Chapter 3. Issues
3.1. Resolved Issues for Red Hat Developer Studio
To view information about resolved issues in this release of Developer Studio, see the Resolved Issues.
3.2. Known Issues for Red Hat Developer Studio
To view information about known issues in this release of Developer Studio, see the Known Issues.
The following known issues are highlighted:
- JBIDE-20983: cannot use oracle service name in datasource creation
- JBIDE-19633: Not able to create 'non-bare' repository in JBDS 8.1.
- JBIDE-17176: Unable to browse and select PortletBridge runtime libraries in JPP 6
- JBIDE-12957: Xhtml files appear garbled when it’s reopened in the JBDS editor
- JBDS-3645: Installation of Developer Studio to a network drive fails
- JBDS-3470: Toolbars + Icons unusable on UHD screens
- JBDS-3069: Ungraceful shutdown results in multiple errors on startup
- JBDS-4442: Central page does not work on Fedora 26 if package webkitgtk3 is not installed
- JBIDE-25146: Eclipse annotation processing not enabled by default can result in errors
3.3. Known Issues for Red Hat Fuse
Following is a list of issues for the DevStudio and Fuse integration:
- FUSETOOLS-2859: For a project that contains a data transformation file, if you change the Camel version from a version earlier than 2.20 to version 2.20 or later, you must open the data transformation file in the Data Transformation editor to complete the Camel version change. Otherwise, the project creates an error at runtime.