
Appendix B. HA Resource Parameters

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This appendix provides descriptions of HA resource parameters. You can configure the parameters with luci, by using the ccs command, or by editing the etc/cluster/cluster.conf file. Table B.1, “HA Resource Summary” lists the resources, their corresponding resource agents, and references to other tables containing parameter descriptions. To understand resource agents in more detail you can view them in /usr/share/cluster of any cluster node.
In addition to the resource agents described in this appendix, the /usr/share/cluster directory includes a dummy OCF script for a resource group, For more information about the parameters included in this script, see the script itself.
For a more comprehensive list and description of cluster.conf elements and attributes, see the cluster schema at /usr/share/cluster/cluster.rng, and the annotated schema at /usr/share/doc/cman-X.Y.ZZ/cluster_conf.html (for example /usr/share/doc/cman-3.0.12/cluster_conf.html).


In addition to the resource agents documented in this appendix, Red Hat supports the DRDB resource agent. This agent is provided by LINBIT, separately from the Red Hat High Availability Add-On. Information on the DRDB resource agent can be found at
Table B.1. HA Resource Summary
Resource Resource Agent Reference to Parameter Description
Apache Table B.2, “Apache (apache Resource)”
Bind Mount Table B.3, “Bind Mount (bind-mount Resource) (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 and later)”
Condor Instance Table B.4, “Condor Instance (condor Resource)”
Filesystem Table B.5, “Filesystem (fs Resource)”
GFS2 Table B.6, “GFS2 (clusterfs Resource)”
IP Address Table B.7, “IP Address (ip Resource)”
HA LVM Table B.8, “HA LVM (lvm Resource)”
MySQL Table B.9, “MySQL (mysql Resource)”
Named (Bind 9) Resource Table B.10, “Named (Bind 9) (named Resource)”
NFS/CIFS Mount Table B.11, “NFS/CIFS Mount (netfs Resource)”
NFS Client Table B.12, “NFS Client (nfsclient Resource)”
NFS v3 Export Table B.13, “NFS v3 Export (nfsexport Resource)”
NFS Server Table B.14, “NFS Server (nfsserver Resource)”
Oracle 10g/11g Failover Instance Table B.16, “Oracle 10g/11g Failover Instance (oracledb Resource)”
Oracle 10g/11g Instance Table B.17, “Oracle 10g/11g Instance (orainstance Resource)”
Oracle 10g/11g Listener Table B.18, “Oracle 10g/11g Listener (oralistener Resource)”
Open LDAP Table B.15, “Open LDAP (openldap Resource)”
PostgreSQL 8 Table B.19, “PostgreSQL 8 (postgres-8 Resource)”
SAP Database SAPDatabase Table B.20, “SAP Database (SAPDatabase Resource)”
SAP Instance SAPInstance Table B.21, “SAP Instance (SAPInstance Resource)”
Samba Server Table B.22, “Samba Server (samba Resource)”
Script Table B.23, “Script (script Resource)”
Sybase ASE Failover Instance Table B.24, “Sybase ASE Failover Instance (ASEHAagent Resource)”
Tomcat 6 Table B.25, “Tomcat 6 (tomcat-6 Resource)”
Virtual Machine Table B.26, “Virtual Machine (vm Resource)”
NOTE: luci displays this as a virtual service if the host cluster can support virtual machines.
Table B.2. Apache (apache Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name The name of the Apache service.
Server Root server_root The default value is /etc/httpd.
Config File config_file Specifies the Apache configuration file. The default valuer is conf/httpd.conf.
httpd Options httpd_options Other command line options for httpd.
Path to httpd binary httpd Specifies absolute path of the httpd binary to use.
Shutdown Wait (seconds) shutdown_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service shutdown.
Table B.3. Bind Mount (bind-mount Resource) (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 and later)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name Specifies a name for the Bind Mount resource
Mount Point mountpoint Target of this bind mount
Source of the Bind Mount source Source of the bind mount
Force Unmount force_unmount If set, the cluster will kill all processes using this file system when the resource group is stopped. Otherwise, the unmount will fail, and the resource group will be restarted.
Table B.4. Condor Instance (condor Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Instance Name name Specifies a unique name for the Condor instance.
Condor Subsystem Type type Specifies the type of Condor subsystem for this instance: schedd, job_server, or query_server.
Table B.5. Filesystem (fs Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name
Specifies a name for the file system resource.
Filesystem Type fstype If not specified, mount tries to determine the file system type.
Mount Point mountpoint Path in file system hierarchy to mount this file system.
Device, FS Label, or UUID device Specifies the device associated with the file system resource. This can be a block device, file system label, or UUID of a file system.
Mount Options options Mount options; that is, options used when the file system is mounted. These may be file-system specific. Refer to the mount(8) man page for supported mount options.
File System ID (optional) fsid


File System ID is used only by NFS services.
When creating a new file system resource, you can leave this field blank. Leaving the field blank causes a file system ID to be assigned automatically after you commit the parameter during configuration. If you need to assign a file system ID explicitly, specify it in this field.
Force Unmount force_unmount If enabled, forces the file system to unmount. The default setting is disabled. Force Unmount kills all processes using the mount point to free up the mount when it tries to unmount.
Force fsck force_fsck If enabled, causes fsck to be run on the file system before mounting it. The default setting is disabled.
Enable NFS daemon and lockd workaround (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 and later) nfsrestart If your file system is exported by means of NFS and occasionally fails to unmount (either during shutdown or service relocation), setting this option will drop all file system references prior to the unmount operation. Setting this option requires that you enable the Force unmount option and must not be used together with the NFS Server resource. You should set this option as a last resort only, as this is a hard attempt to unmount a file system.
Use Quick Status Checks quick_status If this option is enabled it will cause the agent to bypass the read and write tests on all status checks and simply do a mount test.
Reboot Host Node if Unmount Fails self_fence If enabled, reboots the node if unmounting this file system fails. The filesystem resource agent accepts a value of 1, yes, on, or true to enable this parameter, and a value of 0, no, off, or false to disable it. The default setting is disabled.
Table B.6. GFS2 (clusterfs Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name The name of the file system resource.
Mount Point mountpoint The path to which the file system resource is mounted.
Device, FS Label, or UUID device The device file associated with the file system resource.
Filesystem Type fstype Set to GFS2 on luci
Mount Options options Mount options.
File System ID (optional) fsid


File System ID is used only by NFS services.
When creating a new GFS2 resource, you can leave this field blank. Leaving the field blank causes a file system ID to be assigned automatically after you commit the parameter during configuration. If you need to assign a file system ID explicitly, specify it in this field.
Force Unmount force_unmount If enabled, forces the file system to unmount. The default setting is disabled. Force Unmount kills all processes using the mount point to free up the mount when it tries to unmount. With GFS2 resources, the mount point is not unmounted at service tear-down unless Force Unmount is enabled.
Enable NFS daemon and lockd workaround (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 and later) nfsrestart If your file system is exported by means of NFS and occasionally fails to unmount (either during shutdown or service relocation), setting this option will drop all file system references prior to the unmount operation. Setting this option requires that you enable the Force unmount option and must not be used together with the NFS Server resource. You should set this option as a last resort only, as this is a hard attempt to unmount a file system.
Reboot Host Node if Unmount Fails self_fence If enabled and unmounting the file system fails, the node will immediately reboot. Generally, this is used in conjunction with force-unmount support, but it is not required. The GFS2 resource agent accepts a value of 1, yes, on, or true to enable this parameter, and a value of 0, no, off, or false to disable it.
Table B.7. IP Address (ip Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
IP Address, Netmask Bits address
The IP address (and, optionally, netmask bits) for the resource. Netmask bits, or network prefix length, may come after the address itself with a slash as a separator, complying with CIDR notation (for example, This is a virtual IP address. IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are supported, as is NIC link monitoring for each IP address.


A service can contain only one IP address resource.
Monitor Link monitor_link Enabling this causes the status check to fail if the link on the NIC to which this IP address is bound is not present.
Disable Updates to Static Routes disable_rdisc Disable updating of routing using RDISC protocol.
Number of Seconds to Sleep After Removing an IP Address sleeptime Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to sleep.
Table B.8. HA LVM (lvm Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name
A unique name for this LVM resource.
Volume Group Name vg_name A descriptive name of the volume group being managed.
Logical Volume Name lv_name Name of the logical volume being managed. This parameter is optional if there is more than one logical volume in the volume group being managed.
Fence the Node if It is Unable to Clean UP LVM Tags self_fence Fence the node if it is unable to clean up LVM tags. The LVM resource agent accepts a value of 1 or yes to enable this parameter, and a value of 0 or no to disable it.
Table B.9. MySQL (mysql Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name Specifies a name of the MySQL server resource.
Config File config_file Specifies the configuration file. The default value is /etc/my.cnf.
Listen Address listen_address Specifies an IP address for MySQL server. If an IP address is not provided, the first IP address from the service is taken.
mysqld Options mysqld_options Other command line options for mysqld.
Startup Wait (seconds) startup_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service startup.
Shutdown Wait (seconds) shutdown_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service shutdown.
Table B.10. Named (Bind 9) (named Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name The name of the named Service.
Full Path to Config File config_file The path to the named configuration file
Named Working Directory named_working_Dir The working directory for the named resource. The default value is /var/named
Use Simplified Database Backend named_sdb Reserved, currently unused
Other Command-Line Options named_options Additional command-line options of the named resource
Shutdown Wait (seconds) shutdown_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service shutdown.
Table B.11. NFS/CIFS Mount (netfs Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name
Symbolic name for the NFS or CIFS mount.


This resource is required when a cluster service is configured to be an NFS client.
Mount Point mountpoint Path to which the file system resource is mounted.
Host host NFS/CIFS server IP address or host name.
NFS Export Directory Name or CIFS share export NFS Export directory name or CIFS share name.
Filesystem Type fstype
File system type:
  • NFS — Specifies using the default NFS version. This is the default setting.
  • NFS v4 — Specifies using NFSv4 protocol.
  • CIFS — Specifies using CIFS protocol.
Do Not Unmount the Filesystem During a Stop of Relocation Operation. no_unmount If enabled, specifies that the file system should not be unmounted during a stop or relocation operation.
Force Unmount force_unmount If Force Unmount is enabled, the cluster kills all processes using this file system when the service is stopped. Killing all processes using the file system frees up the file system. Otherwise, the unmount will fail, and the service will be restarted.
Self-Fence If Unmount Fails self_fence If enabled, reboots the node if unmounting this file system fails.
Options options Mount options. Specifies a list of mount options. If none are specified, the file system is mounted -o sync.
Table B.12. NFS Client (nfsclient Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name
This is a symbolic name of a client used to reference it in the resource tree. This is not the same thing as the Target option.


An nfsclient resource must be configured as a child of a parent nfsexport resource or a parent nfsserver resource.
Target Hostname, Wildcard, or Netgroup target This is the server from which you are mounting. It can be specified using a host name, a wildcard (IP address or host name based), or a netgroup defining a host or hosts to export to.
Allow Recovery of This NFS Client allow_recover Allow recovery.
Options options Defines a list of options for this client — for example, additional client access rights. For more information, see the exports (5) man page, General Options.
Table B.13. NFS v3 Export (nfsexport Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name
Descriptive name of the resource. The NFS Export resource ensures that NFS daemons are running. It is fully reusable; typically, only one NFS Export resource is needed. For more information on configuring the nfsexport resource, see Section 8.8, “Configuring nfsexport and nfsserver Resources”.


Name the NFS Export resource so it is clearly distinguished from other NFS resources.
Table B.14. NFS Server (nfsserver Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name
Descriptive name of the NFS server resource. The NFS server resource is useful for exporting NFSv4 file systems to clients. Because of the way NFSv4 works, only one NFSv4 resource may exist on a server at a time. Additionally, it is not possible to use the NFS server resource when also using local instances of NFS on each cluster node. For more information on configuring the nfsserver resource, see Section 8.8, “Configuring nfsexport and nfsserver Resources”.
NFS statd listening port (optional) statdport The port number used for RPC listener sockets
Table B.15. Open LDAP (openldap Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name Specifies a service name for logging and other purposes.
Config File config_file Specifies an absolute path to a configuration file. The default value is /etc/openldap/slapd.conf.
URL List url_list The default value is ldap:///.
slapd Options slapd_options Other command line options for slapd.
Shutdown Wait (seconds) shutdown_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service shutdown.
Table B.16. Oracle 10g/11g Failover Instance (oracledb Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Instance Name (SID) of Oracle Instance name
Instance name.


A service can contain only one Oracle 10g/11g Failover Instance.
Oracle Listener Instance Name listener_name Oracle listener instance name. If you have multiple instances of Oracle running, it may be necessary to have multiple listeners on the same machine with different names.
Oracle User Name user This is the user name of the Oracle user that the Oracle AS instance runs as.
Oracle Application Home Directory home This is the Oracle (application, not user) home directory. It is configured when you install Oracle.
Oracle Installation Type type
The Oracle installation type.
  • Default: 10g
  • base: Database Instance and Listener only
  • base-11g: Oracle11g Database Instance and Listener Only
  • base-em (or 10g): Database, Listener, Enterprise Manager, and iSQL*Plus
  • base-em-11g: Database, Listener, Enterprise Manager dbconsole
  • ias (or 10g-ias): Internet Application Server (Infrastructure)
Virtual Hostname (optional) vhost Virtual Hostname matching the installation host name of Oracle 10g. Note that during the start/stop of an oracledb resource, your host name is changed temporarily to this host name. Therefore, you should configure an oracledb resource as part of an exclusive service only.
TNS_ADMIN (optional) tns_admin Path to specific listener configuration file.
Table B.17. Oracle 10g/11g Instance (orainstance Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Instance name (SID) of Oracle instance name Instance name.
Oracle User Name user This is the user name of the Oracle user that the Oracle instance runs as.
Oracle Application Home Directory home This is the Oracle (application, not user) home directory. It is configured when you install Oracle.
List of Oracle Listeners (optional, separated by spaces) listeners List of Oracle listeners which will be started with the database instance. Listener names are separated by whitespace. Defaults to empty which disables listeners.
Path to Lock File (optional) lockfile Location for lockfile which will be used for checking if the Oracle should be running or not. Defaults to location under /tmp.
TNS_ADMIN (optional) tns_admin Path to specific listener configuration file.
Table B.18. Oracle 10g/11g Listener (oralistener Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Listener Name name Listener name.
Oracle User Name user This is the user name of the Oracle user that the Oracle instance runs as.
Oracle Application Home Directory home This is the Oracle (application, not user) home directory. It is configured when you install Oracle.
TNS_ADMIN (optional) tns_admin Path to specific listener configuration file.
Table B.19. PostgreSQL 8 (postgres-8 Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name Specifies a service name for logging and other purposes.
Config File config_file Define absolute path to configuration file. The default value is /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf.
Postmaster User postmaster_user User who runs the database server because it cannot be run by root. The default value is postgres.
Postmaster Options postmaster_options Other command line options for postmaster.
Startup Wait (seconds) startup_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service startup.
Shutdown Wait (seconds) shutdown_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service shutdown.
Table B.20. SAP Database (SAPDatabase Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
SAP Database Name SID Specifies a unique SAP system identifier. For example, P01.
SAP Executable Directory DIR_EXECUTABLE Specifies the fully qualified path to sapstartsrv and sapcontrol.
Database Type DBTYPE Specifies one of the following database types: Oracle, DB6, or ADA.
Oracle Listener Name NETSERVICENAME Specifies Oracle TNS listener name.
ABAP Stack is Not Installed, Only Java Stack is Installed DBJ2EE_ONLY If you do not have an ABAP stack installed in the SAP database, enable this parameter.
Application Level Monitoring STRICT_MONITORING Activates application level monitoring.
Automatic Startup Recovery AUTOMATIC_RECOVER Enable or disable automatic startup recovery.
Path to Java SDK JAVE_HOME Path to Java SDK.
File Name of the JDBC Driver DB_JARS File name of the JDBC driver.
Path to a Pre-Start Script PRE_START_USEREXIT Path to a pre-start script.
Path to a Post-Start Script POST_START_USEREXIT Path to a post-start script.
Path to a Pre-Stop Script PRE_STOP_USEREXIT Path to a pre-stop script
Path to a Post-Stop Script POST_STOP_USEREXIT Path to a post-stop script
J2EE Instance Bootstrap Directory DIR_BOOTSTRAP The fully qualified path the J2EE instance bootstrap directory. For example, /usr/sap/P01/J00/j2ee/cluster/bootstrap.
J2EE Security Store Path DIR_SECSTORE The fully qualified path the J2EE security store directory. For example, /usr/sap/P01/SYS/global/security/lib/tools.
Table B.21. SAP Instance (SAPInstance Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
SAP Instance Name InstanceName The fully qualified SAP instance name. For example, P01_DVEBMGS00_sapp01ci.
SAP Executable Directory DIR_EXECUTABLE The fully qualified path to sapstartsrv and sapcontrol.
Directory Containing the SAP START Profile DIR_PROFILE The fully qualified path to the SAP START profile.
Name of the SAP START Profile START_PROFILE Specifies name of the SAP START profile.
Number of Seconds to Wait Before Checking Startup Status START_WAITTIME Specifies the number of seconds to wait before checking the startup status (do not wait for J2EE-Addin).
Enable Automatic Startup Recovery AUTOMATIC_RECOVER Enable or disable automatic startup recovery.
Path to a Pre-Start Script PRE_START_USEREXIT Path to a pre-start script.
Path to a Post-Start Script POST_START_USEREXIT Path to a post-start script.
Path to a Pre-Stop Script PRE_STOP_USEREXIT Path to a pre-stop script
Path to a Post-Stop Script POST_STOP_USEREXIT Path to a post-stop script


Regarding Table B.22, “Samba Server (samba Resource)”, when creating or editing a cluster service, connect a Samba-service resource directly to the service, not to a resource within a service.
Table B.22. Samba Server (samba Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name Specifies the name of the Samba server.
Config File config_file The Samba configuration file
Other Command-Line Options for smbd smbd_options Other command-line options for smbd.
Other Command-Line Options for nmbd nmbd_options Other command-line options for nmbd.
Shutdown Wait (seconds) shutdown_wait Specifies number of seconds to wait for correct end of service shutdown.
Table B.23. Script (script Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name Specifies a name for the custom user script. The script resource allows a standard LSB-compliant init script to be used to start a clustered service.
Full Path to Script File file
Enter the path where this custom script is located (for example, /etc/init.d/userscript).


Trying to manage internal cluster services (such as cman, for example) by configuring them as script resources will expose the cluster to self-inflicted failures.
Table B.24. Sybase ASE Failover Instance (ASEHAagent Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Instance Name name Specifies the instance name of the Sybase ASE resource.
ASE Server Name server_name The ASE server name that is configured for the HA service.
SYBASE Home directory sybase_home The home directory of Sybase products.
Login File login_file The full path of login file that contains the login-password pair.
Interfaces File interfaces_file The full path of the interfaces file that is used to start/access the ASE server.
SYBASE_ASE Directory Name sybase_ase The directory name under sybase_home where ASE products are installed.
SYBASE_OCS Directory Name sybase_ocs The directory name under sybase_home where OCS products are installed. For example, ASE-15_0.
Sybase User sybase_user The user who can run ASE server.
Start Timeout (seconds) start_timeout The start timeout value.
Shutdown Timeout (seconds) shutdown_timeout The shutdown timeout value.
Deep Probe Timeout deep_probe_timeout The maximum seconds to wait for the response of ASE server before determining that the server had no response while running deep probe.
Table B.25. Tomcat 6 (tomcat-6 Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Name name Specifies a service name for logging and other purposes.
Config File config_file Specifies the absolute path to the configuration file. The default value is /etc/tomcat6/tomcat6.conf.
Shutdown Wait (seconds) shutdown_wait Specifies the number of seconds to wait for correct end of service shutdown. The default value is 30.


Regarding Table B.26, “Virtual Machine (vm Resource)”, when you configure your cluster with virtual machine resources, you should use the rgmanager tools to start and stop the virtual machines. Using virsh to start the machine can result in the virtual machine running in more than one place, which can cause data corruption in the virtual machine. For information on configuring your system to reduce the chances of administrators accidentally "double-starting" virtual machines by using both cluster and non-cluster tools, see Section 3.14, “Configuring Virtual Machines in a Clustered Environment”.


Virtual machine resources are configured differently than other cluster resources. To configure a virtual machine resource with luci, add a service group to the cluster then add a resource to the service, selecting Virtual Machine as the resource type and entering the virtual machine resource parameters. For information on configuring a virtual machine with the ccs, see Section 6.12, “Virtual Machine Resources”.
Table B.26. Virtual Machine (vm Resource)
luci Field cluster.conf Attribute Description
Service Name name Specifies the name of the virtual machine. When using the luci interface, you specify this as a service name.
Automatically Start This Service autostart If enabled, this virtual machine is started automatically after the cluster forms a quorum. If this parameter is disabled, this virtual machine is not started automatically after the cluster forms a quorum; the virtual machine is put into the disabled state.
Run Exclusive exclusive If enabled, this virtual machine can only be relocated to run on another node exclusively; that is, to run on a node that has no other virtual machines running on it. If no nodes are available for a virtual machine to run exclusively, the virtual machine is not restarted after a failure. Additionally, other virtual machines do not automatically relocate to a node running this virtual machine as Run exclusive. You can override this option by manual start or relocate operations.
Failover Domain domain Defines lists of cluster members to try in the event that a virtual machine fails.
Recovery Policy recovery
Recovery policy provides the following options:
  • Disable — Disables the virtual machine if it fails.
  • Relocate — Tries to restart the virtual machine in another node; that is, it does not try to restart in the current node.
  • Restart — Tries to restart the virtual machine locally (in the current node) before trying to relocate (default) to virtual machine to another node.
  • Restart-Disable — The service will be restarted in place if it fails. However, if restarting the service fails the service will be disabled instead of moved to another host in the cluster.
Restart Options max_restarts, restart_expire_time With Restart or Restart-Disable selected as the recovery policy for a service, specifies the maximum number of restart failures before relocating or disabling the service and specifies the length of time in seconds after which to forget a restart. If you specify the max_restarts parameter, you must also specify the restart_expire_time parameter for this configuration pair to be respected.
Migration Type migrate Specifies a migration type of live or pause. The default setting is live.
Migration Mapping migration_mapping
Specifies an alternate interface for migration. You can specify this when, for example, the network address used for virtual machine migration on a node differs from the address of the node used for cluster communication.
Specifying the following indicates that when you migrate a virtual machine from member to member2, you actually migrate to target2. Similarly, when you migrate from member2 to member, you migrate using target.
Status Program status_program
Status program to run in addition to the standard check for the presence of a virtual machine. If specified, the status program is executed once per minute. This allows you to ascertain the status of critical services within a virtual machine. For example, if a virtual machine runs a web server, your status program could check to see whether a web server is up and running; if the status check fails (signified by returning a non-zero value), the virtual machine is recovered.
After a virtual machine is started, the virtual machine resource agent will periodically call the status program and wait for a successful return code (zero) prior to returning. This times out after five minutes.
Path to xmlfile Used to Create the VM xmlfile Full path to libvirt XML file containing the libvirt domain definition.
VM Configuration File Path path
A colon-delimited path specification that the Virtual Machine Resource Agent ( searches for the virtual machine configuration file. For example: /mnt/guests/config:/etc/libvirt/qemu.


The path should never directly point to a virtual machine configuration file.
Path to the VM Snapshot Directory snapshot Path to the snapshot directory where the virtual machine image will be stored.
Hypervisor URI hypervisor_uri Hypervisor URI (normally automatic).
Migration URI migration_uri Migration URI (normally automatic).
Tunnel data over ssh during migration tunnelled Tunnel data over ssh during migration.
Do Not Force Kill VM During Stop no_kill Do not force kill vm during stop; instead. fail after the timeout expires.
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