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Chapter 21. Configuring for Red Hat Virtualization
You can configure OpenShift Container Platform for Red Hat Virtualization by creating a bastion virtual machine and using it to install OpenShift Container Platform.
21.1. Creating the bastion virtual machine
Create a bastion virtual machine in Red Hat Virtualization to install OpenShift Container Platform.
- Log in to the Manager machine by using SSH.
- Create a temporary bastion installation directory, for example, /bastion_installation, for the installation files.
Create an encrypted /bastion_installation/secure_vars.yaml file with
and record the password:# ansible-vault create secure_vars.yaml
Add the following parameter values to the secure_vars.yaml file:
engine_password: <Manager_password> 1 bastion_root_password: <bastion_root_password> 2 rhsub_user: <Red_Hat_Subscription_Manager_username> 3 rhsub_pass: <Red_Hat_Subscription_Manager_password> rhsub_pool: <Red_Hat_Subscription_Manager_pool_id> 4 root_password: <OpenShift_node_root_password> 5 engine_cafile: <RHVM_CA_certificate> 6 oreg_auth_user: <image_registry_authentication_username> 7 oreg_auth_password: <image_registry_authentication_password>
- 1
- Password for logging in to the Administration Portal.
- 2
- Root password for the bastion virtual machine.
- 3
- Red Hat Subscription Manager credentials.
- 4
- Pool ID of the Red Hat Virtualization Manager subscription pool.
- 5
- OpenShift Container Platform root password.
- 6
- Red Hat Virtualization Manager CA certificate. The
value is required if you are not running the playbook from the Manager machine. The Manager CA certificate’s default location is /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem. - 7
- If you are using an image registry that requires authentication, add the credentials.
- Save the file.
Obtain the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image download link:
- Navigate to Red Hat Customer Portal: Download Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
- In the Product Software tab, locate the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image.
Right-click Download Now, copy the link, and save it.
The link is time-sensitive and must be copied just before you create the bastion virtual machine.
Create the /bastion_installation/create-bastion-machine-playbook.yaml file with the following content and update its parameter values:
--- - name: Create a bastion machine hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: false no_log: true roles: - oVirt.image-template - oVirt.vm-infra no_log: true vars: engine_url: https://_Manager_FQDN_/ovirt-engine/api 1 engine_user: <admin@internal> engine_password: "{{ engine_password }}" engine_cafile: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem qcow_url: <RHEL_KVM_guest_image_download_link> 2 template_cluster: Default template_name: rhelguest7 template_memory: 4GiB template_cpu: 2 wait_for_ip: true debug_vm_create: false vms: - name: rhel-bastion cluster: "{{ template_cluster }}" profile: cores: 2 template: "{{ template_name }}" root_password: "{{ root_password }}" ssh_key: "{{ lookup('file', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa_ssh_ocp_admin.pub') }}" state: running cloud_init: custom_script: | rh_subscription: username: "{{ rhsub_user }}" password: "{{ rhsub_pass }}" auto-attach: true disable-repo: ['*'] # 'rhel-7-server-rhv-4.2-manager-rpms' supports RHV 4.2 and 4.3 enable-repo: ['rhel-7-server-rpms', 'rhel-7-server-extras-rpms', 'rhel-7-server-ansible-2.7-rpms', 'rhel-7-server-ose-3.11-rpms', 'rhel-7-server-supplementary-rpms', 'rhel-7-server-rhv-4.2-manager-rpms'] packages: - ansible - ovirt-ansible-roles - openshift-ansible - python-ovirt-engine-sdk4 pre_tasks: - name: Create an ssh key-pair for OpenShift admin user: name: root generate_ssh_key: yes ssh_key_file: .ssh/id_rsa_ssh_ocp_admin roles: - oVirt.image-template - oVirt.vm-infra - name: post installation tasks on the bastion machine hosts: rhel-bastion tasks: - name: create ovirt-engine PKI dir file: state: directory dest: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ - name: Copy the engine ca cert to the bastion machine copy: src: "{{ engine_cafile }}" dest: "{{ engine_cafile }}" - name: Copy the secured vars to the bastion machine copy: src: secure_vars.yaml dest: secure_vars.yaml decrypt: false - file: state: directory path: /root/.ssh - name: copy the OpenShift_admin keypair to the bastion machine copy: src: "{{ item }}" dest: "{{ item }}" mode: 0600 with_items: - /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ssh_ocp_admin - /root/.ssh/id_rsa_ssh_ocp_admin.pub
- 1
- FQDN of the Manager machine.
- 2
is the download link of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image includes thecloud-init
package, which is required by this playbook. If you are not using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, download thecloud-init
package and install it manually before running this playbook.
Create the bastion virtual machine:
# ansible-playbook -i localhost create-bastion-machine-playbook.yaml -e @secure_vars.yaml --ask-vault-pass
- Log in to the Administration Portal.
to verify that the rhel-bastion virtual machine was created successfully.
21.2. Installing OpenShift Container Platform with the bastion virtual machine
Install OpenShift Container Platform by using the bastion virtual machine in Red Hat Virtualization.
- Log in to rhel-bastion.
Create an install_ocp.yaml file that contains the following content:
--- - name: Openshift on RHV hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: false vars_files: - vars.yaml - secure_vars.yaml pre_tasks: - ovirt_auth: url: "{{ engine_url }}" username: "{{ engine_user }}" password: "{{ engine_password }}" insecure: "{{ engine_insecure }}" ca_file: "{{ engine_cafile | default(omit) }}" roles: - role: openshift_ovirt - import_playbook: setup_dns.yaml - import_playbook: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/prerequisites.yml - import_playbook: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/openshift-node/network_manager.yml - import_playbook: /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/deploy_cluster.yml
Create a setup_dns.yaml file that contains the following content:
- hosts: masters strategy: free tasks: - shell: "echo {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ inventory_hostname }} etcd.{{ inventory_hostname.split('.', 1)[1] }} openshift-master.{{ inventory_hostname.split('.', 1)[1] }} openshift-public-master.{{ inventory_hostname.split('.', 1)[1] }} docker-registry-default.apps.{{ inventory_hostname.split('.', 1)[1] }} webconsole.openshift-web-console.svc registry-console-default.apps.{{ inventory_hostname.split('.', 1)[1] }} >> /etc/hosts" when: openshift_ovirt_all_in_one is defined | ternary((openshift_ovirt_all_in_one | bool), false)
Create an /etc/ansible/openshift_3_11.hosts Ansible inventory file that contains the following content:
[workstation] localhost ansible_connection=local [all:vars] openshift_ovirt_dns_zone="{{ public_hosted_zone }}" openshift_web_console_install=true openshift_master_overwrite_named_certificates=true openshift_master_cluster_hostname="openshift-master.{{ public_hosted_zone }}" openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname="openshift-public-master.{{ public_hosted_zone }}" openshift_master_default_subdomain="{{ public_hosted_zone }}" openshift_public_hostname="{{openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname}}" openshift_deployment_type=openshift-enterprise openshift_service_catalog_image_version="{{ openshift_image_tag }}" [OSEv3:vars] # General variables debug_level=1 containerized=false ansible_ssh_user=root os_firewall_use_firewalld=true openshift_enable_excluders=false openshift_install_examples=false openshift_clock_enabled=true openshift_debug_level="{{ debug_level }}" openshift_node_debug_level="{{ node_debug_level | default(debug_level,true) }}" osn_storage_plugin_deps=[] openshift_master_bootstrap_auto_approve=true openshift_master_bootstrap_auto_approver_node_selector={"node-role.kubernetes.io/master":"true"} osm_controller_args={"experimental-cluster-signing-duration": ["20m"]} osm_default_node_selector="node-role.kubernetes.io/compute=true" openshift_enable_service_catalog=false # Docker container_runtime_docker_storage_type=overlay2 openshift_docker_use_system_container=false [OSEv3:children] nodes masters etcd lb [masters] [nodes] [etcd] [lb]
Obtain the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image download link:
- Navigate to Red Hat Customer Portal: Download Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
- In the Product Software tab, locate the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image.
Right-click Download Now, copy the link, and save it.
Do not use the link that you copied when you created the bastion virtual machine. The download link is time-sensitive and must be copied just before you run the installation playbook.
Create the vars.yaml file with the following content and update its parameter values:
--- # For detailed documentation of variables, see # openshift_ovirt: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/tree/master/roles/openshift_ovirt#role-variables # openshift installation: https://github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible/tree/master/inventory engine_url: https://<Manager_FQDN>/ovirt-engine/api 1 engine_user: admin@internal engine_password: "{{ engine_password }}" engine_insecure: false engine_cafile: /etc/pki/ovirt-engine/ca.pem openshift_ovirt_vm_manifest: - name: 'master' count: 1 profile: 'master_vm' - name: 'compute' count: 0 profile: 'node_vm' - name: 'lb' count: 0 profile: 'node_vm' - name: 'etcd' count: 0 profile: 'node_vm' - name: infra count: 0 profile: node_vm # Currently, only all-in-one installation (`openshift_ovirt_all_in_one: true`) is supported. # Multi-node installation (master and node VMs installed separately) will be supported in a future release. openshift_ovirt_all_in_one: true openshift_ovirt_cluster: Default openshift_ovirt_data_store: data openshift_ovirt_ssh_key: "{{ lookup('file', '/root/.ssh/id_rsa_ssh_ocp_admin.pub') }}" public_hosted_zone: # Uncomment to disable install-time checks, for smaller scale installations #openshift_disable_check: memory_availability,disk_availability,docker_image_availability qcow_url: <RHEL_KVM_guest_image_download_link> 2 image_path: /var/tmp template_name: rhelguest7 template_cluster: "{{ openshift_ovirt_cluster }}" template_memory: 4GiB template_cpu: 1 template_disk_storage: "{{ openshift_ovirt_data_store }}" template_disk_size: 100GiB template_nics: - name: nic1 profile_name: ovirtmgmt interface: virtio debug_vm_create: false wait_for_ip: true vm_infra_wait_for_ip_retries: 30 vm_infra_wait_for_ip_delay: 20 node_item: &node_item cluster: "{{ openshift_ovirt_cluster }}" template: "{{ template_name }}" memory: "8GiB" cores: "2" high_availability: true disks: - name: docker size: 15GiB interface: virtio storage_domain: "{{ openshift_ovirt_data_store }}" - name: openshift size: 30GiB interface: virtio storage_domain: "{{ openshift_ovirt_data_store }}" state: running cloud_init: root_password: "{{ root_password }}" authorized_ssh_keys: "{{ openshift_ovirt_ssh_key }}" custom_script: "{{ cloud_init_script_node | to_nice_yaml }}" openshift_ovirt_vm_profile: master_vm: <<: *node_item memory: 16GiB cores: "{{ vm_cores | default(4) }}" disks: - name: docker size: 15GiB interface: virtio storage_domain: "{{ openshift_ovirt_data_store }}" - name: openshift_local size: 30GiB interface: virtio storage_domain: "{{ openshift_ovirt_data_store }}" - name: etcd size: 25GiB interface: virtio storage_domain: "{{ openshift_ovirt_data_store }}" cloud_init: root_password: "{{ root_password }}" authorized_ssh_keys: "{{ openshift_ovirt_ssh_key }}" custom_script: "{{ cloud_init_script_master | to_nice_yaml }}" node_vm: <<: *node_item etcd_vm: <<: *node_item lb_vm: <<: *node_item cloud_init_script_node: &cloud_init_script_node packages: - ovirt-guest-agent runcmd: - sed -i 's/# ignored_nics =.*/ignored_nics = docker0 tun0 /' /etc/ovirt-guest-agent.conf - systemctl enable ovirt-guest-agent - systemctl start ovirt-guest-agent - mkdir -p /var/lib/docker - mkdir -p /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes - /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs -L dockerlv /dev/vdb - /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs -L ocplv /dev/vdc mounts: - [ '/dev/vdb', '/var/lib/docker', 'xfs', 'defaults,gquota' ] - [ '/dev/vdc', '/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes', 'xfs', 'defaults,gquota' ] power_state: mode: reboot message: cloud init finished - boot and install openshift condition: True cloud_init_script_master: <<: *cloud_init_script_node runcmd: - sed -i 's/# ignored_nics =.*/ignored_nics = docker0 tun0 /' /etc/ovirt-guest-agent.conf - systemctl enable ovirt-guest-agent - systemctl start ovirt-guest-agent - mkdir -p /var/lib/docker - mkdir -p /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes - mkdir -p /var/lib/etcd - /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs -L dockerlv /dev/vdb - /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs -L ocplv /dev/vdc - /usr/sbin/mkfs.xfs -L etcdlv /dev/vdd mounts: - [ '/dev/vdb', '/var/lib/docker', 'xfs', 'defaults,gquota' ] - [ '/dev/vdc', '/var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes', 'xfs', 'defaults,gquota' ] - [ '/dev/vdd', '/var/lib/etcd', 'xfs', 'defaults,gquota' ]
- 1
- FQDN of the Manager machine.
- 2
is the download link of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux KVM Guest Image includes thecloud-init
package, which is required by this playbook. If you are not using Red Hat Enterprise Linux, download thecloud-init
package and install it manually before running this playbook.
Install OpenShift Container Platform:
# export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="/usr/share/ansible/roles/:/usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/roles" # export ANSIBLE_JINJA2_EXTENSIONS="jinja2.ext.do" # ansible-playbook -i /etc/ansible/openshift_3_11.hosts install_ocp.yaml -e @vars.yaml -e @secure_vars.yaml --ask-vault-pass
- Create DNS entries for the routers, for each infrastructure instance.
- Configure round-robin routing so that the router can pass traffic to the applications.
- Create a DNS entry for the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
- Specify the IP address of the load balancer node.