5.2. 지원되는 toolbox 명령
3scale toolbox를 사용하여 CLI(명령줄 도구)에서 API를 관리합니다.
명령이 제거되어 copy
명령으로 교체되었습니다.
다음 명령이 지원됩니다.
COMMANDS account account super command activedocs activedocs super command application application super command application-plan application-plan super command backend backend super command copy copy super command help print help import import super command method method super command metric metric super command policy-registry policy-registry super command product product super command proxy-config proxy-config super command remote remotes super command service services super command OPTIONS -c --config-file=<value> 3scale toolbox configuration file (default: $HOME/.3scalerc.yaml) -h --help show help for this command -k --insecure Proceed and operate even for server connections otherwise considered insecure -v --version Prints the version of this command --verbose Verbose mode