5.3.3. Adding a Member to a Running Cluster
To add a member to a running cluster, follow the steps in this section.
- From the cluster-specific page, click luci page.along the top of the cluster display. This displays the nodes that constitute the cluster. This is also the default page that appears when you click on the cluster name beneath from the menu on the left side of the
- Click Add Nodes To Cluster dialog box.. Clicking causes the display of the
- Enter the node name in the ricci host name; you can override this if you are communicating with ricci on an address that is different from the address to which the cluster node name resolves.text box. After you have entered the node name, the node name is reused as the
- As of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9, after you have entered the node name and, if necessary, adjusted the ricci host name, the fingerprint of the certificate of the ricci host is displayed for confirmation. You can verify whether this matches the expected fingerprint. If it is legitimate, enter the ricci password.
It is strongly advised that you verify the certificate fingerprint of the ricci server you are going to authenticate against. Providing an unverified entity on the network with the ricci password may constitute a confidentiality breach, and communication with an unverified entity may cause an integrity breach. - If you are using a different port for the ricci agent than the default of 11111, change this parameter to the port you are using.
- Check thecheck box if clustered storage is required to download the packages that support clustered storage and enable clustered LVM; you should select this only when you have access to the Resilient Storage Add-On or the Scalable File System Add-On.
- If you want to add more nodes, clickand enter the node name and password for the each additional node.
- Click. Clicking causes the following actions:
- If you have selected, the cluster software packages are downloaded onto the nodes.
- Cluster software is installed onto the nodes (or it is verified that the appropriate software packages are installed).
- The cluster configuration file is updated and propagated to each node in the cluster — including the added node.
- The added node joins the cluster.
Thepage appears with a message indicating that the node is being added to the cluster. Refresh the page to update the status. - When the process of adding a node is complete, click on the node name for the newly-added node to configure fencing for this node, as described in Section 4.6, “Configuring Fence Devices”.
When you add a node to a cluster that uses UDPU transport, you must restart all nodes in the cluster for the change to take effect.