
12.3. GFS2 Configuration

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Configuring Samba with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux clustering requires two GFS2 file systems: One small file system for CTDB, and a second file system for the Samba share. This example shows how to create the two GFS2 file systems.
Before creating the GFS2 file systems, first create an LVM logical volume for each of the file systems. For information on creating LVM logical volumes, see Logical Volume Manager Administration. This example uses the following logical volumes:
  • /dev/csmb_vg/csmb_lv, which will hold the user data that will be exported by means of a Samba share and should be sized accordingly. This example creates a logical volume that is 100GB in size.
  • /dev/csmb_vg/ctdb_lv, which will store the shared CTDB state information and needs to be 1GB in size.
You create clustered volume groups and logical volumes on one node of the cluster only.
To create a GFS2 file system on a logical volume, run the mkfs.gfs2 command. You run this command on one cluster node only.
To create the file system to host the Samba share on the logical volume /dev/csmb_vg/csmb_lv, execute the following command:
[root@clusmb-01 ~]# mkfs.gfs2 -j3 -p lock_dlm -t csmb:gfs2 /dev/csmb_vg/csmb_lv
The meaning of the parameters is as follows:
Specifies the number of journals to create in the filesystem. This example uses a cluster with three nodes, so we create one journal per node.
Specifies the locking protocol. lock_dlm is the locking protocol GFS2 uses for inter-node communication.
Specifies the lock table name and is of the format cluster_name:fs_name. In this example, the cluster name as specified in the cluster.conf file is csmb, and we use gfs2 as the name for the file system.
The output of this command appears as follows:
This will destroy any data on /dev/csmb_vg/csmb_lv.
  It appears to contain a gfs2 filesystem.

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Blocksize:		4096
Device Size		100.00 GB (26214400 blocks)
Filesystem Size:	100.00 GB (26214398 blocks)
Journals:		3
Resource Groups: 	400
Locking Protocol:  	"lock_dlm"
Lock Table: 		"csmb:gfs2"
In this example, the /dev/csmb_vg/csmb_lv file system will be mounted at /mnt/gfs2 on all nodes. This mount point must match the value that you specify as the location of the share directory with the path = option in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file, as described in Section 12.5, “Samba Configuration”.
To create the file system to host the CTDB state information on the logical volume /dev/csmb_vg/ctdb_lv, execute the following command:
[root@clusmb-01 ~]# mkfs.gfs2 -j3 -p lock_dlm -t csmb:ctdb_state /dev/csmb_vg/ctdb_lv
Note that this command specifies a different lock table name than the lock table in the example that created the filesystem on /dev/csmb_vg/csmb_lv. This distinguishes the lock table names for the different devices used for the file systems.
The output of the mkfs.gfs2 appears as follows:
This will destroy any data on /dev/csmb_vg/ctdb_lv.
  It appears to contain a gfs2 filesystem.

Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n] y

Blocksize:  		4096
Device Size 		1.00 GB (262144 blocks)
Filesystem Size: 	1.00 GB (262142 blocks)
Journals:		3
Resource Groups: 	4
Locking Protocol: 	"lock_dlm"
Lock Table: 		"csmb:ctdb_state"
In this example, the /dev/csmb_vg/ctdb_lv file system will be mounted at /mnt/ctdb on all nodes. This mount point must match the value that you specify as the location of the .ctdb.lock file with the CTDB_RECOVERY_LOCK option in the /etc/sysconfig/ctdb file, as described in Section 12.4, “CTDB Configuration”.
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