
6.3. Routing

Table 6.3, “Routing Enhancements in 6.2” lists the enhancements in version 6.2.
Table 6.3. Routing Enhancements in 6.2
CAMEL-1077tcp client mode / server mode determined by "to" or "from" elements limits usability.
CAMEL-3110Support GETNEXT and GETBULK for the Camel SNMP component.
CAMEL-4015camel-hazelcast - Allow to specify operation in uri instead of just as a header
CAMEL-5113Parallel and fault tolerant message processing for SQS endpoints.
CAMEL-5286Add option to onCompletion to configure if it should be synchronous
CAMEL-5398Optimize String.replaceAll() to cache Patterns where suitable
CAMEL-5604camel-jackson - Make it easier to support List as output out of the box
CAMEL-5790aws-s3 should support retrieving a single object request
CAMEL-5806DefaultHttpBinding shouldn't assume null payload if HttpMethod == GET
CAMEL-6028camel-hdfs - Support CamelFileName to write to a new file, when not using split strategy
CAMEL-6065SJMS: inOut() in route and exchangePattern=InOut are not equivalent
CAMEL-6099File producer - See if we can support chmod option like ftp producer
CAMEL-6321Moving logic out of getTypeConverter
CAMEL-6337camel-cdi dependencies are wrong for most cases
CAMEL-6365After the Spring 3.1.x support has been dropped then better make use of IOHelper utility to close the Spring contexts in our code base.
CAMEL-6458Add option renameUsingCopy option to file component
CAMEL-6612upgrade camel-elasticsearch to 0.90.3 version
CAMEL-6613upgrade camel-solr to use SolrJ 4.4.0
CAMEL-6698Component camel-cache to support non-serializable objects
CAMEL-6701org.apache.camel.util.IOHelper.loadText(InputStream) doesnt not return text as written
CAMEL-6744Aggregator - Using groupExchanges should store them on body by default
CAMEL-6759camel-hazelcast component just allows Hazelcast maps and multimaps with key type String
CAMEL-6775Aggregate - Potential little optimization to send aggregated exchange to completion outside the lock
CAMEL-6777We are building two different source distributions which should not be the case
CAMEL-6819Use exceptionHandler on Xmpp Consumer
CAMEL-6820Improve SJMS handling of exchange body data types
CAMEL-6826Use Mock Objects Instead of Live HazelcastInstances to Speed Up Testing
CAMEL-6892Scala version upgrade
CAMEL-6893[Scala] Migrate from Manifests to ClassTags
CAMEL-6919FileIdempotentRepository doesn't create the whole directory structure
CAMEL-6929Narrow ExcludeRoutes annotation values to RoutesBuilder instances
CAMEL-6934Create new Address for every openConnection call
CAMEL-6955Migrate camel-hl7 and camel-syslog from mina to netty
CAMEL-7027Support to set the expression on the split DSL of Spring and Blueprint
CAMEL-7030camel-quartz - Register quartz scheduler in JMX by default
CAMEL-7038tooling - Provide an option for the JNDI properties file by the Guice Maven Plugin
CAMEL-7039Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.50
CAMEL-7050camel-jms drops messages when errorHandler throws an exception
CAMEL-7051camel-bindy - Add timezone support to the date pattern
CAMEL-7056Support streaming in camel-base64 data type
CAMEL-7104Add support for "all" permissions for authorization in camel-shiro
CAMEL-7121Relative dot segment paths not resolved in org.apache.camel.core.osgi.OsgiClassResolver
CAMEL-7135Add page orientation property to camel-printer component
CAMEL-7148Added the ability to send messages to several participants.
CAMEL-7162[Bean Validator] Bean Validator should try to resolve ValidationProviderResolver reference
CAMEL-7175Create FnAggregationStrategy wrapping Any result into Exchange
CAMEL-7178Create JAX-RS MessageBodyWriter and Reader which will work with Camel data format
CAMEL-7191Disable JMX load performance statistics - Avoids background thread
CAMEL-7201PGPDataFormat: allow caching of PGP keys via key access interface
CAMEL-7218Extract OSGi-detection logic into utility class
CAMEL-7225camel-smpp - should check Exchange.CHARSET_NAME header
CAMEL-7228Avoid setting port number 80 in http/http4 host header
CAMEL-7231Support receiving attachments with Spring-WS
CAMEL-7250In Threads DSL thread pool options and executorServiceRef should be mutually exclusive
CAMEL-7257Add getRegistry(T) - To get the registry as type T
CAMEL-7261Provide camel:context-suspend and camel:context-resume commands
CAMEL-7265Add API to get JSON representation of route input and output endpoints
CAMEL-7281Add support for "certAlias" in SSLContextParameters
CAMEL-7283PGP Data Format: Signature Verification Options
CAMEL-7284Missing setter for ApnsDelegate
CAMEL-7285Upgrade Apache Jackrabbit Library for camel-jcr Component
CAMEL-7309Tone down the excessive INFO logging about Woodstox xml parser not in use
CAMEL-7312File -> Properties type converter
CAMEL-7313camel-sql - Add support for fetching generated primary keys when using INSERT
CAMEL-7326Improve Eclipse development with m2e Maven integration
CAMEL-7327Improve Container.Instance API to deal with setting a Container after CamelContexts have been created. There is a big risk CamelContext's won't get managed right now
CAMEL-7328A minor refactoring in camel-ahc so that it can be directly reused for websocket client
CAMEL-7332camel-sql - Should have dynamic import so jdbc driver can be loaded
CAMEL-7334Event notification for routes added/removed
CAMEL-7335Kafka : Expose kafka configuration properties to the camel component
CAMEL-7346Cleanup Maven Project Definitions
CAMEL-7349JaxbDataFormat should not parse the Schema over and over again
CAMEL-7358Tracer - Should have options to allow streams or files
CAMEL-7360Add HTTP Date header
CAMEL-7361would be nice if org.apache.camel.spring.Main could take a system property or CLI option to package scan classes too
CAMEL-7370camel-mongodb - Should properly close the underlying physical connection to MongoDB while shutting down
CAMEL-7372Allow users to pass in their own EntityManager through the exchange
CAMEL-7373Reduce the logging noise from the log definition
CAMEL-7382Enable retrieving auto generated keys in JDBC component when using named parameters
CAMEL-7387MainSupport - Should not barf if no CamelContext found
CAMEL-7388xmlTokenizer to optionally wrap the token with the enclosing elements
CAMEL-7396Add defaultMethodName option to camel-xmlrpc
CAMEL-7397support to deploy the camel-example-spring-javaconfig into Karaf
CAMEL-7401Added continuationTimeout option to camel-cxf component
CAMEL-7403Update camel-hl7 to support HAPI v2.2
CAMEL-7404Zip Aggregation Strategy preserves folder structure
CAMEL-7421camel-rabbitmq - Channel is not fully thread safe
CAMEL-7422camel-rabbit - Consumer tuning: thread count, prefetch
CAMEL-7430Support property setting in BeanIODataFormat
CAMEL-7435Create a generic callback to configure the APNS service builder
CAMEL-7436Copy CXF Http header into Camel message header
CAMEL-7442Upgrade Apache Jackrabbit to Version 2.8.0
CAMEL-7453Add schema attribut to the SoapJaxbDataFormat
CAMEL-7465DefaultHeaderFIlterStrategy should be case insensitive.
CAMEL-7466Allow to configure flatpack from its unmarshall tag
CAMEL-7468Make xmlTokenizer more xml-aware so that it can handle more flexible structures
CAMEL-7473MQTT consumer - Add topic destination name as header
CAMEL-7474Error blocks mail-consumer
CAMEL-7486Expose the component options for Camel MyBatis
CAMEL-7487Create an archetype and code generation plugins to generate Camel Components that wrap a third party API
CAMEL-7490Redelivery delay cannot be modified in asynchronous mode for multiple retries with different redelivery intervals for each retry specified in Exchange.REDELIVERY_DELAY header parameter.
CAMEL-7493Expose the component options for Camel JDBC
CAMEL-7494parameter json schema should support enum types
CAMEL-7495parameter json schema should support object types
CAMEL-7496BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer should take ignoreResourceNotFound into consideration when it loads the property files
CAMEL-7498Expose the component options for Camel SQL
CAMEL-7499Expose the component options for Camel Mail
CAMEL-7504Improve the throttler to have discarding/filtering capabilities
CAMEL-7507Expose the component options for Camel JPA
CAMEL-7508Expose the component options for Camel Infinispan
CAMEL-7509Expose the component options for Camel JGroups
CAMEL-7510Expose the component options for Camel Quartz
CAMEL-7511Expose the component options for Camel Quartz2
CAMEL-7512Expose the component options for Camel Netty
CAMEL-7514Dozer should not initialize the same DozerBeanMapperConfiguration twice
CAMEL-7515Expose the component options for Camel Netty HTTP
CAMEL-7516Expose the component options for Camel HDFS
CAMEL-7517Expose the component options for Camel HDFS2
CAMEL-7521Provide an option for unsynchronized aggregation when splitter is streaming and not parallel
CAMEL-7523Expose the component options for Camel CXF
CAMEL-7525Behavior change for file component in 2.10 causes problems with no workaround available
CAMEL-7527Zip component does not unpack files from directories into zip archive
CAMEL-7529Update HeaderFilterStrategyComponent to extend UriEndpointComponent
CAMEL-7530Expose the component options for Camel CXFRS
CAMEL-7532VelocityEndpoint should support take the VelocityContext from message header
CAMEL-7533Expose the component options for Camel HTTP
CAMEL-7534Expose the component options for Camel HTTP4
CAMEL-7535Expose the component options for Camel Jetty
CAMEL-7537Expose the component options for Camel OptaPlanner
CAMEL-7538FreemarkerEndpoint should support to set data model from message header
CAMEL-7539StringTemplateEndpoint should support set variable map from message header
CAMEL-7540Quartz Endpoint with a SimpleTrigger does not support referencing a bean in URI
CAMEL-7542Expose component options for Camel JCR
CAMEL-7548Spring XML: Support {{ }} placeholder syntax inside pgp data format
CAMEL-7549Quartz2 Endpoint with a SimpleTrigger doesn't support referencing a bean in URI
CAMEL-7552RabbitMQ Component: property to allow declare or not queue and exchange.
CAMEL-7563Allow passing HazelcastInstance as a query parameter of a Hazelcast component endpoint.
CAMEL-7567Add camelId and managementName attributes to JMX tracer mbeans
CAMEL-7569Expose the component options for Camel GAE
CAMEL-7574Expose the component options for Camel Atmosphere Websocket
CAMEL-7575BeanInvokeProcess should copy the attchment from the resultExchange
CAMEL-7576camel-cache - Turn off ET phone home
CAMEL-7581Enrich and pollEnrich should call aggregate even if exception occurred
CAMEL-7583Make NettyWorkerPoolBuilder#build public
CAMEL-7589Missing 'null' check in methods sendBodyAndHeaders() of class DefaultProducerTemplate
CAMEL-7592Support setMode in XStreamDataFormat
CAMEL-7594TypeConverter - Should support CamelLogDebugBodyMaxChars to limit logging message body
CAMEL-7597Throw an more meaningful exception for camel-rabbitmq
CAMEL-7599LogEndpoint ignores setter (setGroupSize) - set via uri working
CAMEL-7602AWS SQS component does not support Message Attributes
CAMEL-7604camel-core - Enlist Camel producers in JMX on startup
CAMEL-7606Expose the component options for Camel Zookeeper
CAMEL-7624camel-jackson - Add option to set inclusion to skip null fields from pojos
CAMEL-7626camel-restlet - Should set content-type header
CAMEL-7629camel-jackson - Add support for header to define the unmarshalType dynamic
CAMEL-7631Enhancement for xmlsecurity component (XML Signature): Configurable Signature Id
CAMEL-7633camel-restlet - Add back support for async
CAMEL-7637Avoid null throwable message in FailedToCreateRouteException
CAMEL-7639camel-jackson - Add support for prettyPrint option
CAMEL-7645camel-jdbc - outputClass should also be supported for List
CAMEL-7647camel-blueprint - Add logic to detect consumer scheduler for quartz2/spring
CAMEL-7648Using scheduler=blueprint does not work in OSGi
CAMEL-7654AWS SQS Component Does Not Support Message Attribuets In The Producer
CAMEL-7657different results of lookup methods in SpringRouteBuilder
CAMEL-7663SFTP consumers cannot be triggered by Quartz2 scheduler with JDBC trigger persistence: NotSerializableException
CAMEL-7667camel-jms - MessageListenerContainer should stop quicker when CamelContext is stopping
CAMEL-7668@Consume may restart during a shutdown event
CAMEL-7680Throw NPE when stopping if transport client is used
CAMEL-7682bean DSL should support to set multiParameterArray option
CAMEL-7686camel-jdbc - Fix this issue report about retriving generated keys
CAMEL-7688XPathBuilder initDefaultXPathFactory implementation incorrect
CAMEL-7691camel-serlvet - Potential NPE if no servlet name configured for osgi
CAMEL-7695CamelContext - Allow to check if a service by its type has been added
CAMEL-7700Limit the SQL component maxMessagesPerPoll option by using the jdbcTemplate.setMaxRows(size) method
CAMEL-7711camel-servletlistener - Store created CamelContext on ServletContext attribute
CAMEL-7713Set the Xerces SecurityManager for the DocumentBuilderFactory by default
CAMEL-7716Migrate camel-csv component to Apache CSV 1.0
CAMEL-7717camel-jsch - Should throw UnsupportedOperationException when creating a consumer instead of causing a NPE
CAMEL-7719Set the XMLReader for the SAXSource in XmlConverter
CAMEL-7720Support to set the DocumentBuilderFactory from exchange property
CAMEL-7721Support to setup the SaxParserFactory from the exchange property
CAMEL-7723Support starting and stopping consumers and producers asynchronously
CAMEL-7724camel-bindy - Add support for boolean data type formatter
CAMEL-7725camel-scala - Startup order not available in Scala DSL
CAMEL-7727Unify MessageProducerResources handling into SjmsProducer
CAMEL-7728Setup the TCCL before create the instance from the BaseResolver
CAMEL-7734Replace custom pool implementation by commons-pool
CAMEL-7740Allow pool prefill configuration for SjmsProducer
CAMEL-7742Support grouping separator for Camel Bindy (BigDecimal)
CAMEL-7744xslt component - Allow to configure custom error listener
CAMEL-7753xslt component - Store warning/errors etc as exchange properties so end users can get hold of those
CAMEL-7759Using the TCCL as the default value of ApplicationContextClassLoader in DefaultCamelContext
CAMEL-7761Setup the application context classloader of OSGiDefaultCamelContext
CAMEL-7769Mock - Allow to invoke a method while specifying an assertion
CAMEL-7771Improve the API Component Framework to support callback APIs
CAMEL-7776updated dependency for camel-flatpack
CAMEL-7780ManagedCamelContext - Add operation to check if you can send to an endpoint
CAMEL-7787Multicast - Should defer UoW done until after the aggregate has been done
CAMEL-7794Topics support in camel-hazelcast
CAMEL-7796camel-cxfrs consumer: Allow setting a custom binding
CAMEL-7801XMLTokenizer's wrapped mode to handle grouping without replicating the wrapper part
CAMEL-7802XML Signature: parameter for output character encoding and parent node via XPath
CAMEL-7804MessageHelper - dump message for logging should catch throwable
CAMEL-7827When using CXFRS with simple HTTP api, variable replacement should be available
CAMEL-7858Allow to disable Jaxb annotations in JacksonDataFormat
CAMEL-7859Language component - Add support for binary content
CAMEL-7860Add sendReply functionality in RabbitMQConsumer
CAMEL-7863Tone down info logging pr. message
CAMEL-7864The kafka component does not properly support zookeeper chroot configuration
CAMEL-7878Swagger's base.path should be calculated rather than hardcoded
CAMEL-7895Upgrade XML Security + BouncyCastle dependencies
CAMEL-7902Add tests for camel-github component
CAMEL-7908Add a DestinationCreationStrategy to the SJMS component
CAMEL-7912Add Character support to ObjectHelper::loadSimpleType()
CAMEL-7913ObjectConverter does not support String to java.lang.Character conversion (only char primitive)
CAMEL-7915Share the HashedWheelTimer across the Camel NettyComponent
CAMEL-7927Add support for Multi-Select picklists in Salesforce component
CAMEL-7929OptimisticLockRetryPolicyTest fails from time to time
CAMEL-7930org.apache.camel.itest.ftp.SpringFtpEndpointTest is failing
CAMEL-7932Adding initial properties to PropertiesComponent
CAMEL-7940Disable SSL security protocol by default
CAMEL-7947Support to set SSLContext in the camel-restlet
CAMEL-7948Add support for more/new encryption/signature algorithms
CAMEL-7949JmsMessageHelper to support automatic conversion from ByteBuffer to BytesMessage
CAMEL-7951No way to configure the ExchangeFormatter in RedeliveryErrorHandler (want to see the Exchange's properties by default)
CAMEL-7958Java DSL - Should support nested choice in doTry .. doCatch
CAMEL-7959Rest DSL - Add support for onException, interceptor and other cross functionality
CAMEL-7961camel-scala - Auto startup not available in Scala DSL
CAMEL-7962Pipeline factories names on netty4 component
CAMEL-7965EndpointCache - Should keep endpoints from routes in the cache
CAMEL-7975SJMS Endpoint does not reverse header encoding
CAMEL-7980camel-ognl need to use the class resolver from camel context
CAMEL-7984camel-sjms - Add support for jmsKeyFormatStrategy
CAMEL-7991Add MultiPartUpload functionality to S3Producer
CAMEL-8000Add global notion of CamelContextRegistry
CAMEL-8006S3Producer should use File to upload directly.
CAMEL-8012camel-stream's scanStream mode should read available lines before going into sleep (or delay)
CAMEL-8014camel-metrics - Let route policy and metrics component reuse same metricsregistry
CAMEL-8016MongoDB should use EmbedMongo in tests
CAMEL-8028Validator component - Make it like the others
CAMEL-8034xslt component - Make it like the others
CAMEL-8037Type converters for enums should support case insensitve
CAMEL-8039Implement halfOpen state in CircuitBreaker
CAMEL-8043saxon component - Make it like the others
CAMEL-8048Main overrides context's registry
CAMEL-8064MockEndpointsAndSkip annotation does not resolve property placeholders
CAMEL-8066Add swagger ui to the camel swagger rest example
CAMEL-8068SplitAttachmentsExpression should set ID of splited attachment
CAMEL-8070Supporting byte[] messages in camel-websocket
CAMEL-8072Netty Http Server should close the channel once it return an error message
CAMEL-8075Camel sftp should send a command to check if the connection is broken
CAMEL-8076We should avoid checking the DupTriggerKey if the recoverableJob is true
CAMEL-8078camel-restlet should support to decode the response entity which is represent resource
CAMEL-8084PGP Data Format: file name parameter
CAMEL-8085Add handling of offset in case of auto commit is disabled to prevent data loss
CAMEL-8089Support paging and restricting results from google drive
CAMEL-8091DefaultExchangeFormatter does not consider Exchange.LOG_DEBUG_BODY_MAX_CHARS
CAMEL-8095CaseInsensitiveMap for Camel headers should preserve original key cases in keySet
CAMEL-8098Route model using body expression should be representable in the xml model
CAMEL-8099Add support for default values in Camel properties
CAMEL-8101Add runCommand to MongoDB Camel component operations list
CAMEL-8102Add support to ObjectHelper to create Iterable's
CAMEL-8103Make CxfEndpoint Camel Context aware
CAMEL-8105AWS-SQS - support for redrivePolicy inside SQSEndpoint
CAMEL-8107Allow to use property placeholder with default values without having to setup the properties component
CAMEL-8108Type converters should not check for null values
CAMEL-8109Allow to plugin custom functions to property placeholder
CAMEL-8113Look into optimize Camels type converter registry lookup
CAMEL-8115Properties component - Include default functions to lookup from ENV / SYS etc
CAMEL-8116Allow more control of message splitting policy
CAMEL-8117set encoding on a per-message basis
CAMEL-8120ChannelHandlerFactories.newDelimiterBasedFrameDecoder always strips delimiters
CAMEL-8124Using ServicePool in ConsumerCache
CAMEL-8128Polish the camel-example-servlet-tomcat-no-spring to show how to setup the registry
CAMEL-8129XAdES BES/EPES for XML Signature Signer
CAMEL-8130camel-sql - Allow selectList outputType to map to class as well
CAMEL-8133rest-dsl - Make it easy to support CORS
CAMEL-8139rest-dsl - Allow to configure data format properties for IN vs OUT
CAMEL-8145Mina Consumer doesn't send the message back if the response is set on in message
CAMEL-8149Support application-generated document identifiers in bulk index requests
CAMEL-8152Add enumeration value EXTENDED for NotifyOperationsEnum in Salesforce component
CAMEL-8154allow configuration of fallbackTimeout in BacklogDebugger
CAMEL-8155rest-dsl - Add support for bridgeErrorHandler
CAMEL-8159Using setHeader is not enlisted in JMX
CAMEL-8161camel-swagger - Use JMX to lookup Camel's so we support everyone
CAMEL-8166provide access to suspended exchanges in BacklogDebugger
CAMEL-8172Enable multiple consumers for kafka endpoint
CAMEL-8173Support to set InflightRepository from Camel XML DSL
CAMEL-8174Added TimeoutInflightRepository to track the long processing exchange
CAMEL-8176camel-jackson - Make it easier to register custom modules
CAMEL-8177Graceful shutdown - Should allow background thread to terminate
CAMEL-8178ThreadPoolProfile - Add option for allowCorePoolTimeout
CAMEL-8179Support to set the ErrorHandler from the JettyHttpComponent
CAMEL-8180Incorrect handling of ConsumerTimeoutException
CAMEL-8182xpath - Add documentType option to xml dsl
CAMEL-8184[AWS-S3] Add support to set/retrieve custom headers in S3 for Producers & Consumers
CAMEL-8188Support to configure the scripte engine from CamelContext propertes
CAMEL-8191Charset is ignored for SFTP producer endpoints
CAMEL-8202Excessive loggging: JSCH -> Permanently added 'X' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
CAMEL-8204Throw Exception if the JMS correlationId is not unique.
CAMEL-8205CXFRS Server should be able to invoke on JAX-RS service implementations
CAMEL-8209Added "inputHeader" parameter to use a header value as input to the component instead of the body
CAMEL-8212CXFRS Consumer should always be able to work with interfaces only
CAMEL-8225Graceful shutdown - Show inflight exchange details if forced shutdown triggered
CAMEL-8234DefaultClassLoader - Should use applicationContextClassLoader from CamelContext as fallback
CAMEL-8235MessageHistory - Should use CamelLogDebugBodyMaxChars to limit max length of message body
CAMEL-8246ZipAggregationStrategy does not preserve headers
CAMEL-8248Camel Mail should filter the "Camel*" out header by default
CAMEL-8252Camel route status - Include inflight counter per processor node
CAMEL-8256Include deadLetterUri in ExchangeFailureHandledEvent
CAMEL-8259[Groovy] Add SPI hook to support customized creation of the GroovyShell
CAMEL-8260Camel EIP model - Ensure consistent getter/setter style also for Boolean types
CAMEL-8262Optimize CaseInsensitiveMap
CAMEL-8263Add adapt(T) to CamelContext to use instead of type cast to ModelCamelContext
CAMEL-8266[camel-sftp] Allow directories which are un-readable to be ignored on permission error
CAMEL-8267Allow to configure Salesforce URL when creating DTOs via camel-salesforce-maven-plugin
CAMEL-8279ZipAggregationStrategy fails when used in multicast
CAMEL-8284MultiCast in Parallel Processing Mode with StreamCache leads to wrong results
CAMEL-8288Attach Lucene Documents to the Results(Hits) if header contains RETURN_LUCENE_DOCS=true
CAMEL-8298Remove the spring-test dependency from camel-spring-javaconfig
CAMEL-8299Let BulkRequest return the whole BulkResponse
CAMEL-8305Aggregate - Remove groupExchanges option as ppl should just configure to use GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy
CAMEL-8307Properties are loaded only from the first source if whitespaces are used in propertyPlaceholder#location
CAMEL-8309Camel XML DSL - Allow to specify uri attributes in multi lines to make long urs easier to read and maintain
CAMEL-8310RabbitMQConsumer has hard coded requeue flag set to false
CAMEL-8312XML External Entity (XXE) issue in XPath
CAMEL-8316Rename property language to exchangeProperty
CAMEL-8321camel-box - Do not use dot in header keys
CAMEL-8324Camel JMX - Allow to configure default management name pattern using JVM system property
CAMEL-8330camel-jms - Use 1000 as default receiveTimeout
CAMEL-8343Migrate the two pax osgi components to be like the others
CAMEL-8345We should use Properties instead of Property to define the properties in restConfiguration
CAMEL-8349Context should be started with defined TCCL
CAMEL-8354Bean component - Should not support consumer
CAMEL-8363Camel archetypes for xml dsl should not use camel: prefix
CAMEL-8366Close used iterator if RuntimeException is thrown at next()/hasNext() in Splitter
CAMEL-8367Better report runtime exceptions from the route builder while Unit Testing
CAMEL-8371Update Camel Docker Component to support docker-java version 0.10.5
CAMEL-8372CXFRS consumer should use a default handler if a model resource has no registered handler
CAMEL-8375activity task thread pool is not configurable
CAMEL-8383CXFRS Consumer processors should be able to use JAX-RS contexts
CAMEL-8386Wiretap - Should copy stream cache when tapping
CAMEL-8387File consumer fails to acquire lock if readLockTimeout >= readLockCheckInterval
CAMEL-8389camel-jackson - Allow to configure jackson object mapper from XML DSL
CAMEL-8394camel-docker - DockerConfiguration should not keep client state
CAMEL-8399Support setMode in JsonDataFormat
CAMEL-8400camel-mqtt: multiple topic subscriptions
CAMEL-8416camel-jetty - Allow multiple restrict headers
CAMEL-8421Add minimum age option to readLock=changed
CAMEL-8423Enhance Aggregate EIP to let AggregationStrategy to allow it to determine if aggregation is complete
CAMEL-8428Cleanup some core interfaces (Consumer, Producer, EndpointAware)
CAMEL-8441Add required 3rd party dependencies to the BOM
CAMEL-8443Add properties to route via DSL and XML, expose route properties via JMX
CAMEL-8444Camel Toolbox - Component properties to include setters
CAMEL-8447Add camel-jetty module to republish the camel-jetty8 jar into maven repo
CAMEL-8448Expose mina-2.0 instead of mina-1.1 through BOM
CAMEL-8449camel-cdi - Support CDI 1.0
CAMEL-8451Upgrade jetty9 version to 9.2.9.v20150224
CAMEL-8452Camel route model - Preserve {{ }} placeholders in model
CAMEL-8468Usage of camel-xstream depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8483MongoDB Endpoints: Allow ReadPreference to be set on consumers
CAMEL-8488Java DSL - Improved CBR to detect if endChoice vs end was invalid used
CAMEL-8489camel-sjms - Allow to create empty message for null body
CAMEL-8497Add extra capabilities to the github component
CAMEL-8509camel-catalog - Add api to parse endpoint uri and reverse
CAMEL-8511Properties component - Add encoding option to use when reading the properties files
CAMEL-8513FTP consumer - Add option to use a larger buffer size so download is faster
CAMEL-8514camel-castor should depend on castor-xml
CAMEL-8516Salesforce component does not return the list of matching records for HTTP status code 300
CAMEL-8517Salesforce session handling must declare shared fields volatile
CAMEL-8532Spring Boot applications should block the main thread of the execution
CAMEL-8541Camel main TestSupport class is incompatible with the CDI specification
CAMEL-8543Support easy configuration of HTTP proxy parameters for Camel salesforce component and maven plugin
CAMEL-8544Camel - Dynamic router - unsupported cacheSize attribute
CAMEL-8552camel-jackson should provide Map => Object converter
CAMEL-8558Camel Catalog - Add humanize component name
CAMEL-8561Camel Catalog - Add better description of components and others
CAMEL-8562Removing a route - Should check if the route input endpoint is static and used by other routes
CAMEL-8564Add support for dataformat ref parameter
CAMEL-8571Split EIP - Should use new message id per splitted message
CAMEL-8593JmsEndpoint.configureListenerContainer() some debug logs miss {}
CAMEL-8600Change the ftp default separator to be Unix style
CAMEL-8601Add Support for SFDC-specific Field Types To The Camel SFDC Component
CAMEL-8615Update Dropbox-core-sdk from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7
CAMEL-8616Update Twitter4j to latest version
CAMEL-8620Update LightCouch version from 0.1.3 to 0.1.6
CAMEL-8621Update Apache Kafka version from to
CAMEL-8623Update Dropwizard Metrics from version 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
CAMEL-8634Wire tap - Should emit event notification about sending to tapped endpoint
CAMEL-8635XStream no longer supports dynamic CL updates
CAMEL-8645Camel Netty component should not intercept consumers with httpMethodRestrict=OPTIONS
CAMEL-8693java.net.URISyntaxException: Invalid uri syntax: Trailing & marker found error should be configurable or skipped
CAMEL-8710Make auth configurable for Google app components
KARAF-2746Hibernate feature enhancements
SSHD-268Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.49
CAMEL-2939Cassandra component for Camel http://github.com/ticktock/camel-cassandra
CAMEL-3195Allow camel to send custom xmpp Presence/PubSub packet to a xmpp endpoint
CAMEL-4494Allow replyTo message header to be different from actual reply queue
CAMEL-4817Camel component for GORA
CAMEL-5301Add exchangePattern option to recipientList
CAMEL-5353camel-atmosphere - A new component for portable websocket integration
CAMEL-5539Circuit Breaker EIP
CAMEL-6238support JSONPath as a Camel Language for easy JSON filtering and expression evaluation
CAMEL-6380Custom extensions to Camel's XML configuration
CAMEL-6568camel-linkedin component
CAMEL-6584camel splunk component
CAMEL-6827camel-solr support for solrj CloudSolrServer (solrcloud)
CAMEL-6869camel-rabbitmq - Support reconnection when broker goes down
CAMEL-6935Add instructions to support Require-Capability and Provide-Capability introduced by OSGI v4.3
CAMEL-6965Add @BeanInject for injecting a bean into a pojo
CAMEL-6969Add an option on the CSV unmarshalling in order to generate Maps with headers as keys
CAMEL-7017Camel component for optaplanner
CAMEL-7043Processing big CSV files by row one by one
CAMEL-7053JPA Skip locked entities
CAMEL-7090Migrate JGroups component from Camel Extra to ASF Camel
CAMEL-7092Add camel-kafka component
CAMEL-7118Hazelcast-based Recoverable Aggregation Repository
CAMEL-7217Http component need to setup the message encoding header based on the content-type header
CAMEL-7220Camel Schematron component
CAMEL-7249Upgrade Camel-HDFS component to be compatible with Apache Hadoop 2.x
CAMEL-7290Added a sendServerVersion option to camel-jetty component
CAMEL-7297Add remote querying feature to camel-infinispan component
CAMEL-7316client-side websocket component
CAMEL-7333RuntimeEndpointRegistry - To capture which endpoints are in use by which routes
CAMEL-7354make it easier to define and expose clean RESTful APIs to back end services / endpoints via a new "rest" endpoint
CAMEL-7362Add URI option support of maxTotalConnections and connectionsPerRoute
CAMEL-7375barcode data format component for camel
CAMEL-7380Add test support for ContextHierarchy
CAMEL-7384camel-rabbitmq: Allow connection factory tuning
CAMEL-7386Openshift component
CAMEL-7447Allow to stream the result of a database query
CAMEL-7455supporting body in sql component
CAMEL-7484Add an option to JaxbDataFormat to include schema location in xml
CAMEL-7553Add support for Box.com
CAMEL-7554New component: camel-metrics
CAMEL-7556camel-rabbitmq: Multiple concurrent consumer threads
CAMEL-7580Google Drive component
CAMEL-7605Expose the component options for Camel Elasticsearch
CAMEL-7610add expression validation method to BacklogDebugger
CAMEL-7618Enhancement for xmlsecurity Component: Detached XML Signatures
CAMEL-7632Add streaming mode to camel-splunk consumer
CAMEL-7641Allow UoW to have callbacks for before/after routing
CAMEL-7681Add Bulk Index mode to Elasticsearch component
CAMEL-7696camel-metrics - Add a route policy to expose route stats as codehale metrics
CAMEL-7702RoutePolicyFactory - To create and setup route policy easier
CAMEL-7773Add support for Apache Olingo2
CAMEL-7777GitHub component
CAMEL-7781Create new PostgreSQL async notifications component
CAMEL-7782Add camel-netty4-http component which is based on netty4
CAMEL-7788Support for rfc 5424/5425/6587 in syslog component
CAMEL-7790Rest DSL - Add karaf commands to list the rest services
CAMEL-7792JIRA component
CAMEL-7828Support the pass the exchange as the parameter to @PreConsumed and @Consumed method
CAMEL-7834create a docker events endpoint
CAMEL-7845Provide Configurer for user to configure the CXF conduit and CXF destination from Java code
CAMEL-7846Added a DelegateEndpoint interface into Camel API
CAMEL-7848Netty-Http component: add support for registry's encoders and decoders
CAMEL-7850Allow to set the id of the indexed document via a header
CAMEL-7872Post processing action for input mail box
CAMEL-7873Add capability to sort incoming mail messages
CAMEL-7963Add Spring Boot support
CAMEL-7997New modules: camel-scr, camel-archetype-scr
CAMEL-7998Support connection less udp sending
CAMEL-7999Camel Toolbox - Easy information about all Camel components and the release for tooling
CAMEL-8041Camel commands - Make the commands reusable
CAMEL-8050Google Calendar component
CAMEL-8052New: <removeProperties>
CAMEL-8055Camel component for atmos integration
CAMEL-8060Create data formats based on uniVocity parsers
CAMEL-8079Provide possibility to delegate charset evaluation of a HL7 message to HL7DataFormat
CAMEL-8080Make Camel CXF dependency on Camel Spring optional
CAMEL-8083Add an option of enable CORS in camel-jetty endpoint
CAMEL-8090Camel-chunk component
CAMEL-8110Google Mail Component
CAMEL-8142camel-sql: store query result in header instead of body
CAMEL-8165Async routing engine - Add insight into threads blocked waiting for callbacks
CAMEL-8170add support to camel-solr for List<SolrInputDocument> objects in the message body
CAMEL-8192camel-mybatis - Replicate "outputHeader" parameter from camel-sql
CAMEL-8223Inflight repository to allow browsing of current inflight exchanges
CAMEL-8239Support jetty9 for camel-jetty
CAMEL-8240camel-apns should allow custom expiration times so that users get fine grained expiration control for mobile push messages
CAMEL-8250Add type converter for Saxon data types
CAMEL-8265Create a camel component that can Integrate with Hipchat
CAMEL-8269camel-salesforce: support for Salesforce Apex API
CAMEL-8281camel-box - Improved type conversion
CAMEL-8317XML DSL - Allow to use bean property style to configure endpoint options
CAMEL-8332Add component implementation to camel-dozer module
CAMEL-8342add Ganglia component
CAMEL-8357Add JDK 7 Mime/Content Type Support To File Camel Consumers
CAMEL-8365Release Apache Camel Archetype Catalog
CAMEL-8368Timer component - Support for greedy, backoff
CAMEL-8385Add a OldestInflightDuration and OldestInflightExchangeId attribute to route MBeans
CAMEL-8465Add groups/getPosts endpoint to camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8487Custom arguments to RabbitMQ queues
CAMEL-8563camel-ftp - Add support for account option for login
CAMEL-3933Upgrade to protobuf 2.5
CAMEL-4304Add both a Java and XML DSL example for each component (if possible)
CAMEL-5922Upgrade to Lucene 4.4
CAMEL-6675Upgrade to hazelcast 3.0.x
CAMEL-6751Upgrade to Jetty 8.1.x
CAMEL-6755camel-example-spring-javaconfig - Remove OSGi pieces
CAMEL-6803Upgrade camel-cdi to delta spike 0.5
CAMEL-6831Upgrade Apache HTTP Client 4.2.5 to 4.3 (camel-http4)
CAMEL-6885Replace the Geronimo Servlet 2.5 spec. bundle dependency with the version 3.0 of it
CAMEL-6886Replace the SMX JPA 1.0 spec. bundle dependency with the Geronimo JPA 2 spec. bundle
CAMEL-6976camel-itest-cdi - Fails due recent changes in camel-cdi etc
CAMEL-6978War examples should not include lib/servlet JARs
CAMEL-6985Clean-up the codebase of the Karaf commands a bit
CAMEL-7010Use non-deprecated to configure the HttpClient
CAMEL-7041Upgrade to jclouds 1.6.3
CAMEL-7074Support spring 4.x
CAMEL-7097Upgrade to jclouds 1.7.0
CAMEL-7165Drop spring 3.1 support in Camel 2.13 onwards
CAMEL-7171Upgrade to JClouds 1.7.1
CAMEL-7214Upgrade to elasticsearch 1.0
CAMEL-7221Upgrade to Lucene 4.6.1
CAMEL-7222Upgrade to SolrJ 4.6.0
CAMEL-7227Create camel-kafka feature
CAMEL-7314Support to build the source with JDK8
CAMEL-7319Dead not working JUnittest testUsingJavaExtensions
CAMEL-7355HttpPollingConsumer in camel-http4 need to use HttpClient 4.3.x API
CAMEL-7368The feature descriptor should use a namespace
CAMEL-7458Add noggit to be installed with camel-solr feature
CAMEL-7613camel-linkedin-api - Cannot be built with java 8
CAMEL-7655Upgrade to Avro bundle 1.7.6_2
CAMEL-7726Fix the test failures of spring4 profile
CAMEL-7747Support Karaf 3.0.1 which uses an older jline version
CAMEL-7755Fix all karaf feature definitions
CAMEL-7770maven warning: It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they threaten the stability of your build.
CAMEL-7774Removed mistyped method - resloveStringParameter in EndpointHelper
CAMEL-7799Clean up options of camel-netty4 and camel-netty4-http component
CAMEL-7807Updated default Spring version to 4.0.x
CAMEL-7835camel-test-spring doesn't support Spring 4.1.0.RELEASE
CAMEL-7840Upgrade to metrics 3.1
CAMEL-7843Upgrade to Karaf 2.4
CAMEL-7844itest-osgi - Some tests fails with Karaf 2.4.0 upgrade
CAMEL-7887Executing of 'mvn clean install -Pvalidate' in camel/platforms/karaf/features is failing
CAMEL-7928Camel-mustache - update to 0.8.17 version of mustache-java
CAMEL-7943Add jackson core dependency to camel-dropbox pom
CAMEL-7976Validation of feature camel-ssh is failing
CAMEL-7987Distro -javadoc JARs has malfuncted .css stylesheet files
CAMEL-7993Log statement for chmod in ftp component is missing {}
CAMEL-8003examples - camel-examples-etl is broken (again)
CAMEL-8029Fix licensing issue with camel-xmljson
CAMEL-8059Add CamelContext creation hook
CAMEL-8061camel-test-blueprint - Use felix fileinstall JAR that do not have the NPE bug
CAMEL-8111Upgrade to Pax Exam 4.3
CAMEL-8144camel-reslet - May have slowdown when using their async client handler
CAMEL-8198Upgrade to JAXB 2.2.11
CAMEL-8215camel-smpp - use jsmpp version 2.1.1 / new groupId
CAMEL-8229Move org.apache.camel.impl.RoutePolicySupport to org.apache.camel.support package
CAMEL-8264camel-swagger - Add karaf feature
CAMEL-8319Velocity template example from wiki fails when copy-pasted
CAMEL-8331OSGi bundle upgrades
CAMEL-8333Upgrade async-http-client to 1.9.8
CAMEL-8335upgrade smack version to 4.0.6
CAMEL-8337Upgrade httpcomponents client to 4.3.5
CAMEL-8347Upgrade to scriptengines 1.1.1 which is available on central
CAMEL-8376Removed old deprecated Maven archetype - camel-archetype-webconsole
CAMEL-8378Move Camel catalog commands to separate module
CAMEL-8379Camel catalog - Include xml schema and maven archetype catalog
CAMEL-8454Correct a comment in files generated by camel-api-component-maven-plugin
CAMEL-8533camel-ognl exposes servicemix ognl bundle
CAMEL-8548upgrade commons-codec version to 1.10
CAMEL-8577BOM does not publish scriptengine dependencies
CAMEL-8644Update Google Gson version from 3.2 to 3.2.1
CAMEL-8658Replace SMX bundles of commons-dbcp1 with Apache versions
CAMEL-8659Update commons-lang to 2.6 (xmljson)
CAMEL-8661Use managed version of jackrabbit in hdfs and hbase features
CAMEL-8662Use managed version of avro in hdfs2 feature
ENTESB-1556Align dependency versions
CAMEL-6126Have camel-cxf feature splitup so people can install smaller pieces they need
CAMEL-7108Allow Avro dataformat to use GenericRecord without code generation
CAMEL-7264Full file path from HDFS Consumer
CAMEL-7278Adding owner option for HDFS Consumer
CAMEL-8501BOM does not publish restlet dependencies
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