ClientResponseType | This is an annotation that you can add to a RESTEasy client interface that has a return type of Response. |
ContentEncoding | Meta annotation that specifies a Content-Encoding to be applied via the annotated annotation. |
DecorateTypes | Must be placed on a DecoratorProcessor class to specify the supported types. |
Decorator | Meta-annotation to be placed on another annotation that triggers decoration. |
Form | This can be used as a value object for incoming/outgoing request/responses. |
StringParameterUnmarshallerBinder | Meta-annotation to be placed on another annotation that triggers a StringParameterUnmarshaller to be applied to a string based annotation injector. |
Cache | Set response Cache-Control header automatically. |
NoCache | Set Cache-Control response header of "nocache". |
ServerCached | Specifies that the response to this jax-rs method should be cached on the server. |
ClientInterceptor | Identifies an interceptor as a client-side interceptor. |
DecoderPrecedence | This interceptor is an Content-Encoding decoder. |
EncoderPrecedence | This interceptor is an Content-Encoding encoder. |
HeaderDecoratorPrecedence | HeaderDecoratorPrecedence interceptors should always come first as they decorate a response (on the server), or an outgoing request (on the client) with special, user-defined, headers. |
RedirectPrecedence | Should be placed on a PreProcessInterceptor. |
SecurityPrecedence | Should be placed on a PreProcessInterceptor. |
ServerInterceptor | Identifies an interceptor as a server-side interceptor. |
NoJackson | Placed on class, parameter, field or method when you don't want the Jackson provider to be triggered. |
ImageWriterParams | An annotation that a resource class can use to pass parameters to the IIOImageProvider. |
DoNotUseJAXBProvider | Put this on a class or parameter when you do not want the JAXB MessageBodyReader/Writer used but instead have a more specific provider you want to use to marshall the type. |
Formatted | Format XML output with indentations and newlines. This is a JAXB Decorator. |
IgnoreMediaTypes | Placed on a type, method, parameter, or field to tell JAXRS not to use JAXB provider for a certain media type |
Stylesheet | Specifies an XML stylesheet header. |
Wrapped | Put this on a method or parameter when you want to marshal or unmarshal a collection or array of JAXB objects. |
WrappedMap | Put this on a method or parameter when you want to marshal or unmarshal a map of JAXB objects. |
XmlHeader | Sets an XML header for the returned document. |
BadgerFish | A JSONConfig. |
Mapped | A JSONConfig. |
XmlNsMap | A JSONToXml. |
MultipartForm | This can be used as a value object for incoming/outgoing request/responses of the multipart/form-data mime type. |
PartType | Must be used in conjunction with Multipart providers when writing out a List or Map as a multipart/* type. |
XopWithMultipartRelated | This annotation can be used to process/produce incoming/outgoing XOP messages (packaged as multipart/related) to/from JAXB annotated objects. |
After | Used to add an expiration attribute when signing or as a stale check for verification. |
Signed | Convenience annotation that triggers the signing of a request or response using the DOSETA specification. |
Verify | Verification of input signature specified in a signature header. |