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Scalability and performance

OpenShift Container Platform 4.4

Scaling your OpenShift Container Platform cluster and tuning performance in production environments

Red Hat OpenShift Documentation Team


This document provides instructions for scaling your cluster and optimizing the performance of your OpenShift Container Platform environment.

Chapter 4. Using the Node Tuning Operator

Learn about the Node Tuning Operator and how you can use it to manage node-level tuning by orchestrating the tuned daemon.

4.1. About the Node Tuning Operator

The Node Tuning Operator helps you manage node-level tuning by orchestrating the Tuned daemon. The majority of high-performance applications require some level of kernel tuning. The Node Tuning Operator provides a unified management interface to users of node-level sysctls and more flexibility to add custom tuning specified by user needs. The Operator manages the containerized Tuned daemon for OpenShift Container Platform as a Kubernetes daemon set. It ensures the custom tuning specification is passed to all containerized Tuned daemons running in the cluster in the format that the daemons understand. The daemons run on all nodes in the cluster, one per node.

Node-level settings applied by the containerized Tuned daemon are rolled back on an event that triggers a profile change or when the containerized Tuned daemon is terminated gracefully by receiving and handling a termination signal.

The Node Tuning Operator is part of a standard OpenShift Container Platform installation in version 4.1 and later.

4.2. Accessing an example Node Tuning Operator specification

Use this process to access an example Node Tuning Operator specification.


  1. Run:

    $ oc get Tuned/default -o yaml -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator

The default CR is meant for delivering standard node-level tuning for the OpenShift Container Platform platform and it can only be modified to set the Operator Management state. Any other custom changes to the default CR will be overwritten by the Operator. For custom tuning, create your own Tuned CRs. Newly created CRs will be combined with the default CR and custom tuning applied to OpenShift Container Platform nodes based on node or pod labels and profile priorities.


While in certain situations the support for pod labels can be a convenient way of automatically delivering required tuning, this practice is discouraged and strongly advised against, especially in large-scale clusters. The default Tuned CR ships without pod label matching. If a custom profile is created with pod label matching, then the functionality will be enabled at that time. The pod label functionality might be deprecated in future versions of the Node Tuning Operator.

4.3. Default profiles set on a cluster

The following are the default profiles set on a cluster.

kind: Tuned
  name: default
  namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
  - name: "openshift"
    data: |
      summary=Optimize systems running OpenShift (parent profile)





  - name: "openshift-control-plane"
    data: |
      summary=Optimize systems running OpenShift control plane

      # ktune sysctl settings, maximizing i/o throughput
      # Minimal preemption granularity for CPU-bound tasks:
      # (default: 1 msec#  (1 + ilog(ncpus)), units: nanoseconds)
      # The total time the scheduler will consider a migrated process
      # "cache hot" and thus less likely to be re-migrated
      # (system default is 500000, i.e. 0.5 ms)
      # SCHED_OTHER wake-up granularity.
      # Preemption granularity when tasks wake up.  Lower the value to
      # improve wake-up latency and throughput for latency critical tasks.

  - name: "openshift-node"
    data: |
      summary=Optimize systems running OpenShift nodes


  - profile: "openshift-control-plane"
    priority: 30
    - label: ""
    - label: ""

  - profile: "openshift-node"
    priority: 40

4.4. Verifying that the Tuned profiles are applied

Use this procedure to check which Tuned profiles are applied on every node.


  1. Check which Tuned pods are running on each node:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -o wide

    Example output

    NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP             NODE                                         NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
    cluster-node-tuning-operator-599489d4f7-k4hw4   1/1     Running   0          6d2h   <none>           <none>
    tuned-2jkzp                                     1/1     Running   1          6d3h   <none>           <none>
    tuned-g9mkx                                     1/1     Running   1          6d3h   <none>           <none>
    tuned-kbxsh                                     1/1     Running   1          6d3h   <none>           <none>
    tuned-kn9x6                                     1/1     Running   1          6d3h   <none>           <none>
    tuned-vvxwx                                     1/1     Running   1          6d3h    <none>           <none>
    tuned-zqrwq                                     1/1     Running   1          6d3h    <none>           <none>

  2. Extract the profile applied from each pod and match them against the previous list:

    $ for p in `oc get pods -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator -l openshift-app=tuned -o=jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{} {end}'`; do printf "\n*** $p ***\n" ; oc logs pod/$p -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator | grep applied; done

    Example output

    *** tuned-2jkzp ***
    2020-07-10 13:53:35,368 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-control-plane' applied
    *** tuned-g9mkx ***
    2020-07-10 14:07:17,089 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node' applied
    2020-07-10 15:56:29,005 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node-es' applied
    2020-07-10 16:00:19,006 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node' applied
    2020-07-10 16:00:48,989 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node-es' applied
    *** tuned-kbxsh ***
    2020-07-10 13:53:30,565 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node' applied
    2020-07-10 15:56:30,199 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node-es' applied
    *** tuned-kn9x6 ***
    2020-07-10 14:10:57,123 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node' applied
    2020-07-10 15:56:28,757 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-node-es' applied
    *** tuned-vvxwx ***
    2020-07-10 14:11:44,932 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-control-plane' applied
    *** tuned-zqrwq ***
    2020-07-10 14:07:40,246 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'openshift-control-plane' applied

4.5. Custom tuning specification

The custom resource (CR) for the Operator has two major sections. The first section, profile:, is a list of Tuned profiles and their names. The second, recommend:, defines the profile selection logic.

Multiple custom tuning specifications can co-exist as multiple CRs in the Operator’s namespace. The existence of new CRs or the deletion of old CRs is detected by the Operator. All existing custom tuning specifications are merged and appropriate objects for the containerized Tuned daemons are updated.

Profile data

The profile: section lists Tuned profiles and their names.

- name: tuned_profile_1
  data: |
    # Tuned profile specification
    summary=Description of tuned_profile_1 profile

    # ... other sysctl's or other Tuned daemon plug-ins supported by the containerized Tuned

# ...

- name: tuned_profile_n
  data: |
    # Tuned profile specification
    summary=Description of tuned_profile_n profile

    # tuned_profile_n profile settings

Recommended profiles

The profile: selection logic is defined by the recommend: section of the CR. The recommend: section is a list of items to recommend the profiles based on a selection criteria.

- match:                              # optional; if omitted, profile match is assumed unless a profile with a higher matches first
  <match>                             # an optional array
  priority: <priority>                # profile ordering priority, lower numbers mean higher priority (0 is the highest priority)
  profile: <tuned_profile_name>       # e.g. tuned_profile_1

# ...

- match:
  priority: <priority>
  profile: <tuned_profile_name>       # e.g. tuned_profile_n

If <match> is omitted, a profile match (for example, true) is assumed.

<match> is an optional array recursively defined as follows:

- label: <label_name>     # node or Pod label name
  value: <label_value>    # optional node or Pod label value; if omitted, the presence of <label_name> is enough to match
  type: <label_type>      # optional node or Pod type (`node` or `pod`); if omitted, `node` is assumed
  <match>                 # an optional <match> array

If <match> is not omitted, all nested <match> sections must also evaluate to true. Otherwise, false is assumed and the profile with the respective <match> section will not be applied or recommended. Therefore, the nesting (child <match> sections) works as logical AND operator. Conversely, if any item of the <match> array matches, the entire <match> array evaluates to true. Therefore, the array acts as logical OR operator.


- match:
  - label:
    - label:
    - label:
    type: pod
  priority: 10
  profile: openshift-control-plane-es
- match:
  - label:
  - label:
  priority: 20
  profile: openshift-control-plane
- priority: 30
  profile: openshift-node

The CR above is translated for the containerized Tuned daemon into its recommend.conf file based on the profile priorities. The profile with the highest priority (10) is openshift-control-plane-es and, therefore, it is considered first. The containerized Tuned daemon running on a given node looks to see if there is a pod running on the same node with the label set. If not, the entire <match> section evaluates as false. If there is such a pod with the label, in order for the <match> section to evaluate to true, the node label also needs to be or

If the labels for the profile with priority 10 matched, openshift-control-plane-es profile is applied and no other profile is considered. If the node/pod label combination did not match, the second highest priority profile (openshift-control-plane) is considered. This profile is applied if the containerized Tuned pod runs on a node with labels or

Finally, the profile openshift-node has the lowest priority of 30. It lacks the <match> section and, therefore, will always match. It acts as a profile catch-all to set openshift-node profile, if no other profile with higher priority matches on a given node.

Decision workflow

4.6. Custom tuning example

The following CR applies custom node-level tuning for OpenShift Container Platform nodes with label set to any value. As an administrator, use the following command to create a custom Tuned CR.


oc create -f- <<_EOF_
kind: Tuned
  name: ingress
  namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
  - data: |
      summary=A custom OpenShift ingress profile
      net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="1024 65535"
    name: openshift-ingress
  - match:
    - label:
    priority: 10
    profile: openshift-ingress


Custom profile writers are strongly encouraged to include the default Tuned daemon profiles shipped within the default Tuned CR. The example above uses the default openshift-control-plane profile to accomplish this.

4.7. Supported Tuned daemon plug-ins

Excluding the [main] section, the following Tuned plug-ins are supported when using custom profiles defined in the profile: section of the Tuned CR:

  • audio
  • cpu
  • disk
  • eeepc_she
  • modules
  • mounts
  • net
  • scheduler
  • scsi_host
  • selinux
  • sysctl
  • sysfs
  • usb
  • video
  • vm

There is some dynamic tuning functionality provided by some of these plug-ins that is not supported. The following Tuned plug-ins are currently not supported:

  • bootloader
  • script
  • systemd

See Available Tuned Plug-ins and Getting Started with Tuned for more information.

Chapter 5. Using Cluster Loader

Cluster Loader is a tool that deploys large numbers of various objects to a cluster, which creates user-defined cluster objects. Build, configure, and run Cluster Loader to measure performance metrics of your OpenShift Container Platform deployment at various cluster states.

5.1. Installing Cluster Loader


  1. To pull the container image, run:

    $ sudo podman pull

5.2. Running Cluster Loader


  • The repository will prompt you to authenticate. The registry credentials allow you to access the image, which is not publicly available. Use your existing authentication credentials from installation.


  1. Execute Cluster Loader using the built-in test configuration, which deploys five template builds and waits for them to complete:

    $ sudo podman run -v ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}:/root/.kube/config:z -i \ /bin/bash -c 'export KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config && \
    openshift-tests run-test "[sig-scalability][Feature:Performance] Load cluster \
    should populate the cluster [Slow][Serial] [Suite:openshift]"'

    Alternatively, execute Cluster Loader with a user-defined configuration by setting the environment variable for VIPERCONFIG:

    $ sudo podman run -v ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG}:/root/.kube/config:z \
    -v ${LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE_PATH}:/root/configs/:z \
    -i \
    /bin/bash -c 'KUBECONFIG=/root/.kube/config VIPERCONFIG=/root/configs/test.yaml \
    openshift-tests run-test "[sig-scalability][Feature:Performance] Load cluster \
    should populate the cluster [Slow][Serial] [Suite:openshift]"'

    In this example, ${LOCAL_KUBECONFIG} refers to the path to the kubeconfig on your local file system. Also, there is a directory called ${LOCAL_CONFIG_FILE_PATH}, which is mounted into the container that contains a configuration file called test.yaml. Additionally, if the test.yaml references any external template files or podspec files, they should also be mounted into the container.

5.3. Configuring Cluster Loader

The tool creates multiple namespaces (projects), which contain multiple templates or pods.

5.3.1. Example Cluster Loader configuration file

Cluster Loader’s configuration file is a basic YAML file:

provider: local 1
  cleanup: true
    - num: 1
      basename: clusterloader-cakephp-mysql
      tuning: default
      ifexists: reuse
        - num: 1
          file: cakephp-mysql.json

    - num: 1
      basename: clusterloader-dancer-mysql
      tuning: default
      ifexists: reuse
        - num: 1
          file: dancer-mysql.json

    - num: 1
      basename: clusterloader-django-postgresql
      tuning: default
      ifexists: reuse
        - num: 1
          file: django-postgresql.json

    - num: 1
      basename: clusterloader-nodejs-mongodb
      tuning: default
      ifexists: reuse
        - num: 1
          file: quickstarts/nodejs-mongodb.json

    - num: 1
      basename: clusterloader-rails-postgresql
      tuning: default
        - num: 1
          file: rails-postgresql.json

  tuningsets: 2
    - name: default
        stepping: 3
          stepsize: 5
          pause: 0 s
        rate_limit: 4
          delay: 0 ms
Optional setting for end-to-end tests. Set to local to avoid extra log messages.
The tuning sets allow rate limiting and stepping, the ability to create several batches of pods while pausing in between sets. Cluster Loader monitors completion of the previous step before continuing.
Stepping will pause for M seconds after each N objects are created.
Rate limiting will wait M milliseconds between the creation of objects.

This example assumes that references to any external template files or pod spec files are also mounted into the container.


If you are running Cluster Loader on Microsoft Azure, then you must set the AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION variable to a file that contains the output of, which is present in the installer directory.

5.3.2. Configuration fields

Table 5.1. Top-level Cluster Loader Fields


Set to true or false. One definition per configuration. If set to true, cleanup deletes all namespaces (projects) created by Cluster Loader at the end of the test.


A sub-object with one or many definition(s). Under projects, each namespace to create is defined and projects has several mandatory subheadings.


A sub-object with one definition per configuration. tuningsets allows the user to define a tuning set to add configurable timing to project or object creation (pods, templates, and so on).


An optional sub-object with one definition per configuration. Adds synchronization possibilities during object creation.

Table 5.2. Fields under projects


An integer. One definition of the count of how many projects to create.


A string. One definition of the base name for the project. The count of identical namespaces will be appended to Basename to prevent collisions.


A string. One definition of what tuning set you want to apply to the objects, which you deploy inside this namespace.


A string containing either reuse or delete. Defines what the tool does if it finds a project or namespace that has the same name of the project or namespace it creates during execution.


A list of key-value pairs. The key is the config map name and the value is a path to a file from which you create the config map.


A list of key-value pairs. The key is the secret name and the value is a path to a file from which you create the secret.


A sub-object with one or many definition(s) of pods to deploy.


A sub-object with one or many definition(s) of templates to deploy.

Table 5.3. Fields under pods and templates


An integer. The number of pods or templates to deploy.


A string. The docker image URL to a repository where it can be pulled.


A string. One definition of the base name for the template (or pod) that you want to create.


A string. The path to a local file, which is either a pod spec or template to be created.


Key-value pairs. Under parameters, you can specify a list of values to override in the pod or template.

Table 5.4. Fields under tuningsets


A string. The name of the tuning set which will match the name specified when defining a tuning in a project.


A sub-object identifying the tuningsets that will apply to pods.


A sub-object identifying the tuningsets that will apply to templates.

Table 5.5. Fields under tuningsets pods or tuningsets templates


A sub-object. A stepping configuration used if you want to create an object in a step creation pattern.


A sub-object. A rate-limiting tuning set configuration to limit the object creation rate.

Table 5.6. Fields under tuningsets pods or tuningsets templates, stepping


An integer. How many objects to create before pausing object creation.


An integer. How many seconds to pause after creating the number of objects defined in stepsize.


An integer. How many seconds to wait before failure if the object creation is not successful.


An integer. How many milliseconds (ms) to wait between creation requests.

Table 5.7. Fields under sync


A sub-object with enabled and port fields. The boolean enabled defines whether to start an HTTP server for pod synchronization. The integer port defines the HTTP server port to listen on (9090 by default).


A boolean. Wait for pods with labels matching selectors to go into Running state.


A boolean. Wait for pods with labels matching selectors to go into Completed state.


A list of selectors to match pods in Running or Completed states.


A string. The synchronization timeout period to wait for pods in Running or Completed states. For values that are not 0, use units: [ns|us|ms|s|m|h].

5.4. Known issues

  • Cluster Loader fails when called without configuration. (BZ#1761925)
  • If the IDENTIFIER parameter is not defined in user templates, template creation fails with error: unknown parameter name "IDENTIFIER". If you deploy templates, add this parameter to your template to avoid this error:

      "name": "IDENTIFIER",
      "description": "Number to append to the name of resources",
      "value": "1"

    If you deploy pods, adding the parameter is unnecessary.

Chapter 6. Using CPU Manager

CPU Manager manages groups of CPUs and constrains workloads to specific CPUs.

CPU Manager is useful for workloads that have some of these attributes:

  • Require as much CPU time as possible.
  • Are sensitive to processor cache misses.
  • Are low-latency network applications.
  • Coordinate with other processes and benefit from sharing a single processor cache.

6.1. Setting up CPU Manager


  1. Optional: Label a node:

    # oc label node cpumanager=true
  2. Edit the MachineConfigPool of the nodes where CPU Manager should be enabled. In this example, all workers have CPU Manager enabled:

    # oc edit machineconfigpool worker
  3. Add a label to the worker machine config pool:

      creationTimestamp: 2020-xx-xxx
      generation: 3
        custom-kubelet: cpumanager-enabled
  4. Create a KubeletConfig, cpumanager-kubeletconfig.yaml, custom resource (CR). Refer to the label created in the previous step to have the correct nodes updated with the new kubelet config. See the machineConfigPoolSelector section:

    kind: KubeletConfig
      name: cpumanager-enabled
          custom-kubelet: cpumanager-enabled
         cpuManagerPolicy: static
         cpuManagerReconcilePeriod: 5s
  5. Create the dynamic kubelet config:

    # oc create -f cpumanager-kubeletconfig.yaml

    This adds the CPU Manager feature to the kubelet config and, if needed, the Machine Config Operator (MCO) reboots the node. To enable CPU Manager, a reboot is not needed.

  6. Check for the merged kubelet config:

    # oc get machineconfig 99-worker-XXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XXXXX-kubelet -o json | grep ownerReference -A7
           "ownerReferences": [
                    "apiVersion": "",
                    "kind": "KubeletConfig",
                    "name": "cpumanager-enabled",
                    "uid": "7ed5616d-6b72-11e9-aae1-021e1ce18878"
  7. Check the worker for the updated kubelet.conf:

    # oc debug node/
    sh-4.2# cat /host/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf | grep cpuManager
    cpuManagerPolicy: static        1
    cpuManagerReconcilePeriod: 5s   2
    1 2
    These settings were defined when you created the KubeletConfig CR.
  8. Create a pod that requests a core or multiple cores. Both limits and requests must have their CPU value set to a whole integer. That is the number of cores that will be dedicated to this pod:

    # cat cpumanager-pod.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      generateName: cpumanager-
      - name: cpumanager
            cpu: 1
            memory: "1G"
            cpu: 1
            memory: "1G"
        cpumanager: "true"
  9. Create the pod:

    # oc create -f cpumanager-pod.yaml
  10. Verify that the pod is scheduled to the node that you labeled:

    # oc describe pod cpumanager
    Name:               cpumanager-6cqz7
    Namespace:          default
    Priority:           0
    PriorityClassName:  <none>
          cpu:     1
          memory:  1G
          cpu:        1
          memory:     1G
    QoS Class:       Guaranteed
    Node-Selectors:  cpumanager=true
  11. Verify that the cgroups are set up correctly. Get the process ID (PID) of the pause process:

    # ├─init.scope
    │ └─1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize 17
      │ ├─crio-b5437308f1a574c542bdf08563b865c0345c8f8c0b0a655612c.scope
      │ └─32706 /pause

    Pods of quality of service (QoS) tier Guaranteed are placed within the kubepods.slice. Pods of other QoS tiers end up in child cgroups of kubepods:

    # cd /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/kubepods.slice/kubepods-pod69c01f8e_6b74_11e9_ac0f_0a2b62178a22.slice/crio-b5437308f1ad1a7db0574c542bdf08563b865c0345c86e9585f8c0b0a655612c.scope
    # for i in `ls cpuset.cpus tasks` ; do echo -n "$i "; cat $i ; done
    cpuset.cpus 1
    tasks 32706
  12. Check the allowed CPU list for the task:

    # grep ^Cpus_allowed_list /proc/32706/status
     Cpus_allowed_list:    1
  13. Verify that another pod (in this case, the pod in the burstable QoS tier) on the system cannot run on the core allocated for the Guaranteed pod:

    # cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset/kubepods.slice/kubepods-besteffort.slice/kubepods-besteffort-podc494a073_6b77_11e9_98c0_06bba5c387ea.slice/crio-c56982f57b75a2420947f0afc6cafe7534c5734efc34157525fa9abbf99e3849.scope/cpuset.cpus
    # oc describe node
     attachable-volumes-aws-ebs:  39
     cpu:                         2
     ephemeral-storage:           124768236Ki
     hugepages-1Gi:               0
     hugepages-2Mi:               0
     memory:                      8162900Ki
     pods:                        250
     attachable-volumes-aws-ebs:  39
     cpu:                         1500m
     ephemeral-storage:           124768236Ki
     hugepages-1Gi:               0
     hugepages-2Mi:               0
     memory:                      7548500Ki
     pods:                        250
    -------                               ----                           ------------  ----------  ---------------  -------------  ---
      default                                 cpumanager-6cqz7               1 (66%)       1 (66%)     1G (12%)         1G (12%)       29m
    Allocated resources:
      (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.)
      Resource                    Requests          Limits
      --------                    --------          ------
      cpu                         1440m (96%)       1 (66%)

    This VM has two CPU cores. You set kube-reserved to 500 millicores, meaning half of one core is subtracted from the total capacity of the node to arrive at the Node Allocatable amount. You can see that Allocatable CPU is 1500 millicores. This means you can run one of the CPU Manager pods since each will take one whole core. A whole core is equivalent to 1000 millicores. If you try to schedule a second pod, the system will accept the pod, but it will never be scheduled:

    NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    cpumanager-6cqz7        1/1     Running   0          33m
    cpumanager-7qc2t        0/1     Pending   0          11s

Chapter 7. Using Topology Manager

Topology Manager is a Kubelet component that collects hints from CPU Manager and Device Manager to align pod CPU and device resources on the same non-uniform memory access (NUMA) node.

Topology Manager uses topology information from collected hints to decide if the pod can be accepted or rejected from the node, based on the configured Topology Manager policy and Pod resources requested.

Topology Manager is useful for workloads that desire to use hardware accelerators to support latency-critical execution and high throughput parallel computation.


Topology Manager is an alpha feature in OpenShift Container Platform.

7.1. Setting up Topology Manager


  • Configure the CPU Manager policy to be static. Refer to Using CPU Manager in the Scalability and Performance section.


  1. Enable the LatencySensitive FeatureGate

    # oc edit featuregate/cluster
  2. Add Feature Set: LatencySensitive to the spec:

    # oc describe featuregate/cluster
    Name:         cluster
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations: true
    API Version:
    Kind:         FeatureGate
      Creation Timestamp:  2019-10-30T15:06:41Z
      Generation:          2
      Resource Version:    7773803
      Self Link:           /apis/
      UID:                 b00204ab-cc5e-4ca5-ad93-b9bdd738c1de
      Feature Set:  LatencySensitive
    Events:         <none>
  3. Configure the Topology Manager policy with KubeletConfig.

    The example YAML file below shows a single-numa-node policy specified.

    kind: KubeletConfig
      name: cpumanager-enabled
          custom-kubelet: cpumanager-enabled
         cpuManagerPolicy: static
         cpuManagerReconcilePeriod: 5s
         topologyManagerPolicy: single-numa-node 1
    Specify your selected Topology Manager policy.
    # oc create -f topologymanager-kubeletconfig.yaml

7.2. Topology Manager policies

Topology Manager works on Nodes and pods that meet the following conditions:

  • The Node’s CPU Manager Policy is configured as static.
  • The pods are in the Guaranteed QoS class.

When the above conditions are met, Topology Manager will align CPU and device requests for the Pod.

Topology Manager supports 4 allocation policies. These policies are set via a Kubelet flag, --topology-manager-policy. The policies are:

  • none (default)
  • best-effort
  • restricted
  • single-numa-node

7.2.1. none policy

This is the default policy and does not perform any topology alignment.

7.2.2. best-effort policy

For each container in a pod with the best-effort topology management policy, kubelet calls each Hint Provider to discover their resource availability. Using this information, the Topology Manager stores the preferred NUMA Node affinity for that container. If the affinity is not preferred, Topology Manager stores this and admits the pod to the node.

7.2.3. restricted policy

For each container in a pod with the restricted topology management policy, kubelet calls each Hint Provider to discover their resource availability. Using this information, the Topology Manager stores the preferred NUMA Node affinity for that container. If the affinity is not preferred, Topology Manager rejects this pod from the node, resulting in a pod in a Terminated state with a pod admission failure.

7.2.4. single-numa-node

For each container in a pod with the single-numa-node topology management policy, kubelet calls each Hint Provider to discover their resource availability. Using this information, the Topology Manager determines if a single NUMA Node affinity is possible. If it is, the pod is admitted to the node. If a single NUMA Node affinity is not possible, the Topology Manager rejects the pod from the node. This results in a pod in a Terminated state with a pod admission failure.

7.3. Pod interactions with Topology Manager policies

The example Pod specs below help illustrate pod interactions with Topology Manager.

The following pod runs in the BestEffort QoS class because no resource requests or limits are specified.

  - name: nginx
    image: nginx

The next pod runs in the Burstable QoS class because requests are less than limits.

  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
        memory: "200Mi"
        memory: "100Mi"

If the selected policy is anything other than none, Topology Manager would not consider either of these Pod specifications.

The last example pod below runs in the Guaranteed QoS class because requests are equal to limits.

  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
        memory: "200Mi"
        cpu: "2" "1"
        memory: "200Mi"
        cpu: "2" "1"

Topology Manager would consider this pod. The Topology Manager consults the CPU Manager static policy, which returns the topology of available CPUs. Topology Manager also consults Device Manager to discover the topology of available devices for

Topology Manager will use this information to store the best Topology for this container. In the case of this pod, CPU Manager and Device Manager will use this stored information at the resource allocation stage.

Chapter 8. Scaling the Cluster Monitoring Operator

OpenShift Container Platform exposes metrics that the Cluster Monitoring Operator collects and stores in the Prometheus-based monitoring stack. As an administrator, you can view system resources, containers and components metrics in one dashboard interface, Grafana.

8.1. Prometheus database storage requirements

Red Hat performed various tests for different scale sizes.

Table 8.1. Prometheus Database storage requirements based on number of nodes/pods in the cluster
Number of NodesNumber of podsPrometheus storage growth per dayPrometheus storage growth per 15 daysRAM Space (per scale size)Network (per tsdb chunk)



6.3 GB

94 GB

6 GB

16 MB



13 GB

195 GB

10 GB

26 MB



19 GB

283 GB

12 GB

36 MB



25 GB

375 GB

14 GB

46 MB

Approximately 20 percent of the expected size was added as overhead to ensure that the storage requirements do not exceed the calculated value.

The above calculation is for the default OpenShift Container Platform Cluster Monitoring Operator.


CPU utilization has minor impact. The ratio is approximately 1 core out of 40 per 50 nodes and 1800 pods.

Lab environment

In a previous release, all experiments were performed in an OpenShift Container Platform on RHOSP environment:

  • Infra nodes (VMs) - 40 cores, 157 GB RAM.
  • CNS nodes (VMs) - 16 cores, 62 GB RAM, NVMe drives.

Recommendations for OpenShift Container Platform

  • Use at least three infrastructure (infra) nodes.
  • Use at least three openshift-container-storage nodes with non-volatile memory express (NVMe) drives.

8.2. Configuring cluster monitoring


To increase the storage capacity for Prometheus:

  1. Create a YAML configuration file, cluster-monitoring-config.yml. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      config.yaml: |
          retention: {{PROMETHEUS_RETENTION_PERIOD}} 1
          baseImage: openshift/prometheus
              storageClassName: gp2
                  storage: {{PROMETHEUS_STORAGE_SIZE}} 2
          baseImage: openshift/prometheus-alertmanager
              storageClassName: gp2
                  storage: {{ALERTMANAGER_STORAGE_SIZE}} 3
          baseImage: openshift/prometheus-node-exporter
          baseImage: grafana/grafana
          baseImage: openshift/oauth-proxy
      name: cluster-monitoring-config
    namespace: openshift-monitoring
    A typical value is PROMETHEUS_RETENTION_PERIOD=15d. Units are measured in time using one of these suffixes: s, m, h, d.
    A typical value is PROMETHEUS_STORAGE_SIZE=2000Gi. Storage values can be a plain integer or as a fixed-point integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki.
    A typical value is ALERTMANAGER_STORAGE_SIZE=20Gi. Storage values can be a plain integer or as a fixed-point integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki.
  2. Set the values like the retention period and storage sizes.
  3. Apply the changes by running:

    $ oc create -f cluster-monitoring-config.yml

Chapter 9. Planning your environment according to object maximums

Consider the following tested object maximums when you plan your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

These guidelines are based on the largest possible cluster. For smaller clusters, the maximums are lower. There are many factors that influence the stated thresholds, including the etcd version or storage data format.

In most cases, exceeding these numbers results in lower overall performance. It does not necessarily mean that the cluster will fail.

9.1. OpenShift Container Platform tested cluster maximums for major releases

Tested Cloud Platforms for OpenShift Container Platform 3.x: Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure. Tested Cloud Platforms for OpenShift Container Platform 4.x: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Maximum type3.x tested maximum4.x tested maximum

Number of nodes



Number of pods [1]



Number of pods per node


500 [2]

Number of pods per core

There is no default value.

There is no default value.

Number of namespaces [3]



Number of builds

10,000 (Default pod RAM 512 Mi) - Pipeline Strategy

10,000 (Default pod RAM 512 Mi) - Source-to-Image (S2I) build strategy

Number of pods per namespace [4]



Number of services [5]



Number of services per namespace



Number of back-ends per service



Number of deployments per namespace [4]



  1. The pod count displayed here is the number of test pods. The actual number of pods depends on the application’s memory, CPU, and storage requirements.
  2. This was tested on a cluster with 100 worker nodes with 500 pods per worker node. The default maxPods is still 250. To get to 500 maxPods, the cluster must be created with a maxPods set to 500 using a custom kubelet config. If you need 500 user pods, you need a hostPrefix of 22 because there are 10-15 system pods already running on the node. The maximum number of pods with attached persistent volume claims (PVC) depends on storage backend from where PVC are allocated. In our tests, only OpenShift Container Storage v4 (OCS v4) was able to satisfy the number of pods per node discussed in this document.
  3. When there are a large number of active projects, etcd might suffer from poor performance if the keyspace grows excessively large and exceeds the space quota. Periodic maintenance of etcd, including defragmentaion, is highly recommended to free etcd storage.
  4. There are a number of control loops in the system that must iterate over all objects in a given namespace as a reaction to some changes in state. Having a large number of objects of a given type in a single namespace can make those loops expensive and slow down processing given state changes. The limit assumes that the system has enough CPU, memory, and disk to satisfy the application requirements.
  5. Each service port and each service back-end has a corresponding entry in iptables. The number of back-ends of a given service impact the size of the endpoints objects, which impacts the size of data that is being sent all over the system.

9.2. OpenShift Container Platform tested cluster maximums

Maximum type4.1 tested maximum4.2 tested maximum4.3 tested maximum4.4 tested maximum

Number of nodes





Number of pods [1]





Number of pods per node





Number of pods per core

There is no default value.

There is no default value.

There is no default value.

There is no default value.

Number of namespaces [2]





Number of Builds

10,000 (Default pod RAM 512 Mi) - Pipeline Strategy

10,000 (Default pod RAM 512 Mi) - Pipeline Strategy

10,000 (Default pod RAM 512 Mi) - Source-to-Image (S2I) build strategy

10,000 (Default pod RAM 512 Mi) - Source-to-Image (S2I) build strategy

Number of pods per namespace [3]





Number of services [4]





Number of services per namespace





Number of back ends per service





Number of deployments per namespace [3]





  1. The pod count displayed here is the number of test pods. The actual number of pods depends on the application’s memory, CPU, and storage requirements.
  2. When there are a large number of active projects, etcd might suffer from poor performance if the keyspace grows excessively large and exceeds the space quota. Periodic maintenance of etcd, including defragmentaion, is highly recommended to free etcd storage.
  3. There are a number of control loops in the system that must iterate over all objects in a given namespace as a reaction to some changes in state. Having a large number of objects of a given type in a single namespace can make those loops expensive and slow down processing given state changes. The limit assumes that the system has enough CPU, memory, and disk to satisfy the application requirements.
  4. Each service port and each service back end has a corresponding entry in iptables. The number of back ends of a given service impact the size of the endpoints objects, which impacts the size of data that is being sent all over the system.

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.4, half of a CPU core (500 millicore) is reserved by the system compared to OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 and previous versions.

9.3. How to plan your environment according to tested cluster maximums


Oversubscribing the physical resources on a node affects resource guarantees the Kubernetes scheduler makes during pod placement. Learn what measures you can take to avoid memory swapping.

Some of the tested maximums are stretched only in a single dimension. They will vary when many objects are running on the cluster.

The numbers noted in this documentation are based on Red Hat’s test methodology, setup, configuration, and tunings. These numbers can vary based on your own individual setup and environments.

While planning your environment, determine how many pods are expected to fit per node:

required pods per cluster / pods per node = total number of nodes needed

The current maximum number of pods per node is 250. However, the number of pods that fit on a node is dependent on the application itself. Consider the application’s memory, CPU, and storage requirements, as described in How to plan your environment according to application requirements.

Example scenario

If you want to scope your cluster for 2200 pods per cluster, you would need at least five nodes, assuming that there are 500 maximum pods per node:

2200 / 500 = 4.4

If you increase the number of nodes to 20, then the pod distribution changes to 110 pods per node:

2200 / 20 = 110


required pods per cluster / total number of nodes = expected pods per node

9.4. How to plan your environment according to application requirements

Consider an example application environment:

Pod typePod quantityMax memoryCPU coresPersistent storage



500 MB


1 GB



1 GB


1 GB



1 GB


10 GB



1 GB


1 GB

Extrapolated requirements: 550 CPU cores, 450GB RAM, and 1.4TB storage.

Instance size for nodes can be modulated up or down, depending on your preference. Nodes are often resource overcommitted. In this deployment scenario, you can choose to run additional smaller nodes or fewer larger nodes to provide the same amount of resources. Factors such as operational agility and cost-per-instance should be considered.

Node typeQuantityCPUsRAM (GB)

Nodes (option 1)




Nodes (option 2)




Nodes (option 3)




Some applications lend themselves well to overcommitted environments, and some do not. Most Java applications and applications that use huge pages are examples of applications that would not allow for overcommitment. That memory can not be used for other applications. In the example above, the environment would be roughly 30 percent overcommitted, a common ratio.

Chapter 10. Optimizing storage

Optimizing storage helps to minimize storage use across all resources. By optimizing storage, administrators help ensure that existing storage resources are working in an efficient manner.

10.1. Available persistent storage options

Understand your persistent storage options so that you can optimize your OpenShift Container Platform environment.

Table 10.1. Available storage options
Storage typeDescriptionExamples


  • Presented to the operating system (OS) as a block device
  • Suitable for applications that need full control of storage and operate at a low level on files bypassing the file system
  • Also referred to as a Storage Area Network (SAN)
  • Non-shareable, which means that only one client at a time can mount an endpoint of this type

AWS EBS and VMware vSphere support dynamic persistent volume (PV) provisioning natively in OpenShift Container Platform.


  • Presented to the OS as a file system export to be mounted
  • Also referred to as Network Attached Storage (NAS)
  • Concurrency, latency, file locking mechanisms, and other capabilities vary widely between protocols, implementations, vendors, and scales.

RHEL NFS, NetApp NFS [1], and Vendor NFS


  • Accessible through a REST API endpoint
  • Configurable for use in the OpenShift Container Platform Registry
  • Applications must build their drivers into the application and/or container.


  1. NetApp NFS supports dynamic PV provisioning when using the Trident plug-in.

Currently, CNS is not supported in OpenShift Container Platform 4.4.

10.3. Data storage management

The following table summarizes the main directories that OpenShift Container Platform components write data to.

Table 10.3. Main directories for storing OpenShift Container Platform data
DirectoryNotesSizingExpected growth


Log files for all components.

10 to 30 GB.

Log files can grow quickly; size can be managed by growing disks or by using log rotate.


Used for etcd storage when storing the database.

Less than 20 GB.

Database can grow up to 8 GB.

Will grow slowly with the environment. Only storing metadata.

Additional 20-25 GB for every additional 8 GB of memory.


This is the mount point for the CRI-O runtime. Storage used for active container runtimes, including pods, and storage of local images. Not used for registry storage.

50 GB for a node with 16 GB memory. Note that this sizing should not be used to determine minimum cluster requirements.

Additional 20-25 GB for every additional 8 GB of memory.

Growth is limited by capacity for running containers.


Ephemeral volume storage for pods. This includes anything external that is mounted into a container at runtime. Includes environment variables, kube secrets, and data volumes not backed by persistent volumes.


Minimal if pods requiring storage are using persistent volumes. If using ephemeral storage, this can grow quickly.

Chapter 11. Optimizing routing

The OpenShift Container Platform HAProxy router scales to optimize performance.

11.1. Baseline router performance

The OpenShift Container Platform router is the Ingress point for all external traffic destined for OpenShift Container Platform services.

When evaluating a single HAProxy router performance in terms of HTTP requests handled per second, the performance varies depending on many factors. In particular:

  • HTTP keep-alive/close mode
  • route type
  • TLS session resumption client support
  • number of concurrent connections per target route
  • number of target routes
  • back end server page size
  • underlying infrastructure (network/SDN solution, CPU, and so on)

While performance in your specific environment will vary, Red Hat lab tests on a public cloud instance of size 4 vCPU/16GB RAM, a single HAProxy router handling 100 routes terminated by backends serving 1kB static pages is able to handle the following number of transactions per second.

In HTTP keep-alive mode scenarios:














In HTTP close (no keep-alive) scenarios:














Default router configuration with ROUTER_THREADS=4 was used and two different endpoint publishing strategies (LoadBalancerService/HostNetwork) tested. TLS session resumption was used for encrypted routes. With HTTP keep-alive, a single HAProxy router is capable of saturating 1 Gbit NIC at page sizes as small as 8 kB.

When running on bare metal with modern processors, you can expect roughly twice the performance of the public cloud instance above. This overhead is introduced by the virtualization layer in place on public clouds and holds mostly true for private cloud-based virtualization as well. The following table is a guide on how many applications to use behind the router:

Number of applicationsApplication type


static file/web server or caching proxy


applications generating dynamic content

In general, HAProxy can support routes for 5 to 1000 applications, depending on the technology in use. Router performance might be limited by the capabilities and performance of the applications behind it, such as language or static versus dynamic content.

Router sharding should be used to serve more routes towards applications and help horizontally scale the routing tier.

11.2. Router performance optimizations

OpenShift Container Platform no longer supports modifying router deployments by setting environment variables such as ROUTER_THREADS, ROUTER_DEFAULT_TUNNEL_TIMEOUT, ROUTER_DEFAULT_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, ROUTER_DEFAULT_SERVER_TIMEOUT, and RELOAD_INTERVAL.

You can modify the router deployment, but if the Ingress Operator is enabled, the configuration is overwritten.

Chapter 12. Optimizing networking

The OpenShift SDN uses OpenvSwitch, virtual extensible LAN (VXLAN) tunnels, OpenFlow rules, and iptables. This network can be tuned by using jumbo frames, network interface cards (NIC) offloads, multi-queue, and ethtool settings.

OVN-Kubernetes uses Geneve (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) instead of VXLAN as the tunnel protocol.

VXLAN provides benefits over VLANs, such as an increase in networks from 4096 to over 16 million, and layer 2 connectivity across physical networks. This allows for all pods behind a service to communicate with each other, even if they are running on different systems.

VXLAN encapsulates all tunneled traffic in user datagram protocol (UDP) packets. However, this leads to increased CPU utilization. Both these outer- and inner-packets are subject to normal checksumming rules to guarantee data is not corrupted during transit. Depending on CPU performance, this additional processing overhead can cause a reduction in throughput and increased latency when compared to traditional, non-overlay networks.

Cloud, VM, and bare metal CPU performance can be capable of handling much more than one Gbps network throughput. When using higher bandwidth links such as 10 or 40 Gbps, reduced performance can occur. This is a known issue in VXLAN-based environments and is not specific to containers or OpenShift Container Platform. Any network that relies on VXLAN tunnels will perform similarly because of the VXLAN implementation.

If you are looking to push beyond one Gbps, you can:

  • Evaluate network plug-ins that implement different routing techniques, such as border gateway protocol (BGP).
  • Use VXLAN-offload capable network adapters. VXLAN-offload moves the packet checksum calculation and associated CPU overhead off of the system CPU and onto dedicated hardware on the network adapter. This frees up CPU cycles for use by pods and applications, and allows users to utilize the full bandwidth of their network infrastructure.

VXLAN-offload does not reduce latency. However, CPU utilization is reduced even in latency tests.

12.1. Optimizing the MTU for your network

There are two important maximum transmission units (MTUs): the network interface card (NIC) MTU and the cluster network MTU.

The NIC MTU is only configured at the time of OpenShift Container Platform installation. The MTU must be less than or equal to the maximum supported value of the NIC of your network. If you are optimizing for throughput, choose the largest possible value. If you are optimizing for lowest latency, choose a lower value.

The SDN overlay’s MTU must be less than the NIC MTU by 50 bytes at a minimum. This accounts for the SDN overlay header. So, on a normal ethernet network, set this to 1450. On a jumbo frame ethernet network, set this to 8950.

For OVN and Geneve, the MTU must be less than the NIC MTU by 100 bytes at a minimum.


This 50 byte overlay header is relevant to the OpenShift SDN. Other SDN solutions might require the value to be more or less.

12.3. Impact of IPsec

Because encrypting and decrypting node hosts uses CPU power, performance is affected both in throughput and CPU usage on the nodes when encryption is enabled, regardless of the IP security system being used.

IPSec encrypts traffic at the IP payload level, before it hits the NIC, protecting fields that would otherwise be used for NIC offloading. This means that some NIC acceleration features might not be usable when IPSec is enabled and will lead to decreased throughput and increased CPU usage.

Chapter 13. What huge pages do and how they are consumed by applications

13.1. What huge pages do

Memory is managed in blocks known as pages. On most systems, a page is 4Ki. 1Mi of memory is equal to 256 pages; 1Gi of memory is 256,000 pages, and so on. CPUs have a built-in memory management unit that manages a list of these pages in hardware. The Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) is a small hardware cache of virtual-to-physical page mappings. If the virtual address passed in a hardware instruction can be found in the TLB, the mapping can be determined quickly. If not, a TLB miss occurs, and the system falls back to slower, software-based address translation, resulting in performance issues. Since the size of the TLB is fixed, the only way to reduce the chance of a TLB miss is to increase the page size.

A huge page is a memory page that is larger than 4Ki. On x86_64 architectures, there are two common huge page sizes: 2Mi and 1Gi. Sizes vary on other architectures. In order to use huge pages, code must be written so that applications are aware of them. Transparent Huge Pages (THP) attempt to automate the management of huge pages without application knowledge, but they have limitations. In particular, they are limited to 2Mi page sizes. THP can lead to performance degradation on nodes with high memory utilization or fragmentation due to defragmenting efforts of THP, which can lock memory pages. For this reason, some applications may be designed to (or recommend) usage of pre-allocated huge pages instead of THP.

In OpenShift Container Platform, applications in a pod can allocate and consume pre-allocated huge pages.

13.2. How huge pages are consumed by apps

Nodes must pre-allocate huge pages in order for the node to report its huge page capacity. A node can only pre-allocate huge pages for a single size.

Huge pages can be consumed through container-level resource requirements using the resource name hugepages-<size>, where size is the most compact binary notation using integer values supported on a particular node. For example, if a node supports 2048KiB page sizes, it exposes a schedulable resource hugepages-2Mi. Unlike CPU or memory, huge pages do not support over-commitment.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  generateName: hugepages-volume-
  - securityContext:
      privileged: true
    image: rhel7:latest
    - sleep
    - inf
    name: example
    - mountPath: /dev/hugepages
      name: hugepage
        hugepages-2Mi: 100Mi 1
        memory: "1Gi"
        cpu: "1"
  - name: hugepage
      medium: HugePages
Specify the amount of memory for hugepages as the exact amount to be allocated. Do not specify this value as the amount of memory for hugepages multiplied by the size of the page. For example, given a huge page size of 2MB, if you want to use 100MB of huge-page-backed RAM for your application, then you would allocate 50 huge pages. OpenShift Container Platform handles the math for you. As in the above example, you can specify 100MB directly.

Allocating huge pages of a specific size

Some platforms support multiple huge page sizes. To allocate huge pages of a specific size, precede the huge pages boot command parameters with a huge page size selection parameter hugepagesz=<size>. The <size> value must be specified in bytes with an optional scale suffix [kKmMgG]. The default huge page size can be defined with the default_hugepagesz=<size> boot parameter.

Huge page requirements

  • Huge page requests must equal the limits. This is the default if limits are specified, but requests are not.
  • Huge pages are isolated at a pod scope. Container isolation is planned in a future iteration.
  • EmptyDir volumes backed by huge pages must not consume more huge page memory than the pod request.
  • Applications that consume huge pages via shmget() with SHM_HUGETLB must run with a supplemental group that matches proc/sys/vm/hugetlb_shm_group.

13.3. Configuring huge pages

Nodes must pre-allocate huge pages used in an OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Use the Node Tuning Operator to allocate huge pages on a specific node.


  1. Label the node so that the Node Tuning Operator knows on which node to apply the tuned profile, which describes how many huge pages should be allocated:

    $ oc label node <node_using_hugepages> hugepages=true
  2. Create a file with the following content and name it hugepages_tuning.yaml:

    kind: Tuned
      name: hugepages 1
      namespace: openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator
      profile: 2
      - data: |
          summary=Configuration for hugepages
        name: node-hugepages
      - match: 3
        - label: hugepages
        priority: 30
        profile: node-hugepages
    Set the name parameter value to hugepages.
    Set the profile section to allocate huge pages.
    Set the match section to associate the profile to nodes with the hugepages label.
  3. Create the custom hugepages tuned profile by using the hugepages_tuning.yaml file:

    $ oc create -f hugepages_tuning.yaml
  4. After creating the profile, the Operator applies the new profile to the correct node and allocates huge pages. Check the logs of a tuned pod on a node using huge pages to verify:

    $ oc logs <tuned_pod_on_node_using_hugepages> \
        -n openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator | grep 'applied$' | tail -n1
    2019-08-08 07:20:41,286 INFO     tuned.daemon.daemon: static tuning from profile 'node-hugepages' applied

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