Red Hat AMQ 6
As of February 2025, Red Hat is no longer supporting Red Hat AMQ 6. If you are using AMQ 6, please upgrade: Migrating to AMQ 7.Questo contenuto non è disponibile nella lingua selezionata.
Chapter 4. Enhancements
4.1. Messaging
Table 4.1, “Messaging Enhancements in 6.1” lists the enhancements in version 6.1.
Enhancement | Description |
ENTMQ-278 | Allow XAPooledConnectionFactory to be join an xa transaction - two connection factories in same arjuna jboss jta transaction |
ENTMQ-291 | Improve mq-web-console style sheet - clash of background and forground text on list items |
ENTMQ-307 | AMQP hardening |
ENTMQ-323 | Provide a way to see what the TTL is for a specific message |
ENTMQ-324 | Please add statistics regarding messageSize |
ENTMQ-345 | Move MQ integration tests under the MQ project. |
ENTMQ-347 | Allow JCA bound connection factory to be used outside of managedConnection - apply spec configuration like brokerURL |
ENTMQ-359 | Ability to determine the slowness of an ActiveMQ consumer |
ENTMQ-369 | Tell broker to use only space it thinks we have |
ENTMQ-376 | Please default checksumJournalFiles to true |
ENTMQ-391 | Add keep alive component to file locker |
ENTMQ-392 | Allow auto broker restart on xml configuration change feature to be disabled |
ENTMQ-393 | Allow wildcards in group definitions |
ENTMQ-425 | Please improve the logging for AMQ JDBC store so that the SQL statements can be logged |
ENTMQ-426 | Please provide a -port option on mqcreate |
ENTMQ-427 | Please provide a way to encrypt configured webconsole passwords |
ENTMQ-428 | Please make webconsole security role error more descriptive |
ENTMQ-440 | rename activemq-broker feature to a-mq-broker to reflect the fabric dependency (or difference from activemq) |
ENTMQ-487 | Make hawtio feature complete with web console |
ENTMQ-179 | Package CMS/NMS in distro |
ENTMQ-303 | Allow updates of broker configurations, without having to re-start the broker |
ENTMQ-308 | JMS Client for AMQP |
ENTMQ-348 | Certify LevelDB |
ENTMQ-396 | Need a generic XA aware JMS ConnectionFactory that works with Aries TX manager |
ENTMQ-351 | HawtIO web console branding |
ENTMQ-403 | Run all FuseByExample demos against 6.1 kits |
ENTMQ-419 | Fix mq/mq-itests |
ENTMQ-456 | Package Clients into individual zips |
ENTMQ-481 | Remove ActiveMQ web console from A-MQ 6.1 kits |
ENTMQ-500 | ActiveMQ examples - Add repository to our repo so the examples can build |
ENTMQ-519 | Upgrade to qpid-amqp-1-0-client-jms 0.26 |
ENTMQ-535 | Ensure jms amqp client reports an exception on a transport failure |
ENTMQ-265 | org.apache.activemq.transport.amqp.joram.JoramJmsTest hangs on several platforms |
ENTMQ-297 | Why is it 3x slower with transactions? |
ENTMQ-298 | How best to config system Usage memory limit and per destination memory limit? |
ENTMQ-300 | network consumers get confused during high traffic volume with consumer re-connects |
ENTMQ-373 | Messages consumed in a TX from AMQP client are not removed from the Queue |
ENTMQ-469 | Bug 1011042 - MDB stops processing messages after failover from master to slave |
ENTMQ-570 | [DOC] release note that jmx.restart is not production ready |
ENTMQ-279 | RAR - support session enlistment on cached connection (so transaction created after createConnection but before createSession) |
ENTMQ-396 | Need a generic XA aware JMS ConnectionFactory that works with Aries TX manager |
AMQ-2180 | infinite networkTTL |
AMQ-2429 | Show flow control being active on web console ... |
AMQ-2932 | A little optimization to IdGenerator and a potential issue with the counter |
AMQ-3388 | Http/https protocol uses Xstream for serializing commands in xml. Field additions to the commands bresks xtream serializacion between amq versions |
AMQ-3779 | Allow logging broker plugin to use a log per destination |
AMQ-4059 | activemq-web - Remove dependency on Camel |
AMQ-4174 | Deleting/moving a message from queue overview should redirect back to overview of the queue |
AMQ-4205 | Expose thread pool configuration |
AMQ-4337 | Messages with AMQ_SCHEDULED_DELAY do not respect transactions |
AMQ-4365 | Allow the Lease Locker to be used with out a JDBCPersistenceAdapter - so it can be a kahadb lock |
AMQ-4433 | Socket parameters are not validated |
AMQ-4438 | Add uptime to bstat output |
AMQ-4473 | Allow enabling remote debug from newly created broker instance |
AMQ-4482 | Suport systemUsage.memoryUsage.percentOfJvmHeap=70 option |
AMQ-4488 | KahaDB should log a warning for recovered prepared XA Transactions on startup. |
AMQ-4518 | Expired Message check being done when its not really needed [Performance Issue] |
AMQ-4520 | Allow the bouncy castle security provider to be used if present in the lib dir. |
AMQ-4522 | Allow setting timeToLive when sending messages using JMX |
AMQ-4539 | make the networkTTL or brokerPath visible via jmx and via a message property |
AMQ-4549 | The activemq-all and activemq-osgi modules should have proper uber sources.jar files too. |
AMQ-4571 | Improve DestinationFilter to allow any filter to unsubscribe its wrapped destination from a durable subscruption |
AMQ-4577 | log level used to say a message ack was ignored because the message is expired should be debug and not warn |
AMQ-4584 | Allow configuration of a discarding dead letter strategy |
AMQ-4593 | Upgrade Snappy Java |
AMQ-4607 | network connectors - new messageTTL and consumerTTL - split usage of networkTTL for mesh topology |
AMQ-4621 | Provide a polling SlowConsumerPolicy that uses LastAck time on a sub |
AMQ-4637 | Add cause property to DLQ message that exceed redelivery policy, ref the policy |
AMQ-4662 | KahaDB default checksumJournalFiles to true |
AMQ-4668 | REST API only accepts non-form content if content type of text/xml |
AMQ-4675 | Rest MessageServlet should set cache control header |
AMQ-4689 | Allow for JobSchedulerStore implementations to be provided by the PersistenceAdapter |
AMQ-4706 | Failover transport - Add option to configure WARN logging internval for failover attempts still failing |
AMQ-4709 | Allow wildcards in Authorization plugin group definitions |
AMQ-4721 | Update slf4j library to latest version (1.7.5 currently) |
AMQ-4754 | Add connection counters at broker level |
AMQ-4758 | Improve performance of pull consumers |
AMQ-4787 | ActiveMQ web console welcome page should not be constrained |
AMQ-4795 | Enable amqp transport out of the box in activemq-karaf |
AMQ-4799 | Starting AMQ standalone - ws connector url/port not logged |
AMQ-4801 | ActiveMQ web demo - chat example - Logs jetty IDLE ERROR 1st time |
AMQ-4806 | './bin/activemq console' should 'exec' java so that way scripts calling it can get the pid for the broker's java process. |
AMQ-4819 | Reducing memory usage should log at INFO/WARN level instead of ERROR |
AMQ-4821 | runtime config - add support for spring properties config with properties or bean factory |
AMQ-4825 | ConnectionFactory and ActiveMQCamelComponent should default to the right port if on OpenShift |
AMQ-4826 | Avoid unnecessary remainder operator for floating-point |
AMQ-4831 | Average message size attribute on broker mbean should not have decimals |
AMQ-4843 | runtime config - support addition of composite virtual destinations - forwardTo |
AMQ-4844 | Provide more granular karaf features |
AMQ-4849 | runtime config - support modifications to simpleAuthenticationPlugin plugin |
AMQ-4852 | Show clientId view of duplex network connection Mbeans |
AMQ-4856 | Change MIME type for XML in the REST API |
AMQ-4881 | Align xbean and upgrade to 3.15 |
AMQ-4903 | ActiveMQ should depend to http feature instead of jetty |
AMQ-4909 | OSGi granularity of activemq-osgi bundle |
AMQ-4912 | StatisticsPlugin - destination stats should include broker info |
AMQ-4916 | Add JMX stats for Consumers and Producers accessible from the Broker |
AMQ-4926 | Extends activemq-karaf import version range to work with both Karaf 2 & 3 |
AMQ-4931 | Karaf commands should auto-export interfaces |
AMQ-4947 | Reduce the reliance on fsync when writing to disk |
AMQ-4969 | Update the JobSchedulerStoreImpl in KahaDB to use LockableServiceSupport |
AMQ-4979 | Put back Jolokia management API |
AMQ-4989 | Better protect worker thread in TcpTransportServer that handles socket accepts |
AMQ-5005 | Eclipse build with latest Scala plugins fails |
AMQ-5007 | Upgrade Proton to v0.6 |
AMQ-5011 | Statistics plugin doesn't fill in Message timestamp or priority |
AMQ-5031 | Allow isSameRM override from broker identity to connection identity to avoid xa.join |
AMQ-5049 | Set headless when running tests. |
AMQ-5050 | Populate a 'Host' header in the WireFormatInfo of the Openwire protocol to let multi-tenant proxies route connections |
AMQ-5076 | Pooled session creation blocks when maxActive is reached |
AMQ-5078 | Typos in stomp/ |
AMQ-5091 | Upgrade to jolokia 1.2 |
AMQ-3024 | Scheduler should support non-Kaha persistence |
AMQ-3097 | add Function calls to selectors |
AMQ-3452 | add 'stop' goal to the maven-activemq-plugin |
AMQ-3621 | Integrate Apache Shiro with ActiveMQ as "security solution" |
AMQ-4175 | Adding a retry-button |
AMQ-4188 | ActiveMQ Karaf Command for overview of queues alike what you see in the web console |
AMQ-4483 | Improve DLQ handling |
AMQ-4509 | activemq-maven-plugin should have a stop goal |
AMQ-4526 | ActiveMQ should automatically restart if a Locker looses it's lock. |
AMQ-4567 | JMX operations on broker bypass authorization plugin |
AMQ-4574 | Add EndpointCompleter functionality to ActiveMQ Camel component |
AMQ-4594 | Replace web console with hawtio |
AMQ-4617 | Enable MQTT over WebSocket protocol |
AMQ-4635 | Expose producer flow control statistics via JMX |
AMQ-4682 | runtime configuration - allow selective application of changes to xml configuration without broker restart |
AMQ-4690 | create a camel component for intercepting messages as they pass through the Broker |
AMQ-4697 | Add the ability to show average message size per destination |
AMQ-4718 | Extra options added to a failover/discovery URL that don't map to failover configuration settings, should get passed to the nested URLs. |
AMQ-4723 | HTTP Discovery agent should only poll for broker URLs while attempting to connect a transport. |
AMQ-4757 | Provide a generic jms XA connection pool |
AMQ-4760 | Add dstat command to activemq karaf commands |
AMQ-4766 | Expose Message Group maps via JMX |
AMQ-4918 | Added JMX metics for networks per destination |
AMQ-4946 | include activemq-jms-pool in activemq-all |
AMQ-4968 | Add new mode to JMS Pool that allows for not caching producers |
AMQ-4990 | Add support for the changes in MQTT 3.1.1 |
AMQ-5072 | Support configuring a different directory for the KahaDB index files. |
AMQ-4251 | Scala compile warnings - Compiling activemq-leveldb-store |
AMQ-4524 | Remove camel-jetty dep from project |
AMQ-4552 | activemq-karaf - Should be able to install in Karaf 2.3 |
AMQ-4557 | Upgrade dependency to karaf 2.3.1 |
AMQ-4732 | maven : add IssueManagement declaration |
AMQ-4733 | Upgrade to Jasypt 1.9.1 |
AMQ-4734 | Upgrade Jolokia to 1.1.3 |
AMQ-4745 | Upgrade to json-simple 1.1.1 |
AMQ-4749 | Upgrade to xerces 2.11.0 |
AMQ-4750 | WebConsole readme in assembly should be updated with hawtio details |
AMQ-4751 | Upgrade to commons-io 2.4 |
AMQ-4752 | Upgrade to derby |
AMQ-4780 | Upgrade to qpid 0.24 |
AMQ-4784 | Upgrade Jolokia to 1.1.4 |
AMQ-4803 | Examples - Update instructions due recent moving of files to new directory |
AMQ-4816 | Update deprecated code in activemq-camel tests |
AMQ-4839 | deprecated JMS streams |
AMQ-4858 | Scala source file forgotten in /src/main/java |
AMQ-4883 | Fusesource release repo not needed |
AMQ-4885 | Typos in MessageStore |
AMQ-5060 | Upgrade to xstream 1.4.7 |
AMQ-5064 | Update QPid client to v0.26 |
ENTESB-1220 | Update to RH built native libs |
ENTMQ-500 | ActiveMQ examples - Add repository to our repo so the examples can build |