Red Hat AMQ 6
As of February 2025, Red Hat is no longer supporting Red Hat AMQ 6. If you are using AMQ 6, please upgrade: Migrating to AMQ 7.Questo contenuto non è disponibile nella lingua selezionata.
Chapter 1. What's New
This section describes the main features and changes in version 6.1.
New features
The following list describes the main features in version 6.1:
- Full support for AMQP 1.0. Out-of-the-box wire-level compatibility across connections.NoteAMQP 1.0 is not a supported protocol for the JBoss A-MQ JCA connector (Apache ActiveMQ resource adapter, which is the plug-in for integrating JBoss A-MQ with the JBoss Enterprise Application Platform container). OpenWire is the only wire protocol supported by the JCA connector.
- Broker configuration modification no longer requires restarting the services.
- Improved high availability (HA). Embedded message store for shared-nothing HA configuration.
- Certification of the JBoss A-MQ resource adapater with JBoss EAP 6.
- Support for the MQTT 3.1.1 draft specification.
- Extensive connectors library. More than 200 out-of-the-box-connectors with Apache Camel and new connectors for Salesforce and SAP.
- New Fuse Management Console. Improved out-of-the-box management console based on the Web console. You can now start, stop, measure and trace Camel routes on-premise or in the cloud.
Technical preview features
The following features are provided on a technical preview basis and are not fully supported in version 6.1:
- Insight metrics for Kibana and ElasticSearch profiles
- Process manager (for more details see Fabric8 Process Containers)
- Fabric partition (for more details see Fabric8 Partitions)
- Gateway
- Replicated LevelDB store
- Java driver for LevelDB store on non-Linux or OS-X operating systems
- JMS Qpid client
- Hadoop integration
- Fabric8 Maven plug-in
- Fabric8 Git configuration (for more details see Fabric8 Git)
For details on what technical preview means, see
Deprecated features
The following features are deprecated from version 6.1:
- Fabric Application Bundle (FAB). You can package modules directly in OSGi bundles.
- Java Business Integration (JBI). You can configure JBI containers to use Camel routes.
- Normalized Message Route (NMR). You can configure bundle-to-bundle communication to use direct-vm Camel routes, or JMS message transport.
- ActiveMQ Web console. You can use the ActiveMQ tab on the Fuse Management Console instead.