
6.11. Listing Available Cluster Services and Resources

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You can use the ccs command to print a list of resources and services that are available for a cluster. You can also use the ccs command to print a list of the options you can specify for a particular service or resource type.
To print a list of cluster services currently available for your cluster, execute either of the following commands (--lsresourceopts is an alias to --lsserviceopts):
ccs -h host --lsserviceopts
ccs -h host --lsresourceopts
For example, the following command lists the cluster services and resources available on the cluster node node1, showing sample output.
[root@ask-03 ~]# ccs -h node1 --lsserviceopts
service - Defines a service (resource group).
ASEHAagent - Sybase ASE Failover Instance
SAPDatabase - SAP database resource agent
SAPInstance - SAP instance resource agent
apache - Defines an Apache web server
clusterfs - Defines a cluster file system mount.
fs - Defines a file system mount.
ip - This is an IP address.
lvm - LVM Failover script
mysql - Defines a MySQL database server
named - Defines an instance of named server
netfs - Defines an NFS/CIFS file system mount.
nfsclient - Defines an NFS client.
nfsexport - This defines an NFS export.
nfsserver - This defines an NFS server resource.
openldap - Defines an Open LDAP server
oracledb - Oracle 10g Failover Instance
orainstance - Oracle 10g Failover Instance
oralistener - Oracle 10g Listener Instance
postgres-8 - Defines a PostgreSQL server
samba - Dynamic smbd/nmbd resource agent
script - LSB-compliant init script as a clustered resource.
tomcat-6 - Defines a Tomcat server
vm - Defines a Virtual Machine
action - Overrides resource action timings for a resource instance.
To print a list of the options you can specify for a particular service type, execute the following command:
ccs -h host --lsserviceopts service_type
For example, the following command lists the service options for the vm service.
[root@ask-03 ~]# ccs -f node1 --lsserviceopts vm
vm - Defines a Virtual Machine
  Required Options:
    name: Name
  Optional Options:
    domain: Cluster failover Domain
    autostart: Automatic start after quorum formation
    exclusive: Exclusive resource group
    recovery: Failure recovery policy
    migration_mapping: memberhost:targethost,memberhost:targethost ..
    use_virsh: If set to 1, will use the virsh command to manage virtual machines instead of xm. This is required when using non-Xen virtual machines (e.g. qemu / KVM).
    xmlfile: Full path to libvirt XML file describing the domain.
    migrate: Migration type (live or pause, default = live).
    path: Path to virtual machine configuration files.
    snapshot: Path to the snapshot directory where the virtual machine image will be stored.
    depend: Top-level service this depends on, in service:name format.
    depend_mode: Service dependency mode (soft or hard).
    max_restarts: Maximum restarts for this service.
    restart_expire_time: Restart expiration time; amount of time before a restart is forgotten.
    status_program: Additional status check program
    hypervisor: Hypervisor
    hypervisor_uri: Hypervisor URI (normally automatic).
    migration_uri: Migration URI (normally automatic).
    __independent_subtree: Treat this and all children as an independent subtree.
    __enforce_timeouts: Consider a timeout for operations as fatal.
    __max_failures: Maximum number of failures before returning a failure to a status check.
    __failure_expire_time: Amount of time before a failure is forgotten.
    __max_restarts: Maximum number restarts for an independent subtree before giving up.
    __restart_expire_time: Amount of time before a failure is forgotten for an independent subtree.
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