
7.20. Tools

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The JAX-WS tools provided by JBossWS can be used in a variety of ways. First we will look at server-side development strategies, and then proceed to the client. When developing a Web Service Endpoint (the server-side) you have the option of starting from Java (bottom-up development), or from the abstact contract (WSDL) that defines your service (top-down development). If this is a new service (no existing contract), the bottom-up approach is the fastest route; you only need to add a few annotations to your classes to get a service up and running. However, if you are developing a service with an already defined contract, it is far simpler to use the top-down approach, since the provided tool will generate the annotated code for you.
Bottom-up use cases:
  • Exposing an already existing EJB3 bean as a Web Service
  • Providing a new service, and you want the contract to be generated for you
Top-down use cases:
  • Replacing the implementation of an existing Web Service without breaking compatibility with older clients
  • Exposing a service that conforms to a contract specified by a third party (e.g. a vender that calls you back using an already defined protocol).
  • Creating a service that adheres to the XML Schema and WSDL you developed by hand up front
The following JAX-WS command line tools are included in JBossWS:
Generates JAX-WS portable artifacts, and provides the abstract contract. Used for bottom-up development.
Consumes the abstract contract (WSDL and Schema files), and produces artifacts for both a server and client. Used for top-down and client development
Executes a Java client (that has a main method) using the JBossWS classpath.

7.20.1. Bottom-Up (Using wsprovide)

The bottom-up strategy involves developing the Java code for your service, and then annotating it using JAX-WS annotations. These annotations can be used to customize the contract that is generated for your service. For example, you can change the operation name to map to anything you like. However, all of the annotations have sensible defaults, so only the @WebService annotation is required.
This can be as simple as creating a single class:
package echo;
public class Echo
   public String echo(String input)
      return input;
A JSE or EJB3 deployment can be built using this class, and it is the only Java code needed to deploy on JBossWS. The WSDL, and all other Java artifacts called "wrapper classes" will be generated for you at deploy time. This actually goes beyond the JAX-WS specification, which requires that wrapper classes be generated using an offline tool. The reason for this requirement is purely a vender implementation problem, and since we do not believe in burdening a developer with a bunch of additional steps, we generate these as well. However, if you want your deployment to be portable to other application servers, you will need to use a tool and add the generated classes to your deployment.
This is the primary purpose of the wsprovide tool, to generate portable JAX-WS artifacts. Additionally, it can be used to "provide" the abstract contract (WSDL file) for your service. This can be obtained by invoking wsprovide using the "-w" option:
$ javac -d . -classpath jboss-jaxws.jar
$ wsprovide -w echo.Echo
Generating WSDL:
Writing Classes:
Inspecting the WSDL reveals a service called EchoService:
<service name='EchoService'>
   <port binding='tns:EchoBinding' name='EchoPort'>
      <soap:address location='REPLACE_WITH_ACTUAL_URL'/>
As expected, this service defines one operation, "echo":
<portType name='Echo'>
   <operation name='echo' parameterOrder='echo'>
      <input message='tns:Echo_echo'/>
      <output message='tns:Echo_echoResponse'/>


Remember that when deploying on JBossWS you do not need to run this tool. You only need it for generating portable artifacts and/or the abstract contract for your service.
Let us create a POJO endpoint for deployment on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform. A simple web.xml needs to be created:
<web-app xmlns=""
The web.xml and the single class can now be used to create a WAR:
$ mkdir -p WEB-INF/classes
$ cp -rp echo WEB-INF/classes/
$ cp web.xml WEB-INF
$ jar cvf echo.war WEB-INF
added manifest
adding: WEB-INF/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: WEB-INF/classes/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: WEB-INF/classes/echo/(in = 0) (out= 0)(stored 0%)
adding: WEB-INF/classes/echo/Echo.class(in = 340) (out= 247)(deflated 27%)
adding: WEB-INF/web.xml(in = 576) (out= 271)(deflated 52%)
The war can then be deployed:
 cp echo.war <replaceable>$JBOSS_HOME</replaceable>/server/default/deploy
At deploy time JBossWS will internally invoke wsprovide, which will generate the WSDL. If deployment was successful, and you are using the default settings, it should be available here: http://localhost:8080/echo/Echo?wsdl
For a portable JAX-WS deployment, the wrapper classes generated earlier could be added to the deployment.
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