
5.6. Fuse Fabric

Table 5.6, “Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.2” lists the issues resolved in version 6.2.
Table 5.6. Fuse Fabric Issues Resolved in 6.2
Issue NumberDescription
CURATOR-208InterProcessSemaphoreV2 swallows InterruptedException
ENTESB-1209Incorrect feature definition: jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-us-1.6.2-incubating
ENTESB-1210Incorrect feature definition: jclouds-rackspace-cloudblockstorage-uk-1.6.2-incubating
ENTESB-1237Quickstart examples has SNAPSHOT dependency instead of build number
ENTESB-1257Error: Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed. Repeater: q in panel.query key: string:e
ENTESB-1302jboss-fuse-minimal - Does not have hawtio installed
ENTESB-1332Cannot delete profile version
ENTESB-1341camel-cxf-contract-first-archetype 1.0.0.redhat-355 creates an incorrect wsdl
ENTESB-1358Maven warnings when building the quickstarts
ENTESB-1405Fabric - Runtime - Manage: Cannot delete profiles version...sometimes
ENTESB-1414Fabric - Wiki / root/fabric/profiles: "jclouds" link has no address set
ENTESB-1434profile-create throws NPE when passing not existing parent reference
ENTESB-1435fabric:container-create-ssh --help does not load DETAILS section
ENTESB-1441fabric:export uses the same flag -p for 2 different options
ENTESB-1442fabric:export --path returns a confusing error message when running example
ENTESB-1530Our Maven-Notice-Plugin do not work on Windows if it generates a too long command
ENTESB-1629Duplicate property in "etc/config.propetries"
ENTESB-1666fabric:container-upgrade, container-rollback - completers work in wrong order
ENTESB-1671Fuse/A-MQ does not fully respect KARAF_ETC environment variable
ENTESB-16782nd level descendant of root container can't be created in hawtio (but can be created from shell), and the one which were created are not displayed
ENTESB-1684Creating a container with hawtio profile - Provision Exception:
ENTESB-1695HTTP Gateway leaks memory and file descriptors
ENTESB-1739Error in determining local repository path in patch service
ENTESB-1758--external-git-url option is not validated
ENTESB-1825Archetype commands stopped working
ENTESB-1831EIP Quickstart fails with repeated errors
ENTESB-1833SOAP and SECURE-SOAP quickstarts fail to install
ENTESB-1850Unable to create a Fabric
ENTESB-1961unable to create a fabric in 6.2
ENTESB-1976Protocol detecting gateway does not work with websocket connections
ENTESB-2072fabric-jolokia's JolokiaSecureHttpContext only allows one role
ENTESB-2077"Connection refused" when creating fabric with --zookeeper-server-port 4004
ENTESB-2096Install time for the cartridge takes too long.
ENTESB-2111Listener (io.fabric8.service.FabricMBeanRegistrationListener) exception when curator connection SUSPENDED / RECONNECTED
ENTESB-2126Fuse 6.1 Rollup up breaks HTTP proxy support for access to remote Maven repository
ENTESB-2147Unable to create fabric when using --min-port and --max-port
ENTESB-2170fabric:create fails on 6.2 build 042 with NoClassDefFoundError on PaxLevelImpl
ENTESB-2171Git operations (pull from the master node to child node) go through http proxy
ENTESB-2172Insight Camel assumes Karaf runtime
ENTESB-2178Version with invalid name is created and stored to git
ENTESB-2190io.fabric8.common.util.MultiException when deploying more broker instances in fabric
ENTESB-2198Registry value created by container-default-jvm-options is ignored
ENTESB-2210Restore OSGi PropertiesProvider
ENTESB-2222Fabric profile mq-replicated does not define ssl-broker.xml resource
ENTESB-2225The fabric8/quickstarts/karaf/cxf/camel-cxf-code-first generates tons of NullPointerExceptions
ENTESB-2236Fabric very instable when insights is deployed
ENTESB-2242Insight plugin does not list any Camel exchanges
ENTESB-2252InstanceNotFoundException during fabric creation
ENTESB-2269Fabric: Default profile doesn't load it's icon image
ENTESB-2270CBR Quickstart tests included in distribution are failing due to bad xmlns definiton
ENTESB-2279[user experience] command fabric:encrypt-message NullPointerException
ENTESB-2294NPE when fabric:container-create-openshift
ENTESB-2296example-cxf-cxf.server binds to localhost:9000 instead of $[bind.address]:$[app1.port]
ENTESB-2298Cannot install pax-cdi
ENTESB-2300Fabric provisioning error on OSE
ENTESB-2303Provision status of stopped fabric container differs for child and ssh container
ENTESB-2309mq-base profile ssl-broker.xml#openshift file uses OPENSHIFT_FUSE_AMQ_PORT instead of OPENSHIFT_FUSE_OPENWIRE_PORT
ENTESB-2314Fabric - Dashboard: Delete button doesn't delete all selected dashboards
ENTESB-2315Fabric - Dashboard: Unable to rename dashboards
ENTESB-2317Broken features:list command in fabric container
ENTESB-2323Show 'Command not found: fabric:welcome' error when ssh into container
ENTESB-2324Can't add 'dns' profile to container
ENTESB-2329fabric:create -g option not working
ENTESB-2350Can't add 'kubernetes' profile to container
ENTESB-2370OSE Maven artifacts uploaded to fabric proxy cannot be resolved by containers
ENTESB-2380Failed downloads from the maven proxy servlet
ENTESB-2382Missing feature "mq-fabric-camel" in Fuse 6.2
ENTESB-2387Karaf command "osgi:list -l" still shows location of old bundles even after patch is installed successfully in fabric
ENTESB-2389double login required when connecting to another fabric container
ENTESB-2390support-features-1.2.0.redhat-054-features.xml contains unresolved versions
ENTESB-2391Fabric - Profiles: Error: Duplicates in a repeater are not allowed.
ENTESB-2392Container cannot be opened in a new window when Insight Jetty profile added
ENTESB-2393Container's detail page: Container name cut from bottom
ENTESB-2395Rest quickstart tests are failing
ENTESB-2409fabric8 MavenProxyServletSupportTest#testDownloadMetadata is hanging
ENTESB-2410Soap-quickstart tests included in distribution are failing due to bad xmlns definiton
ENTESB-2411Swagger REST API details are not bundle-specific
ENTESB-2413Standalone Broker is shut down when Fabric is shut down / unaccessible
ENTESB-2438Double authentication in Red Hat Customer Portal
ENTESB-2439git clone http://fuse-test.apps.example.com/git/fabric hangs on 48-core machine
ENTESB-2452fabric8 build fails with JDK8
ENTESB-2466Red Hat Support - Enlarge Window
ENTESB-2467fabric example-cxf profile missing
ENTESB-2470Adding bundles and features to profile from Fuse terminal doesn't work properly
ENTESB-2473It should not be possible to delete the default version from the command line
ENTESB-2474Adding artifact to a profile by drag and drop file action doesn't work
ENTESB-2477Still can't find activemq-camel feature
ENTESB-2487Insight - CamelEvents: popup exception at page's load
ENTESB-2488Wrong record for master component in the zookeper registry
ENTESB-2507Provision list is not updated during provisioning
ENTESB-2519Fabric profile with uppercase can be created
ENTESB-2539Insight - Camel Events: Exception when interval without events is displayed
ENTESB-2552NPE when using gateway
ENTESB-2570fabric8-maven-plugin doesn't deploy profile zip
ENTESB-2577RH Access - support case detail: "Server File(s) To Attach:" section is empty when support-base profile deployed to fabric container
ENTESB-2581Git repo very slow after adding 100s of profiles
ENTESB-2588support:collect generate output with dev:classloaders command which is not found
ENTESB-2591RH Access - List Cases: filter by group drop-down list contains strange inactive items
ENTESB-2597fabric8-maven-plugin ignores custom user settings file for deployments
ENTESB-2598Fabric8 FileWatcherTest fails on Windows
ENTESB-2606Sometimes failed to create containers.
ENTESB-2613Missing requirement while trying to deploy fabric-cxf feature after upgrading to R2
ENTESB-2615[Fuse cartridge] Commands features:* throws "Could not find port within range [8282,8383]"
ENTESB-2636hawt.io APIs Swagger view stuck in "fetching resource list: ..."
ENTESB-2637Container-create-child suggestion produces "root" on each TAB press
ENTESB-2648[OSE] [6.1.R2] CXF regression, FabricLoadBalancerFeature does not translate OpenShift addresses anymore
ENTESB-2685FabricLoadBalancerFeature should wait (or at least allow to wait) for addresses to become available
ENTESB-2712[OSE] [6.2] mq-create doesn't reuse existing keystore.jks
ENTESB-2733Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.NameNotFoundException when trying to connect to ssh container
ENTESB-2736secure-rest quickstarts getProductOrderTest fails
ENTESB-2749RH Access - List Cases: Going to the ticket and back in history increases count of items in "EmailNotification Recipients" select box
ENTESB-2754fabric:create performance regression
ENTESB-2761Broker fails to start at the first attempt and FileNotFoundException: class path resource [profile:broker.xml] cannot be opened because it does not exist is printed in container log when starting a container with replicated LevelDB profile
ENTESB-2772Karaf command 'profile-change-parents' doesn't change, but appends a parent to the specified profile
ENTESB-2774Fabric - Services - MQ: Operation saveBrokerConfigurationJSON failed due to: java.lang.NullPointerException
ENTESB-2807[OSE] [6.2] when not fully initialiazed profile is removed container hangs in updating state
ENTESB-2831support for webbundle protocol in Karaf install command
ENTESB-2844Settings for HTTP maven proxy does not work
ENTESB-2885multiple versions of jclouds (1.8.0 and 1.8.1) in fuse 6.2
ENTESB-2888[Hawt.io] Add version select to MQ tab
ENTESB-2901ActiveMQ doesn't start in containers, created based on mq-replicated profile, when system or config property 'org.apache.activemq.leveldb.test=true (or ='false') specified
ENTESB-2906fabric:create does not create the admin users with the required roles
ENTESB-2922ZooKeeperServerFactory : Placeholder in DEBUG message
ENTESB-2926"Declarative Services" Hawtio page does not auto-refresh
ENTESB-2932Brokers are stopped after zk connection timout and reconnect
ENTESB-2939Creating replicated brokers with ssl fails
ENTESB-2948Warning 'javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException: io.fabric8.cxf:bus.id=io.fabric8.fabric-rest-cxf .... ' in karaf.log of ssh container
ENTESB-2949Sometimes (rare) NullPointerException on broker startup and mq replicated container hangs on finalizing (stopping bundles)
ENTESB-2951Sometimes container creation takes a long time (5 min) and there are NullPointerExceptions are in karaf.log
ENTESB-2952Session expired in the middle of working with Insight
ENTESB-2953Insight - Logs: several columns ordering is not right
ENTESB-2965fabric:version-create --description - descriptions are messed up
ENTESB-2976[OSE] [6.2] container-delete removes openshift-created container from fabric without --force
ENTESB-2982fabric8-maven-plugin 'branch' goal does not accept secure git repo connections
ENTESB-2984fabric8-maven-plugin branch goal does not allow pushing new branch
ENTESB-2999Fabric profile resource editor does not save files
ENTESB-3010Can't create MQ config for version other than default one
ENTESB-3038WS in child containers aren't recognized by ZK sometimes
ENTESB-3077Fabric8 InvocationTest hangs on HPUX
ENTESB-3081etc/config.properties repeated keys
ENTESB-3091Command jaas:groupadd allows adding duplicite groups
ENTESB-3096Potential NPE when applying patch with files
ENTESB-3099Quickstarts should build without warnings; most should work without fabric
ENTESB-3127Camel SAP + Spring - timing problem with configuration
ENTESB-3147Rollbacking patch throws exception into the console
ENTESB-3151Fail to provsion ssh container - invalid zip
ENTESB-3188Unable to apply patch in fabric
ENTESB-3225Fabric8 has 28 test failures on Windows
ENTESB-3231[ER5] Odd behavior with brokers (and group membership) and container restarts
ENTESB-3232Fabric8 PatchTheServiceTest fails intermittently
ENTESB-3270Proxy settings from provided maven settings.xml file is not picked up
ENTESB-3293Http Gateway profile default servlet mapping does not work
ENTESB-3296[6.2] app1.port not set on child containers, example-cxf-cxf.server cannot be deployed on child containers
ENTESB-3301StandAlone brokers created in fabric aren't registered in ZooKeeper
ENTESB-3302NoSuchMethodError when accessing swagger api-docs for JBoss Fuse Quickstart: rest
ENTESB-3338Unable to create ssh-container on machine with OpenJDK 1.8
ENTESB-3359[OSE] [6.2] hawtio logs don't show up for containers with mq-amq profile
ENTESB-3361Unable to upgrade root container to newer version with applied patch
ENTESB-3367[6.2] example-camel-loanbroker-mq.loanBroker profile should not have uppercase 'B' character in profile name
ENTMQ-1005After creating a Fabric in JBoss A-MQ, RBAC is not enabled
ENTMQ-598The configured JAAS authentication realm seems ignored at runtime
FABRIC-1036ProjectDeployerTest creates 'null' directory on every build
FABRIC-1042Possible resolution problem with fragments
FABRIC-1045ResolverTest broken now we've moved to apache aries
FABRIC-1046facade tests fail when moving back to perfectus camel/cxf
FABRIC-1047jboss-fuse-medium profile should change one of it's parent profile from "mq-amq" to "mq-default" profile
FABRIC-1050[DOC] Adding a comma separated list of features to a deployed Fabric profile raises "Unable to resolve dummy/0.0.0:"
FABRIC-1067Not all bundles are installed when a feature is added to a profile
FABRIC-1072fabric:export does not work on Windows (7)
FABRIC-1078Terminating a container with the "exit" command after updating the ensemble resets the zookeeper.url
FABRIC-1079Problems adding a container to the fabric using fabric:join and changing the container name
FABRIC-1080NullPointerException using the fabric:join command and the zookeeper-password is not provided
FABRIC-1093Fix fabric-maven-proxy tests
FABRIC-1094Fix insight-maven tests
FABRIC-1095Fix basic ExampleCxfProfileLongTest
FABRIC-1096Fix archetype-builder tests
FABRIC-1108MQProfileTest fails with immutable version/profile
FABRIC-1109Camel tests fail with immutable version/profile
FABRIC-1112Cannot reliably authenticate with Zookeeper from GitDataStore
FABRIC-1113AbstractProfileMojoTest reliably fails with clean repo
FABRIC-1115Possible race when using fabric:create -n
FABRIC-1116ProcessControllerTest fails consistently and prevents PR processing
FABRIC-1117PaxLoggingTest reliably fails with clean repo
FABRIC-1118NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.felix.utils.properties.Properties.setProperty
FABRIC-1120Fix autoscale integration tests
FABRIC-1127Fix EnsembleTest
FABRIC-1128Git TransportException in basic karaf tests
FABRIC-1134Fabric8 ensemble administration consoles behave unhelpfully in below-quorum situations
FABRIC-1148Feature verification does not work with 'mvn -pl ...'
FABRIC-1149Git Master Repo changes without notification
FABRIC-1151Fix common FabricCreateCommandTest
FABRIC-1152Restore TomEE container
FABRIC-1156Fix ExampleMQProfileTest
FABRIC-11621.2.0.Beta4 - Fails updating containers with all changes if profile is changed
FABRIC-1168Tomcat ARQ tests may hang
FABRIC-1173Cannot reliably delete profile version
FABRIC-1179container cannot start after repeatedly stopping and starting
FABRIC-1182Many tests failing with "Container failed to provision"
FABRIC-1185after creating numerous child containers and assigning them an MQ broker profile, Fuse console operations fail with a message
FABRIC-1190Fragment bundles exception: Resource already loaded
FABRIC-1194Fabric ensemble does not recover after VM disconnection
FABRIC-1198ssl-broker.xml is missing in mq-replicated profile
FABRIC-1200fabric8 Karaf console and hawtio handle profile editing differently
FABRIC-1202NPE when trying to create ssh container via hawtio
FABRIC-1224Passwords in logs are clear text
FABRIC-1227Non-Ensemble Fabric Server IllegalArgumentException - A HostProvider may not be empty!
FABRIC-1230Failover Transport becomes null when Fabric disconnects
FABRIC-1239fabric:create --no-import
FABRIC-719Fabric creates a /null directory in WildFly home
FABRIC-720Fabric creates a /data directory in WildFly home
FABRIC-721Remove dependency on hard coded port values from sysprops
FABRIC-763Unable to set SSH timeout of child container in Fabric
FABRIC-907Boot commands do not respect RuntimeProperties
FABRIC-910Creating container with underscore does not work on OpenShift
FABRIC-923insight-log / insight-camel don't work
FABRIC-950Decouple 6.1.x versions from master
FABRIC-960joining a fabric with a distro with a different fabric version to the one defined in the io.fabric8.version.properties file causes failure
FABRIC-962Fix ContainerLifecycleCommandsTest for SCR commands
FABRIC-964Make sure all default modules are reverse reachable
FABRIC-981Fix basic ExampleCamelClusterTest
MR-916FUSE "master" component conflicts with camel-quartz2
WAGON-416Lightweight HTTP Wagon doesn't set Proxy-Authorization header
ZOOKEEPER-1576[ZOOKEEPER-1576] Zookeeper cluster - failed to connect to cluster if one of the provided IPs causes java.net.UnknownHostException
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