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1.53. filesystem

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1.53.1. RHBA-2009:1481: bug fix update


This update has already been released (prior to the GA of this release) as FASTRACK errata RHBA-2009:1481
An updated filesystem package that corrects the owners of certain directories is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
The filesystem package is one of the basic packages that is installed on a Red Hat Linux system. Filesystem contains the basic directory layout for the Linux operating system, including the correct permissions for directories.
This updated filesystem package fixes the following bug:
* a number of file system directories were unowned. This update corrects the ownership of the following directories: /usr/src/debug, /usr/src/kernels, several directories in /usr/share/man, /usr/share/locale and, under it, the LC_MESSAGES subdirectory for several locales. In addition, for the sake of consistency this updated filesystem package now owns, but does not create, the locale-specific man page directories located under /usr/share/man/[locale]. (BZ#487568)
All users of filesystem are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which resolves this issue.
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