
5.3. Routing

Table 5.3, “Routing Issues Resolved in 6.2” lists the issues resolved in version 6.2.
Table 5.3. Routing Issues Resolved in 6.2
CAMEL-6185http4 component should always filter 'host' header
CAMEL-6679Issue when using ZipSplitter and sending entries to a file endpoint
CAMEL-6716ServiceInterfaceStrategy fails to create with interface containing multiple methods without parameters
CAMEL-6774Karaf and servlet 2.5/3.0 due recent jetty upgrade causes karaf problems!
CAMEL-6783getFeatures() method of CxfEndpoint only accept AbstractFeature but Feature
CAMEL-6807Message headers with uppercase letters not matched by jxpath
CAMEL-6833Atomic Number Producer Uses Wrong Name
CAMEL-6843Hazelcast Map Support Uses Wrong Verb "Envict"
CAMEL-6887We should support to set the ContentMetadata of the Payload object through message header
CAMEL-6918Error handler for SEDA producer doesn't work
CAMEL-6963Specify the import package version range for camel-lucene
CAMEL-69882.12.1 caches groovy call - resulting with previous caller state
CAMEL-7033camel-quartz2 - When clustering, triggers may be left in a paused and unrecoverable state
CAMEL-7144Blueprint route not shutdown when using OSGi service processor
CAMEL-7147NullPointerException when chaining CXF/Jackson REST services in a Camel route
CAMEL-7168[bean-validation] Provide OSGi-friendly ValidationProviderResolver
CAMEL-7173Default value on jmxAgent createConnector should be 'false'
CAMEL-7212Bean Validator should use OSGi-friendly ValidationProviderResolver if deployed into OSGi environment
CAMEL-7224camel-smpp - fails to correctly send messages that require UCS-2 encoding
CAMEL-7229[cxfrs] Producer override bean bus
CAMEL-7239Address the SchemaFactory thread safe issue.
CAMEL-7240ThreadsProcessor should resolve RejectedPolicy from the referenced ThreadPoolProfile
CAMEL-7241ByteBuffer to String conversion uses buffer capacity not limit
CAMEL-7244PGPDataFormat: verification with subkey restricted by User ID does not work
CAMEL-7251SqlProducer call twice the getResultSet on the PreparedStatement => This cause issue with HSQLDB (NPE)
CAMEL-7253PGPDataFormat: NullPointerException if decryptor gets body with invalid format
CAMEL-7254MailComponent 'peek' doesn't work due to programming error
CAMEL-7256NullPointerException at DefaultCxfRsBinding
CAMEL-7258org.apache.camel.model.dataformat.XmlJsonDataFormat settings assignments are misplaced.
CAMEL-7262IAE with calling String.replaceAll via simple expression in Karaf
CAMEL-7269camel-jpa - joinTransaction called for RESOURCE_LOCAL datasource
CAMEL-7271AbstractListGroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy produces failed exchange if first received exchange fails
CAMEL-7274Support roles in the camel-shiro component
CAMEL-7276camel-quartz - use of management name to provide default scheduler name breaks context isolation
CAMEL-7277camel-ssh should close the session when execution is finished.
CAMEL-7282onException should enable backoff if backOffMultiplier is in use - just as errorHandler does
CAMEL-7286amazonSNSEndpoint option is ignored
CAMEL-7287SJMS: Cannot connect to durable topic because "noLocal" is hardcoded to "true"
CAMEL-7296camel-hbase component have some bugs on Consumer side
CAMEL-7298Simple Language - Binary Expression Equality Fails
CAMEL-7300HL7 converter should not perform validation
CAMEL-7303Simple Language - Header access surrounded with quotes
CAMEL-7304InterceptSendToEndpoint does not work where uri needs to be normalized
CAMEL-7306Camel:Kafka NPE when trying to consume messages from kafka server
CAMEL-7308Timer component : timer should use StartupListener to be initialized before first fire
CAMEL-7311camel-mail - Should not fetch attachments if mapMailMessage=false
CAMEL-7315SPI locator fails when using a charset such as UTF16
CAMEL-7317xml-specs-api feature in camel features.xml shouldn't have all bundles configured as dependency='true'
CAMEL-7318Concurrency on HDFS Consumer not working efficiently
CAMEL-7320PGP Data Format: EOFException: Unexpected end of ZIP input stream
CAMEL-7321JcrConsumer freezes in some environments
CAMEL-7323createRouteStatisticEndpointJson - Returns invalid json if no routes
CAMEL-7324DynamicRouter sends in-message to next destination
CAMEL-7336camel-cometd jetty jmx version is not suit with camel parent jetty version
CAMEL-7337PGPDataFormat unmarshal doesn't close the stream correctly
CAMEL-7341CXFRS: InInterceptor defined in Spring is ignored
CAMEL-7344Some endpoints configured using beans may result in NPE under DEBUG mode
CAMEL-7351NPE in CamelInternalProcessor
CAMEL-7353Configuring an http4 endpoint with hostname starting with "http" leads to an URISyntaxException
CAMEL-7356Password constant mapped to System Id Header parameter
CAMEL-7357CXFRS does not check JAX-RS Exception mappers
CAMEL-7359Simple Language - Additional after text after inbuilt function call is ignored
CAMEL-7363camel headers are not preserverd in camel-ahc component
CAMEL-7364JpaMessageIdRepository uses EntityManager non thread-safe
CAMEL-7369camel-mongodb - The readPreference option doesn’t work
CAMEL-7377mark openjpa as dependency in Camel JPA feature
CAMEL-7379allChannels should not be static variable for the NettyProducer
CAMEL-7383camel-script-* features should depend on scripting-api bundle
CAMEL-7389camel-quartz component does not define osgi import version for quartz
CAMEL-7405SQS endpoint - HttpRoute class not found at route startup
CAMEL-7406Empty password in JCR Endpoint URI causes NPE
CAMEL-7407FTP route considers files as in progress after error in poll
CAMEL-7409Camel ZipIterator should not eat the IOException
CAMEL-7411EventDrivenPollingConsumer can lose exchanges when the internal queue is full
CAMEL-7415lazyLoad with CSV blows up on last line
CAMEL-7424StaxSource doesn't produce correct SAX events with default namespace
CAMEL-7428Simple Language - Operators are not evaluated for setting body or headers
CAMEL-7429Camel Properties Component concatenation issue
CAMEL-7431Impossible to use an existing javax.mail.Session with DefaultJavaMailSender
CAMEL-7432camel-mybatis - issues calling Oracle Stored procedure with multiple resultsets
CAMEL-7446Fix Eclipse m2e lifecycle configuration problem for maven-scalate-plugin_2.11
CAMEL-7448throttle EIP - unchanged value
CAMEL-7449Camel Subscribing to messages published by non-camel producers
CAMEL-7450CsvDataFormat unable to setup header when useMaps="true"
CAMEL-7451FTP consumer sometimes throws NullPointerException
CAMEL-7452beanRef is caching instances - unwanted behavior
CAMEL-7457[camel-cxf] cxfrs: SimpleConsumer does not honur Accept header
CAMEL-7459parseQuery Drops Char When Last Parameter is RAW with value ending in ')'
CAMEL-7471SOAP with attachments not mapped correctly from CXF to Camel for CXF_MESSAGE
CAMEL-7476cxfrs throwExceptionOnFailure option not working
CAMEL-7478Simple Language - Length of array properties is not correctly evaluated
CAMEL-7479Test fails in non-English environments
CAMEL-7482camel:route-stop does not clean up resources
CAMEL-7483SmppConfiguration has wrong value setDataCoding
CAMEL-7488PropertiesComponent gets initialized by util:constant
CAMEL-7497Duplicate classes
CAMEL-7500Concurrent modification of exchange during retry after netty TCP failure leads to futher processing of failed messages
CAMEL-7502camel-elastichsearch - starts up an instance even though IP specified
CAMEL-7503PAYLOAD Producer select first available operation if OPERATION_NAME don't specified
CAMEL-7513Using JPA entities as the argument in Aggregator using POJO
CAMEL-7518FileUtil.renameFile - should return true if file was renamed using copy/delete approach
CAMEL-7524CxfProducer created from wsdl detected as provider
CAMEL-7541RedisIdempotentRepository doesn't work out of box
CAMEL-7544XML DSL with customId attribute cannot be read by Camel
CAMEL-7557CxfRsProducer does not copy headers between Camel and CXF messages in a proxy mode
CAMEL-7560camel-test - AdviceWith transacted does not work
CAMEL-7562camel-test - AdviceWith in CBR may add twice
CAMEL-7565SFTP using PollEnrich with "disconnect=true" and "delete=true" does NOT delete the file
CAMEL-7568OnComplete does not work on transactioned route after rollback
CAMEL-7570enrich doesn't send out ExchangeSendingEvent nor ExchangeSentEvent
CAMEL-7571Potential NPE in rabbitmq producer if header has null value and DEBUG logging enabled
CAMEL-7572Using custom id in CBR will output id duplicated when dumping route as XML using JMX
CAMEL-7577camel-zipfile - ZipIterator should be closable
CAMEL-7578camel-bindy - pattern attribute should not be ignored if locale is not set
CAMEL-7582Python scripts with multiple statements return null
CAMEL-7584XML-Aware Tokenizer failing with utf-8 multibyte characters
CAMEL-7586NotCompliantMBeanException : Attribute MessageHistory has more than one getter
CAMEL-7587MessageHistory stores passwords in plain text
CAMEL-7595camel-jdbc - Overrides with old headers when used the 2nd time in a route
CAMEL-7598Camel does not clear the jpa session after each processed message batch
CAMEL-7600QueueLoadBalancer does not set callback
CAMEL-7603camel-cxfrs need to store the security context information into the message header
CAMEL-7611org.apache.camel.util.KeyValueHolder equals bug
CAMEL-7617JavadocApiMethodGenerator has problems extracting method signatures from JavaDoc
CAMEL-7622advice-with - No outputs found matching id when upgrading from 2.13 to 2.14
CAMEL-7627Quartz/Quartz2 in cluster mode doesn't apply changed trigger settings
CAMEL-7630BlueprintPropertiesParser doesn't handle the Blueprint Encryption: EncryptionOperationNotPossibleException
CAMEL-7636camel-jms - Reply manager during timeout must use a catch to ensure onEviction can return correclty
CAMEL-7644Scala camel DSL creates numerous DefaultCamelContext instances
CAMEL-7646Remove cyclic package dependency in xmlsecurity component
CAMEL-7650camel-restlet - Return 405 if method not allowed instead of 404
CAMEL-7653camel-sql endpoint oracle failure
CAMEL-7656Component api - error in camel-box component in assembly phase
CAMEL-7659camel-atom filter always returns the last consumed entry from feed more than once
CAMEL-7662MQTTProducerTest fails once enables it
CAMEL-7665RabbitMq don't reject messages when consumer or endpoint fail.
CAMEL-7666CamelContext.addService may fail with java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
CAMEL-7673subscribeTopicName leaks out as a property and used as a destination for mqtt producer, causes infinite delivery
CAMEL-7676advice with - CBR may be removed if advicing an output in a when
CAMEL-7679[cxfrs] Second argument is null when consumer invoke the bean with two arguments
CAMEL-7693PropertyPlaceholder fails when string contains three consecutive curly brackets
CAMEL-7701Chaining cxfrs endpoints
CAMEL-7706Camel JGroups does not disconnect shared JChannel correctly
CAMEL-7707OnCompletion - Should route even if original exchange has route stop / exception handled
CAMEL-7712camel-scala - Route id not set when using onException definition
CAMEL-7715SjmsConsumer and SjmsProducer do not remove thread pool when stop
CAMEL-7718Constants used in camel-infinispan component have restricted access
CAMEL-7730URI option "command" is not working in camel-infinispan component
CAMEL-7731DefaultBeanRowMapper broken
CAMEL-7735ProducerTemplate - Sending manually created Exchange causes 2x sent event notification
CAMEL-7739camel-mail poller onCompletion Folder is not Open
CAMEL-7745Using @EndpointInject with ref does not enlist endpoint in JMX
CAMEL-7751Trace interceptor use add instead of remove in removeTraceHandler
CAMEL-7754Property Trigger.timerZone is declared as constant but not implemented
CAMEL-7757camel-restlet 2.13.1 throwing EOFException on reading ZipInputStream
CAMEL-7762Camel CxfPayload issue when using namespace with no prefix (xmlns:xmlns)
CAMEL-7763NettyServerBootstrapConfiguration should provide default SSL settings
CAMEL-7767Mock - Defining assertion on message doest work if using convertTo
CAMEL-7768Handle fault - Should convert the payload to String using type converter
CAMEL-7772Maven plugin camel-api-component-maven-plugin cannot read empty API name for components with single proxy class
CAMEL-7784Camel : RSS - Ignores posts with identical published or updated date.
CAMEL-7785setUnitOfWork in DefaultExchange throws NPE when called from Splitter.java
CAMEL-7793camel-rabbitmq - Consumer should not ack if an exception was thrown
CAMEL-7795Regression: MDC may lose values after when Async Routing Engine is used
CAMEL-7798Exchange formatter configured on Log Component may lead to incoherent results
CAMEL-7803DefaultJdbcPrepareStatementStrategy Iterator fails on null value inserts
CAMEL-7805Camel Olingo2 doesn't set HTTP headers correctly
CAMEL-7806Olingo2 component doesn't support entity container names for batch requests
CAMEL-7821BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer fails to use custom PropertiesParser
CAMEL-7826Olingo2 component sets incorrect value for "id" element in create entry endpoint
CAMEL-7829Olingo2 component should handle 200 OK responses from OData servers for PUT method
CAMEL-7830RestLetHeaderFilterStrategy should filter the header of "Transfer-Encoding"
CAMEL-7836ConcurrentModificationException when creating dynamic routes
CAMEL-7839Xpath is not namespace aware in choice
CAMEL-7842Avoid using InputStreamEntity for byte[] input
CAMEL-7849Decrypting properties via Jasypt outside of <camelContext>
CAMEL-7852camel-msv component cannot be resolved in OSGi
CAMEL-7855If you suspend a JMS route that is stopped, calling resume on it does not work and reports no error
CAMEL-7856camel-cxf producer HttpAPI should not send the message body when using DELETE method
CAMEL-7866barcodeFormat is always QR CODE
CAMEL-7867NullPointerException when using CXF endpoint to enrich
CAMEL-7868wrong concatenation of parameters in JettyHttpComponent
CAMEL-7870[camel-barcode] Writer/Reader hints should be re-optimized when setBarcodeFormat method called.
CAMEL-7871[camel-barcode] failed to create AZTEC barcode
CAMEL-7874json DataFormat: The prettyPrint option does not work as expected
CAMEL-7876GroupIterator should respect the exchange's CHARSET_NAME property.
CAMEL-7880Cannot use custom DataFormats in REST DSL
CAMEL-7881camel-resetlet feature should include httpclient4 bundle
CAMEL-7882camel-syslog's CamelSyslogTimestamp header is suddenly a GregorianCalendar
CAMEL-7883XSD decoding bad guess in Validator
CAMEL-7886Charset not correctly set from content-type
CAMEL-7888HL7Decoder leaks memory
CAMEL-7890XmlConverter.toSAXSourceFromStream does not set setNamespaceAware
CAMEL-7892Unable to perform a restlet DELETE with no entity
CAMEL-7894Encoder exception after sending a message with null body
CAMEL-7896camel-netty-http producer should close the channel when the connection header is not keep alive
CAMEL-7899camel-jetty should support to define multiple http method for the rest service
CAMEL-7900hdfs2 - chunkSize not honored
CAMEL-7909camel-netty-http consumer need to close the connection if the response connection header is close
CAMEL-7910Netty {Client|Server}ChannelHandler need to pass the close and open event around
CAMEL-7914MQTT Endpoint disconnects on failure. Does not reconnect
CAMEL-7916OsgiServiceRegistry forces name property
CAMEL-7917camel-jsch unit tests are failing
CAMEL-7919Add tests for camel-jira component
CAMEL-7922MQTT endpoint misses QoS > 0 messages due to startup timing issue
CAMEL-7924java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.CallSiteArray
CAMEL-7931JCR need to support multi-valued property
CAMEL-7935JcloudsPayloadConverter.toPayload(InputStream) cannot deal with FileInputStreamCache
CAMEL-7953Hazelcast seda documentation is misleading about pollInterval
CAMEL-7964camel-jetty should support Post Redirect Get WebDesign pattern
CAMEL-7966Doesn't set the blank or empty string to the mail recipients
CAMEL-7967camel-rabbitmq logging exceptions as debug
CAMEL-7968Container has undefined concurrency behaviour
CAMEL-7971Setting bean reference in <restConfiguration> fails with IllegalFormatWidthException
CAMEL-7973CircuitBreakerLoadBalancer fails on async processors
CAMEL-7977sftp compression option is not set rightly
CAMEL-7978QuartzEndpoint should share the same camel context name when it working in cluster mode
CAMEL-7981JMX - Routes with transacted does not enlist processor mbeans
CAMEL-7983Using named query parameters doesn't work
CAMEL-7986Route disappears with routeId set to "route1"
CAMEL-7988file consumer - Should call abort in case read lock cannot be acquired if exception was thrown
CAMEL-7989FileIdempotentRepository should create the file store on startup
CAMEL-7990IdempotentConsumer - If no messageId should allow Camel error handler to react
CAMEL-7992Container lifecycle event method invoked outside of extension observer method invocation
CAMEL-7994SJMSComponent effectively ignores setConnectionCount()
CAMEL-7996OID of created object should be stored in the message header
CAMEL-8001SmppUtils.isGsm0338Encodeable() called with arbitrary data
CAMEL-8005Simple language produces null for a method call on a header value
CAMEL-8008SubmitMulti and DataSm not checking CamelSmppAlphabet header
CAMEL-8011MyBatis consumer ignores maxMessagesPerPoll option
CAMEL-8030camel-netty need to release the thread pool when shutdown
CAMEL-8031camel-netty maximumPoolSize option is ignored
CAMEL-8032FileUtil leaks FileInputStream when renameFile fails due to permission issue
CAMEL-8033Exchange Leak Caused By pollEnrich
CAMEL-8035CXFRS consumer should set Exchange's charset name, if content type provides one
CAMEL-8036JettyComponent should not setup the security handler more than once
CAMEL-8045Not possible to load a public key from a a PrivateKeyEntry in a keystore
CAMEL-8049DefaultRestletBinding can not deal with multi-valued HTTP request parameters
CAMEL-8051feature camel-core does not install in karaf 4
CAMEL-8053Memory leak when adding/removing a lot of routes
CAMEL-8062camel-rx - EndpointSubscriber does not call unsubscribe to stop the consumer
CAMEL-8063Persistent tail tracking picks random tail tracker from mongoDB collection
CAMEL-8065Camel won't build on windows (camel-box and camel-api-component-maven-plugin)
CAMEL-8073Camel may clear attachments during routing
CAMEL-8077NullPointerException in getRouteDefinition before context is started
CAMEL-8081Multicast Aggregator should keep processing other exchange which is not timeout
CAMEL-8082CxfRs producer should close the connection if MEP is InOnly
CAMEL-8086Possible memoryleak when convertBodyTo is used in a dynamicRouter
CAMEL-8087missing dependency for "camel-example-restlet-jdbc" example
CAMEL-8088FTP can wait indefinitely when connection timeout occurs during connect
CAMEL-8092cxf:producer Matrix Params are missing
CAMEL-8094camel-netty: Do not use org.jboss.netty.util.internal.ExecutorUtil as it breaks the camel-netty Karaf feature
CAMEL-8096CxfEndpoint schema should support to publishEndpointUrl from the element attribute
CAMEL-8097Error in AST/Graph translation
CAMEL-8100Collection should be optional for getDbStats
CAMEL-8106XML parsing error is ignored by xtoknize XML tokenizer
CAMEL-8118BigDecimalPatternFormat overwrites Locale setting
CAMEL-8121Infinite Loop Within Camel if the temp file directory is not writable
CAMEL-8123Mina2 SSL initiates handshake backwards
CAMEL-8125PropertyInject gives NullPointerException
CAMEL-8134We should not add synchronisation if the CachedOutputStream closedOnCompletion option is false
CAMEL-8137Simple language does not resolve overloaded method calls
CAMEL-8146Starting and stopping routes leak threads
CAMEL-8148Avoid possible NPE in Camel Box component on exceptions during initial login
CAMEL-8153Fix potential connection leak in StreamList mode
CAMEL-8156SNSClient should setup endpoint before creating the topic
CAMEL-8157camel-http - NPE after recent changes
CAMEL-8158Provide way to specify fields to patch in google drive endpoints
CAMEL-8160Generic methods used as endpoints fail in Java 8
CAMEL-8168Mina Does Not Unbind From Listening Port
CAMEL-8169Camel Jetty/Http4 producers should respect Content-Length/Transfer-Encoding:Chunked headers
CAMEL-8185camel-scr - IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
CAMEL-8189camel-scr-archetype produces invalid package structure
CAMEL-8190Kafka producer: partition key is optional, not required by kafka client api
CAMEL-8193Frequent BlockingOperationExceptions under load
CAMEL-8194Elasticsearch component fails in an OSGi environment due to missing names.txt
CAMEL-8200Race condition in JmsProducer for request/response messaging causing nondeterministic setting body to null.
CAMEL-8201NPE with language:ruby and concurrentConsumers
CAMEL-8213UseOriginalAggregationStrategy is suspicious to NullPointerException
CAMEL-8214Support partial responses in google APIs
CAMEL-8216Unable to specify startHistoryId for history list in camel-google-mail
CAMEL-8217camel-xmljson option typeHints does not work
CAMEL-8218REST DSL with RestletComponent doesn't support servelet container
CAMEL-8222Jetty component setting responseHeaderSize is impossible
CAMEL-8226Deprecated feature dataSourceRef not working correctly
CAMEL-8227Using exchangePattern=InOnly in to uris are not used
CAMEL-8228camel-mqtt - From mqtt to mqtt fails sending to specified publishTopicName
CAMEL-8231StompEndPoint does not throw exceptions in case of the underlying connection broken at the time of sending a message
CAMEL-8233Splitter - Option parallelAggregate is not in use when using parallel procession as well
CAMEL-8236WebSphere class loader detection is too sensitive
CAMEL-8241Exec command failures using Java 8 on Unix
CAMEL-8245CXFRS endpoint ignores model references
CAMEL-8247[AWS-S3] Producer does not use ObjectMetaData when exchange is a File
CAMEL-8253CXFRS Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException for Empty Headers
CAMEL-8261spring-dm may not be able to load resources from classpath from camel-core
CAMEL-8268camel-hbase - The scan method is not thread safe when using a filter list
CAMEL-8272Camel-box socks proxy implementation is incomplete
CAMEL-8289camel-netty-http should not try to send out error message to the client if the connection is closed.
CAMEL-8295Change Camel Context Name on Camel Spring Boot
CAMEL-8296camel-box - OSGi troubles - NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException
CAMEL-8303InvalidPayloadException when storing a String using camel-couchdb
CAMEL-8313AddNamespace should not override the element's namespace
CAMEL-8314Cannot select text() using xquery
CAMEL-8315set Component Option "responseHeaderSize",but no effect
CAMEL-8326Project created from camel-blueprint-archetype does not work
CAMEL-8327ContextTestSupport does not support weaveByType in test cases
CAMEL-8329camel-sql - May not propagate headers for operations with no resultset
CAMEL-8336XML Signature: XAdES: Wrong value for attribute "Qualifier" of element CommitmentTypeId
CAMEL-8338ScriptBuilder relies on TCCL to discover engines
CAMEL-8339Usage of camel-mail depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8341Usage of camel-rss depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8346JsonPathEngine skips file encoding
CAMEL-8352NettyServerBossPoolBuilder build() method is package-protected
CAMEL-8353FileLockExclusiveReadLockStrategy - Should defer closing channel till release lock
CAMEL-8355Dynamicity flag on Mongodb endpoint run a dropIndex() command on specified collection
CAMEL-8356IOConverter.toInputStream(file, charset) returns strange behaving stream
CAMEL-8358Avoid using Olingo2 library classes from 'core' package as it has been designated internal and not part of the API exposed using OSGi headers
CAMEL-8359LinkedIn consumer endpoints have to specify an empty 'fields' parameter
CAMEL-8369weaveAddLast does not work property when route ends with a split
CAMEL-8382dumpRoutesAsXml should resolve "from" endpoint property values as with "to" endpoint URI
CAMEL-8395Handle empty Salesforce picklist types
CAMEL-8401CamelOverruleFileName does not work correctly for remote file endpoints
CAMEL-8409Kafka producer: when no message key specified, use partition key
CAMEL-8411camel-netty-http - Checking for host header is invalid
CAMEL-8417RAW_TOKEN_START and RAW_TOKEN_END not removed when query parameter occurs multiple times
CAMEL-8424Transaction being propagated ignoring REQUIRES_NEW when using direct component
CAMEL-8425Handle invalid client id gracefully in Camel LinkedIn component
CAMEL-8426Handle invalid client id gracefully in Camel Box component
CAMEL-8427camel-scala - Testing with useOverridePropertiesWithPropertiesComponent issue
CAMEL-8430Camel HDFS2 - readSuffix option does not work
CAMEL-8431Consume all files in aws S3 bucket where deleteAfterRead = false
CAMEL-8432camel-mqtt: MQTT wildcard ('+') subscription broken
CAMEL-8434Camel HDFS2 - Unable to consume an empty file
CAMEL-8436camel-spring-boot - Some routes not being initialized after CamelContext have been removed from CamelAutoConfiguration
CAMEL-8437Simple bean call doesn't like parenthesis in parameter values
CAMEL-8445camel-hdfs2 - Does not work on windows
CAMEL-8450Netty component should not stop/null static timer when stopping
CAMEL-8453camel-avro throws SAXParseException when used from spring or blueprint
CAMEL-8455camel-linkedin - update_key option should be optional in getHistoricalStatusUpdateStatistics
CAMEL-8456Remove addCompanyUpdateComment endpoint from camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8457Correct return types of some endpoints in camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8458camel-linkedin - public_profile_url option should be String
CAMEL-8461camel-netty-http does not respect client's keep-alive setting
CAMEL-8462HttpServerChannelHandler should not store the instance of HttpRequest
CAMEL-8464Remove likeCompanyUpdate endpoint from camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8466Feature camel-linkedin is missing dependencies for xalan, xerces and xmlresolver
CAMEL-8469Several enum types should generate lower case values in camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8470Several small fixes for camel-linkedin
CAMEL-8476Unexpected behavior in fault handling with doTry/doCatch
CAMEL-8479TrapReceiveTest is failed within Camel 2.15.0
CAMEL-8480camel-catalog has unnecessary imports if it cannot access some other artifacts
CAMEL-8484File language - Should support file extensions with multiple dots such as tar.gz
CAMEL-8492BeanInfo introspection ignores overriden methods
CAMEL-8498CamelContextFactoryBean missing setEndpoints method
CAMEL-8500ClassCastException when something other than PropertiesComponent is bound to "properties" JNDI name
CAMEL-8504Failed to process Schematron XSLT templates and/or rules on windows
CAMEL-8505Missed CamelSchematronValidationStatus header
CAMEL-8510NPE will be thrown from doAppend() of PaxLoggingConsumer during load testing
CAMEL-8515Camel marshal/unmarshal - Should catch throwable in case dataformat causes an java.lang.Error
CAMEL-8519Salesforce component security listener does not replace old auth header
CAMEL-8520Camel XMPP doesn't use a DNS resolver to look at SRV records
CAMEL-8521camel-script - Should try all classloaders before throwing IAE
CAMEL-8530can't install camel-github feature in karaf
CAMEL-8540S3Consumer uses maxMessagesPerPoll incorrectly
CAMEL-8546No LanguageResolver found for language=js
CAMEL-8547Usage of camel-xmlbeans depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8556AnnotationTypeConverterLoader treats package as class
CAMEL-8566Feature camel-cxf doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8568Feature camel-swagger doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8573Feature camel-hbase doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8574Feature camel-hdfs doesn't install all required dependencies
CAMEL-8575Salesforce component doesn't properly retries the request when doing re-login
CAMEL-8584Circuit breaker does not honour halfOpenAfter period
CAMEL-8585The lazy load option doesn't unlock the file
CAMEL-8589url.getPort returning -1, needs additional check
CAMEL-8592NPE in AbstractListAggregationStrategy if empty list
CAMEL-8597Elasticsearch component ignores indexType header set from endpoint URL
CAMEL-8607Camel endpoint RAW password unsafe characters
CAMEL-8609Remove open-jpa bundle from camel-jpa feature
CAMEL-8624Bean component - Potential NPE in BeanInfo
CAMEL-8626Leaking exchangesInFlightKeys in ManagedRoute
CAMEL-8628camel-dozer component fails when multiple expressions are used in a mapping
CAMEL-8636camel-kafka need to commit the last batch of messages when the auto commit is false
CAMEL-8649Camel RAW() cannot handle String of %2050
CAMEL-8660camel-ftp - Disconnect when no messages dont call disconnect
CAMEL-8672Restlet Rest Component properties are ignored
CAMEL-8673ConcurrentModificationException when creating dynamic routes
CAMEL-8674Camel-Netty4 does not set remote UDP address in headers
CAMEL-8678Infinite recursion in TransactionErrorHandler toString method
CAMEL-8682Context scoped OnException should not be stopped if a route is stopped
CAMEL-8687SyslogConverter doesn't handle the structured data rightly
CAMEL-8690Camel HDFS2 - ShutdownHookManager class not found when shutting down OSGi framework
CAMEL-8694java.lang.NullPointerException in at org.apache.camel.component.netty4.http.NettyHttpProducer$NettyHttpProducerCallback.done
CAMEL-8702when occurs "Connection reset by peer",netty4 client's EventLoopGroup select thread won't shut down
CAMEL-8707camel-smpp: smpps doesn't work over proxy
CAMEL-8713ParallelAggregate option when using parallel mode does not run in parallel
CAMEL-8715camel-sql - Should close ResultSet
CAMEL-8717camel-kafka feature miss kafka-clients bundle
CAMEL-8718Connection leak with ftp consumer and invalid credentials
CAMEL-8737camel-salesforce - Unable to generate DTOs for Filtered Lookup fields
CAMEL-8746Jasypt with BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is not handling spring property injection with defaults anymore
ENTESB-2460ParallelAggregate option for camel multicast with parallel processing is not working
ENTESB-2786Make sure we we don't ship OpenJPA
ENTESB-2891Backport CAMEL-8521 to JBoss Fuse 6.2
ENTESB-2938Repeated ERROR: Bundle org.apache.camel.camel-script [231] EventDispatcher: Error during dispatch. (java.lang.NullPointerException) java.lang.NullPointerException during Fuse startup
ENTESB-3018Camel HDFS2 - Missing library "libsnappyjava.so"
ENTESB-3019Camel HDFS2 - ShutdownHookManager class not found when shutting down Fuse
ENTESB-3171Jasypt with BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is not handling spring property injection with defaults anymore
ENTESB-3271Disable the camel-swagger feature
HTTPCLIENT-1478[HTTPCLIENT-1478] https calls ignore http.socket.timeout during SSL Handshake
HTTPCLIENT-1547[HTTPCLIENT-1547] HttpClient OSGi bundle doesn't import the package "javax.naming"
SMX4-1709OSGi bundles for avro 1.7.5+ should not require "sun.misc"
CAMEL-1077tcp client mode / server mode determined by "to" or "from" elements limits usability.
CAMEL-3110Support GETNEXT and GETBULK for the Camel SNMP component.
CAMEL-4015camel-hazelcast - Allow to specify operation in uri instead of just as a header
CAMEL-5113Parallel and fault tolerant message processing for SQS endpoints.
CAMEL-5286Add option to onCompletion to configure if it should be synchronous
CAMEL-5398Optimize String.replaceAll() to cache Patterns where suitable
CAMEL-5604camel-jackson - Make it easier to support List as output out of the box
CAMEL-5790aws-s3 should support retrieving a single object request
CAMEL-5806DefaultHttpBinding shouldn't assume null payload if HttpMethod == GET
CAMEL-6028camel-hdfs - Support CamelFileName to write to a new file, when not using split strategy
CAMEL-6065SJMS: inOut() in route and exchangePattern=InOut are not equivalent
CAMEL-6099File producer - See if we can support chmod option like ftp producer
CAMEL-6321Moving logic out of getTypeConverter
CAMEL-6337camel-cdi dependencies are wrong for most cases
CAMEL-6365After the Spring 3.1.x support has been dropped then better make use of IOHelper utility to close the Spring contexts in our code base.
CAMEL-6458Add option renameUsingCopy option to file component
CAMEL-6612upgrade camel-elasticsearch to 0.90.3 version
CAMEL-6613upgrade camel-solr to use SolrJ 4.4.0
CAMEL-6698Component camel-cache to support non-serializable objects
CAMEL-6701org.apache.camel.util.IOHelper.loadText(InputStream) doesnt not return text as written
CAMEL-6744Aggregator - Using groupExchanges should store them on body by default
CAMEL-6759camel-hazelcast component just allows Hazelcast maps and multimaps with key type String
CAMEL-6775Aggregate - Potential little optimization to send aggregated exchange to completion outside the lock
CAMEL-6777We are building two different source distributions which should not be the case
CAMEL-6819Use exceptionHandler on Xmpp Consumer
CAMEL-6820Improve SJMS handling of exchange body data types
CAMEL-6826Use Mock Objects Instead of Live HazelcastInstances to Speed Up Testing
CAMEL-6892Scala version upgrade
CAMEL-6893[Scala] Migrate from Manifests to ClassTags
CAMEL-6919FileIdempotentRepository doesn't create the whole directory structure
CAMEL-6929Narrow ExcludeRoutes annotation values to RoutesBuilder instances
CAMEL-6934Create new Address for every openConnection call
CAMEL-6955Migrate camel-hl7 and camel-syslog from mina to netty
CAMEL-7027Support to set the expression on the split DSL of Spring and Blueprint
CAMEL-7030camel-quartz - Register quartz scheduler in JMX by default
CAMEL-7038tooling - Provide an option for the JNDI properties file by the Guice Maven Plugin
CAMEL-7039Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.50
CAMEL-7050camel-jms drops messages when errorHandler throws an exception
CAMEL-7051camel-bindy - Add timezone support to the date pattern
CAMEL-7056Support streaming in camel-base64 data type
CAMEL-7104Add support for "all" permissions for authorization in camel-shiro
CAMEL-7121Relative dot segment paths not resolved in org.apache.camel.core.osgi.OsgiClassResolver
CAMEL-7135Add page orientation property to camel-printer component
CAMEL-7148Added the ability to send messages to several participants.
CAMEL-7162[Bean Validator] Bean Validator should try to resolve ValidationProviderResolver reference
CAMEL-7175Create FnAggregationStrategy wrapping Any result into Exchange
CAMEL-7178Create JAX-RS MessageBodyWriter and Reader which will work with Camel data format
CAMEL-7191Disable JMX load performance statistics - Avoids background thread
CAMEL-7201PGPDataFormat: allow caching of PGP keys via key access interface
CAMEL-7218Extract OSGi-detection logic into utility class
CAMEL-7225camel-smpp - should check Exchange.CHARSET_NAME header
CAMEL-7228Avoid setting port number 80 in http/http4 host header
CAMEL-7231Support receiving attachments with Spring-WS
CAMEL-7250In Threads DSL thread pool options and executorServiceRef should be mutually exclusive
CAMEL-7257Add getRegistry(T) - To get the registry as type T
CAMEL-7261Provide camel:context-suspend and camel:context-resume commands
CAMEL-7265Add API to get JSON representation of route input and output endpoints
CAMEL-7281Add support for "certAlias" in SSLContextParameters
CAMEL-7283PGP Data Format: Signature Verification Options
CAMEL-7284Missing setter for ApnsDelegate
CAMEL-7285Upgrade Apache Jackrabbit Library for camel-jcr Component
CAMEL-7309Tone down the excessive INFO logging about Woodstox xml parser not in use
CAMEL-7312File -> Properties type converter
CAMEL-7313camel-sql - Add support for fetching generated primary keys when using INSERT
CAMEL-7326Improve Eclipse development with m2e Maven integration
CAMEL-7327Improve Container.Instance API to deal with setting a Container after CamelContexts have been created. There is a big risk CamelContext's won't get managed right now
CAMEL-7328A minor refactoring in camel-ahc so that it can be directly reused for websocket client
CAMEL-7332camel-sql - Should have dynamic import so jdbc driver can be loaded
CAMEL-7334Event notification for routes added/removed
CAMEL-7335Kafka : Expose kafka configuration properties to the camel component
CAMEL-7346Cleanup Maven Project Definitions
CAMEL-7349JaxbDataFormat should not parse the Schema over and over again
CAMEL-7358Tracer - Should have options to allow streams or files
CAMEL-7360Add HTTP Date header
CAMEL-7361would be nice if org.apache.camel.spring.Main could take a system property or CLI option to package scan classes too
CAMEL-7370camel-mongodb - Should properly close the underlying physical connection to MongoDB while shutting down
CAMEL-7372Allow users to pass in their own EntityManager through the exchange
CAMEL-7373Reduce the logging noise from the log definition
CAMEL-7382Enable retrieving auto generated keys in JDBC component when using named parameters
CAMEL-7387MainSupport - Should not barf if no CamelContext found
CAMEL-7388xmlTokenizer to optionally wrap the token with the enclosing elements
CAMEL-7396Add defaultMethodName option to camel-xmlrpc
CAMEL-7397support to deploy the camel-example-spring-javaconfig into Karaf
CAMEL-7401Added continuationTimeout option to camel-cxf component
CAMEL-7403Update camel-hl7 to support HAPI v2.2
CAMEL-7404Zip Aggregation Strategy preserves folder structure
CAMEL-7421camel-rabbitmq - Channel is not fully thread safe
CAMEL-7422camel-rabbit - Consumer tuning: thread count, prefetch
CAMEL-7430Support property setting in BeanIODataFormat
CAMEL-7435Create a generic callback to configure the APNS service builder
CAMEL-7436Copy CXF Http header into Camel message header
CAMEL-7442Upgrade Apache Jackrabbit to Version 2.8.0
CAMEL-7453Add schema attribut to the SoapJaxbDataFormat
CAMEL-7465DefaultHeaderFIlterStrategy should be case insensitive.
CAMEL-7466Allow to configure flatpack from its unmarshall tag
CAMEL-7468Make xmlTokenizer more xml-aware so that it can handle more flexible structures
CAMEL-7473MQTT consumer - Add topic destination name as header
CAMEL-7474Error blocks mail-consumer
CAMEL-7486Expose the component options for Camel MyBatis
CAMEL-7487Create an archetype and code generation plugins to generate Camel Components that wrap a third party API
CAMEL-7490Redelivery delay cannot be modified in asynchronous mode for multiple retries with different redelivery intervals for each retry specified in Exchange.REDELIVERY_DELAY header parameter.
CAMEL-7493Expose the component options for Camel JDBC
CAMEL-7494parameter json schema should support enum types
CAMEL-7495parameter json schema should support object types
CAMEL-7496BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer should take ignoreResourceNotFound into consideration when it loads the property files
CAMEL-7498Expose the component options for Camel SQL
CAMEL-7499Expose the component options for Camel Mail
CAMEL-7504Improve the throttler to have discarding/filtering capabilities
CAMEL-7507Expose the component options for Camel JPA
CAMEL-7508Expose the component options for Camel Infinispan
CAMEL-7509Expose the component options for Camel JGroups
CAMEL-7510Expose the component options for Camel Quartz
CAMEL-7511Expose the component options for Camel Quartz2
CAMEL-7512Expose the component options for Camel Netty
CAMEL-7514Dozer should not initialize the same DozerBeanMapperConfiguration twice
CAMEL-7515Expose the component options for Camel Netty HTTP
CAMEL-7516Expose the component options for Camel HDFS
CAMEL-7517Expose the component options for Camel HDFS2
CAMEL-7521Provide an option for unsynchronized aggregation when splitter is streaming and not parallel
CAMEL-7523Expose the component options for Camel CXF
CAMEL-7525Behavior change for file component in 2.10 causes problems with no workaround available
CAMEL-7527Zip component does not unpack files from directories into zip archive
CAMEL-7529Update HeaderFilterStrategyComponent to extend UriEndpointComponent
CAMEL-7530Expose the component options for Camel CXFRS
CAMEL-7532VelocityEndpoint should support take the VelocityContext from message header
CAMEL-7533Expose the component options for Camel HTTP
CAMEL-7534Expose the component options for Camel HTTP4
CAMEL-7535Expose the component options for Camel Jetty
CAMEL-7537Expose the component options for Camel OptaPlanner
CAMEL-7538FreemarkerEndpoint should support to set data model from message header
CAMEL-7539StringTemplateEndpoint should support set variable map from message header
CAMEL-7540Quartz Endpoint with a SimpleTrigger does not support referencing a bean in URI
CAMEL-7542Expose component options for Camel JCR
CAMEL-7548Spring XML: Support {{ }} placeholder syntax inside pgp data format
CAMEL-7549Quartz2 Endpoint with a SimpleTrigger doesn't support referencing a bean in URI
CAMEL-7552RabbitMQ Component: property to allow declare or not queue and exchange.
CAMEL-7563Allow passing HazelcastInstance as a query parameter of a Hazelcast component endpoint.
CAMEL-7567Add camelId and managementName attributes to JMX tracer mbeans
CAMEL-7569Expose the component options for Camel GAE
CAMEL-7574Expose the component options for Camel Atmosphere Websocket
CAMEL-7575BeanInvokeProcess should copy the attchment from the resultExchange
CAMEL-7576camel-cache - Turn off ET phone home
CAMEL-7581Enrich and pollEnrich should call aggregate even if exception occurred
CAMEL-7583Make NettyWorkerPoolBuilder#build public
CAMEL-7589Missing 'null' check in methods sendBodyAndHeaders() of class DefaultProducerTemplate
CAMEL-7592Support setMode in XStreamDataFormat
CAMEL-7594TypeConverter - Should support CamelLogDebugBodyMaxChars to limit logging message body
CAMEL-7597Throw an more meaningful exception for camel-rabbitmq
CAMEL-7599LogEndpoint ignores setter (setGroupSize) - set via uri working
CAMEL-7602AWS SQS component does not support Message Attributes
CAMEL-7604camel-core - Enlist Camel producers in JMX on startup
CAMEL-7606Expose the component options for Camel Zookeeper
CAMEL-7624camel-jackson - Add option to set inclusion to skip null fields from pojos
CAMEL-7626camel-restlet - Should set content-type header
CAMEL-7629camel-jackson - Add support for header to define the unmarshalType dynamic
CAMEL-7631Enhancement for xmlsecurity component (XML Signature): Configurable Signature Id
CAMEL-7633camel-restlet - Add back support for async
CAMEL-7637Avoid null throwable message in FailedToCreateRouteException
CAMEL-7639camel-jackson - Add support for prettyPrint option
CAMEL-7645camel-jdbc - outputClass should also be supported for List
CAMEL-7647camel-blueprint - Add logic to detect consumer scheduler for quartz2/spring
CAMEL-7648Using scheduler=blueprint does not work in OSGi
CAMEL-7654AWS SQS Component Does Not Support Message Attribuets In The Producer
CAMEL-7657different results of lookup methods in SpringRouteBuilder
CAMEL-7663SFTP consumers cannot be triggered by Quartz2 scheduler with JDBC trigger persistence: NotSerializableException
CAMEL-7667camel-jms - MessageListenerContainer should stop quicker when CamelContext is stopping
CAMEL-7668@Consume may restart during a shutdown event
CAMEL-7680Throw NPE when stopping if transport client is used
CAMEL-7682bean DSL should support to set multiParameterArray option
CAMEL-7686camel-jdbc - Fix this issue report about retriving generated keys
CAMEL-7688XPathBuilder initDefaultXPathFactory implementation incorrect
CAMEL-7691camel-serlvet - Potential NPE if no servlet name configured for osgi
CAMEL-7695CamelContext - Allow to check if a service by its type has been added
CAMEL-7700Limit the SQL component maxMessagesPerPoll option by using the jdbcTemplate.setMaxRows(size) method
CAMEL-7711camel-servletlistener - Store created CamelContext on ServletContext attribute
CAMEL-7713Set the Xerces SecurityManager for the DocumentBuilderFactory by default
CAMEL-7716Migrate camel-csv component to Apache CSV 1.0
CAMEL-7717camel-jsch - Should throw UnsupportedOperationException when creating a consumer instead of causing a NPE
CAMEL-7719Set the XMLReader for the SAXSource in XmlConverter
CAMEL-7720Support to set the DocumentBuilderFactory from exchange property
CAMEL-7721Support to setup the SaxParserFactory from the exchange property
CAMEL-7723Support starting and stopping consumers and producers asynchronously
CAMEL-7724camel-bindy - Add support for boolean data type formatter
CAMEL-7725camel-scala - Startup order not available in Scala DSL
CAMEL-7727Unify MessageProducerResources handling into SjmsProducer
CAMEL-7728Setup the TCCL before create the instance from the BaseResolver
CAMEL-7734Replace custom pool implementation by commons-pool
CAMEL-7740Allow pool prefill configuration for SjmsProducer
CAMEL-7742Support grouping separator for Camel Bindy (BigDecimal)
CAMEL-7744xslt component - Allow to configure custom error listener
CAMEL-7753xslt component - Store warning/errors etc as exchange properties so end users can get hold of those
CAMEL-7759Using the TCCL as the default value of ApplicationContextClassLoader in DefaultCamelContext
CAMEL-7761Setup the application context classloader of OSGiDefaultCamelContext
CAMEL-7769Mock - Allow to invoke a method while specifying an assertion
CAMEL-7771Improve the API Component Framework to support callback APIs
CAMEL-7776updated dependency for camel-flatpack
CAMEL-7780ManagedCamelContext - Add operation to check if you can send to an endpoint
CAMEL-7787Multicast - Should defer UoW done until after the aggregate has been done
CAMEL-7794Topics support in camel-hazelcast
CAMEL-7796camel-cxfrs consumer: Allow setting a custom binding
CAMEL-7801XMLTokenizer's wrapped mode to handle grouping without replicating the wrapper part
CAMEL-7802XML Signature: parameter for output character encoding and parent node via XPath
CAMEL-7804MessageHelper - dump message for logging should catch throwable
CAMEL-7827When using CXFRS with simple HTTP api, variable replacement should be available
CAMEL-7858Allow to disable Jaxb annotations in JacksonDataFormat
CAMEL-7859Language component - Add support for binary content
CAMEL-7860Add sendReply functionality in RabbitMQConsumer
CAMEL-7863Tone down info logging pr. message
CAMEL-7864The kafka component does not properly support zookeeper chroot configuration
CAMEL-7878Swagger's base.path should be calculated rather than hardcoded
CAMEL-7895Upgrade XML Security + BouncyCastle dependencies
CAMEL-7902Add tests for camel-github component
CAMEL-7908Add a DestinationCreationStrategy to the SJMS component
CAMEL-7912Add Character support to ObjectHelper::loadSimpleType()
CAMEL-7913ObjectConverter does not support String to java.lang.Character conversion (only char primitive)
CAMEL-7915Share the HashedWheelTimer across the Camel NettyComponent
CAMEL-7927Add support for Multi-Select picklists in Salesforce component
CAMEL-7929OptimisticLockRetryPolicyTest fails from time to time
CAMEL-7930org.apache.camel.itest.ftp.SpringFtpEndpointTest is failing
CAMEL-7932Adding initial properties to PropertiesComponent
CAMEL-7940Disable SSL security protocol by default
CAMEL-7947Support to set SSLContext in the camel-restlet
CAMEL-7948Add support for more/new encryption/signature algorithms
CAMEL-7949JmsMessageHelper to support automatic conversion from ByteBuffer to BytesMessage
CAMEL-7951No way to configure the ExchangeFormatter in RedeliveryErrorHandler (want to see the Exchange's properties by default)
CAMEL-7958Java DSL - Should support nested choice in doTry .. doCatch
CAMEL-7959Rest DSL - Add support for onException, interceptor and other cross functionality
CAMEL-7961camel-scala - Auto startup not available in Scala DSL
CAMEL-7962Pipeline factories names on netty4 component
CAMEL-7965EndpointCache - Should keep endpoints from routes in the cache
CAMEL-7975SJMS Endpoint does not reverse header encoding
CAMEL-7980camel-ognl need to use the class resolver from camel context
CAMEL-7984camel-sjms - Add support for jmsKeyFormatStrategy
CAMEL-7991Add MultiPartUpload functionality to S3Producer
CAMEL-8000Add global notion of CamelContextRegistry
CAMEL-8006S3Producer should use File to upload directly.
CAMEL-8012camel-stream's scanStream mode should read available lines before going into sleep (or delay)
CAMEL-8014camel-metrics - Let route policy and metrics component reuse same metricsregistry
CAMEL-8016MongoDB should use EmbedMongo in tests
CAMEL-8028Validator component - Make it like the others
CAMEL-8034xslt component - Make it like the others
CAMEL-8037Type converters for enums should support case insensitve
CAMEL-8039Implement halfOpen state in CircuitBreaker
CAMEL-8043saxon component - Make it like the others
CAMEL-8048Main overrides context's registry
CAMEL-8064MockEndpointsAndSkip annotation does not resolve property placeholders
CAMEL-8066Add swagger ui to the camel swagger rest example
CAMEL-8068SplitAttachmentsExpression should set ID of splited attachment
CAMEL-8070Supporting byte[] messages in camel-websocket
CAMEL-8072Netty Http Server should close the channel once it return an error message
CAMEL-8075Camel sftp should send a command to check if the connection is broken
CAMEL-8076We should avoid checking the DupTriggerKey if the recoverableJob is true
CAMEL-8078camel-restlet should support to decode the response entity which is represent resource
CAMEL-8084PGP Data Format: file name parameter
CAMEL-8085Add handling of offset in case of auto commit is disabled to prevent data loss
CAMEL-8089Support paging and restricting results from google drive
CAMEL-8091DefaultExchangeFormatter does not consider Exchange.LOG_DEBUG_BODY_MAX_CHARS
CAMEL-8095CaseInsensitiveMap for Camel headers should preserve original key cases in keySet
CAMEL-8098Route model using body expression should be representable in the xml model
CAMEL-8099Add support for default values in Camel properties
CAMEL-8101Add runCommand to MongoDB Camel component operations list
CAMEL-8102Add support to ObjectHelper to create Iterable's
CAMEL-8103Make CxfEndpoint Camel Context aware
CAMEL-8105AWS-SQS - support for redrivePolicy inside SQSEndpoint
CAMEL-8107Allow to use property placeholder with default values without having to setup the properties component
CAMEL-8108Type converters should not check for null values
CAMEL-8109Allow to plugin custom functions to property placeholder
CAMEL-8113Look into optimize Camels type converter registry lookup
CAMEL-8115Properties component - Include default functions to lookup from ENV / SYS etc
CAMEL-8116Allow more control of message splitting policy
CAMEL-8117set encoding on a per-message basis
CAMEL-8120ChannelHandlerFactories.newDelimiterBasedFrameDecoder always strips delimiters
CAMEL-8124Using ServicePool in ConsumerCache
CAMEL-8128Polish the camel-example-servlet-tomcat-no-spring to show how to setup the registry
CAMEL-8129XAdES BES/EPES for XML Signature Signer
CAMEL-8130camel-sql - Allow selectList outputType to map to class as well
CAMEL-8133rest-dsl - Make it easy to support CORS
CAMEL-8139rest-dsl - Allow to configure data format properties for IN vs OUT
CAMEL-8145Mina Consumer doesn't send the message back if the response is set on in message
CAMEL-8149Support application-generated document identifiers in bulk index requests
CAMEL-8152Add enumeration value EXTENDED for NotifyOperationsEnum in Salesforce component
CAMEL-8154allow configuration of fallbackTimeout in BacklogDebugger
CAMEL-8155rest-dsl - Add support for bridgeErrorHandler
CAMEL-8159Using setHeader is not enlisted in JMX
CAMEL-8161camel-swagger - Use JMX to lookup Camel's so we support everyone
CAMEL-8166provide access to suspended exchanges in BacklogDebugger
CAMEL-8172Enable multiple consumers for kafka endpoint
CAMEL-8173Support to set InflightRepository from Camel XML DSL
CAMEL-8174Added TimeoutInflightRepository to track the long processing exchange
CAMEL-8176camel-jackson - Make it easier to register custom modules
CAMEL-8177Graceful shutdown - Should allow background thread to terminate
CAMEL-8178ThreadPoolProfile - Add option for allowCorePoolTimeout
CAMEL-8179Support to set the ErrorHandler from the JettyHttpComponent
CAMEL-8180Incorrect handling of ConsumerTimeoutException
CAMEL-8182xpath - Add documentType option to xml dsl
CAMEL-8184[AWS-S3] Add support to set/retrieve custom headers in S3 for Producers & Consumers
CAMEL-8188Support to configure the scripte engine from CamelContext propertes
CAMEL-8191Charset is ignored for SFTP producer endpoints
CAMEL-8202Excessive loggging: JSCH -> Permanently added 'X' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
CAMEL-8204Throw Exception if the JMS correlationId is not unique.
CAMEL-8205CXFRS Server should be able to invoke on JAX-RS service implementations
CAMEL-8209Added "inputHeader" parameter to use a header value as input to the component instead of the body
CAMEL-8212CXFRS Consumer should always be able to work with interfaces only
CAMEL-8225Graceful shutdown - Show inflight exchange details if forced shutdown triggered
CAMEL-8234DefaultClassLoader - Should use applicationContextClassLoader from CamelContext as fallback
CAMEL-8235MessageHistory - Should use CamelLogDebugBodyMaxChars to limit max length of message body
CAMEL-8246ZipAggregationStrategy does not preserve headers
CAMEL-8248Camel Mail should filter the "Camel*" out header by default
CAMEL-8252Camel route status - Include inflight counter per processor node
CAMEL-8256Include deadLetterUri in ExchangeFailureHandledEvent
CAMEL-8259[Groovy] Add SPI hook to support customized creation of the GroovyShell
CAMEL-8260Camel EIP model - Ensure consistent getter/setter style also for Boolean types
CAMEL-8262Optimize CaseInsensitiveMap
CAMEL-8263Add adapt(T) to CamelContext to use instead of type cast to ModelCamelContext
CAMEL-8266[camel-sftp] Allow directories which are un-readable to be ignored on permission error
CAMEL-8267Allow to configure Salesforce URL when creating DTOs via camel-salesforce-maven-plugin
CAMEL-8279ZipAggregationStrategy fails when used in multicast
CAMEL-8284MultiCast in Parallel Processing Mode with StreamCache leads to wrong results
CAMEL-8288Attach Lucene Documents to the Results(Hits) if header contains RETURN_LUCENE_DOCS=true
CAMEL-8298Remove the spring-test dependency from camel-spring-javaconfig
CAMEL-8299Let BulkRequest return the whole BulkResponse
CAMEL-8305Aggregate - Remove groupExchanges option as ppl should just configure to use GroupedExchangeAggregationStrategy
CAMEL-8307Properties are loaded only from the first source if whitespaces are used in propertyPlaceholder#location
CAMEL-8309Camel XML DSL - Allow to specify uri attributes in multi lines to make long urs easier to read and maintain
CAMEL-8310RabbitMQConsumer has hard coded requeue flag set to false
CAMEL-8312XML External Entity (XXE) issue in XPath
CAMEL-8316Rename property language to exchangeProperty
CAMEL-8321camel-box - Do not use dot in header keys
CAMEL-8324Camel JMX - Allow to configure default management name pattern using JVM system property
CAMEL-8330camel-jms - Use 1000 as default receiveTimeout
CAMEL-8343Migrate the two pax osgi components to be like the others
CAMEL-8345We should use Properties instead of Property to define the properties in restConfiguration
CAMEL-8349Context should be started with defined TCCL
CAMEL-8354Bean component - Should not support consumer
CAMEL-8363Camel archetypes for xml dsl should not use camel: prefix
CAMEL-8366Close used iterator if RuntimeException is thrown at next()/hasNext() in Splitter
CAMEL-8367Better report runtime exceptions from the route builder while Unit Testing
CAMEL-8371Update Camel Docker Component to support docker-java version 0.10.5
CAMEL-8372CXFRS consumer should use a default handler if a model resource has no registered handler
CAMEL-8375activity task thread pool is not configurable
CAMEL-8383CXFRS Consumer processors should be able to use JAX-RS contexts
CAMEL-8386Wiretap - Should copy stream cache when tapping
CAMEL-8387File consumer fails to acquire lock if readLockTimeout >= readLockCheckInterval
CAMEL-8389camel-jackson - Allow to configure jackson object mapper from XML DSL
CAMEL-8394camel-docker - DockerConfiguration should not keep client state
CAMEL-8399Support setMode in JsonDataFormat
CAMEL-8400camel-mqtt: multiple topic subscriptions
CAMEL-8416camel-jetty - Allow multiple restrict headers
CAMEL-8421Add minimum age option to readLock=changed
CAMEL-8423Enhance Aggregate EIP to let AggregationStrategy to allow it to determine if aggregation is complete
CAMEL-8428Cleanup some core interfaces (Consumer, Producer, EndpointAware)
CAMEL-8441Add required 3rd party dependencies to the BOM
CAMEL-8443Add properties to route via DSL and XML, expose route properties via JMX
CAMEL-8444Camel Toolbox - Component properties to include setters
CAMEL-8447Add camel-jetty module to republish the camel-jetty8 jar into maven repo
CAMEL-8448Expose mina-2.0 instead of mina-1.1 through BOM
CAMEL-8449camel-cdi - Support CDI 1.0
CAMEL-8451Upgrade jetty9 version to 9.2.9.v20150224
CAMEL-8452Camel route model - Preserve {{ }} placeholders in model
CAMEL-8468Usage of camel-xstream depends on TCCL
CAMEL-8483MongoDB Endpoints: Allow ReadPreference to be set on consumers
CAMEL-8488Java DSL - Improved CBR to detect if endChoice vs end was invalid used
CAMEL-8489camel-sjms - Allow to create empty message for null body
CAMEL-8497Add extra capabilities to the github component
CAMEL-8509camel-catalog - Add api to parse endpoint uri and reverse
CAMEL-8511Properties component - Add encoding option to use when reading the properties files
CAMEL-8513FTP consumer - Add option to use a larger buffer size so download is faster
CAMEL-8514camel-castor should depend on castor-xml
CAMEL-8516Salesforce component does not return the list of matching records for HTTP status code 300
CAMEL-8517Salesforce session handling must declare shared fields volatile
CAMEL-8532Spring Boot applications should block the main thread of the execution
CAMEL-8541Camel main TestSupport class is incompatible with the CDI specification
CAMEL-8543Support easy configuration of HTTP proxy parameters for Camel salesforce component and maven plugin
CAMEL-8544Camel - Dynamic router - unsupported cacheSize attribute
CAMEL-8552camel-jackson should provide Map => Object converter
CAMEL-8558Camel Catalog - Add humanize component name
CAMEL-8561Camel Catalog - Add better description of components and others
CAMEL-8562Removing a route - Should check if the route input endpoint is static and used by other routes
CAMEL-8564Add support for dataformat ref parameter
CAMEL-8571Split EIP - Should use new message id per splitted message
CAMEL-8593JmsEndpoint.configureListenerContainer() some debug logs miss {}
CAMEL-8600Change the ftp default separator to be Unix style
CAMEL-8601Add Support for SFDC-specific Field Types To The Camel SFDC Component
CAMEL-8615Update Dropbox-core-sdk from 1.7.6 to 1.7.7
CAMEL-8616Update Twitter4j to latest version
CAMEL-8620Update LightCouch version from 0.1.3 to 0.1.6
CAMEL-8621Update Apache Kafka version from to
CAMEL-8623Update Dropwizard Metrics from version 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
CAMEL-8634Wire tap - Should emit event notification about sending to tapped endpoint
CAMEL-8635XStream no longer supports dynamic CL updates
CAMEL-8645Camel Netty component should not intercept consumers with httpMethodRestrict=OPTIONS
CAMEL-8693java.net.URISyntaxException: Invalid uri syntax: Trailing & marker found error should be configurable or skipped
CAMEL-8710Make auth configurable for Google app components
KARAF-2746Hibernate feature enhancements
SSHD-268Upgrade to BouncyCastle 1.49
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