
3.7. Configuration Validation

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The cluster configuration is automatically validated according to the cluster schema at /usr/share/cluster/cluster.rng during startup time and when a configuration is reloaded. Also, you can validate a cluster configuration any time by using the ccs_config_validate command. For information on configuration validation when using the ccs command, see Section 6.1.6, “Configuration Validation”.
An annotated schema is available for viewing at /usr/share/doc/cman-X.Y.ZZ/cluster_conf.html (for example /usr/share/doc/cman-3.0.12/cluster_conf.html).
Configuration validation checks for the following basic errors:
  • XML validity — Checks that the configuration file is a valid XML file.
  • Configuration options — Checks to make sure that options (XML elements and attributes) are valid.
  • Option values — Checks that the options contain valid data (limited).
The following examples show a valid configuration and invalid configurations that illustrate the validation checks:

Example 3.3. cluster.conf Sample Configuration: Valid File

<cluster name="mycluster" config_version="1">
  <logging debug="off"/>
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="1">
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="2">
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="3">

Example 3.4. cluster.conf Sample Configuration: Invalid XML

<cluster name="mycluster" config_version="1">
  <logging debug="off"/>
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="1">
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="2">
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="3">
<cluster>         <----------------INVALID

In this example, the last line of the configuration (annotated as "INVALID" here) is missing a slash — it is <cluster> instead of </cluster>.

Example 3.5. cluster.conf Sample Configuration: Invalid Option

<cluster name="mycluster" config_version="1">
  <loging debug="off"/>         <----------------INVALID
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="1">
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="2">
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="3">

In this example, the second line of the configuration (annotated as "INVALID" here) contains an invalid XML element — it is loging instead of logging.

Example 3.6. cluster.conf Sample Configuration: Invalid Option Value

<cluster name="mycluster" config_version="1">
  <loging debug="off"/>
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="-1">  <--------INVALID
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="2">
     <clusternode name="" nodeid="3">

In this example, the fourth line of the configuration (annotated as "INVALID" here) contains an invalid value for the XML attribute, nodeid in the clusternode line for The value is a negative value ("-1") instead of a positive value ("1"). For the nodeid attribute, the value must be a positive value.
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