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1.96. libXi

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1.96.1. RHBA-2010:0127: bug fix update


This update has already been released (prior to the GA of this release) as errata RHBA-2010:0127
Updated libXi packages that resolve an issue are now available.
libXi is the X.Org XInput runtime library.
These updated libXi packages fix the following bug::
* the XInitThreads() function initializes Xlib support for concurrent threads. Calling the XInitThreads() function could have caused deadlock with the result that the calling program became unresponsive. With this update, programs which call XInitThreads() in the correct manner do not suffer from deadlock and do not hang, thus resolving the issue. (BZ#563120)
All users of libXi are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which resolve this issue.
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