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4.17. Hewlett-Packard iLO MP

Table 4.18, “HP iLO (Integrated Lights Out) MP” lists the fence device parameters used by fence_ilo_mp, the fence agent for HP iLO MP devices.
Table 4.18. HP iLO (Integrated Lights Out) MP
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name A name for the server with HP iLO support.
IP Address or Hostname ipaddr The IP address or host name assigned to the device.
IP Port (optional) ipport TCP port to use for connection with the device.
Login login The login name used to access the device.
Password passwd The password used to authenticate the connection to the device.
Password Script (optional) passwd_script The script that supplies a password for access to the fence device. Using this supersedes the Password parameter.
Use SSH secure Indicates that the system will use SSH to access the device. When using SSH, you must specify either a password, a password script, or an identity file.
SSH Options ssh_options SSH options to use. The default value is -1 -c blowfish.
Path to SSH Identity File identity_file The Identity file for SSH.
Force Command Prompt cmd_prompt The command prompt to use. The default value is 'MP>', 'hpiLO->'.
Power Wait (seconds) power_wait Number of seconds to wait after issuing a power off or power on command.
Delay (seconds) delay The number of seconds to wait before fencing is started. The default value is 0.
Power Timeout (seconds) power_timeout Number of seconds to continue testing for a status change after issuing a power off or power on command. The default value is 20.
Shell Timeout (seconds) shell_timeout Number of seconds to wait for a command prompt after issuing a command. The default value is 3.
Login Timeout (seconds) login_timeout Number of seconds to wait for a command prompt after login. The default value is 5.
Times to Retry Power On Operation retry_on Number of attempts to retry a power on operation. The default value is 1.
Figure 4.13, “HP iLO MP” shows the configuration screen for adding an HP iLO MPfence device.

Figure 4.13. HP iLO MP

The following command creates a fence device instance for a HP iLO MP device:
ccs -f cluster.conf --addfencedev hpilomptest1 agent=fence_hpilo cmd_prompt=hpiLO-> ipaddr= \
 login=root passwd=password123 power_wait=60
The following is the cluster.conf entry for the fence_hpilo_mp device:
<fencedevice agent="fence_ilo_mp" cmd_prompt="hpiLO-&gt;" ipaddr="" login="root" name="hpilomptest1" passwd="password123" power_wait="60"/>
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