3.10. ダッシュボードの設定

3.10.1. 使用開始サンプルの設定

この手順では、カスタムサンプルを表示するように OpenShift Dev Spaces Dashboard を設定する方法を説明します。


  • OpenShift クラスターへの管理権限を持つアクティブな oc セッション。CLI の使用方法 を参照してください。


  1. サンプル設定で JSON ファイルを作成します。ファイルにはオブジェクトの配列が含まれている必要があります。各オブジェクトはサンプルを表します。

    cat > my-samples.json <<EOF
        "displayName": "<display_name>", 1
        "description": "<description>", 2
        "tags": <tags>, 3
        "url": "<url>", 4
        "icon": {
          "base64data": "<base64data>", 5
          "mediatype": "<mediatype>" 6
    タグの JSON 配列 (例: ["java", "spring"])。
    devfile を含むリポジトリーへの URL。
    アイコンの base64 でエンコードされたデータ。
    アイコンのメディアタイプ。たとえば image/png
  2. サンプル設定で ConfigMap を作成します。

    oc create configmap getting-started-samples --from-file=my-samples.json -n openshift-devspaces
  3. 必要なラベルを ConfigMap に追加します。

    oc label configmap getting-started-samples app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org app.kubernetes.io/component=getting-started-samples -n openshift-devspaces
  4. OpenShift Dev Spaces Dashboard ページを更新して、新しいサンプルを表示します。

3.10.2. エディター定義の設定

OpenShift Dev Spaces エディター定義の設定方法を説明します。


  • OpenShift クラスターへの管理権限を持つアクティブな oc セッション。CLI の使用方法 を参照してください。


  1. エディター定義設定で my-editor-definition-devfile.yaml YAML ファイルを作成します。


    metadata.attributespublisher および version の実際の値を指定してください。これらは、Publisher/name/version 形式のエディター名とともにエディター ID を構築するために使用されます。


    # Version of the devile schema
    schemaVersion: 2.2.2
    # Meta information of the editor
      # (MANDATORY) The editor name
      # Must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.'
      name: editor-name
      displayName: Display Name
      description: Run Editor Foo on top of Eclipse Che
      # (OPTIONAL) Array of tags of the current editor. The Tech-Preview tag means the option is considered experimental and is not recommended for production environments. While it can include new features and improvements, it may still contain bugs or undergo significant changes before reaching a stable version.
        - Tech-Preview
      # Additional attributes
        title: This is my editor
        # (MANDATORY) The publisher name
        publisher: publisher
        # (MANDATORY) The editor version
        version: version
        repository: https://github.com/editor/repository/
        firstPublicationDate: '2024-01-01'
        iconMediatype: image/svg+xml
        iconData: |
    # List of editor components
      # Name of the component
      - name: che-code-injector
        # Configuration of devworkspace-related container
          # Image of the container
          image: 'quay.io/che-incubator/che-code:insiders'
          # The command to run in the dockerimage component instead of the default one provided in the image
            - /entrypoint-init-container.sh
          # (OPTIONAL) List of volumes mounts that should be mounted in this container
              # The name of the mount
            - name: checode
              # The path of the mount
              path: /checode
          # (OPTIONAL) The memory limit of the container
          memoryLimit: 256Mi
          # (OPTIONAL) The memory request of the container
          memoryRequest: 32Mi
          # (OPTIONAL) The CPU limit of the container
          cpuLimit: 500m
          # (OPTIONAL) The CPU request of the container
          cpuRequest: 30m
      # Name of the component
      - name: che-code-runtime-description
        # (OPTIONAL) Map of implementation-dependant free-form YAML attributes
          # The component within the architecture
          app.kubernetes.io/component: che-code-runtime
          # The name of a higher level application this one is part of
          app.kubernetes.io/part-of: che-code.eclipse.org
          # Defines a container component as a "container contribution". If a flattened DevWorkspace has a container component with the merge-contribution attribute, then any container contributions are merged into that container component
          controller.devfile.io/container-contribution: true
          # Can be a dummy image because the component is expected to be injected into workspace dev component
          image: quay.io/devfile/universal-developer-image:latest
          # (OPTIONAL) List of volume mounts that should be mounted in this container
              # The name of the mount
            - name: checode
              # (OPTIONAL) The path in the component container where the volume should be mounted. If no path is defined, the default path is the is /<name>
              path: /checode
          # (OPTIONAL) The memory limit of the container
          memoryLimit: 1024Mi
          # (OPTIONAL) The memory request of the container
          memoryRequest: 256Mi
          # (OPTIONAL) The CPU limit of the container
          cpuLimit: 500m
          # (OPTIONAL) The CPU request of the container
          cpuRequest: 30m
          # (OPTIONAL) Environment variables used in this container
            - name: ENV_NAME
              value: value
          # Component endpoints
            # Name of the editor
            - name: che-code
              # (OPTIONAL) Map of implementation-dependant string-based free-form attributes
                # Type of the endpoint. You can only set its value to main, indicating that the endpoint should be used as the mainUrl in the workspace status (i.e. it should be the URL used to access the editor in this context)
                type: main
                # An attribute that instructs the service to automatically redirect the unauthenticated requests for current user authentication. Setting this attribute to true has security consequences because it makes Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks possible. The default value of the attribute is false.
                cookiesAuthEnabled: true
                # Defines an endpoint as "discoverable", meaning that a service should be created using the endpoint name (i.e. instead of generating a service name for all endpoints, this endpoint should be statically accessible)
                discoverable: false
                # Used to secure the endpoint with authorization on OpenShift, so that not anyone on the cluster can access the endpoint, the attribute enables authentication.
                urlRewriteSupported: true
              # Port number to be used within the container component
              targetPort: 3100
              # (OPTIONAL) Describes how the endpoint should be exposed on the network (public, internal, none)
              exposure: public
              # (OPTIONAL) Describes whether the endpoint should be secured and protected by some authentication process
              secure: true
              # (OPTIONAL) Describes the application and transport protocols of the traffic that will go through this endpoint
              protocol: https
        # Mandatory name that allows referencing the component from other elements
      - name: checode
        # (OPTIONAL) Allows specifying the definition of a volume shared by several other components. Ephemeral volumes are not stored persistently across restarts. Defaults to false
        volume: {ephemeral: true}
    # (OPTIONAL) Bindings of commands to events. Each command is referred-to by its name
      # IDs of commands that should be executed before the devworkspace start. These commands would typically be executed in an init container
        - init-container-command
      # IDs of commands that should be executed after the devworkspace has completely started. In the case of Che-Code, these commands should be executed after all plugins and extensions have started, including project cloning. This means that those commands are not triggered until the user opens the IDE within the browser
        - init-che-code-command
    # (OPTIONAL) Predefined, ready-to-use, devworkspace-related commands
        # Mandatory identifier that allows referencing this command
      - id: init-container-command
          # Describes the component for the apply command
          component: che-code-injector
        # Mandatory identifier that allows referencing this command
      - id: init-che-code-command
        # CLI Command executed in an existing component container
          # Describes component for the exec command
          component: che-code-runtime-description
          # The actual command-line string
          commandLine: 'nohup /checode/entrypoint-volume.sh > /checode/entrypoint-logs.txt
            2>&1 &'
  2. エディター定義コンテンツを使用して ConfigMap を作成します。

    oc create configmap my-editor-definition --from-file=my-editor-definition-devfile.yaml -n openshift-devspaces
  3. 必要なラベルを ConfigMap に追加します。

    oc label configmap my-editor-definition app.kubernetes.io/part-of=che.eclipse.org app.kubernetes.io/component=editor-definition -n openshift-devspaces
  4. OpenShift Dev Spaces ダッシュボードページを更新して、新しい利用可能なエディターを確認します。 エディター定義の取得

エディター定義は、次の URL から OpenShift Dev Spaces ダッシュボード API によっても提供されます。

https://<openshift_dev_spaces_fqdn>/dashboard/api/editors/devfile?che-editor=<editor id>

「エディター定義の設定」 の例では、次の URL にアクセスすることでエディターの定義を取得できます。



OpenShift クラスター内からエディター定義を取得する場合、ダッシュボードサービス経由で OpenShift Dev Spaces ダッシュボード API にアクセスできます (http://devspaces-dashboard.openshift-devspaces.svc.cluster.local:8080/dashboard/api/editors/devfile?che-editor=<editor id>)。


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