
3.4. Configuring luci with /etc/sysconfig/luci

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As of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.1 release, you can configure some aspects of luci's behavior by means of the /etc/sysconfig/luci file. The parameters you can change with this file include auxiliary settings of the running environment used by the init script as well as server configuration. In addition, you can edit this file to modify some application configuration parameters. There are instructions within the file itself describing which configuration parameters you can change by editing this file.
In order to protect the intended format, you should not change the non-configuration lines of the /etc/sysconfig/luci file when you edit the file. Additionally, you should take care to follow the required syntax for this file, particularly for the INITSCRIPT section which does not allow for white spaces around the equal sign and requires that you use quotation marks to enclose strings containing white spaces.
The following example shows how to change the port at which luci is being served by editing the /etc/sysconfig/luci file.
  1. Uncomment the following line in the /etc/sysconfig/luci file:
    #port = 4443
  2. Replace 4443 with the desired port number, which must be higher than or equal to 1024 (not a privileged port). For example, you can edit that line of the file as follows to set the port at which luci is being served to 8084 (commenting the line out again would have the same affect, as this is the default value).
    port = 8084
  3. Restart the luci service for the changes to take effect.
As the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.6 release, you can implement a fine-grained control over the ciphers behind the secured connection between luci and the web browser with the ssl_cipher_list configuration parameter in /etc/sysconfig/luci. This parameter can be used to impose restrictions as expressed with OpenSSL cipher notation.


When you modify a configuration parameter in the /etc/sysconfig/luci file to redefine a default value, you should take care to use the new value in place of the documented default value. For example, when you modify the port at which luci is being served, make sure that you specify the modified value when you enable an IP port for luci, as described in Section 3.3.2, “Enabling the IP Port for luci.
Modified port and host parameters will automatically be reflected in the URL displayed when the luci service starts, as described in Section 4.2, “Starting luci. You should use this URL to access luci.
For more complete information on the parameters you can configure with the /etc/sysconfig/luci file, refer to the documentation within the file itself.
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