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1.235. yum-rhn-plugin
1.235.1. RHBA-2010:0269: bug fix and enhancement update
An updated yum-rhn-plugin package that fixes several bugs and provides new functionality is now available.
yum-rhn-plugin allows yum to access a Red Hat Network server for software updates.
This update fixes several bugs and implements new features:
* ability to permanently enable and disable yum repositories provided by RHN / RHN Satellite via pirut tool. (BZ#437822)
* remove unnecessary debug information printed by yum when run in silent mode (BZ#504295)
* stock rhnplugin.conf now contains examples of configuration options for repositories provided by RHN / RHN Satellite. (BZ#509342)
* disable yum repositories provided by RHN / RHN Satellite in case /etc/sysconfig/rhn/systemid was removed. (BZ#514467)
* require recent version of rhn-client-tools package to avoid a traceback when invoking 'yum clean all' command. (BZ #515575)
* correctly rollback to older version of a package in scenarios where the package was split in later versions. (BZ #524237)
* correctly update log files when performing package updates and removals from RHN / RHN Satellite. (BZ #527412)
Users of yum-rhn-plugin are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which fixes these issues.