
28.4.6. Automatic Downloads and Installation of Debuginfo Packages

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ABRT can be configured to automatically download and install packages needed for debugging of particular problems. This feature can be useful if you want to debug problems locally in your company environment. To enable automatic debuginfo downloads and installation, ensure that your system fulfills the following conditions:
  • The /etc/libreport/events.d/ccpp_event.conf file contains the following analyzer event, which is present uncommented in default configuration:
    EVENT=analyze_LocalGDB analyzer=CCpp
            abrt-action-analyze-core --core=coredump -o build_ids &&
            # In RHEL we don't want to install anything by default
            # and also this would fail, as the debuginfo repositories.
            # are not available without root password rhbz#759443
            # /usr/libexec/abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache --size_mb=4096 &&
            abrt-action-generate-backtrace &&
  • The /etc/libreport/events.d/ccpp_event.conf file contains the following line, which allows ABRT to run binary to install debuginfo packages for the problems being analyzed. This line is, in order to avoid installations of unnecessary content, commented out by default so you have to remove the leading # character to enable it:
    /usr/libexec/abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache --size_mb=4096 &&
  • The gdb package, which allows you to generate a backtrace during a problem analysis, is installed on your system. If needed, see Section 8.2.4, “Installing Packages” for more information on how to install packages with the Yum package manager.


Note that debuginfo packages are installed using the rhnplugin which requires root privileges. Therefore, you have to run ABRT as root to be able to install debuginfo packages.
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