
6.2. Registering provider implementations

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There are two ways to register provider implementations. In most cases the simplest way is to use the Red Hat Single Sign-On deployer approach as this handles a number of dependencies automatically for you. It also supports hot deployment as well as re-deployment.

The alternative approach is to deploy as a module.

If you are creating a custom SPI you will need to deploy it as a module, otherwise we recommend using the Red Hat Single Sign-On deployer approach.

6.2.1. Using the Red Hat Single Sign-On Deployer

If you copy your provider jar to the Red Hat Single Sign-On standalone/deployments/ directory, your provider will automatically be deployed. Hot deployment works too. Additionally, your provider jar works similarly to other components deployed in a JBoss EAP environment in that they can use facilities like the jboss-deployment-structure.xml file. This file allows you to set up dependencies on other components and load third-party jars and modules.

Provider jars can also be contained within other deployable units like EARs and WARs. Deploying with a EAR actually makes it really easy to use third party jars as you can just put these libraries in the EAR’s lib/ directory.

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