
Chapter 5. Creating Persistent Volumes

OpenShift Container Platform clusters can be provisioned with persistent storage using GlusterFS.
Persistent volumes (PVs) and persistent volume claims (PVCs) can share volumes across a single project. While the GlusterFS-specific information contained in a PV definition could also be defined directly in a pod definition, doing so does not create the volume as a distinct cluster resource, making the volume more susceptible to conflicts.
Binding PVs by Labels and Selectors

Labels are an OpenShift Container Platform feature that support user-defined tags (key-value pairs) as part of an object’s specification. Their primary purpose is to enable the arbitrary grouping of objects by defining identical labels among them. These labels can then be targeted by selectors to match all objects with specified label values. It is this functionality we will take advantage of to enable our PVC to bind to our PV.

You can use labels to identify common attributes or characteristics shared among volumes. For example, you can define the gluster volume to have a custom attribute (key) named storage-tier with a value of gold assigned. A claim will be able to select a PV with storage-tier=gold to match this PV.
To enable persistent volume support in OpenShift and Kubernetes, few endpoints and a service must be created:

The sample glusterfs-endpoints.json file (sample-gluster-endpoint.json) and the sample glusterfs-service.json file (sample-gluster-service.json) are available at /usr/share/heketi/openshift/.
  1. To specify the endpoints you want to create, update the sample-gluster-endpoint.json file with the endpoints to be created based on the environment. Each Red Hat Gluster Storage trusted storage pool requires its own endpoint with the IP of the nodes in the trusted storage pool.
      "kind": "Endpoints",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "glusterfs-cluster"
      "subsets": [
          "addresses": [
              "ip": ""
          "ports": [
              "port": 1
          "addresses": [
              "ip": ""
          "ports": [
              "port": 1
          "addresses": [
              "ip": ""
          "ports": [
              "port": 1
    name: is the name of the endpoint
    ip: is the ip address of the Red Hat Gluster Storage nodes.
  2. Execute the following command to create the endpoints:
    # oc create -f <name_of_endpoint_file>
    For example:
    # oc create -f sample-gluster-endpoint.json
    endpoints "glusterfs-cluster" created
  3. To verify that the endpoints are created, execute the following command:
    # oc get endpoints
    For example:
    # oc get endpoints
    NAME                       ENDPOINTS                                                     AGE
    storage-project-router,,   2d
    glusterfs-cluster,,         3s
    heketi                                                            2m
    heketi-storage-endpoints,,         3m
  4. Execute the following command to create a gluster service:
    # oc create -f <name_of_service_file>
    For example:
    # oc create -f sample-gluster-service.json
    service "glusterfs-cluster" created
    # cat sample-gluster-service.json
      "kind": "Service",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "glusterfs-cluster"
      "spec": {
        "ports": [
          {"port": 1}
  5. To verify that the service is created, execute the following command:
    # oc get service
    For example:
    # oc get service
    NAME                       CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                   AGE
    storage-project-router   <none>        80/TCP,443/TCP,1936/TCP   2d
    glusterfs-cluster    <none>        1/TCP                     5s
    heketi               <none>        8080/TCP                  2m
    heketi-storage-endpoints    <none>        1/TCP                     3m


    The endpoints and the services must be created for each project that requires a persistent storage.
  6. Create a 100G persistent volume with Replica 3 from GlusterFS and output a persistent volume specification describing this volume to the file pv001.json:
    $ heketi-cli volume create --size=100 --persistent-volume-file=pv001.json
    $ cat pv001.json
      "kind": "PersistentVolume",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "glusterfs-f8c612ee",
        "creationTimestamp": null,
        "labels": {
          "storage-tier": "gold"
      "spec": {
        "capacity": {
          "storage": "12Gi"
        "glusterfs": {
          "endpoints": "glusterfs-cluster",
          "path": "vol_f8c612eea57556197511f6b8c54b6070"
        "accessModes": [
        "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy": "Retain"
      "status": {}


    You must manually add the Labels information to the .json file.
    Following is the example YAML file for reference:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: PersistentVolume
     name: pv-aplo-glusterfs1
      storage-tier: gold
       storage: 12Gi
       - ReadWriteMany
     persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
       endpoints: TYPE END POINTS NAME HERE,
       path: vol_e6b77204ff54c779c042f570a71b1407
    name: The name of the volume.
    storage: The amount of storage allocated to this volume
    glusterfs: The volume type being used, in this case the glusterfs plug-in
    endpoints: The endpoints name that defines the trusted storage pool created
    path: The Red Hat Gluster Storage volume that will be accessed from the Trusted Storage Pool.
    accessModes: accessModes are used as labels to match a PV and a PVC. They currently do not define any form of access control.
    lables: Use labels to identify common attributes or characteristics shared among volumes. In this case, we have defined the gluster volume to have a custom attribute (key) named storage-tier with a value of gold assigned. A claim will be able to select a PV with storage-tier=gold to match this PV.


    • heketi-cli also accepts the endpoint name on the command line (--persistent-volume-endpoint=”TYPE ENDPOINT HERE”). This can then be piped to oc create -f - to create the persistent volume immediately.
    • Creation of more than 100 volumes per 3 nodes per cluster is not supported.
    • If there are multiple Red Hat Gluster Storage trusted storage pools in your environment, you can check on which trusted storage pool the volume is created using the heketi-cli volume list command. This command lists the cluster name. You can then update the endpoint information in the pv001.json file accordingly.
    • When creating a Heketi volume with only two nodes with the replica count set to the default value of three (replica 3), an error "No space" is displayed by Heketi as there is no space to create a replica set of three disks on three different nodes.
    • If all the heketi-cli write operations (ex: volume create, cluster create..etc) fails and the read operations ( ex: topology info, volume info ..etc) are successful, then the possibility is that the gluster volume is operating in read-only mode.
  7. Edit the pv001.json file and enter the name of the endpoint in the endpoints section.
    # oc create -f pv001.json
    For example:
    # oc create -f pv001.json
    persistentvolume "glusterfs-4fc22ff9" created
  8. To verify that the persistent volume is created, execute the following command:
    # oc get pv
    For example:
    # oc get pv
    glusterfs-4fc22ff9   100Gi      RWX           Available                       4s
  9. Bind the persistent volume to the persistent volume claim by executing the following command:
    # oc create -f pvc.json
    For example:
    # oc create -f pvc.json
    persistentvolumeclaim"glusterfs-claim" created
    # cat pvc.json 
       "apiVersion": "v1",
       "kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
       "metadata": {
         "name":  "glusterfs-claim"
       "spec": {
         "accessModes": [
         "resources": {
           "requests": {
             "storage ": "1Gi"
           "selector": {
           "matchLabels": {
             "storage-tier": "gold"
  10. To verify that the persistent volume and the persistent volume claim is bound, execute the following commands:
    # oc get pv
    # oc get pvc
    For example:
    # oc get pv
    NAME                 CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   STATUS    CLAIM                  REASON    AGE
    glusterfs-4fc22ff9   100Gi      RWX           Bound     storage-project/glusterfs-claim             1m
    # oc get pvc
    NAME              STATUS    VOLUME               CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   AGE
    glusterfs-claim   Bound     glusterfs-4fc22ff9   100Gi      RWX           11s
  11. The claim can now be used in the application:
    For example:
    # cat app.yml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      name: busybox
        - image: busybox
            - sleep
            - "3600"
          name: busybox
            - mountPath: /usr/share/busybox
              name: mypvc
        - name: mypvc
            claimName: glusterfs-claim
    # oc create -f app.yml
    pod "busybox" created
  12. To verify that the pod is created, execute the following command:
    # oc get pods
  13. To verify that the persistent volume is mounted inside the container, execute the following command:
    # oc rsh busybox
    / $ df -h
    Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                          100.0G     34.1M     99.9G   0% /
    tmpfs                     1.5G         0      1.5G   0% /dev
    tmpfs                     1.5G         0      1.5G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
                           99.9G     66.1M     99.9G   0% /usr/share/busybox
    tmpfs                     1.5G         0      1.5G   0% /run/secrets
                           37.7G      3.8G     32.0G  11% /dev/termination-log
    tmpfs                     1.5G     12.0K      1.5G   0% /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount


If you encounter a permission denied error on the mount point, then refer to section Gluster Volume Security at: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/openshift-enterprise/3.2/single/installation-and-configuration/#gluster-volume-security.
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