted with a Discovery Image and ready to be provisioned as an OpenShift Container Platform node. The Agent platform is part of the central infrastructure management service. For more information, see Enabling the central infrastructure management service.
  • All hosts that are not bare metal require a manual boot with a Discovery Image ISO that the central infrastructure management provides.
  • When you scale up the node pool, a machine is created for every replica. For every machine, the Cluster API provider finds and installs an Agent that is approved, is passing validations, is not currently in use, and meets the requirements that are specified in the node pool specification. You can monitor the installation of an Agent by checking its status and conditions.
  • When you scale down a node pool, Agents are unbound from the corresponding cluster. Before you can reuse the Agents, you must restart them by using the Discovery image.
  • When you configure storage for hosted control planes, consider the recommended etcd practices. To ensure that you meet the latency requirements, dedicate a fast storage device to all hosted control planes etcd instances that run on each control-plane node. You can use LVM storage to configure a local storage class for hosted etcd pods. For more information, see "Recommended etcd practices" and "Persistent storage using logical volume manager storage" in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation. Prerequisites for deploying hosted control planes on non-bare metal agent machines

You must review the following prerequisites before deploying hosted control planes on non-bare metal agent machines:

  • You need the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator 2.5 and later installed on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The multicluster engine Operator is automatically installed when you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM). You can also install the multicluster engine Operator without RHACM as an Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform OperatorHub.
  • You have at least one managed OpenShift Container Platform cluster for the multicluster engine Operator. The local-cluster managed hub cluster is automatically imported. See Advanced configuration for more information about the local-cluster. You can check the status of your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get managedclusters local-cluster
  • You enabled central infrastructure management. For more information, see Enabling the central infrastructure management service.
  • You installed the hcp command-line interface.
  • Your hosted cluster has a cluster-wide unique name. A hosted cluster name cannot be the same as any existing managed cluster in order for the multicluster engine Operator to manage it.
  • You run the hub cluster and workers on the same platform for hosted control planes. Firewall, port, and service requirements for non-bare metal agent machines

You must meet the firewall and port requirements so that ports can communicate between the management cluster, the control plane, and hosted clusters.


Services run on their default ports. However, if you use the NodePort publishing strategy, services run on the port that is assigned by the NodePort service.

Use firewall rules, security groups, or other access controls to restrict access to only required sources. Avoid exposing ports publicly unless necessary. For production deployments, use a load balancer to simplify access through a single IP address.

A hosted control plane exposes the following services on non-bare metal agent machines:

  • APIServer

    • The APIServer service runs on port 6443 by default and requires ingress access for communication between the control plane components.
    • If you use MetalLB load balancing, allow ingress access to the IP range that is used for load balancer IP addresses.
  • OAuthServer

    • The OAuthServer service runs on port 443 by default when you use the route and ingress to expose the service.
    • If you use the NodePort publishing strategy, use a firewall rule for the OAuthServer service.
  • Konnectivity

    • The Konnectivity service runs on port 443 by default when you use the route and ingress to expose the service.
    • The Konnectivity agent establishes a reverse tunnel to allow the control plane to access the network for the hosted cluster. The agent uses egress to connect to the Konnectivity server. The server is exposed by using either a route on port 443 or a manually assigned NodePort.
    • If the cluster API server address is an internal IP address, allow access from the workload subnets to the IP address on port 6443.
    • If the address is an external IP address, allow egress on port 6443 to that external IP address from the nodes.
  • Ignition

    • The Ignition service runs on port 443 by default when you use the route and ingress to expose the service.
    • If you use the NodePort publishing strategy, use a firewall rule for the Ignition service.

You do not need the following services on non-bare metal agent machines:

  • OVNSbDb
  • OIDC Infrastructure requirements for non-bare metal agent machines

The Agent platform does not create any infrastructure, but it has the following infrastructure requirements:

  • Agents: An Agent represents a host that is booted with a discovery image and is ready to be provisioned as an OpenShift Container Platform node.
  • DNS: The API and ingress endpoints must be routable.

3.4.2. Configuring DNS on non-bare metal agent machines

The API Server for the hosted cluster is exposed as a NodePort service. A DNS entry must exist for api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> that points to destination where the API Server can be reached.

The DNS entry can be as simple as a record that points to one of the nodes in the managed cluster that is running the hosted control plane. The entry can also point to a load balancer that is deployed to redirect incoming traffic to the ingress pods.

  • If you are configuring DNS for a connected environment on an IPv4 network, see the following example DNS configuration:

    api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A
    `*`.apps.example.krnl.es.   IN A
  • If you are configuring DNS for a disconnected environment on an IPv6 network, see the following example DNS configuration:

    api-int.example.krnl.es.    IN A 2620:52:0:1306::7
    `*`.apps.example.krnl.es.   IN A 2620:52:0:1306::10
  • If you are configuring DNS for a disconnected environment on a dual stack network, be sure to include DNS entries for both IPv4 and IPv6. See the following example DNS configuration:


3.4.3. Creating a hosted cluster on non-bare metal agent machines by using the CLI

When you create a hosted cluster with the Agent platform, the HyperShift Operator installs the Agent Cluster API provider in the hosted control plane namespace. You can create a hosted cluster on bare metal or import one.

As you create a hosted cluster, review the following guidelines:

  • Each hosted cluster must have a cluster-wide unique name. A hosted cluster name cannot be the same as any existing managed cluster in order for multicluster engine Operator to manage it.
  • Do not use clusters as a hosted cluster name.
  • A hosted cluster cannot be created in the namespace of a multicluster engine Operator managed cluster.


  1. Create the hosted control plane namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc create ns <hosted_cluster_namespace>-<hosted_cluster_name> 1
    Replace <hosted_cluster_namespace> with your hosted cluster namespace name, for example, clusters. Replace <hosted_cluster_name> with your hosted cluster name.
  2. Create a hosted cluster by entering the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster agent \
      --name=<hosted_cluster_name> \1
      --pull-secret=<path_to_pull_secret> \2
      --agent-namespace=<hosted_control_plane_namespace> \3
      --base-domain=<basedomain> \4
      --api-server-address=api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> \5
      --etcd-storage-class=<etcd_storage_class> \6
      --ssh-key  <path_to_ssh_key> \7
      --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \8
      --control-plane-availability-policy SingleReplica \
      --release-image=quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release> 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify your hosted control plane namespace, for example, clusters-example. Ensure that agents are available in this namespace by using the oc get agent -n <hosted-control-plane-namespace> command.
    Specify your base domain, for example, krnl.es.
    The --api-server-address flag defines the IP address that is used for the Kubernetes API communication in the hosted cluster. If you do not set the --api-server-address flag, you must log in to connect to the management cluster.
    Verify that you have a default storage class configured for your cluster. Otherwise, you might end up with pending PVCs. Specify the etcd storage class name, for example, lvm-storageclass.
    Specify the path to your SSH public key. The default file path is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    Specify your hosted cluster namespace.
    Specify the supported {ocp-short} version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64.


  • After a few moments, verify that your hosted control plane pods are up and running by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    catalog-operator-6cd867cc7-phb2q                 2/2     Running   0          2m50s
    control-plane-operator-f6b4c8465-4k5dh           1/1     Running   0          4m32s Creating a hosted cluster on non-bare metal agent machines by using the web console

You can create a hosted cluster on non-bare metal agent machines by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the cluster with cluster-admin privileges.
  • You have access to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  1. Open the OpenShift Container Platform web console and log in by entering your administrator credentials.
  2. In the console header, select All Clusters.
  3. Click Infrastructure Clusters.
  4. Click Create cluster Host inventory Hosted control plane.

    The Create cluster page is displayed.

  5. On the Create cluster page, follow the prompts to enter details about the cluster, node pools, networking, and automation.

As you enter details about the cluster, you might find the following tips useful:

  • If you want to use predefined values to automatically populate fields in the console, you can create a host inventory credential. For more information, see Creating a credential for an on-premises environment.
  • On the Cluster details page, the pull secret is your OpenShift Container Platform pull secret that you use to access OpenShift Container Platform resources. If you selected a host inventory credential, the pull secret is automatically populated.
  • On the Node pools page, the namespace contains the hosts for the node pool. If you created a host inventory by using the console, the console creates a dedicated namespace.
  • On the Networking page, you select an API server publishing strategy. The API server for the hosted cluster can be exposed either by using an existing load balancer or as a service of the NodePort type. A DNS entry must exist for the api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> setting that points to the destination where the API server can be reached. This entry can be a record that points to one of the nodes in the management cluster or a record that points to a load balancer that redirects incoming traffic to the Ingress pods.

    1. Review your entries and click Create.

    The Hosted cluster view is displayed.

    1. Monitor the deployment of the hosted cluster in the Hosted cluster view. If you do not see information about the hosted cluster, ensure that All Clusters is selected, and click the cluster name. Wait until the control plane components are ready. This process can take a few minutes.
    2. To view the node pool status, scroll to the NodePool section. The process to install the nodes takes about 10 minutes. You can also click Nodes to confirm whether the nodes joined the hosted cluster.

Next steps Creating a hosted cluster on bare metal by using a mirror registry

You can use a mirror registry to create a hosted cluster on bare metal by specifying the --image-content-sources flag in the hcp create cluster command.


  1. Create a YAML file to define Image Content Source Policies (ICSP). See the following example:

    - mirrors:
      - brew.registry.redhat.io
      source: registry.redhat.io
    - mirrors:
      - brew.registry.redhat.io
      source: registry.stage.redhat.io
    - mirrors:
      - brew.registry.redhat.io
      source: registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com
  2. Save the file as icsp.yaml. This file contains your mirror registries.
  3. To create a hosted cluster by using your mirror registries, run the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster agent \
        --name=<hosted_cluster_name> \1
        --pull-secret=<path_to_pull_secret> \2
        --agent-namespace=<hosted_control_plane_namespace> \3
        --base-domain=<basedomain> \4
        --api-server-address=api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> \5
        --image-content-sources icsp.yaml  \6
        --ssh-key  <path_to_ssh_key> \7
        --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \8
        --release-image=quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release_image> 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify your hosted control plane namespace, for example, clusters-example. Ensure that agents are available in this namespace by using the oc get agent -n <hosted-control-plane-namespace> command.
    Specify your base domain, for example, krnl.es.
    The --api-server-address flag defines the IP address that is used for the Kubernetes API communication in the hosted cluster. If you do not set the --api-server-address flag, you must log in to connect to the management cluster.
    Specify the icsp.yaml file that defines ICSP and your mirror registries.
    Specify the path to your SSH public key. The default file path is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    Specify your hosted cluster namespace.
    Specify the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64. If you are using a disconnected environment, replace <ocp_release_image> with the digest image. To extract the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest, see Extracting the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest.

Next steps

3.4.4. Verifying hosted cluster creation on non-bare metal agent machines

After the deployment process is complete, you can verify that the hosted cluster was created successfully. Follow these steps a few minutes after you create the hosted cluster.


  1. Obtain the kubeconfig file for your new hosted cluster by entering the following command:

    $ oc extract -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> secret/<hosted_cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig --to=- > kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name>
  2. Use the kubeconfig file to view the cluster Operators of the hosted cluster. Enter the following command:

    $ oc get co --kubeconfig=kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name>

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION   AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    console                                    4.10.26   True        False         False      2m38s
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.10.26   True        False         False      4m3s
    dns                                        4.10.26   True        False         False      2m52s

  3. View the running pods on your hosted cluster by entering the following command:

    $ oc get pods -A --kubeconfig=kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name>

    Example output

    NAMESPACE                                          NAME                                                      READY   STATUS             RESTARTS        AGE
    kube-system                                        konnectivity-agent-khlqv                                  0/1     Running            0               3m52s
    openshift-cluster-samples-operator                 cluster-samples-operator-6b5bcb9dff-kpnbc                 2/2     Running            0               20m
    openshift-monitoring                               alertmanager-main-0                                       6/6     Running            0               100s
    openshift-monitoring                               openshift-state-metrics-677b9fb74f-qqp6g                  3/3     Running            0               104s

3.5. Deploying hosted control planes on IBM Z

You can deploy hosted control planes by configuring a cluster to function as a management cluster. The management cluster is the OpenShift Container Platform cluster where the control planes are hosted. The management cluster is also known as the hosting cluster.


The management cluster is not the managed cluster. A managed cluster is a cluster that the hub cluster manages.

You can convert a managed cluster to a management cluster by using the hypershift add-on to deploy the HyperShift Operator on that cluster. Then, you can start to create the hosted cluster.

The multicluster engine Operator 2.5 supports only the default local-cluster, which is a hub cluster that is managed, and the hub cluster as the management cluster.


Hosted control planes on IBM Z is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

To provision hosted control planes on bare metal, you can use the Agent platform. The Agent platform uses the central infrastructure management service to add worker nodes to a hosted cluster. For more information, see Enabling the central infrastructure management service.

Each IBM Z system host must be started with the PXE images provided by the central infrastructure management. After each host starts, it runs an Agent process to discover the details of the host and completes the installation. An Agent custom resource represents each host.

When you create a hosted cluster with the Agent platform, HyperShift Operator installs the Agent Cluster API provider in the hosted control plane namespace.

3.5.1. Prerequisites to configure hosted control planes on IBM Z

  • The multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator version 2.5 or later must be installed on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. You can install multicluster engine Operator as an Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform OperatorHub.
  • The multicluster engine Operator must have at least one managed OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The local-cluster is automatically imported in multicluster engine Operator 2.5 and later. For more information about the local-cluster, see Advanced configuration in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management documentation. You can check the status of your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get managedclusters local-cluster
  • You need a hosting cluster with at least three worker nodes to run the HyperShift Operator.
  • You need to enable the central infrastructure management service. For more information, see Enabling the central infrastructure management service.
  • You need to install the hosted control plane command line interface. For more information, see Installing the hosted control plane command line interface.

3.5.2. IBM Z infrastructure requirements

The Agent platform does not create any infrastructure, but requires the following resources for infrastructure:

  • Agents: An Agent represents a host that is booted with a discovery image, or PXE image and is ready to be provisioned as an OpenShift Container Platform node.
  • DNS: The API and Ingress endpoints must be routable.

The hosted control planes feature is enabled by default. If you disabled the feature and want to manually enable it, or if you need to disable the feature, see Enabling or disabling the hosted control planes feature.

3.5.3. DNS configuration for hosted control planes on IBM Z

The API server for the hosted cluster is exposed as a NodePort service. A DNS entry must exist for the api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<base_domain> that points to the destination where the API server is reachable.

The DNS entry can be as simple as a record that points to one of the nodes in the managed cluster that is running the hosted control plane.

The entry can also point to a load balancer deployed to redirect incoming traffic to the Ingress pods.

See the following example of a DNS configuration:

$ cat /var/named/<example.krnl.es.zone>

Example output

$ TTL 900
@ IN  SOA bastion.example.krnl.es.com. hostmaster.example.krnl.es.com. (
      1D 1H 1W 3H )
  IN NS bastion.example.krnl.es.com.
api                   IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1xx 1
api-int               IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1xx
*.apps        IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1xx

The record refers to the IP address of the API load balancer that handles ingress and egress traffic for hosted control planes.

For IBM z/VM, add IP addresses that correspond to the IP address of the agent.

compute-0              IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1yy
compute-1              IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1yy

3.5.4. Creating a hosted cluster on bare metal

When you create a hosted cluster with the Agent platform, HyperShift installs the Agent Cluster API provider in the hosted control plane namespace. You can create a hosted cluster on bare metal or import one.

As you create a hosted cluster, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Each hosted cluster must have a cluster-wide unique name. A hosted cluster name cannot be the same as any existing managed cluster in order for multicluster engine Operator to manage it.
  • Do not use clusters as a hosted cluster name.
  • A hosted cluster cannot be created in the namespace of a multicluster engine Operator managed cluster.


  1. Create the hosted control plane namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc create ns <hosted_cluster_namespace>-<hosted_cluster_name>

    Replace <hosted_cluster_namespace> with your hosted cluster namespace name, for example, clusters. Replace <hosted_cluster_name> with your hosted cluster name.

  2. Verify that you have a default storage class configured for your cluster. Otherwise, you might see pending PVCs. Run the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster agent \
        --name=<hosted_cluster_name> \1
        --pull-secret=<path_to_pull_secret> \2
        --agent-namespace=<hosted_control_plane_namespace> \3
        --base-domain=<basedomain> \4
        --api-server-address=api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> \5
        --etcd-storage-class=<etcd_storage_class> \6
        --ssh-key  <path_to_ssh_public_key> \7
        --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \8
        --control-plane-availability-policy SingleReplica \
        --release-image=quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release_image> 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify your hosted control plane namespace, for example, clusters-example. Ensure that agents are available in this namespace by using the oc get agent -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> command.
    Specify your base domain, for example, krnl.es.
    The --api-server-address flag defines the IP address that is used for the Kubernetes API communication in the hosted cluster. If you do not set the --api-server-address flag, you must log in to connect to the management cluster.
    Specify the etcd storage class name, for example, lvm-storageclass.
    Specify the path to your SSH public key. The default file path is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    Specify your hosted cluster namespace.
    Specify the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64. If you are using a disconnected environment, replace <ocp_release_image> with the digest image. To extract the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest, see Extracting the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest.
  3. After a few moments, verify that your hosted control plane pods are up and running by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    capi-provider-7dcf5fc4c4-nr9sq                   1/1     Running   0          4m32s
    catalog-operator-6cd867cc7-phb2q                 2/2     Running   0          2m50s
    certified-operators-catalog-884c756c4-zdt64      1/1     Running   0          2m51s
    cluster-api-f75d86f8c-56wfz                      1/1     Running   0          4m32s

3.5.5. Creating an InfraEnv resource for hosted control planes on IBM Z

An InfraEnv is an environment where hosts that are booted with PXE images can join as agents. In this case, the agents are created in the same namespace as your hosted control plane.


  1. Create a YAML file to contain the configuration. See the following example:

    apiVersion: agent-install.openshift.io/v1beta1
    kind: InfraEnv
      name: <hosted_cluster_name>
      namespace: <hosted_control_plane_namespace>
      cpuArchitecture: s390x
        name: pull-secret
      sshAuthorizedKey: <ssh_public_key>
  2. Save the file as infraenv-config.yaml.
  3. Apply the configuration by entering the following command:

    $ oc apply -f infraenv-config.yaml
  4. To fetch the URL to download the PXE images, such as, initrd.img, kernel.img, or rootfs.img, which allows IBM Z machines to join as agents, enter the following command:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get InfraEnv <hosted_cluster_name> -o json

3.5.6. Adding IBM Z agents to the InfraEnv resource

To attach compute nodes to a hosted control plane, create agents that help you to scale the node pool. Adding agents in an IBM Z environment requires additional steps, which are described in detail in this section.

Unless stated otherwise, these procedures apply to both z/VM and RHEL KVM installations on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE. Adding IBM Z KVM as agents

For IBM Z with KVM, run the following command to start your IBM Z environment with the downloaded PXE images from the InfraEnv resource. After the Agents are created, the host communicates with the Assisted Service and registers in the same namespace as the InfraEnv resource on the management cluster.


  1. Run the following command:

    virt-install \
       --name "<vm_name>" \ 1
       --autostart \
       --ram=16384 \
       --cpu host \
       --vcpus=4 \
       --location "<path_to_kernel_initrd_image>,kernel=kernel.img,initrd=initrd.img" \ 2
       --disk <qcow_image_path> \ 3
       --network network:macvtap-net,mac=<mac_address> \ 4
       --graphics none \
       --noautoconsole \
       --extra-args "rd.neednet=1 nameserver=<nameserver>   coreos.live.rootfs_url=http://<http_server>/rootfs.img random.trust_cpu=on rd.luks.options=discard ignition.firstboot ignition.platform.id=metal console=tty1 console=ttyS1,115200n8 coreos.inst.persistent-kargs=console=tty1 console=ttyS1,115200n8" 5
    Specify the name of the virtual machine.
    Specify the location of the kernel_initrd_image file.
    Specify the disk image path.
    Specify the Mac address.
    Specify the server name of the agents.
  2. For ISO boot, download ISO from the InfraEnv resource and boot the nodes by running the following command:

    virt-install \
      --name "<vm_name>" \ 1
      --autostart \
      --memory=16384 \
      --cpu host \
      --vcpus=4 \
      --network network:macvtap-net,mac=<mac_address> \ 2
      --cdrom "<path_to_image.iso>" \ 3
      --disk <qcow_image_path> \
      --graphics none \
      --noautoconsole \
      --os-variant <os_version> \ 4
    Specify the name of the virtual machine.
    Specify the Mac address.
    Specify the location of the image.iso file.
    Specify the operating system version that you are using. Adding IBM Z LPAR as agents

You can add the Logical Partition (LPAR) on IBM Z or IBM LinuxONE as a compute node to a hosted control plane.


  1. Create a boot parameter file for the agents:

    Example parameter file

    rd.neednet=1 cio_ignore=all,!condev \
    console=ttysclp0 \
    ignition.firstboot ignition.platform.id=metal
    coreos.live.rootfs_url=http://<http_server>/rhcos-<version>-live-rootfs.<architecture>.img \1
    ip=<ip>::<gateway>:<netmask>:<hostname>::none nameserver=<dns> \2
    rd.<disk_type>=<adapter> \3
    ai.ip_cfg_override=1 \4
    random.trust_cpu=on rd.luks.options=discard

    For the coreos.live.rootfs_url artifact, specify the matching rootfs artifact for the kernel and initramfs that you are starting. Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.
    For the ip parameter, manually assign the IP address, as described in Installing a cluster with z/VM on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE.
    For installations on DASD-type disks, use rd.dasd to specify the DASD where Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) is to be installed. For installations on FCP-type disks, use rd.zfcp=<adapter>,<wwpn>,<lun> to specify the FCP disk where RHCOS is to be installed.
    Specify this parameter when you use an Open Systems Adapter (OSA) or HiperSockets.
  2. Generate the .ins and initrd.img.addrsize files.

    The .ins file includes installation data and is on the FTP server. You can access the file from the HMC system. The .ins file contains details such as mapping of the location of installation data on the disk or FTP server, the memory locations where the data is to be copied.


    In OpenShift Container Platform 4.16, the .ins file and initrd.img.addrsize are not automatically generated as part of boot-artifacts from the installation program. You must manually generate these files.

    1. Run the following commands to get the size of the kernel and initrd:

      kernel_size=$(stat -c%s $KERNEL_IMG_PATH )
      initrd_size=$(stat -c%s $INITRD_IMG_PATH)
    2. Round the kernel size up to the next MiB boundary. This value is the starting address of initrd.img.

      offset=$(( (kernel_size + 1048575) / 1048576 * 1048576 ))
    3. Create the kernel binary patch file that contains the initrd address and size by running the following commands:

      INITRD_IMG_NAME=$(echo $INITRD_IMG_PATH | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev)
      OFFSET_HEX=$(printf '0x%08x\n' $offset)
    4. Convert the address and size to binary format by running the following command:

      $ printf "$(printf '%016x\n' $initrd_size)" | xxd -r -p > temp_size.bin
    5. Merge the address and size binaries by running the following command:

      $ cat temp_address.bin temp_size.bin > "$INITRD_IMG_NAME.addrsize"
    6. Clean up temporary files by running the following command:

      $ rm -rf temp_address.bin temp_size.bin
    7. Create the .ins file. The file is based on the paths of the kernel.img, initrd.img, initrd.img.addrsize, and cmdline files and the memory locations where the data is to be copied.

  3. Transfer the initrd, kernel, generic.ins, and initrd.img.addrsize parameter files to the file server. For more information about how to transfer the files with FTP and boot, see Installing in an LPAR.
  4. Start the machine.
  5. Repeat the procedure for all other machines in the cluster.

Additional resources Adding IBM z/VM as agents

If you want to use a static IP for z/VM guest, you must configure the NMStateConfig attribute for the z/VM agent so that the IP parameter persists in the second start.

Complete the following steps to start your IBM Z environment with the downloaded PXE images from the InfraEnv resource. After the Agents are created, the host communicates with the Assisted Service and registers in the same namespace as the InfraEnv resource on the management cluster.


  1. Update the parameter file to add the rootfs_url, network_adaptor and disk_type values.

    Example parameter file

    rd.neednet=1 cio_ignore=all,!condev \
    console=ttysclp0  \
    ignition.firstboot ignition.platform.id=metal \
    coreos.live.rootfs_url=http://<http_server>/rhcos-<version>-live-rootfs.<architecture>.img \1
    ip=<ip>::<gateway>:<netmask>:<hostname>::none nameserver=<dns> \2
    rd.<disk_type>=<adapter> \3
    ai.ip_cfg_override=1 \4

    For the coreos.live.rootfs_url artifact, specify the matching rootfs artifact for the kernel and initramfs that you are starting. Only HTTP and HTTPS protocols are supported.
    For the ip parameter, manually assign the IP address, as described in Installing a cluster with z/VM on IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE.
    For installations on DASD-type disks, use rd.dasd to specify the DASD where Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) is to be installed. For installations on FCP-type disks, use rd.zfcp=<adapter>,<wwpn>,<lun> to specify the FCP disk where RHCOS is to be installed.
    Specify this parameter when you use an Open Systems Adapter (OSA) or HiperSockets.
  2. Move initrd, kernel images, and the parameter file to the guest VM by running the following commands:

    vmur pun -r -u -N kernel.img $INSTALLERKERNELLOCATION/<image name>
    vmur pun -r -u -N generic.parm $PARMFILELOCATION/paramfilename
    vmur pun -r -u -N initrd.img $INSTALLERINITRAMFSLOCATION/<image name>
  3. Run the following command from the guest VM console:

    cp ipl c
  4. To list the agents and their properties, enter the following command:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agents

    Example output

    50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d    auto-assign
    5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a    auto-assign

  5. Run the following command to approve the agent.

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> patch agent \
      50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d -p \
      '{"spec":{"installation_disk_id":"/dev/sda","approved":true,"hostname":"worker-zvm-0.hostedn.example.com"}}' \1
      --type merge
    Optionally, you can set the agent ID <installation_disk_id> and <hostname> in the specification.
  6. Run the following command to verify that the agents are approved:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agents

    Example output

    NAME                                            CLUSTER     APPROVED   ROLE          STAGE
    50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d             true       auto-assign
    5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a             true       auto-assign

3.5.7. Scaling the NodePool object for a hosted cluster on IBM Z

The NodePool object is created when you create a hosted cluster. By scaling the NodePool object, you can add more compute nodes to the hosted control plane.

When you scale up a node pool, a machine is created. The Cluster API provider finds an Agent that is approved, is passing validations, is not currently in use, and meets the requirements that are specified in the node pool specification. You can monitor the installation of an Agent by checking its status and conditions.

When you scale down a node pool, Agents are unbound from the corresponding cluster. Before you reuse the clusters, you must boot the clusters by using the PXE image to update the number of nodes.


  1. Run the following command to scale the NodePool object to two nodes:

    $ oc -n <clusters_namespace> scale nodepool <nodepool_name> --replicas 2

    The Cluster API agent provider randomly picks two agents that are then assigned to the hosted cluster. Those agents go through different states and finally join the hosted cluster as {ocp-short} nodes. The agents pass through the transition phases in the following order:

    • binding
    • discovering
    • insufficient
    • installing
    • installing-in-progress
    • added-to-existing-cluster
  2. Run the following command to see the status of a specific scaled agent:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent -o \
      jsonpath='{range .items[*]}BMH: {@.metadata.labels.agent-install\.openshift\.io/bmh} \
      Agent: {@.metadata.name} State: {@.status.debugInfo.state}{"\n"}{end}'

    Example output

    BMH: Agent: 50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d State: known-unbound
    BMH: Agent: 5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a State: insufficient

  3. Run the following command to see the transition phases:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent

    Example output

    NAME                                   CLUSTER           APPROVED       ROLE        STAGE
    50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d   hosted-forwarder   true          auto-assign
    5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a                      true          auto-assign
    da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091   hosted-forwarder   true          auto-assign

  4. Run the following command to generate the kubeconfig file to access the hosted cluster:

    $ hcp create kubeconfig --namespace <clusters_namespace> --name <hosted_cluster_namespace> > <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig
  5. After the agents reach the added-to-existing-cluster state, verify that you can see the {ocp-short} nodes by entering the following command:

    $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes

    Example output

    NAME                             STATUS   ROLES    AGE      VERSION
    worker-zvm-0.hostedn.example.com Ready    worker   5m41s    v1.24.0+3882f8f
    worker-zvm-1.hostedn.example.com Ready    worker   6m3s     v1.24.0+3882f8f

    Cluster Operators start to reconcile by adding workloads to the nodes.

  6. Enter the following command to verify that two machines were created when you scaled up the NodePool object:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get machine.cluster.x-k8s.io

    Example output

    NAME                                CLUSTER  NODENAME PROVIDERID     PHASE     AGE   VERSION
    hosted-forwarder-79558597ff-5tbqp   hosted-forwarder-crqq5   worker-zvm-0.hostedn.example.com   agent://50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d   Running   41h   4.15.0
    hosted-forwarder-79558597ff-lfjfk   hosted-forwarder-crqq5   worker-zvm-1.hostedn.example.com   agent://5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a   Running   41h   4.15.0

  7. Run the following command to check the cluster version:

    $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get clusterversion,co

    Example output

    NAME                                         VERSION       AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   SINCE   STATUS
    clusterversion.config.openshift.io/version   4.15.0-ec.2   True        False         40h     Cluster version is 4.15.0-ec.2

  8. Run the following command to check the cluster operator status:

    $ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get clusteroperators

For each component of your cluster, the output shows the following cluster operator statuses: NAME, VERSION, AVAILABLE, PROGRESSING, DEGRADED, SINCE, and MESSAGE.

For an output example, see Initial Operator configuration.

Additional resources

3.6. Deploying hosted control planes on IBM Power

You can deploy hosted control planes by configuring a cluster to function as a hosting cluster. The hosting cluster is an OpenShift Container Platform cluster where the control planes are hosted. The hosting cluster is also known as the management cluster.


The management cluster is not the managed cluster. A managed cluster is a cluster that the hub cluster manages.

The multicluster engine Operator version 2.5 supports only the default local-cluster, which is a hub cluster that is managed, and the hub cluster as the hosting cluster.


Hosted control planes on IBM Power is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

To provision hosted control planes on bare metal, you can use the Agent platform. The Agent platform uses the central infrastructure management service to add worker nodes to a hosted cluster. For more information, see "Enabling the central infrastructure management service".

Each IBM Power host must be started with a Discovery Image that the central infrastructure management provides. After each host starts, it runs an Agent process to discover the details of the host and completes the installation. An Agent custom resource represents each host.

When you create a hosted cluster with the Agent platform, HyperShift installs the Agent Cluster API provider in the hosted control plane namespace.

3.6.1. Prerequisites to configure hosted control planes on IBM Power

  • The multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator version 2.5 and later installed on an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The multicluster engine Operator is automatically installed when you install Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM). You can also install the multicluster engine Operator without RHACM as an Operator from the OpenShift Container Platform OperatorHub.
  • The multicluster engine Operator must have at least one managed OpenShift Container Platform cluster. The local-cluster managed hub cluster is automatically imported in the multicluster engine Operator version 2.5 and later. For more information about local-cluster, see Advanced configuration in the RHACM documentation. You can check the status of your hub cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc get managedclusters local-cluster
  • You need a hosting cluster with at least 3 worker nodes to run the HyperShift Operator.
  • You need to enable the central infrastructure management service. For more information, see "Enabling the central infrastructure management service".
  • You need to install the hosted control plane command-line interface. For more information, see "Installing the hosted control plane command-line interface".

The hosted control planes feature is enabled by default. If you disabled the feature and want to manually enable it, see "Manually enabling the hosted control planes feature". If you need to disable the feature, see "Disabling the hosted control planes feature".

3.6.2. IBM Power infrastructure requirements

The Agent platform does not create any infrastructure, but requires the following resources for infrastructure:

  • Agents: An Agent represents a host that is booted with a discovery image and is ready to be provisioned as an OpenShift Container Platform node.
  • DNS: The API and Ingress endpoints must be routable.

3.6.3. DNS configuration for hosted control planes on IBM Power

The API server for the hosted cluster is exposed. A DNS entry must exist for the api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> entry that points to the destination where the API server is reachable.

The DNS entry can be as simple as a record that points to one of the nodes in the managed cluster that is running the hosted control plane.

The entry can also point to a load balancer that is deployed to redirect incoming traffic to the ingress pods.

See the following example of a DNS configuration:

$ cat /var/named/<example.krnl.es.zone>

Example output

$ TTL 900
@ IN  SOA bastion.example.krnl.es.com. hostmaster.example.krnl.es.com. (
      1D 1H 1W 3H )
  IN NS bastion.example.krnl.es.com.
api                   IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1xx 1
api-int               IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1xx
*.apps.<hosted-cluster-name>.<basedomain>           IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1xx

The record refers to the IP address of the API load balancer that handles ingress and egress traffic for hosted control planes.

For IBM Power, add IP addresses that correspond to the IP address of the agent.

Example configuration

compute-0              IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1yy
compute-1              IN A 1xx.2x.2xx.1yy

3.6.4. Creating a hosted cluster on bare metal

When you create a hosted cluster with the Agent platform, HyperShift installs the Agent Cluster API provider in the hosted control plane namespace. You can create a hosted cluster on bare metal or import one.

As you create a hosted cluster, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Each hosted cluster must have a cluster-wide unique name. A hosted cluster name cannot be the same as any existing managed cluster in order for multicluster engine Operator to manage it.
  • Do not use clusters as a hosted cluster name.
  • A hosted cluster cannot be created in the namespace of a multicluster engine Operator managed cluster.


  1. Create the hosted control plane namespace by entering the following command:

    $ oc create ns <hosted_cluster_namespace>-<hosted_cluster_name>

    Replace <hosted_cluster_namespace> with your hosted cluster namespace name, for example, clusters. Replace <hosted_cluster_name> with your hosted cluster name.

  2. Verify that you have a default storage class configured for your cluster. Otherwise, you might see pending PVCs. Run the following command:

    $ hcp create cluster agent \
        --name=<hosted_cluster_name> \1
        --pull-secret=<path_to_pull_secret> \2
        --agent-namespace=<hosted_control_plane_namespace> \3
        --base-domain=<basedomain> \4
        --api-server-address=api.<hosted_cluster_name>.<basedomain> \5
        --etcd-storage-class=<etcd_storage_class> \6
        --ssh-key  <path_to_ssh_public_key> \7
        --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \8
        --control-plane-availability-policy SingleReplica \
        --release-image=quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release:<ocp_release_image> 9
    Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example.
    Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret.
    Specify your hosted control plane namespace, for example, clusters-example. Ensure that agents are available in this namespace by using the oc get agent -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> command.
    Specify your base domain, for example, krnl.es.
    The --api-server-address flag defines the IP address that is used for the Kubernetes API communication in the hosted cluster. If you do not set the --api-server-address flag, you must log in to connect to the management cluster.
    Specify the etcd storage class name, for example, lvm-storageclass.
    Specify the path to your SSH public key. The default file path is ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
    Specify your hosted cluster namespace.
    Specify the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example, 4.14.0-x86_64. If you are using a disconnected environment, replace <ocp_release_image> with the digest image. To extract the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest, see Extracting the OpenShift Container Platform release image digest.
  3. After a few moments, verify that your hosted control plane pods are up and running by entering the following command:

    $ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get pods

    Example output

    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    capi-provider-7dcf5fc4c4-nr9sq                   1/1     Running   0          4m32s
    catalog-operator-6cd867cc7-phb2q                 2/2     Running   0          2m50s
    certified-operators-catalog-884c756c4-zdt64      1/1     Running   0          2m51s
    cluster-api-f75d86f8c-56wfz                      1/1     Running   0          4m32s

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