Red Hat AMQ 6
As of February 2025, Red Hat is no longer supporting Red Hat AMQ 6. If you are using AMQ 6, please upgrade: Migrating to AMQ 7.Questo contenuto non è disponibile nella lingua selezionata.
4.3. Fuse Fabric
Table 4.3, “Fabric Enhancements in 6.1” lists the enhancements in version 6.1.
Enhancement | Description |
FABRIC-106 | Rename the following command "container-domains" to "container-jmx-domains" |
FABRIC-346 | support git repos as the storage mechanism for Fabric configuration |
FABRIC-375 | Provide encryption capabilities in Fabric Profiles and Fuse ESB configuration files |
FABRIC-377 | Create a command for profiles to pick up new versions |
FABRIC-379 | Make Fabric Patch Process available via the CommandLine |
FABRIC-389 | have a fabric-web agent so that any web app deployed into karaf is automatically registered into the ZooKeeper /fabric/clusters/web/:groupId/:artifactId/:version/:profile/:container URI |
FABRIC-391 | Unable to create child container on remote root container using oracle JDK 7 on linux |
FABRIC-410 | Should be able to specify multiple -p/--profile arguments to fabric:create |
FABRIC-419 | Ability to Create Root Container on the Local Host |
FABRIC-430 | camel-fabric should support to set the zookeeper client options from component level. |
FABRIC-435 | RandomLoadBalanceStrategy should check the empty of alternateAddressList |
FABRIC-438 | Add a simple lock service based on the zookeeper recipes |
FABRIC-439 | Improve the way Fabric detects port usage by containers |
FABRIC-445 | Fabric profile should allow renaming and copying of profile. |
FABRIC-451 | Allow the zookeeper URL to bind to a specific address |
FABRIC-452 | Replace the zookeeper client with curator. |
FABRIC-453 | fabric:create should allow the user to be able to specify the initial git repo to use as the source of the configuration |
FABRIC-455 | there seems to be a branch called 1.0-tmp left after using the fabric-git-zkbridge - can we delete it? |
FABRIC-458 | Add caching to the zookeeper datastore |
FABRIC-460 | Provide a way to report bluprint/spring context failures in fabric. |
FABRIC-465 | Improve usability of profile import/export options |
FABRIC-471 | Fabric should skip ephemeral nodes when copying entries between ensembles. |
FABRIC-472 | FabricService and DataStore should provide means of untracking configuration |
FABRIC-475 | Upgrade to jclouds 1.6.x |
FABRIC-482 | Fabric doesn't allow remote host user/password to be changed once the container is created. |
FABRIC-491 | Upagrade to the latest stable zookeeper version (3.4.5). |
FABRIC-553 | Add a placeholder resolver for environment variables. |
FABRIC-554 | Wait for placeholder resolvers before substitution |
FABRIC-560 | Align the jclouds container provider with the rest of the container providers and use SCR. |
FABRIC-563 | Provide a container placeholder resolver. |
FABRIC-600 | fabric:create and fabric-ensemble-add/remove should provide more control over the zookeeper server configuration. |
FABRIC-606 | Creating containers on openshift often fails |
FABRIC-729 | Encryption placeholder resolver is not workable |
FABRIC-750 | org.apache.zookeeper.server.PrepRequestProcessor logging is too noisy |
FABRIC-789 | Creating fabric from CLI - Have some information that it takes a little while for the fabric to be ready |
FABRIC-801 | In OpenShift, after instantiating the cartridge there is no link to the management console |
FABRIC-161 | git mirror for fabric configuration |
FABRIC-320 | Provision jetty using fabric |
FABRIC-428 | add a profile URL handler so folks can load configuration files for their profile |
FABRIC-429 | Abstract out profile storage |
FABRIC-433 | support profiles which load their blueprint XML from inside the profile configuration (e.g. from git / ZK tree) - and then detect changes in the configuration and reload the services |
FABRIC-434 | fabric-cxf FabricLoadBalancerFeature support to take effect on client after setting to bus |
FABRIC-463 | Provide the ability to partition task and balance them accross containers |
FABRIC-473 | Integrate Fabric with the Process Manager so that we can manage process on remote fabric containers |
FABRIC-499 | Ability to specify Java version used by fabric container |
FABRIC-500 | Add global resource repositories for resolution via the fabric-agent |
FABRIC-501 | fabric/file-dozer-watcher - a component to watch dozer mappings file changes and sync that into a camel context type converter registry |
FABRIC-525 | Add an openshift container provider implementation |
FABRIC-526 | Provide an option to select which DEFAULT_VERSION we would like to use when we create the first time the Zookeeper server and load the profiles |
FABRIC-562 | Add firewall management support of openstack based clouds. |
FABRIC-508 | Fix fuse ignored tests |
FABRIC-512 | Fix insight log4j SourceTest |
FABRIC-517 | Fix tooling camel LocalCamelFacadeTest |
FABRIC-519 | Fix duplicate jboss-fuse artifact-id |
FABRIC-558 | Define and implement a policy on handling of zombie containers. |
FABRIC-596 | Review fuse repository setup in the maven build |
FABRIC-625 | Exclude tooling modules from the default build |
FABRIC-629 | Remove dependency on blueprint from fabric-zookeeper |
FABRIC-636 | Remove initial configuration for ZooKeeperClusterBootstrapImpl |
FABRIC-652 | Make sure every ignored test references a jira |
FABRIC-655 | Revisit DataStore handling |
FABRIC-672 | Fix fabric basic ExampleCxfProfileTest |
FABRIC-675 | Fix insight log PaxLoggingTest |
FABRIC-691 | Fix fabric smoke tests |
FABRIC-712 | Fix possible synchronization issues |
FABRIC-723 | Update to apache-maven-3.1.1 |
FABRIC-775 | Split ESB test suite up in smoke, basic, extra |
FABRIC-788 | WARN in log when creating child container |
FABRIC-798 | Migrate boot commands to SCR |
FABRIC-807 | WTF is the google map view for? |
FABRIC-846 | Move ServiceProxy and ServiceLocator to fabric-api |
FABRIC-874 | Bootstrap completion not properly defined |
FABRIC-886 | Define stability criteria and fix remaining stability issues |
FABRIC-966 | Define the scope of public API in 6.1 |
FABRIC-509 | Fix fabric groups GroupTest |
FABRIC-510 | Fix fab/tests/fab-itests |
FABRIC-528 | Fix fabric camel MasterEndpointFailoverTest |
FABRIC-529 | Fix fabric core PatchServiceImplTest |
FABRIC-535 | Fix fabric git CachingGitDataStoreTest |
FABRIC-590 | Fix fabric basic GitBridgeTest |
FABRIC-614 | Migrate upstream jobs to Jenkins |
FABRIC-615 | Install GitHub Pull Request Plugin |
FABRIC-616 | Enforce verify before commit rule |
FABRIC-617 | Fix fab/fab-core tests |
FABRIC-619 | Publish artefacts from the last successful master run to Nexus |
FABRIC-621 | Fix mq smoke GracefullFailOverTest |
FABRIC-628 | Review branches on fuse-fabric/fuse |
FABRIC-637 | Fix fabric smoke AutoClusterStartupTest |
FABRIC-638 | Fix fabric smoke ContainerRegistrationTest |
FABRIC-639 | Fix fabric smoke ContainerStartupTest |
FABRIC-640 | Fix fabric smoke ContainerUpgradeAndRollbackTest |
FABRIC-641 | Fix fabric smoke CreateChildContainerTest |
FABRIC-642 | Fix fabric smoke DeploymentAgentTest |
FABRIC-643 | Fix fabric smoke EnsembleTest |
FABRIC-644 | Fix fabric smoke FabricDosgiCamelTest |
FABRIC-645 | Fix fabric smoke FabricMavenProxyTest |
FABRIC-646 | Fix fabric smoke JoinTest |
FABRIC-647 | Fix fabric smoke ProfileEditTest |
FABRIC-648 | Fix fabric smoke ResolverTest |
FABRIC-649 | Fix fabric smoke FabricCreateTest |
FABRIC-654 | Monitor disk usage and provide automated cleanup |
FABRIC-660 | Fix esb smoke DuplicateBundlesTest |
FABRIC-661 | Fix esb smoke EsbExampleFeaturesTest |
FABRIC-662 | Fix esb EsbFeaturesTest |
FABRIC-663 | Fix fabric core ContainerImplTest |
FABRIC-665 | Fix fabric basic JaasRealmTest |
FABRIC-666 | Fix fabric basic SelfUpdateTest |
FABRIC-667 | Fix fabric basic CamelProfileTest |
FABRIC-668 | Fix fabric basic FabricCamelComponentTest |
FABRIC-669 | Fix fabric basic EsbProfileTest |
FABRIC-670 | Fix fabric basic ExampleCamelCxfTest |
FABRIC-671 | Fix fabric basic ExampleCamelProfileTest |
FABRIC-673 | Fix fabric basic ExampleMQProfileTest |
FABRIC-676 | Fix tooling amq LocalBrokerFacadeTest |
FABRIC-677 | Fix tooling camel ActiveMQLocalCamelFacadeTest |
FABRIC-678 | Fix tooling camel ExternalRemoteCamelFacadeTest |
FABRIC-679 | Fix tooling camel JmxTemplateRemoteCamelFacadeTest |
FABRIC-680 | Fix tooling camel RemoteCamelFacadeTest |
FABRIC-681 | Fix mq smoke KillSessionFailOverTest |
FABRIC-682 | Fix mq smoke MQDistroTest |
FABRIC-683 | Fix mq MQFabricTest |
FABRIC-684 | Fix stream bridge ConnectionFactoryAdapterTest |
FABRIC-689 | Fix fabric dosgi TransportFailureTest |
FABRIC-690 | Allow failed builds to get rescheduled automatically |
FABRIC-700 | Fix fabric basic ExtendedJoinTest |
FABRIC-704 | Security vulnerability on Jenkins master/slaves |
FABRIC-709 | Fix fabric dosgi InvocationTest |
FABRIC-724 | Make sure perfectus updates get validated |
FABRIC-725 | Stabilize -Pall profile build |
FABRIC-727 | Fix fabric basic ProfileScalingTest |
FABRIC-742 | Doc review - Fabric Guide - URL Handlers |
FABRIC-777 | Fix fabric basic ExtendedCreateChildContainerTest |
FABRIC-784 | Fix ExtendedEnsembleTest |
FABRIC-796 | Fix esb basic EsbProfileRedeployTest |
FABRIC-812 | Fix esb EsbProfileLongTest |
FABRIC-847 | Fix fabric basic ExampleCamelClusterTest |
FABRIC-903 | Fix ExtendedJoinTest |
FABRIC-905 | Tests with child containers may fail due to provisioning issues |
FABRIC-906 | Fix ExampleMQProfileTest |
FABRIC-931 | Container fails to provision |
FABRIC-939 | Container child2 failed to provision. Status: Exception:null |
FABRIC-940 | Cannot create container in time |
FABRIC-963 | Documentation - Add to release notes / known issues about starting Fuse on Windows with IP6 network issue |